WATCH: Trump denies Don Jr met with ‘Russian government lawyer’ — but son’s emails say otherwise

Why did they all NOT DISCLOSE the meetings?
Not until the media reported it did they admit it.
Why did they try to conceal the meetings?
You're one naive mfer.

It was a nothing-burger 20 minute go-nowhere waste of time meeting among hundreds at a time when there hadn't yet even been any talk or worry about Russian tampering! And she had nothing to tell. What do you say: Hello, FBI, I met with a woman and she talked about nothing? But she was from RUSSIA!!!!!!! Oooooooo.

Why don't you back up and ask first why Obama said and did about 5000 inexplicable things?
Why Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Lynch and others didn't disclose a THOUSAND things?
Not until they found Podesta's emails did they know about Hillary's secret server. Why didn't Hillary disclose that?
When Hillary was given advance knowledge of debate questions from CNN giving her an unfair edge in the debate, why didn't she recuse herself and disclose that as election tampering?
When are you going to worry about why Hillary and the DNC were working with and paying Ukrainian officials last year to try to attack Manafort with and disrupt the Trump campaign to throw the election? Isn't that exactly what you now worry Trump Jr. was doing just by meeting with a lawyer to see what she wanted to tell him?
Why has Hillary and others concealled so many meetings? What was that meeting on the tarmac with Bill Clinton about? Right before Loretta and Comey dropped their case?
We are tired of asking these questions and never being told the truth. Never getting solid answers. We will never stop asking though.
You're one myopic, blindsided, one-sided mfer.
Trump: Anyone would have taken that meeting.
Most people know the law and no honest person would have taken that meeting.
There's the rub. DT doesn't have an honest bone in his body. Never has. It's his MO.
Deplorables: That's why we voted for him. He's just like us.

Oh bullshit that the Clinton camp wouldn't have taken and used dirt on Trump. Give me a freaking break.

Jr' said emails are the smoking gun but it's so much fun watching Tinydancer dance around the truth.

They are? How so?
If we really want to go with "Russian collusion" (separate and apart from the Ukrainian collusion of course) then we have to talk about the fairy tale dossier. US Never Trumpers and Democrats paid for Russian informants who claimed they had access to the Russian government.

They hired Fusion GPS who forwarded large sums of money to Christopher Steele's company who forwarded large sums of cash to Russian informants.

We're talking big .$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Seriously when the D's lost the election they should have let this Russian bullshit go. You've got Loretta Lynch now under investigation, you have McCabe a major Democrat and Acting head of the FBI under three investigations. Comey's going to be dragged back in over the dossier and that the FBI was going to pay Steele to dig up dirt on Trump.

Fusion GPS and their clients are under investigation AND the targets of the defamation suit brought against Steele. The list keeps growing. Should have quit while you were ahead. Just accepted the results and not gone down this path of total destruction.
The Trump administration is in deep shit right now so what does this tinker bell do?
Run right to the CLINTON Administration.
Trump: Anyone would have taken that meeting.
Most people know the law and no honest person would have taken that meeting.
There's the rub. DT doesn't have an honest bone in his body. Never has. It's his MO.
Deplorables: That's why we voted for him. He's just like us.

Oh bullshit that the Clinton camp wouldn't have taken and used dirt on Trump. Give me a freaking break.

Jr' said emails are the smoking gun but it's so much fun watching Tinydancer dance around the truth.

They are? How so?
Have you been living under a rock the past week?
Oh right. You've probably been watching and listening to your fat right media. No wonder you don't know squat.
Plus on top of that there's been dozens of examples on this board answering your question.
You embarrass the good people of NO.
Trump: Anyone would have taken that meeting.
Most people know the law and no honest person would have taken that meeting.
There's the rub. DT doesn't have an honest bone in his body. Never has. It's his MO.
Deplorables: That's why we voted for him. He's just like us.

Oh bullshit that the Clinton camp wouldn't have taken and used dirt on Trump. Give me a freaking break.

Jr' said emails are the smoking gun but it's so much fun watching Tinydancer dance around the truth.

Why were the emails the smoking gun? What do they prove?
If we really want to go with "Russian collusion" (separate and apart from the Ukrainian collusion of course) then we have to talk about the fairy tale dossier. US Never Trumpers and Democrats paid for Russian informants who claimed they had access to the Russian government.

