Watch Trump ask Russians to Commit Espionage Against US, by begging them to hack Hillary's email!

Trump is not getting results. Trump is alienating allies, dividing Americans, embracing adversaries, elevating vices and renouncing virtues. You're god damn right I hate him! He cannot be trusted.

I'm so happy you hate Trump and it's eating you up inside.
You made my day!!!
You are playing the role of Nero. Or perhaps the useful idiot. Either way, you made the Faustian Bargain. Was it worth it?

So Nazi isnt good enough anymore eh?
Oh ....I dont own a fiddle.
I,don't think Trumpians are Nazis. I don't the know all of them are racists. I do believe, however, anyone who holds Nazi sympathies find a home among the Trumpians.

But by being a Trumpian you have struck a Faustian Bargain. You sold your soul for what an oily real estate developer and game show host has convinced you is "winning". Was it worth it?

Do you believe in God?

As far as it being worth it?
Hell Yes!!!
I absolutely believe in God.

Why would you be so gleeful about selling your morals, your values, your ideals to a racist, boorish thug like Trump?
Trump is getting results, and your hate is very apparent in this post.
Only hate generates thoughts like that.

Trump is not getting results. Trump is alienating allies, dividing Americans, embracing adversaries, elevating vices and renouncing virtues. You're god damn right I hate him! He cannot be trusted.

I'm so happy you hate Trump and it's eating you up inside.
You made my day!!!
You are playing the role of Nero. Or perhaps the useful idiot. Either way, you made the Faustian Bargain. Was it worth it?

So Nazi isnt good enough anymore eh?
Oh ....I dont own a fiddle.
I,don't think Trumpians are Nazis. I don't the know all of them are racists. I do believe, however, anyone who holds Nazi sympathies find a home among the Trumpians.

But by being a Trumpian you have struck a Faustian Bargain. You sold your soul for what an oily real estate developer and game show host has convinced you is "winning". Was it worth it?

Wrong. The right has always been the most outspoken about that socialist Hitler. It's the left supporting Muslims as they demand that the Holocaust not be taught in schools because they say it's a myth.
I'm so happy you hate Trump and it's eating you up inside.
You made my day!!!
You are playing the role of Nero. Or perhaps the useful idiot. Either way, you made the Faustian Bargain. Was it worth it?

So Nazi isnt good enough anymore eh?
Oh ....I dont own a fiddle.
I,don't think Trumpians are Nazis. I don't the know all of them are racists. I do believe, however, anyone who holds Nazi sympathies find a home among the Trumpians.

But by being a Trumpian you have struck a Faustian Bargain. You sold your soul for what an oily real estate developer and game show host has convinced you is "winning". Was it worth it?

Do you believe in God?

As far as it being worth it?
Hell Yes!!!
I absolutely believe in God.

Why would you be so gleeful about selling your morals, your values, your ideals to a racist, boorish thug like Trump?

Man do you have the butt hurt bad.
Lawrence: Mueller indictments are Watergate Part 2 I said it in January, 2017 that those statements by Trump was his direct line to the Kremlin, that he needed, wanted, and knew they were helping him. And low and behold, on that day, the Kremlin delivered. On that day, Trump exposed himself as aiding and abetting with a foreign adversary to influence this election. And that's exactly what Russia and Trump did. Prosecutors will tell us that they don't believe in coincidences, and this example is no different. If Trump talks to Putin, and does not request extradition of his twelve military officers that we know by name, then it furthers the proof that Trump was in on the heist to steal the election. We also know, that with around 35 indictments by the justice department, that if Rosenstein is impeached, then it won't just be Trump who is guilty of this conspiracy. The Republicans in Congress will be just as guilty as Trump by skirting the rule of law while trying to shut down the most scandalous investigation in U.S. history. So look for this to happen as well people, seeing that the oversight made total fools of themselves trying to set up a scenario by using Strzok as some kind of a wedge to discredit this investigation. The clear evidence of a conspiracy has been exposed from a variety of different angles. This being the latest.

