WATCH: Trump denies Don Jr met with ‘Russian government lawyer’ — but son’s emails say otherwise

Because Loretta Lynch gave Veselnitskaya special permission to enter the United States. And to make the joke sicker it was called a parole visa.

Lynch gave the Russian lawyer a special visa to re-enter the US so that she could defend her Russian businessman client. Busted: Loretta Lynch Just Added New Felony To Her Rap Sheet - This Time It’s Treason

Journalists at Fox News have examined Veselnitskaya’s social media accounts and discovered pictures taken in New York City and elsewhere that were well past the Jan. 7th, 2016 expiration date of her visa.

“She was not granted a second parole by our office,” office spokesman James Margolin told Fox News in an email. “Her case-related immigration parole ended early in 2016, and it was not renewed by us.” Obama Administration Let Natalia Veselnitskaya Stay Past Her Visa Expiration. But Why? | Buck Sexton

It's downright amazing how theseTrump whores keep defending the indefensible.
How they keep defending this incompetent, embarrassing man who clearly has multiple Russian ties.

Junior, 2008. Much of our money comes from Russia.
Count on Mueller subpoena Trump's tax returns.
Then the fun begins.
Why is the Trump admin. in deep shit? What occurred and what would you expect to happen as a result?
It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians...
and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”

It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. I've read them. I'm asking you, what effect do the emails have to declare Trump is in deep shit?

For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians... Incorrect. Additionally, Kushner is not Trump. A minor detail? OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”. Yeah, good one. I guess Clinton is going to jail huh? Any attorney would tear that attempt to shreds, and you're missing the major point (ILMAO). Trump didn't receive anything. Cause and effect liberal. You should try it.
Kushner signed a disclosure form saying he is obligated to report any contact with foreign governments. Yes he's facing5 years for lying.
And then since you have NOTHING... you run to your safe place with theClinton's.

  1. Clinton puts your ignorance into proper perspective.
  2. Kushner is NOT Trump.
  3. Care to wager Kushner isn't prosecuted?
  4. They didn't meet with a foreign government.
Your deflection to Clinton as the Trump/ Russianconnection mounts shows just how desperate you are.
Trump is Trump.
Jr broke the law as I proved.
Plus he THOUGHT he was meeting with a rep from Russia.
Plus no reasonable person thinks senior didn't know about this meeting.

Your deflection to Clinton as the Trump/ Russianconnection mounts shows just how desperate you are. Incorrect. It puts your brain into proper perspective. Your deflection from the obvious point shows it's you who are desperate. I would be too if the Democrats were up my bunghole.

Trump is Trump. You're making progress. Therefore we can both conclude that while your assertion may apply to Kerner, it doesn't apply to Trump as you first suggested (i.e., were hoping).

Jr broke the law as I proved. Incorrect. An attorney would tear up your law, simply because nothing of value was exchanged. Additionally, they never planned to meet with a foreign government, which is clearly stated.

Plus he THOUGHT he was meeting with a rep from Russia. What he thought and what he did are two different things. He never said he thought he was meeting with a rep. from Russia, and as it turns out, she's not.

Plus no reasonable person thinks senior didn't know about this meeting. No reasonable person KNOWS he did, simply because A. He's not up Jrs ass. B. I understand you're narrow minded, but imagine all that takes place during a run for POUS. Bet your ass this isn't the only incident info. where info. was offered, exchanged or accepted, and that applies to both sides. You have to be a special person to "think" otherwise.

I realize you can't see it because you don't want to, but you have NOTHING. Bet your ass none of the participants will be prosecuted, and even if the DEMS try, any competent judge would be PISSED OFF a snowflake tried to bring forward a case with NO CRIME, NOT SO MUCH AS A THREAD OF EVIDENCE, NO APPLICABLE LAW, NO EXCHANGE, JUST A WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING.
It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians...
and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”

It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. I've read them. I'm asking you, what effect do the emails have to declare Trump is in deep shit?

For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians... Incorrect. Additionally, Kushner is not Trump. A minor detail? OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”. Yeah, good one. I guess Clinton is going to jail huh? Any attorney would tear that attempt to shreds, and you're missing the major point (ILMAO). Trump didn't receive anything. Cause and effect liberal. You should try it.
Kushner signed a disclosure form saying he is obligated to report any contact with foreign governments. Yes he's facing5 years for lying.
And then since you have NOTHING... you run to your safe place with theClinton's.