They hired Fusion GPS who forwarded large sums of money to Christopher Steele's company who forwarded large sums of cash to Russian informants.

We're talking big .$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Seriously when the D's lost the election they should have let this Russian bullshit go. You've got Loretta Lynch now under investigation, you have McCabe a major Democrat and Acting head of the FBI under three investigations. Comey's going to be dragged back in over the dossier and that the FBI was going to pay Steele to dig up dirt on Trump.

Fusion GPS and their clients are under investigation AND the targets of the defamation suit brought against Steele. The list keeps growing. Should have quit while you were ahead. Just accepted the results and not gone down this path of total destruction.
The Trump administration is in deep shit right now so what does this tinker bell do?
Run right to the CLINTON Administration.

Why is the Trump admin. in deep shit? What occurred and what would you expect to happen as a result?
Why did they all NOT DISCLOSE the meetings?
Not until the media reported it did they admit it.
Why did they try to conceal the meetings?
You're one naive mfer.

It was a nothing-burger 20 minute go-nowhere waste of time meeting among hundreds at a time when there hadn't yet even been any talk or worry about Russian tampering! And she had nothing to tell. What do you say: Hello, FBI, I met with a woman and she talked about nothing? But she was from RUSSIA!!!!!!! Oooooooo.

Why don't you back up and ask first why Obama said and did about 5000 inexplicable things?
Why Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Lynch and others didn't disclose a THOUSAND things?
Not until they found Podesta's emails did they know about Hillary's secret server. Why didn't Hillary disclose that?
When Hillary was given advance knowledge of debate questions from CNN giving her an unfair edge in the debate, why didn't she recuse herself and disclose that as election tampering?
When are you going to worry about why Hillary and the DNC were working with and paying Ukrainian officials last year to try to attack Manafort with and disrupt the Trump campaign to throw the election? Isn't that exactly what you now worry Trump Jr. was doing just by meeting with a lawyer to see what she wanted to tell him?
Why has Hillary and others concealled so many meetings? What was that meeting on the tarmac with Bill Clinton about? Right before Loretta and Comey dropped their case?
We are tired of asking these questions and never being told the truth. Never getting solid answers. We will never stop asking though.
You're one myopic, blindsided, one-sided mfer.
Another mfer who can't accept reality so he runs right to the Clinton's .
Deflection and delusional at the same time.
If we really want to go with "Russian collusion" (separate and apart from the Ukrainian collusion of course) then we have to talk about the fairy tale dossier. US Never Trumpers and Democrats paid for Russian informants who claimed they had access to the Russian government.

They hired Fusion GPS who forwarded large sums of money to Christopher Steele's company who forwarded large sums of cash to Russian informants.

We're talking big .$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Seriously when the D's lost the election they should have let this Russian bullshit go. You've got Loretta Lynch now under investigation, you have McCabe a major Democrat and Acting head of the FBI under three investigations. Comey's going to be dragged back in over the dossier and that the FBI was going to pay Steele to dig up dirt on Trump.

Fusion GPS and their clients are under investigation AND the targets of the defamation suit brought against Steele. The list keeps growing. Should have quit while you were ahead. Just accepted the results and not gone down this path of total destruction.
The Trump administration is in deep shit right now so what does this tinker bell do?
Run right to the CLINTON Administration.

Why is the Trump admin. in deep shit? What occurred and what would you expect to happen as a result?
It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians...
and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”
Trump: Anyone would have taken that meeting.
Most people know the law and no honest person would have taken that meeting.
There's the rub. DT doesn't have an honest bone in his body. Never has. It's his MO.
Deplorables: That's why we voted for him. He's just like us.

Oh bullshit that the Clinton camp wouldn't have taken and used dirt on Trump. Give me a freaking break.

Jr' said emails are the smoking gun but it's so much fun watching Tinydancer dance around the truth.

They are? How so?
Have you been living under a rock the past week?
Oh right. You've probably been watching and listening to your fat right media. No wonder you don't know squat.
Plus on top of that there's been dozens of examples on this board answering your question.
You embarrass the good people of NO.

Thanks. Now, care to answer the question? Where in that e-mail thread is a "smoking gun"? The e-mail thread cited clearly states the woman was not a Russian government official. Yet, the title of this thread claims she was by Trump's own admission.
If we really want to go with "Russian collusion" (separate and apart from the Ukrainian collusion of course) then we have to talk about the fairy tale dossier. US Never Trumpers and Democrats paid for Russian informants who claimed they had access to the Russian government.

