WATCH: Trump denies Don Jr met with ‘Russian government lawyer’ — but son’s emails say otherwise

The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74.

WRONG......and that Opinion you cite is ridiculous......

First, how do you (or the moron who wrote the opinion) know for sure that there was NO compensation?

Second, the compensation can be retroactive AFTER Trump would land in the oval office.....such as lifting Obama's sanction's off the Russian oligarchs.

Third, "compensation" can also be interpreted as installing a stooge in the WH to help promote Russia's expansive agenda with neighboring countries.

You've seriously gone off the deep end. I have purposely quoted both Dershowitz and Turley who are both big freaking Democrats. Looks like they are the only freaking sane ones out there.

And if one now wants to criminalize "getting dirt" from any foreign source everyone involved in the Fusion GPS dossier is going to jail.

Because all involved PAID the freaking Russian informants.

Better be careful what you wish for. The DNC and the Clinton campaign getting all the so called dirt on Manafort that benefited them by the resignation of Paul Manafort the campaign manager.

You could put them all in jail as well. Go for it.
Just out of curiosity, how would you interpret this email from Goldstone to Donnie-baby AND the "fact" that "nothing we know suggests the lawyer was affiliated with Russia".............................???............Let's hear your answer.....

On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Hope all is well
Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and THe Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.

It was a lie or Goldstone was misled himself but she has no connection to the Kremlin or to the government in Russia at all. Her history is out there.

OR he wasn't. Either way, Don Jr. was going in for some good ol' Kremlin intelligence.


So he perhaps wasn't lying and she was acting as an intermediary between Kremlin and Trump's campaign.

If what was discussed were hacked emails then Don Jr., Paul Manfort, and Kushner are in on the conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

But even it that wasn't the case, even if the Russian lawyer misled Jr about representing Kremlin's interests, the INTENT to solicit intelligence from adversarial country is in itself damning. It also happens to be enough to satisfy statutes on this.

I came back t this post because in both NYT's pieces they issued a disclaimer. So just an FYI.

"The paper dumps cold water on the implication in both reports, however, by clarifying what the meeting does not prove.

“There is no evidence to suggest that the promised damaging information was related to Russian government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails,” TheNYT notes in the fourth paragraph of the initial scoop.

And in the story Monday: “The precise nature of the promised damaging information about Mrs. Clinton is unclear, and there is no evidence to suggest that it was related to Russian-government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails.”

Both caveats reveal the meeting may amount to nothing more than an opposition research dump from a foreigner, which is neither illegal nor unprecedented."

Both Of The NYT’s Big Trump Jr. Scoops Contain This Key Disclaimer

BULLSHIT..........and moronic obfuscation........

You're Daily Brawler crap tries to state that the NYT is reverting and "clearing" Donnie-baby...and that is full of crap.

It is NOT an issue of where the dirt on Clinton was garnered ....the ISSUE is Donnie-baby's tacit agreement to ACCEPT that "dirt" from a foreign/adversarial source.
And if one now wants to criminalize "getting dirt" from any foreign source everyone involved in the Fusion GPS dossier is going to jail.

Because all involved PAID the freaking Russian informants.

Boy, you're flinging shit like confetti......

Fusion GPS was started by 2 CONSERVATIVE ex-Wall Street Journal writers, a publication well known for its republican affinity....AND, the initial money for the dossier was from a REPUBLICAN source....

......and you put that all together, and your half brain comes up with "lets blame the democrats???"...........LOL.
The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74.

WRONG......and that Opinion you cite is ridiculous......

First, how do you (or the moron who wrote the opinion) know for sure that there was NO compensation?

Second, the compensation can be retroactive AFTER Trump would land in the oval office.....such as lifting Obama's sanction's off the Russian oligarchs.

Third, "compensation" can also be interpreted as installing a stooge in the WH to help promote Russia's expansive agenda with neighboring countries.

You've seriously gone off the deep end. I have purposely quoted both Dershowitz and Turley who are both big freaking Democrats. Looks like they are the only freaking sane ones out there.

And if one now wants to criminalize "getting dirt" from any foreign source everyone involved in the Fusion GPS dossier is going to jail.

Because all involved PAID the freaking Russian informants.