It's funny, but I remember it like it was yesterday when I first heard that request coming out of Trump's mouth, and how obvious it was that Russia was helping him, and that he wanted the help.

Stay tuned people. This ride is going to get much more bumpier.
Trump speaks of making America Great Again and you assholes have now made it a social crime to wear a hat with that slogan.

He didn't mock anyone. You just confirmed that you do absolutely zero research.

He didn't say that a person of Mexican descent can't be a judge.

He didn't say anything about Gold Star families.

He didn't dis "folks" who were protesting "white supremacists". He put the terrorist organization known as Antifa in proper perspective while recognizing the naive residents of Charlottesville protesting "racism", and he recognized that the "white supremacists"(you would never call black lives matter a black supremacist organization, so I refuse to label pro-white activists as white supremacists) were accompanied by people who were just there to protest the statues being taken down by an actual racist(the deputy mayor of Charlottesville is a well known black racist).

You don't know anything about Trump because you don't want to know. It is much easier to be just one of millions of ignorant and backward, psychopathic(as evidenced by your calls for assassination) Democrats than someone who rejects common dogma and backs up their beliefs with actual research and facts.

YOU are the one who embraces the racism and sexism that now dominates the Democratic party, and that is why Brandon Straka will make sure that the Democrats no longer exist by the time my grandchildren are born.
You really expect us to fall under the same spell that bewitches you. We see Trump mock the disabled, and you say it never happened. We see Trump mock POWs and you say it never happened. We see Trump say a judge of Mexican heritage is unworthy of judging him, and you say it never happened. We see Trump cozy up to White Supremacists and you say it never happened.

Precisely how stupid do we have to be to believe as you believe? We see it, we hear it, we can call on the resources of the internet to watch it all again, yet you say it never happened. Wow.

No one wants to change your mind, you are obviously too full of pure hate for that to ever happen. The only solace we can take from that, is it will destroy you form the inside. May it happen swiftly, you shouldn't have to suffer more than you already are.

Actually I'm filled with incredulity and pity for my fellow A,ericans who have been bewitched by a huckster buffoon. No one, absolutely no one with any sense of decorum, maturity, FairPlay or American ideals can be in favor of the behavior of the current occupant of the White House. What's to be proud of? Petulance? Boorishness? Irrationality? Immaturity?

America is going through a foggy haze in which the principles of professional wrestling are accepted as normal. We cannot sustain ourselves long under such a spell. We cannot be this stupid all the time for very long.

Trump is getting results, and your hate is very apparent in this post.
I only hope he scores box seats at Ford's Theater some night or tours Dallas in an open top limo. By the grace of God, may everyone's hands stay steady on such a fortuitous day.
Only hate generates thoughts like that.

Trump is not getting results. Trump is alienating allies, dividing Americans, embracing adversaries, elevating vices and renouncing virtues. You're god damn right I hate him! He cannot be trusted.

Well child 10s millions of Americans disagree with your assessment, but it's nice to see you finally admitting your Trump derangement syndrome. May I suggest liberal applications of butt hurt cream? LMAO

More proof that angry incoherent lefties have a sense of humor similar to a typical five year old.
Another nuthin burger

Trump ain't going anywhere ...looking like the same can't be said for Rosenstein...and then Mewler
Another nuthin burger

Trump ain't going anywhere ...looking like the same can't be said for Rosenstein...and then Mewler
Then you are a complicit cheerleader for those who are guilty of crimes to attack the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of a foreign adversary. That said, those who are complicit, also become enemies of the state. Congratulations on accomplishing your mission.
Except, they still didn't affect the election. Lol. Amazingly, libs were silent when O was trying to influence Israeli elections.
Another nuthin burger

Trump ain't going anywhere ...looking like the same can't be said for Rosenstein...and then Mewler
Then you are a complicit cheerleader for those who are guilty of crimes to attack the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of a foreign adversary. That said, those who are complicit, also become enemies of the state. Congratulations on accomplishing your mission.

