Watch out it's coming, The political elite are going to take your rights away

you are a colossal moron if you believe that.


Article 5 of the Geneva Convention applies to POW's, dip-shit. The OWS protestors are not POW's.

And which 'hostilities against the United States or it's coalition partners' have the OWS protestors been part of?

You're just spouting yet another one of your typical lies.

Further, the bill defined High Value detainee:

(2) CRITERIA FOR DESIGNATION OF INDIVIDUALS AS HIGH-VALUE DETAINEES- The regulations required by this subsection shall include criteria for designating an individual as a high-value detainee based on the following:

(A) The potential threat the individual poses for an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the United States or upon United States citizens or United States civilian facilities abroad at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United States.

(B) The potential threat the individual poses to United States military personnel or United States military facilities at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United States.

(C) The potential intelligence value of the individual.

(D) Membership in al Qaeda or in a terrorist group affiliated with al Qaeda.
(E) Such other matters as the President considers appropriate.
Seeing it would take the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Secretary of defense and the Attorney General to make the determination, I think OWS is safe.
COULD it be used to detain protesters? I suppose so. It it likely? No.

It may or it may not be used? The very fact that it's written into a bill should be seen as outrageous.

Look! As much as I disagree with the current administration, I refuse to view every piece of legislation as an assault on my liberties. Our government just doesn't work that way.
Is this a potential threat? Of course it is, as is the Patriot Act. Is an OWS protester going to be detained without charges for the duration of hostilities for shitting on a cop car? No.
Further, the bill defined High Value detainee:

Seeing it would take the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Secretary of defense and the Attorney General to make the determination, I think OWS is safe.
COULD it be used to detain protesters? I suppose so. It it likely? No.

It may or it may not be used? The very fact that it's written into a bill should be seen as outrageous.

Look! As much as I disagree with the current administration, I refuse to view every piece of legislation as an assault on my liberties. Our government just doesn't work that way.
Is this a potential threat? Of course it is, as is the Patriot Act. Is an OWS protester going to be detained without charges for the duration of hostilities for shitting on a cop car? No.
Did you ever think that American citizens would be assassinated because of the Patriot act?
Watch out it's coming, The political elite are going to take your rights away

Frig Newton is merely lookin' to "pad" his.....

[ame=]Gingrich Can't Stop Buying Jewelry At Tiffany's - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Charles Krauthammer Slams Newt Gingrich & Donald Trump - YouTube[/ame]​

As we can see shitlipman goes directly on the attack of republicans but forgets this bill if passed will have the signature of a democrat on it.
Conservative fuck you I am not reading your post you are a support of the political elite.

liar. you're not reading my post because you know I am right, you are lying, and refuse to admit you've had your lying ass handed to you every time you do respond.
The president has had the authority to declare martial law and suspend the constitution at least since 9/11, probably since the civil war. I don't feel like googling this early.
Further, the bill defined High Value detainee:

Seeing it would take the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Secretary of defense and the Attorney General to make the determination, I think OWS is safe.
COULD it be used to detain protesters? I suppose so. It it likely? No.

It may or it may not be used? The very fact that it's written into a bill should be seen as outrageous.

Look! As much as I disagree with the current administration, I refuse to view every piece of legislation as an assault on my liberties. Our government just doesn't work that way.
Is this a potential threat? Of course it is, as is the Patriot Act. Is an OWS protester going to be detained without charges for the duration of hostilities for shitting on a cop car? No.

this is about as unamerican a piece of legislation as i can imagine.

anyone who supports it should be ashamed of themselves.
The president has had the authority to declare martial law and suspend the constitution at least since 9/11, probably since the civil war. I don't feel like googling this early.

The president can do anything he wants that does not mean I will obey.
It may or it may not be used? The very fact that it's written into a bill should be seen as outrageous.