Better be careful what you wish for. The DNC and the Clinton campaign getting all the so called dirt on Manafort that benefited them by the resignation of Paul Manafort the campaign manager.

You could put them all in jail as well. Go for it.
This story has legs, we have only heard a part of it. You will soon see a series of incriminating phone calls, and the involvement of daddy trump from day one. If its no big deal why all the lies, why has the story changed so many times.
The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74.

WRONG......and that Opinion you cite is ridiculous......

First, how do you (or the moron who wrote the opinion) know for sure that there was NO compensation?

Second, the compensation can be retroactive AFTER Trump would land in the oval office.....such as lifting Obama's sanction's off the Russian oligarchs.

Third, "compensation" can also be interpreted as installing a stooge in the WH to help promote Russia's expansive agenda with neighboring countries.

No. The law is specific. But let's take your third point. That would get the Clintons wearing orange for the Ukrainians actively working with the D's to install Hillary in the WH whether she got in or not. Chalupa bragged endlessly how how much help she was getting from the Ukrainian government.

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74.

WRONG......and that Opinion you cite is ridiculous......

First, how do you (or the moron who wrote the opinion) know for sure that there was NO compensation?

Second, the compensation can be retroactive AFTER Trump would land in the oval office.....such as lifting Obama's sanction's off the Russian oligarchs.

Third, "compensation" can also be interpreted as installing a stooge in the WH to help promote Russia's expansive agenda with neighboring countries.

No. The law is specific. But let's take your third point. That would get the Clintons wearing orange for the Ukrainians actively working with the D's to install Hillary in the WH whether she got in or not. Chalupa bragged endlessly how how much help she was getting from the Ukrainian government.

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
The Ukrainian situation is as different from Russia, as night and day. But, I am proud of you and your kind, just the other day Rachel Maddow predicted exactly what your kind would try to do, and like the puppets you are, you did exactly that. Anything to try and change the subject. Do you really think that Robert Mueller gives a shit as to what you have to say? Just today, he expanded his staff to 25 people, and moved to larger office space. He is just getting warmed up.
No. The law is specific. But let's take your third point. That would get the Clintons wearing orange for the Ukrainians actively working with the D's to install Hillary in the WH whether she got in or not. Chalupa bragged endlessly how how much help she was getting from the Ukrainian government.

Moronic........You nitwits "think' that the best defense of the orange piece of lard is to attack Clinton......You are certainly welcome to start all sorts of threads about why you hate Clinton......But THIS thread is about your hero's fuck ups....
No. The law is specific. But let's take your third point. That would get the Clintons wearing orange for the Ukrainians actively working with the D's to install Hillary in the WH whether she got in or not. Chalupa bragged endlessly how how much help she was getting from the Ukrainian government.

Moronic........You nitwits "think' that the best defense of the orange piece of lard is to attack Clinton......You are certainly welcome to start all sorts of threads about why you hate Clinton......But THIS thread is about your hero's fuck ups....
Do you think that Mueller, at this point, cares about Clinton? Absolutely not, its all about the Trump cabal.
And if one now wants to criminalize "getting dirt" from any foreign source everyone involved in the Fusion GPS dossier is going to jail.

Because all involved PAID the freaking Russian informants.

Boy, you're flinging shit like confetti......

Fusion GPS was started by 2 CONSERVATIVE ex-Wall Street Journal writers, a publication well known for its republican affinity....AND, the initial money for the dossier was from a REPUBLICAN source....

......and you put that all together, and your half brain comes up with "lets blame the democrats???"...........LOL.

Give me a break those WSJ writers are lefties if you read their bios. Both parties contributed to buy Russian informants. I never said only one side. And they paid big time. For lies. That's why Steele is in court right as I type and why Fusion GPS is in deep shit. McCain is in the crapper to.

Let the investigations roll on! I love them.
The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74.

WRONG......and that Opinion you cite is ridiculous......

First, how do you (or the moron who wrote the opinion) know for sure that there was NO compensation?

Second, the compensation can be retroactive AFTER Trump would land in the oval office.....such as lifting Obama's sanction's off the Russian oligarchs.

Third, "compensation" can also be interpreted as installing a stooge in the WH to help promote Russia's expansive agenda with neighboring countries.