  1. Clinton puts your ignorance into proper perspective.
  2. Kushner is NOT Trump.
  3. Care to wager Kushner isn't prosecuted?
  4. They didn't meet with a foreign government.
Your deflection to Clinton as the Trump/ Russianconnection mounts shows just how desperate you are.
Trump is Trump.
Jr broke the law as I proved.
Plus he THOUGHT he was meeting with a rep from Russia.
Plus no reasonable person thinks senior didn't know about this meeting.

Your deflection to Clinton as the Trump/ Russianconnection mounts shows just how desperate you are. Incorrect. It puts your brain into proper perspective. Your deflection from the obvious point shows it's you who are desperate. I would be too if the Democrats were up my bunghole.

Trump is Trump. You're making progress. Therefore we can both conclude that while your assertion may apply to Kerner, it doesn't apply to Trump as you first suggested (i.e., were hoping).

Jr broke the law as I proved. Incorrect. An attorney would tear up your law, simply because nothing of value was exchanged. Additionally, they never planned to meet with a foreign government, which is clearly stated.

Plus he THOUGHT he was meeting with a rep from Russia. What he thought and what he did are two different things. He never said he thought he was meeting with a rep. from Russia, and as it turns out, she's not.

Plus no reasonable person thinks senior didn't know about this meeting. No reasonable person KNOWS he did, simply because A. He's not up Jrs ass. B. I understand you're narrow minded, but imagine all that takes place during a run for POUS. Bet your ass this isn't the only incident info. where info. was offered, exchanged or accepted, and that applies to both sides. You have to be a special person to "think" otherwise.

I realize you can't see it because you don't want to, but you have NOTHING. Bet your ass none of the participants will be prosecuted, and even if the DEMS try, any competent judge would be PISSED OFF a snowflake tried to bring forward a case with NO CRIME, NOT SO MUCH AS A THREAD OF EVIDENCE, NO APPLICABLE LAW, NO EXCHANGE, JUST A WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING.
Keep lying to yourself.
‘Morning Joe': Legal Expert Says Donald Trump Jr Could Go to Jail (Video)

At least we got you Trump whores toSTFU that " no one from the Trump administration ever met withRussians. "
Baby steps.
rumbelben I'm sorry to tell you this but Trump is right. Nothing we know suggests the lawyer was affiliated with Russia.

Just out of curiosity, how would you interpret this email from Goldstone to Donnie-baby AND the "fact" that "nothing we know suggests the lawyer was affiliated with Russia".............................???............Let's hear your answer.....

On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Hope all is well
Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and THe Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.
Nat as I explained to Brumble. The e-mail chain referred to the Crown prosecutor for Russia. No such position exist, so claiming that the E-mail chain provides proof of anything but Don's willingness to let Russia compromise him is just false. I'm just as left wing as you, I refuse however to let go of rational thinking because it fits my ideology. I think critically and that means I examine myself too. There is plenty of stuff wrong with this situation, I don't think I need to invent stuff.

I respectfully disagree............

For me, one of the main problems of the Trump acolytes is that they wrongly assume that running their businesses and running our government require the same set of ethics and methods........I hope to God that such is NOT the case.

When Donnie-baby thought that he could dig dirt on Clinton and the possibility of running to daddy for a pat in the head, was just too enticing, forgetting the caveats imposed by election laws or ethical guidelines....(and to make it worse, he helped to implicate 2 others.)

Had the request been made by a Brazilian or New Zealand lawyer, the enticement would NOT have been as pronounced.....The fact that it was a RUSSIAN lawyer made the request too much to pass up.

To assume that this lawyer was sent to Trump Towers just to discuss "adoptions", is an insult to anyone who has more than a half brain.
Brumbelben I'm sorry to tell you this but Trump is right. Nothing we know suggests the lawyer was affiliated with Russia. The e-mails refer to a position that doesn't exist in Russia " crown prosecutor". It's a lame excuse since don jr took the meeting precisely because he thought she was affiliated with Russia but saying she wasn't is probably the truth.

I don't understand the left anymore. Am I wrong stating that liberal propaganda has become their reality? Anytime you ask they articulate their opinions the result is nothing but crickets. Even on the rare occasion they respond it's out of context and/or not true. I believe the proper definition is mass hysteria.
Bullshit. We've given you the law and how the three stooges broke the law.

We did? Cool. Then you have no problem providing the laws here. Thanks. I want to be enlightened.