You're an idiot. Mewler's BS is finished...he has nothing on Trump. Not a goddamn thing.
Another nuthin burger

Trump ain't going anywhere ...looking like the same can't be said for Rosenstein...and then Mewler
Then you are a complicit cheerleader for those who are guilty of crimes to attack the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of a foreign adversary. That said, those who are complicit, also become enemies of the state. Congratulations on accomplishing your mission.

You're an idiot. Mewler's BS is finished...he has nothing on Trump. Not a goddamn thing.
And you are an ad hominem coward, who is intellectually bankrupt to debate this thread. So this my second congratulations for you.
Lawrence: Mueller indictments are Watergate Part 2 I said it in January, 2017 that those statements by Trump was his direct line to the Kremlin, that he needed, wanted, and knew they were helping him. And low and behold, on that day, the Kremlin delivered. On that day, Trump exposed himself as aiding and abetting with a foreign adversary to influence this election. And that's exactly what Russia and Trump did. Prosecutors will tell us that they don't believe in coincidences, and this example is no different. If Trump talks to Putin, and does not request extradition of his twelve military officers that we know by name, then it furthers the proof that Trump was in on the heist to steal the election. We also know, that with around 35 indictments by the justice department, that if Rosenstein is impeached, then it won't just be Trump who is guilty of this conspiracy. The Republicans in Congress will be just as guilty as Trump by skirting the rule of law while trying to shut down the most scandalous investigation in U.S. history. So look for this to happen as well people, seeing that the oversight made total fools of themselves trying to set up a scenario by using Strzok as some kind of a wedge to discredit this investigation. The clear evidence of a conspiracy has been exposed from a variety of different angles. This being the latest.

It's funny, but I remember it like it was yesterday when I first heard that request coming out of Trump's mouth, and how obvious it was that Russia was helping him, and that he wanted the help.

Stay tuned people. This ride is going to get much more bumpier.

t's funny, but I remember it like it was yesterday when I first heard that request coming out of Trump's mouth,

then you would know what was actually said, and not the spin we've been seeing
Another nuthin burger

Trump ain't going anywhere ...looking like the same can't be said for Rosenstein...and then Mewler
Then you are a complicit cheerleader for those who are guilty of crimes to attack the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of a foreign adversary. That said, those who are complicit, also become enemies of the state. Congratulations on accomplishing your mission.

You're an idiot. Mewler's BS is finished...he has nothing on Trump. Not a goddamn thing.
And you are an ad hominem coward, who is intellectually bankrupt to debate this thread. So this my second congratulations for you.

You're a flaming moonbat that can't accept you lost. Trump will not only finish his first term he'll likely win a second.

Now pound sand, toad
Another nuthin burger

Trump ain't going anywhere ...looking like the same can't be said for Rosenstein...and then Mewler
Then you are a complicit cheerleader for those who are guilty of crimes to attack the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of a foreign adversary. That said, those who are complicit, also become enemies of the state. Congratulations on accomplishing your mission.
What sort of attack are you talking about, jackass?

Trump was simply joking about Russia releasing 30,000 emails that were destroyed while under subpoena. Emails that Clinton, while under oath, claimed had nothing to do with State department business. The 30,000 emails were merely about Chelsea's wedding plans, according Crooked Hillary's testimony.
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Another nail in Trumps coffin! Video provided by Politico below!!

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

View attachment 204607

Where were you when this happened? Are you forced to dredge up even more bullshit because nothing is sticking, no matter how much you throw?

You obviously are in need of a a sarcasm detector calibration check.

Exactly what part of Trump asking the Russians to interfere in the election on his behalf do you not comprehend!
Another nuthin burger

Trump ain't going anywhere ...looking like the same can't be said for Rosenstein...and then Mewler
Then you are a complicit cheerleader for those who are guilty of crimes to attack the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of a foreign adversary. That said, those who are complicit, also become enemies of the state. Congratulations on accomplishing your mission.
What sort of attack are you talking about, jackass?

He is talking about how Russia exposed how the DNC rigged their nomination and how corrupt Hillary is..


I don't see why they are so upset about the truth being told to the American public, it's like they didn't want us to know.


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