They hired Fusion GPS who forwarded large sums of money to Christopher Steele's company who forwarded large sums of cash to Russian informants.

We're talking big .$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Seriously when the D's lost the election they should have let this Russian bullshit go. You've got Loretta Lynch now under investigation, you have McCabe a major Democrat and Acting head of the FBI under three investigations. Comey's going to be dragged back in over the dossier and that the FBI was going to pay Steele to dig up dirt on Trump.

Fusion GPS and their clients are under investigation AND the targets of the defamation suit brought against Steele. The list keeps growing. Should have quit while you were ahead. Just accepted the results and not gone down this path of total destruction.
The Trump administration is in deep shit right now so what does this tinker bell do?
Run right to the CLINTON Administration.

Why is the Trump admin. in deep shit? What occurred and what would you expect to happen as a result?
Genius asks " what occurred?"
Thanks for the endorphin rush, troll.
Trump: Anyone would have taken that meeting.
Most people know the law and no honest person would have taken that meeting.
There's the rub. DT doesn't have an honest bone in his body. Never has. It's his MO.
Deplorables: That's why we voted for him. He's just like us.

Oh bullshit that the Clinton camp wouldn't have taken and used dirt on Trump. Give me a freaking break.

Jr' said emails are the smoking gun but it's so much fun watching Tinydancer dance around the truth.

They are? How so?
Have you been living under a rock the past week?
Oh right. You've probably been watching and listening to your fat right media. No wonder you don't know squat.
Plus on top of that there's been dozens of examples on this board answering your question.
You embarrass the good people of NO.

Thanks. Now, care to answer the question? Where in that e-mail thread is a "smoking gun"? The e-mail thread cited clearly states the woman was not a Russian government official. Yet, the title of this thread claims she was by Trump's own admission.
Read the federal law I just gave you.
Junior THOUGHT she had dirt on CLINTON.
If you break in and try to rob a bank but aren't successful, do you get away scot free? Lol
Once more for the pathetic trump whores:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”
If we really want to go with "Russian collusion" (separate and apart from the Ukrainian collusion of course) then we have to talk about the fairy tale dossier. US Never Trumpers and Democrats paid for Russian informants who claimed they had access to the Russian government.

They hired Fusion GPS who forwarded large sums of money to Christopher Steele's company who forwarded large sums of cash to Russian informants.

We're talking big .$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Seriously when the D's lost the election they should have let this Russian bullshit go. You've got Loretta Lynch now under investigation, you have McCabe a major Democrat and Acting head of the FBI under three investigations. Comey's going to be dragged back in over the dossier and that the FBI was going to pay Steele to dig up dirt on Trump.

Fusion GPS and their clients are under investigation AND the targets of the defamation suit brought against Steele. The list keeps growing. Should have quit while you were ahead. Just accepted the results and not gone down this path of total destruction.
The Trump administration is in deep shit right now so what does this tinker bell do?
Run right to the CLINTON Administration.

Why is the Trump admin. in deep shit? What occurred and what would you expect to happen as a result?
It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians...
and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”

It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. I've read them. I'm asking you, what effect do the emails have to declare Trump is in deep shit?

For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians... Incorrect. Additionally, Kushner is not Trump. A minor detail? OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”. Yeah, good one. I guess Clinton is going to jail huh? Any attorney would tear that attempt to shreds, and you're missing the major point (ILMAO). Trump didn't receive anything. Cause and effect liberal. You should try it. BTW, Trump Jr. is not our POUS.
If we really want to go with "Russian collusion" (separate and apart from the Ukrainian collusion of course) then we have to talk about the fairy tale dossier. US Never Trumpers and Democrats paid for Russian informants who claimed they had access to the Russian government.

They hired Fusion GPS who forwarded large sums of money to Christopher Steele's company who forwarded large sums of cash to Russian informants.

We're talking big .$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Seriously when the D's lost the election they should have let this Russian bullshit go. You've got Loretta Lynch now under investigation, you have McCabe a major Democrat and Acting head of the FBI under three investigations. Comey's going to be dragged back in over the dossier and that the FBI was going to pay Steele to dig up dirt on Trump.

