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Every time that the RW shows their misogyny, more women are motivated to vote in November.....keep it up! :clap:
Most women are disgusted by lying whores.
This from a person who voted for Trump who dated a porn star while married.
We are talking about a false rape claim, care to discuss that or are you tired of lying?
Really, You were running around calling a person whom you don't know & don't know whether she is telling a the truth a "whore:"

Fuck you Mikey. You can't discuss shit.

You already assumed that Ford is lying.
This woman is living in the brain of a eight year old complete with her eight year old writing.
Go look at her 'daddy'!

"Psssst, Sheila Jackson Lee said to "Shut the Fuck Up and use your fake mousy voice"

I can't believe we have yet another ignorant fuck bitching about Ford's voice when you drunken buddy Kavanaugh was screaming & crying & sniveling. Really guys. get a fucking grip.
This woman is living in the brain of a eight year old complete with her eight year old writing.
Go look at her 'daddy'!

"Psssst, Sheila Jackson Lee said to "Shut the Fuck Up and use your fake mousy voice"

I can't believe we have yet another ignorant fuck bitching about Ford's voice when you drunken buddy Kavanaugh was screaming & crying & sniveling. Really guys. get a fucking grip.

It's clearly an act, that fools and libs believe.
Every time that the RW shows their misogyny, more women are motivated to vote in November.....keep it up! :clap:

Regardless of who gets elected, both parties are still consistently putting out anti-civil liberties legislation and both parties are still printing us into trillions of dollars of debt and both parties are still sending our men and women all over the world to die policing a country who hasn't done anything to us. That, too, costing us trillions of dollars we don't have.

But whatever. Vote harder. lol. Women can vote as hard as they want. Men, too. If voting in modern America, where the special interests run Washington, made a goshed darned bit of difference it'd be illegal.

What we're now seeing in American politics is very similar to what we've seen our intelligence agencies do abroad for decades. And that's weaponizing democracy. Sure, people think that by voting they're changing something. lolol. Bull pucky. They're just voting for different sides of the same coin.

No matter who is in political office, the electorate is screwed in modern America. Their civil liberties are constantly and systematically eroded and their pockets emptied. Heck, the average American likely only has about 400 dollars to their name, if that.

Whenever we see those FISA documents, we'll see just how bad the intelligence agencies been weaponizing democracy here at home over the last couple of cycles.
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Every time that the RW shows their misogyny, more women are motivated to vote in November.....keep it up! :clap:

Every time left wingers use baseless allegations of rape for political advantage, more women are motivated to vote in November, keep it up. :thup:
This woman is living in the brain of a eight year old complete with her eight year old writing.
Go look at her 'daddy'!

"Psssst, Sheila Jackson Lee said to "Shut the Fuck Up and use your fake mousy voice"

I can't believe we have yet another ignorant fuck bitching about Ford's voice when you drunken buddy Kavanaugh was screaming & crying & sniveling. Really guys. get a fucking grip.

"I'm afraid of flying, 'cept when I'm not"
This woman is living in the brain of a eight year old complete with her eight year old writing.
Go look at her 'daddy'!

"Psssst, Sheila Jackson Lee said to "Shut the Fuck Up and use your fake mousy voice"

I can't believe we have yet another ignorant fuck bitching about Ford's voice when you drunken buddy Kavanaugh was screaming & crying & sniveling. Really guys. get a fucking grip.

It's clearly an act, that fools and libs believe.

They're only fooled because they think it advances the cause.
A body language expert just shredded the bitch's performance. Said she was playing the "soft and sweet church mouse telling us about the evil cat outside"
^ #whyIdidn'treport

Most resent being used as a political pawn.

You and the Cuck males on the democrat isle will set the metoo movement back decades by the time you’re through.

Bank on it.
This woman is living in the brain of a eight year old complete with her eight year old writing.
Go look at her 'daddy'!

"Psssst, Sheila Jackson Lee said to "Shut the Fuck Up and use your fake mousy voice"

I can't believe we have yet another ignorant fuck bitching about Ford's voice when you drunken buddy Kavanaugh was screaming & crying & sniveling. Really guys. get a fucking grip.

A body language expert just shredded the bitch's performance. Said she was playing the "soft and sweet church mouse telling us about the evil cat outside"
^ #whyIdidn'treport

Most resent being used as a political pawn.

You and the Cuck males on the democrat isle will set the metoo movement back decades by the time you’re through.

Bank on it.

They already have...from here on out whoever claims it damn well better have some proof
This woman is living in the brain of a eight year old complete with her eight year old writing.
Go look at her 'daddy'!

Wht do they call this little girl, "doctor"? And why must every response be cleared thru a lawyer?

Does anyone have video of her in the real world? She seems SO fake.

Unlike Kavanaugh's ranting & bawling. If this is how he is in real life, he must be quite the loser & not USSC material.

Well hell, "RealDave". I think you touched me some years ago, that I didn't like. proof. Just my word against yours. So....with that in mind, since I am to be believed because I am female and you are really "dave"...get ready to sell your house, lose all you own, and pay up, pal.
This woman is living in the brain of a eight year old complete with her eight year old writing.
Go look at her 'daddy'!

Wht do they call this little girl, "doctor"? And why must every response be cleared thru a lawyer?

Does anyone have video of her in the real world? She seems SO fake.

Unlike Kavanaugh's ranting & bawling. If this is how he is in real life, he must be quite the loser & not USSC material.

Well hell, "RealDave". I think you touched me some years ago, that I didn't like. proof. Just my word against yours. So....with that in mind, since I am to be believed because I am female and you are really "dave"...get ready to sell your house, lose all you own, and pay up, pal.

Well that's it his employer must fire him

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