When you're finished, you might read this, and compare and contrast the differences between what never occurred (Trump & Russia) and what did occur (Clinton & Ukrain). FLASHBACK: When The Clinton Campaign Worked With a Foreign Government to Undermine Trump's Candidacy

When you're done doing that, stick your head in the sand by pretending no POUS candidate has ever received info. from a foreign citizen. If you can think of one, be sure to label them incompetent or not a legit. candidate for POUS.
If the Trump- Russia fiasco is no big deal, why the lies, why the changing stories, why not the truth from day 1. This story has a long way to go, besides email, I guarantee there were also phone calls, and a Trump Sr. involvement from the get go.
rumbelben I'm sorry to tell you this but Trump is right. Nothing we know suggests the lawyer was affiliated with Russia.

Just out of curiosity, how would you interpret this email from Goldstone to Donnie-baby AND the "fact" that "nothing we know suggests the lawyer was affiliated with Russia".............................???............Let's hear your answer.....

On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Hope all is well
Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and THe Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.

It was a lie or Goldstone was misled himself but she has no connection to the Kremlin or to the government in Russia at all. Her history is out there.

OR he wasn't. Either way, Don Jr. was going in for some good ol' Kremlin intelligence.


So he perhaps wasn't lying and she was acting as an intermediary between Kremlin and Trump's campaign.

If what was discussed were hacked emails then Don Jr., Paul Manfort, and Kushner are in on the conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

But even it that wasn't the case, even if the Russian lawyer misled Jr about representing Kremlin's interests, the INTENT to solicit intelligence from adversarial country is in itself damning. It also happens to be enough to satisfy statutes on this.

I came back t this post because in both NYT's pieces they issued a disclaimer. So just an FYI.

"The paper dumps cold water on the implication in both reports, however, by clarifying what the meeting does not prove.

“There is no evidence to suggest that the promised damaging information was related to Russian government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails,” TheNYT notes in the fourth paragraph of the initial scoop.

And in the story Monday: “The precise nature of the promised damaging information about Mrs. Clinton is unclear, and there is no evidence to suggest that it was related to Russian-government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails.”

Both caveats reveal the meeting may amount to nothing more than an opposition research dump from a foreigner, which is neither illegal nor unprecedented."

Both Of The NYT’s Big Trump Jr. Scoops Contain This Key Disclaimer
Better yet, if this had been Chelsea Clinton on behalf of her mother, would the story still be "no big deal" to conservatives?
/---- most likely we'd never had heard about it.
Don't bullshit a bullshitter sweetie, you would be demanding imprisonment from day 1. Its just different when your kind does it.
The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74.

WRONG......and that Opinion you cite is ridiculous......

First, how do you (or the moron who wrote the opinion) know for sure that there was NO compensation?

Second, the compensation can be retroactive AFTER Trump would land in the oval office.....such as lifting Obama's sanction's off the Russian oligarchs.

Third, "compensation" can also be interpreted as installing a stooge in the WH to help promote Russia's expansive agenda with neighboring countries.

What's bizarre is that Travis Gettys is the only one claiming it was a Russian Government Lawyer.

But the inconvenient facts:

On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Hope all is well
Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and THe Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

Gotta link?

Donald Trump Jr. responded by posting the emails on Twitter. Here they are.

"The woman, as she has said publicly, was not a government official."
Don't matter, that exactly how she was described to get Trump involved. Now, just because she said so, do you believe she may not be telling the truth?
It's all in Junior's emails. Maybe you haven't read them. I've read them. I'm asking you, what effect do the emails have to declare Trump is in deep shit?

For one, Kushner is facing up to 5 years for not disclosing he met with Russians... Incorrect. Additionally, Kushner is not Trump. A minor detail? OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia

and then there's this for junior:
Federal law makes it a crime for any person to “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution or “anything of value” from a foreign person for a U.S. political campaign or “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.”. Yeah, good one. I guess Clinton is going to jail huh? Any attorney would tear that attempt to shreds, and you're missing the major point (ILMAO). Trump didn't receive anything. Cause and effect liberal. You should try it.
Kushner signed a disclosure form saying he is obligated to report any contact with foreign governments. Yes he's facing5 years for lying.
And then since you have NOTHING... you run to your safe place with theClinton's.