No. The law is specific. But let's take your third point. That would get the Clintons wearing orange for the Ukrainians actively working with the D's to install Hillary in the WH whether she got in or not. Chalupa bragged endlessly how how much help she was getting from the Ukrainian government.

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
The Ukrainian situation is as different from Russia, as night and day. But, I am proud of you and your kind, just the other day Rachel Maddow predicted exactly what your kind would try to do, and like the puppets you are, you did exactly that. Anything to try and change the subject. Do you really think that Robert Mueller gives a shit as to what you have to say? Just today, he expanded his staff to 25 people, and moved to larger office space. He is just getting warmed up.

You know, with right wingers controlling EVERY facet of government and its purse would think that they could appoint a special counsel to investigate the Clinton, the Ukraine, the price of tomatoes, etc......

Instead, they revert to unfounded attacks as a defense of the orange buffoon, just for the sake of diversion......MORONIC and useless.
No. The law is specific. But let's take your third point. That would get the Clintons wearing orange for the Ukrainians actively working with the D's to install Hillary in the WH whether she got in or not. Chalupa bragged endlessly how how much help she was getting from the Ukrainian government.

Moronic........You nitwits "think' that the best defense of the orange piece of lard is to attack Clinton......You are certainly welcome to start all sorts of threads about why you hate Clinton......But THIS thread is about your hero's fuck ups....

I'm pointing out how using your logic the whole freaking lot of them would be wearing orange.
The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74.

WRONG......and that Opinion you cite is ridiculous......

First, how do you (or the moron who wrote the opinion) know for sure that there was NO compensation?

Second, the compensation can be retroactive AFTER Trump would land in the oval office.....such as lifting Obama's sanction's off the Russian oligarchs.

Third, "compensation" can also be interpreted as installing a stooge in the WH to help promote Russia's expansive agenda with neighboring countries.

No. The law is specific. But let's take your third point. That would get the Clintons wearing orange for the Ukrainians actively working with the D's to install Hillary in the WH whether she got in or not. Chalupa bragged endlessly how how much help she was getting from the Ukrainian government.

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
The Ukrainian situation is as different from Russia, as night and day. But, I am proud of you and your kind, just the other day Rachel Maddow predicted exactly what your kind would try to do, and like the puppets you are, you did exactly that. Anything to try and change the subject. Do you really think that Robert Mueller gives a shit as to what you have to say? Just today, he expanded his staff to 25 people, and moved to larger office space. He is just getting warmed up.

You know, with right wingers controlling EVERY facet of government and its purse would think that they could appoint a special counsel to investigate the Clinton, the Ukraine, the price of tomatoes, etc......

Instead, they revert to unfounded attacks as a defense of the orange buffoon, just for the sake of diversion......MORONIC and useless.

Oh the Intelligence Committee is on it. And the future FBI director will be looking into the Ukrainian link to the DNC.
The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74.

WRONG......and that Opinion you cite is ridiculous......

First, how do you (or the moron who wrote the opinion) know for sure that there was NO compensation?

Second, the compensation can be retroactive AFTER Trump would land in the oval office.....such as lifting Obama's sanction's off the Russian oligarchs.

Third, "compensation" can also be interpreted as installing a stooge in the WH to help promote Russia's expansive agenda with neighboring countries.

No. The law is specific. But let's take your third point. That would get the Clintons wearing orange for the Ukrainians actively working with the D's to install Hillary in the WH whether she got in or not. Chalupa bragged endlessly how how much help she was getting from the Ukrainian government.

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
The Ukrainian situation is as different from Russia, as night and day. But, I am proud of you and your kind, just the other day Rachel Maddow predicted exactly what your kind would try to do, and like the puppets you are, you did exactly that. Anything to try and change the subject. Do you really think that Robert Mueller gives a shit as to what you have to say? Just today, he expanded his staff to 25 people, and moved to larger office space. He is just getting warmed up.

You know, with right wingers controlling EVERY facet of government and its purse would think that they could appoint a special counsel to investigate the Clinton, the Ukraine, the price of tomatoes, etc......

Instead, they revert to unfounded attacks as a defense of the orange buffoon, just for the sake of diversion......MORONIC and useless.

