Does anyone here actually support these fringe right wing groups

I'm interested in hearing from real people who actually align themselves with these far right groups, to the point they'd consider joining one:
  • Proud Boys
  • Boogaloo Bois
  • Oath Keepers
  • Patriot Front
Are they still relevant? do they actually amount to anything since Trump lost the 2020 election? or have they more or less faded away?

Does anyone here actually support these fringe right wing groups​

FUCK yeah I do…are you afraid to admit that you do? Find your scrotum bud.

Does anyone here actually support these fringe right wing groups​

FUCK yeah I do…are you afraid to admit that you do? Find your scrotum bud.
Of course you do. They’re right wing storm troopers

Most of your buddies are smart enough to (dishonestly) disown them.

Who lead the attack on the Capitol on Jan 6?

These guys
Just like QAnon, nobody ever heard of these assholes until the demented LEFT squawks about them.
You morons were all about these guys just a few years ago

Just as you were about QAnon

Who are you kidding
Never heard of any of them until the leftists started mentioning them.

Same, only lefties seem to know about them, and their 'media', I had never heard of any of those outside of the proud boys (who I've only heard mentioned on this very board by lefties) until the op just named them above. It's all propaganda, they're all trained monkeys and propagate it wherever they go. Just like calling everyone on the right 'weird' now, it must have gone out in a memo to all of the leftie loons, and they accuse the right of being in a 'cult', too funny.
That’s what they want you to believe.

The violent, lawless right remains very much a threat to democracy.

Those are just meaningless words from a brainless monkey trained to spew them. Why don't you give us hard examples of any of those words, you have an entire 4 year Trump administration to show your proof that he was a 'threat to democracy'. Let's hear it.
You idiot. Socialism is the future.

They've been very bold these past 8-10 years, because with each little push, they get away with it without any opposition, and they are going to keep pushing to see how far they can go. Pretty soon this won't be the only idiot spewing this mantra, they've dumbed down society enough that it results in people like this, or apathetic idiots who have no clue what's coming.
Judging a book by it's title, oh well, so much for the advanced United States, its full of scared dimwitts worried about bogeymen, actually a very frightened society, has been for many years.

Says the guy that started a thread about.... bogeymen... :auiqs.jpg:

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