Watch right wingers bring out ALL the Dems. that ever met Putin...

Yes, Sessions should have laughed in Franken's face. That's what he gets for thinking that Franken was actually going to ask a serious question.

Frankenstein did nothing wrong.
Sessions did.
Wrong? He engaged in dirty gotcha politics by using fake news as a spring board for his dumb question. Is that wrong? Maybe not wrong, but certainly not one of the Senate's finest moments. As for Sessions, it would be very difficult to make a perjury charge stick, so good luck with that.

Then as I said, Sessions should have easily pushed it aside. Instead, he volunteered more information than was asked of him.
Somewhat dumb, yes. Perjurious? Probably not.

I've never called for perjury charges. That would require showing that he intended to lie. Nearly impossible to do.

I'll settle for the recusal right now and see where an investigation leads.
He's recused himself, so let's see what happens. Quite frankly, perjury is really the only thing they can throw at him, because it was perfectly legit for him to meet with the ambassador and they would have to prove he colluded on the campaign, and that would be very difficult.
In their never-ending stupidity, right wingers on here will bring out all the Dems. that ever met Putin.

This is the abject stupidity of right wingers who are trying, ANYTHING, to divert from the upcoming scandal facing the Trump administration.

NO ONE is stating that it is "wrong" to meet Putin, the entire scandal revolves around the COLLUSION between Trump surrogates prior to and after Trump campaign, election and inauguration ....and even that PALES in front of Trump surrogates LYING about those meetings.

As Nixon found out, the initial stupidity of breaking into the DNC headquarters was minor in comparison to the attempted, later COVER-UPS.

Maybe there is one right winger who can discern the difference......and I mean "maybe",,,,
Sure, jake


You can't be serious ?
Right wingers....ADMIT IT, you're running scared of an investigation...otherwise, you'd love to later say, ..
"See, there was nothing to be found out....." ..............Instead you're trying to avoid an investigation BECAUSE you're afraid ....LOL.

What crime occurred that we are supposed to be investigating? Please be as specific as possible.
Benghazi (E Mails)
GOP strategist blasts Trump’s ‘inexplicable’ Russia ties: ‘So many people had meetings they forgot about’

If only we vetted the Trump Administration as well as we do refugees.
In their never-ending stupidity, right wingers on here will bring out all the Dems. that ever met Putin.

This is the abject stupidity of right wingers who are trying, ANYTHING, to divert from the upcoming scandal facing the Trump administration.

NO ONE is stating that it is "wrong" to meet Putin, the entire scandal revolves around the COLLUSION between Trump surrogates prior to and after Trump campaign, election and inauguration ....and even that PALES in front of Trump surrogates LYING about those meetings.

As Nixon found out, the initial stupidity of breaking into the DNC headquarters was minor in comparison to the attempted, later COVER-UPS.

Maybe there is one right winger who can discern the difference......and I mean "maybe",,,,
Sure, jake


You can't be serious ?

In their never-ending stupidity, right wingers on here will bring out all the Dems. that ever met Putin.

This is the abject stupidity of right wingers who are trying, ANYTHING, to divert from the upcoming scandal facing the Trump administration.

NO ONE is stating that it is "wrong" to meet Putin, the entire scandal revolves around the COLLUSION between Trump surrogates prior to and after Trump campaign, election and inauguration ....and even that PALES in front of Trump surrogates LYING about those meetings.

As Nixon found out, the initial stupidity of breaking into the DNC headquarters was minor in comparison to the attempted, later COVER-UPS.

Maybe there is one right winger who can discern the difference......and I mean "maybe",,,,
Sure, jake


You can't be serious ?


How is that ?

nat4900 posts more than 3 sentences at a time. While his butthurt is great and his arguments are stupid.....they at least exist.

Jake is a moron. He can't string together and argument to save his life.

I am sorry, but I can't see the connection.
Frankenstein did nothing wrong.
Sessions did.
Wrong? He engaged in dirty gotcha politics by using fake news as a spring board for his dumb question. Is that wrong? Maybe not wrong, but certainly not one of the Senate's finest moments. As for Sessions, it would be very difficult to make a perjury charge stick, so good luck with that.

Then as I said, Sessions should have easily pushed it aside. Instead, he volunteered more information than was asked of him.
Somewhat dumb, yes. Perjurious? Probably not.

I've never called for perjury charges. That would require showing that he intended to lie. Nearly impossible to do.

I'll settle for the recusal right now and see where an investigation leads.
He's recused himself, so let's see what happens. Quite frankly, perjury is really the only thing they can throw at him, because it was perfectly legit for him to meet with the ambassador and they would have to prove he colluded on the campaign, and that would be very difficult.
It may have been legit.
An investigation would compel him to testify as to the nature and scope of the discussions in the meeting. Any transcripts or recordings of the meeting may also be reviewed.
It is odd though that Sessions was the only member of the 26 member committee to have met with the ambassador in all of 2016, while he was a member of the Trump campaign and during the height of the news about Russian hacking. He did not disclose this in either his oral or written testimony. He actually denied it.
That is certainly enough probable cause to warrant further scrutiny.
Except there was no collusion, shit head.

There's quite a few now who have had significant trouble being truthful.
How many does it take to pique your interest?

Let's investigate and clear the air.
A full investigation would turn up a lot of democrat involvement with foreign powers, so that won't happen.
Fine with me.

We need that MAJOR investigation on the 3-5 million illegal voters too.
That is what will ultimately shut down this whole thing. Right now it's more important to deny Trump control, but when evidence of collusion between democrats and Russia come to light, all of a sudden focus will shift to another target and this will be called old news and no one should talk about it any more.

My advice is to go back to your old mantra of "FAKE NEWS"....Haven't heard that much lately.....LOL
Franken's question was based on fake news. You knew that, right?

Then it should have been simple to answer.
Yes, Sessions should have laughed in Franken's face. That's what he gets for thinking that Franken was actually going to ask a serious question.

Frankenstein did nothing wrong.
Sessions did.

No he didn't. That's just it. You are manufacturing nonsense against sessions
Because there is no evidence

the evidence may be revealed AFTER a thorough investigation.....You see, you morons should entertain what and how an investigation comes BEFORE evidence is offered......Be VERY scared. LOL

I'm glad you're conceding that there is no evidence.

What exactly should be investigated?
I wouldn't mind an in-depth look at ALL foreign entanglements by ALL of Congress.

And how do we define foreign entanglement?
My advice is to go back to your old mantra of "FAKE NEWS"....Haven't heard that much lately.....LOL
Franken's question was based on fake news. You knew that, right?

Then it should have been simple to answer.
Yes, Sessions should have laughed in Franken's face. That's what he gets for thinking that Franken was actually going to ask a serious question.

Frankenstein did nothing wrong.
Sessions did.

No he didn't. That's just it. You are manufacturing nonsense against sessions

Yes, I'm manufacturing what's being reported around the world.
I'm glad you're conceding that there is no evidence.

What exactly should be investigated?

Don't be a fucking moron......An INVESTIGATION yields evidence....There's a lot of "smoke" out there and THAT is why an investigation is warranted....If you morons weren't so scared, you should WELCOME an investigation so you can then say...."See, nothing !!!"..........Instead..............LOL

Actually there is no smoke. At least not from the trump camp. Your pants on the other hand....

And no. Investigations don't turn up evidence when to claims are fabricated. Which is precisely why you have no evidence to begin with.

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