Oh the Intelligence Committee is on it. And the future FBI director will be looking into the Ukrainian link to the DNC.
There is no Ukrainian link to the DNC, and never has been. Do you really think anyone gives a shyte as to what you say, or think?
And the future FBI director will be looking into the Ukrainian link to the DNC.

.....and maybe finally find Hoffa's remains?????

This is your "dream"?.......Light a few candles to help you....LOL
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Just out of curiosity, how would you interpret this email from Goldstone to Donnie-baby AND the "fact" that "nothing we know suggests the lawyer was affiliated with Russia".............................???............Let's hear your answer.....

On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Hope all is well
Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and THe Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.

It was a lie or Goldstone was misled himself but she has no connection to the Kremlin or to the government in Russia at all. Her history is out there.

OR he wasn't. Either way, Don Jr. was going in for some good ol' Kremlin intelligence.


So he perhaps wasn't lying and she was acting as an intermediary between Kremlin and Trump's campaign.

If what was discussed were hacked emails then Don Jr., Paul Manfort, and Kushner are in on the conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

But even it that wasn't the case, even if the Russian lawyer misled Jr about representing Kremlin's interests, the INTENT to solicit intelligence from adversarial country is in itself damning. It also happens to be enough to satisfy statutes on this.

I came back t this post because in both NYT's pieces they issued a disclaimer. So just an FYI.

"The paper dumps cold water on the implication in both reports, however, by clarifying what the meeting does not prove.

“There is no evidence to suggest that the promised damaging information was related to Russian government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails,” TheNYT notes in the fourth paragraph of the initial scoop.

And in the story Monday: “The precise nature of the promised damaging information about Mrs. Clinton is unclear, and there is no evidence to suggest that it was related to Russian-government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails.”

Both caveats reveal the meeting may amount to nothing more than an opposition research dump from a foreigner, which is neither illegal nor unprecedented."

Both Of The NYT’s Big Trump Jr. Scoops Contain This Key Disclaimer

Certainly on their own the emails do not provide any indication of the nature of information that could've been discussed, nor did I say they did, all I said was that IF they discussed hacked emails then their goose is cooked.

Seems every week this Russian story keeps on developing and with every revelation we seem to be getting closer to what was really going on.

This week we learned that Trump's campaign was eager to jump on any info they could use against Clinton's with zero reservations on where it was coming from.

We know there was a will on both sides, Trump's campaign and Kremlin. And where there is a will, there is perhaps a way that we may learn about.
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We know there was a will on both sides, Trump's campaign and Kremlin. And where there is a will, there is perhaps a way that we may learn about.

NEVER lose sight of the most salient fact in this entire mess........It is not Brazil, or Australia or Sweden who may be pushing for one candidate over another....this is RUSSIA, an adversarial government currently under stiff sanctions for several breaches in blatantly taking over foreign territory......Always remember we are talking about RUSSIA.
We know there was a will on both sides, Trump's campaign and Kremlin. And where there is a will, there is perhaps a way that we may learn about.

NEVER lose sight of the most salient fact in this entire mess........It is not Brazil, or Australia or Sweden who may be pushing for one candidate over another....this is RUSSIA, an adversarial government currently under stiff sanctions for several breaches in blatantly taking over foreign territory......Always remember we are talking about RUSSIA.
And all this time we though it was Canada, Britain, and Australia who were our sworn enemies.
We know there was a will on both sides, Trump's campaign and Kremlin. And where there is a will, there is perhaps a way that we may learn about.

NEVER lose sight of the most salient fact in this entire mess........It is not Brazil, or Australia or Sweden who may be pushing for one candidate over another....this is RUSSIA, an adversarial government currently under stiff sanctions for several breaches in blatantly taking over foreign territory......Always remember we are talking about RUSSIA.
And all this time we though it was Canada, Britain, and Australia who were our sworn enemies.
Actually by the time this POS is thrown out of office, they most likely will be, along with most of the world.
Better yet, if this had been Chelsea Clinton on behalf of her mother, would the story still be "no big deal" to conservatives?
/---- most likely we'd never had heard about it.
Don't bullshit a bullshitter sweetie, you would be demanding imprisonment from day 1. Its just different when your kind does it.
/---- I t would have never surfaced if it were horseface.

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