Fusion GPS and their clients are under investigation AND the targets of the defamation suit brought against Steele. The list keeps growing. Should have quit while you were ahead. Just accepted the results and not gone down this path of total destruction.
The Trump administration is in deep shit right now so what does this tinker bell do?
Run right to the CLINTON Administration.

Why is the Trump admin. in deep shit? What occurred and what would you expect to happen as a result?
It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians...
and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”

It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. I've read them. I'm asking you, what effect do the emails have to declare Trump is in deep shit?

For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians... Incorrect. Additionally, Kushner is not Trump. A minor detail? OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”. Yeah, good one. I guess Clinton is going to jail huh? Any attorney would tear that attempt to shreds, and you're missing the major point (ILMAO). Trump didn't receive anything. Cause and effect liberal. You should try it.
Kushner signed a disclosure form saying he is obligated to report any contact with foreign governments. Yes he's facing5 years for lying.
And then since you have NOTHING... you run to your safe place with theClinton's.
Funny how all the Trump whores are using that demogogue Sean Hannity's talking points.

"Nothing to see here."
Except a possible jail terms.
6 months in and we already have the orange anus ADMITTING obstruction of justice and Junior, Manafort andKushner breaking the law.
Federal law previously stated.

But Hillary....
If we really want to go with "Russian collusion" (separate and apart from the Ukrainian collusion of course) then we have to talk about the fairy tale dossier. US Never Trumpers and Democrats paid for Russian informants who claimed they had access to the Russian government.

They hired Fusion GPS who forwarded large sums of money to Christopher Steele's company who forwarded large sums of cash to Russian informants.

We're talking big .$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Seriously when the D's lost the election they should have let this Russian bullshit go. You've got Loretta Lynch now under investigation, you have McCabe a major Democrat and Acting head of the FBI under three investigations. Comey's going to be dragged back in over the dossier and that the FBI was going to pay Steele to dig up dirt on Trump.

Fusion GPS and their clients are under investigation AND the targets of the defamation suit brought against Steele. The list keeps growing. Should have quit while you were ahead. Just accepted the results and not gone down this path of total destruction.
The Trump administration is in deep shit right now so what does this tinker bell do?
Run right to the CLINTON Administration.

Why is the Trump admin. in deep shit? What occurred and what would you expect to happen as a result?
It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians...
and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”

It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. I've read them. I'm asking you, what effect do the emails have to declare Trump is in deep shit?

For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians... Incorrect. Additionally, Kushner is not Trump. A minor detail? OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”. Yeah, good one. I guess Clinton is going to jail huh? Any attorney would tear that attempt to shreds, and you're missing the major point (ILMAO). Trump didn't receive anything. Cause and effect liberal. You should try it.
Kushner signed a disclosure form saying he is obligated to report any contact with foreign governments. Yes he's facing5 years for lying.
And then since you have NOTHING... you run to your safe place with theClinton's.

  1. Clinton puts your ignorance into proper perspective.
  2. Kushner is NOT Trump.
  3. Care to wager Kushner isn't prosecuted?
  4. They didn't meet with a foreign government.

Meanwhile the traitorous GOP answers that question.

Republicans Block Effort To Revoke Jared Kushner's Security Clearance | HuffPost
The Trump administration is in deep shit right now so what does this tinker bell do?
Run right to the CLINTON Administration.

Why is the Trump admin. in deep shit? What occurred and what would you expect to happen as a result?
It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians...
and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”

It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. I've read them. I'm asking you, what effect do the emails have to declare Trump is in deep shit?

For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians... Incorrect. Additionally, Kushner is not Trump. A minor detail? OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”. Yeah, good one. I guess Clinton is going to jail huh? Any attorney would tear that attempt to shreds, and you're missing the major point (ILMAO). Trump didn't receive anything. Cause and effect liberal. You should try it.
Kushner signed a disclosure form saying he is obligated to report any contact with foreign governments. Yes he's facing5 years for lying.
And then since you have NOTHING... you run to your safe place with theClinton's.

  1. Clinton puts your ignorance into proper perspective.
  2. Kushner is NOT Trump.
  3. Care to wager Kushner isn't prosecuted?
  4. They didn't meet with a foreign government.
Your deflection to Clinton as the Trump/ Russianconnection mounts shows just how desperate you are.
Trump is Trump.
Jr broke the law as I proved.
Plus he THOUGHT he was meeting with a rep from Russia.
Plus no reasonable person thinks senior didn't know about this meeting.

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