Watch Online: The Million people march in Paris

You all are gonna love this. There is a craze in Germany with blue sheep:

I just received a call from a good friend of mine. He and his girlfriend travelled to Paris last night and slept over at a common friend's house about 70 minutes away from the center of Paris.

He told me that he has never seen this many people in one place at one time in his life and above all, the police have asked everyone they see for ordinary people to help to police the place, including taking care of trash. He said to me, "you would not believe how clean people are keeping the street". Of course, porta-potties are all over the place, but a number of businesses have also opened their doors so that people can use the bathroom, etc.

If you see some close up video, notice how clean the streets are. People really are being friendly and respectful today.
Do your friends want France to be rid of these 3rd world Muslims?
I just posted this on my FB. The Fox article says they are protesting terror. My comment was that until they and all White/Christian/Western countries start protesting and demanding the removal of islam then we are all just wasting our time. This isn't about terror, its about war.
I just received a call from a good friend of mine. He and his girlfriend travelled to Paris last night and slept over at a common friend's house about 70 minutes away from the center of Paris.

He told me that he has never seen this many people in one place at one time in his life and above all, the police have asked everyone they see for ordinary people to help to police the place, including taking care of trash. He said to me, "you would not believe how clean people are keeping the street". Of course, porta-potties are all over the place, but a number of businesses have also opened their doors so that people can use the bathroom, etc.

If you see some close up video, notice how clean the streets are. People really are being friendly and respectful today.
Amazing....and not what I think the terrorists had in mind. Good.

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