Watch Online: The Million people march in Paris

Merkel and Hollande dont really support the rallies but they have to be there or they are done. Fact I think they've both made comments alrdy about islam not being the problem...I know Hollande has
Hollande and Merkel are doing their Jew masters bidding. They will never blame the attacks on Islam. They will push harder than ever for more multiculturalism.
I just returned from the march. There was a great feeling in the group, one of celebration of togetherness and solidarity rather than gloom or anger. The French are incredible. It is a shame Obama did not come. It is an absolute embarrassment how the US press showed such cowardice in not reproducing the cartoons. Their ridiculous justifications only add to their image as lacking any integrity.
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I just returned from the march. There was a great feeling in the great, one of celebration of togetherness and solidarity rather than gloom or anger. The French are incredible. It is a shame Obama did not come. It is an absolute embarrassment how the US press showed such cowardice in not reproducing the cartoons. Their ridiculous justifications only add to their image as lacking any integrity.

Parlez vous Francais?
The French are incredible..
The French will be considered incredible only if they take action and kick the Muslims out. A purge of Islam. That is what is called 'Taking your country back'. Otherwise, these protests are meaningless.
Lipush Statistikhengst

:thup: :clap: :clap:

Thank you both for this thread and these images.

The world is full of good people irrespective of their personal religious beliefs. This sent a message to all of those who believe that violence will achieve their goals that they are wrong. In unity there is strength and love is stronger than hate.

Je Suis Charlie
France24 is reporting that the rally is the most peaceful rally in recorded history in France and that people do not want to leave the Place de la Nation. This may go way into the night. The crowd went WILD with applause when the police helicopters did a pass-in-review over the Place de la nation. In fact, although the rally has officially ended, the crowd continues to grow.

The Jewish community of Paris is just about to start a memorial service, not only for the 4 French Jewish citizens, but for all 17 who died, including the French policeman who was a muslim. Most all of the dignitaries who were at the rally are also at the memorial service. The Service is taking place at the Grand Synagogue of Paris, which was closed on Friday (Shabbat) by the police as a precaution in the wake of the sieges on Friday.

On French TV, I now see a sea of Kippahs! :D

Yes, it's lovely.

The unity and sympathy of the people, showing they're not afraid, is amazing.

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