Look! As much as I disagree with the current administration, I refuse to view every piece of legislation as an assault on my liberties. Our government just doesn't work that way.
Is this a potential threat? Of course it is, as is the Patriot Act. Is an OWS protester going to be detained without charges for the duration of hostilities for shitting on a cop car? No.

this is about as unamerican a piece of legislation as i can imagine.

anyone who supports it should be ashamed of themselves.

The president has had the authority to declare martial law and suspend the constitution at least since 9/11, probably since the civil war. I don't feel like googling this early.

The president can do anything he wants that does not mean I will obey.

That may make you an unprivileged enemy belligerent.

Obama signed the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act into law in 2009. Why are you just now crying about it?
Why all the hyperbole over this latest brick in the wall? The government has been building a system to quickly erect a security state if they decide it is necessary for at least 30 years. Obama may add his contribution but it has been a bipartisan, pro MIC project all the way.
Why all the hyperbole over this latest brick in the wall? The government has been building a system to quickly erect a security state if they decide it is necessary for at least 30 years. Obama may add his contribution but it has been a bipartisan, pro MIC project all the way.

Any way whatsoever to slow down the system in order to give people time to wake up is worth mentioning.
I'd like someone to tell me exactly where in the bill it states the US is part of the battlefield, and which hostilities the OWS protestors are part of, that would allow them to fall under this bill.
It may or it may not be used? The very fact that it's written into a bill should be seen as outrageous.

Look! As much as I disagree with the current administration, I refuse to view every piece of legislation as an assault on my liberties. Our government just doesn't work that way.
Is this a potential threat? Of course it is, as is the Patriot Act. Is an OWS protester going to be detained without charges for the duration of hostilities for shitting on a cop car? No.
Did you ever think that American citizens would be assassinated because of the Patriot act?
I never thought an American citizen would become an enemy combatant.
I tend to think that when you take up arms against the US and it's citizens, you forfeit your status as an American citizen.
The president has had the authority to declare martial law and suspend the constitution at least since 9/11, probably since the civil war. I don't feel like googling this early.

The president can do anything he wants that does not mean I will obey.

That may make you an unprivileged enemy belligerent.

Obama signed the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act into law in 2009. Why are you just now crying about it?

Just now? Where have you been? maybe you need too wake up and see that I have been talking about this shit since I have been here, maybe it because nobody responded to my threads or the thread was moved to the conspiracy boards but yes I have mentioned it.
Look! As much as I disagree with the current administration, I refuse to view every piece of legislation as an assault on my liberties. Our government just doesn't work that way.
Is this a potential threat? Of course it is, as is the Patriot Act. Is an OWS protester going to be detained without charges for the duration of hostilities for shitting on a cop car? No.
Did you ever think that American citizens would be assassinated because of the Patriot act?
I never thought an American citizen would become an enemy combatant.
I tend to think that when you take up arms against the US and it's citizens, you forfeit your status as an American citizen.

He became an enemy combatant because he was deemed one by the president without due process.
I'd like someone to tell me exactly where in the bill it states the US is part of the battlefield, and which hostilities the OWS protestors are part of, that would allow them to fall under this bill.

sections 1031 and 1032 would:

1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.
Under this bill OWS protesters could be deemed terrorist

I knew as a young child the government will do what it wants when it wants, even if it means killing you.
I'd like someone to tell me exactly where in the bill it states the US is part of the battlefield, and which hostilities the OWS protestors are part of, that would allow them to fall under this bill.

sections 1031 and 1032 would:

1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.

they'd have to be part of the hostilities against the US or it's coalition in order for that to apply.

(b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-

(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
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The president can do anything he wants that does not mean I will obey.

That may make you an unprivileged enemy belligerent.

Obama signed the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act into law in 2009. Why are you just now crying about it?

Just now? Where have you been? maybe you need too wake up and see that I have been talking about this shit since I have been here, maybe it because nobody responded to my threads or the thread was moved to the conspiracy boards but yes I have mentioned it.

Yes just now. The OP was created TODAY!

And if you have ranted about this before and got no response, that should tell you that very few people have a problem with it.

Fact is the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act was signed into law two years ago.

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