  1. Clinton puts your ignorance into proper perspective.
  2. Kushner is NOT Trump.
  3. Care to wager Kushner isn't prosecuted?
  4. They didn't meet with a foreign government.
Your deflection to Clinton as the Trump/ Russianconnection mounts shows just how desperate you are.
Trump is Trump.
Jr broke the law as I proved.
Plus he THOUGHT he was meeting with a rep from Russia.
Plus no reasonable person thinks senior didn't know about this meeting.

Your deflection to Clinton as the Trump/ Russianconnection mounts shows just how desperate you are. Incorrect. It puts your brain into proper perspective. Your deflection from the obvious point shows it's you who are desperate. I would be too if the Democrats were up my bunghole.

Trump is Trump. You're making progress. Therefore we can both conclude that while your assertion may apply to Kerner, it doesn't apply to Trump as you first suggested (i.e., were hoping).

Jr broke the law as I proved. Incorrect. An attorney would tear up your law, simply because nothing of value was exchanged. Additionally, they never planned to meet with a foreign government, which is clearly stated.

Plus he THOUGHT he was meeting with a rep from Russia. What he thought and what he did are two different things. He never said he thought he was meeting with a rep. from Russia, and as it turns out, she's not.

Plus no reasonable person thinks senior didn't know about this meeting. No reasonable person KNOWS he did, simply because A. He's not up Jrs ass. B. I understand you're narrow minded, but imagine all that takes place during a run for POUS. Bet your ass this isn't the only incident info. where info. was offered, exchanged or accepted, and that applies to both sides. You have to be a special person to "think" otherwise.

I realize you can't see it because you don't want to, but you have NOTHING. Bet your ass none of the participants will be prosecuted, and even if the DEMS try, any competent judge would be PISSED OFF a snowflake tried to bring forward a case with NO CRIME, NOT SO MUCH AS A THREAD OF EVIDENCE, NO APPLICABLE LAW, NO EXCHANGE, JUST A WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING.
Keep lying to yourself.
‘Morning Joe': Legal Expert Says Donald Trump Jr Could Go to Jail (Video)

At least we got you Trump whores toSTFU that " no one from the Trump administration ever met withRussians. "
Baby steps.

Miller is completely out to freaking lunch. No laws were broken.
Kushner signed a disclosure form saying he is obligated to report any contact with foreign governments. Yes he's facing5 years for lying.
And then since you have NOTHING... you run to your safe place with theClinton's.

  1. Clinton puts your ignorance into proper perspective.
  2. Kushner is NOT Trump.
  3. Care to wager Kushner isn't prosecuted?
  4. They didn't meet with a foreign government.
Your deflection to Clinton as the Trump/ Russianconnection mounts shows just how desperate you are.
Trump is Trump.
Jr broke the law as I proved.
Plus he THOUGHT he was meeting with a rep from Russia.
Plus no reasonable person thinks senior didn't know about this meeting.

Your deflection to Clinton as the Trump/ Russianconnection mounts shows just how desperate you are. Incorrect. It puts your brain into proper perspective. Your deflection from the obvious point shows it's you who are desperate. I would be too if the Democrats were up my bunghole.

Trump is Trump. You're making progress. Therefore we can both conclude that while your assertion may apply to Kerner, it doesn't apply to Trump as you first suggested (i.e., were hoping).

Jr broke the law as I proved. Incorrect. An attorney would tear up your law, simply because nothing of value was exchanged. Additionally, they never planned to meet with a foreign government, which is clearly stated.

Plus he THOUGHT he was meeting with a rep from Russia. What he thought and what he did are two different things. He never said he thought he was meeting with a rep. from Russia, and as it turns out, she's not.

Plus no reasonable person thinks senior didn't know about this meeting. No reasonable person KNOWS he did, simply because A. He's not up Jrs ass. B. I understand you're narrow minded, but imagine all that takes place during a run for POUS. Bet your ass this isn't the only incident info. where info. was offered, exchanged or accepted, and that applies to both sides. You have to be a special person to "think" otherwise.

I realize you can't see it because you don't want to, but you have NOTHING. Bet your ass none of the participants will be prosecuted, and even if the DEMS try, any competent judge would be PISSED OFF a snowflake tried to bring forward a case with NO CRIME, NOT SO MUCH AS A THREAD OF EVIDENCE, NO APPLICABLE LAW, NO EXCHANGE, JUST A WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING.
Keep lying to yourself.
‘Morning Joe': Legal Expert Says Donald Trump Jr Could Go to Jail (Video)

At least we got you Trump whores toSTFU that " no one from the Trump administration ever met withRussians. "
Baby steps.

Miller is completely out to freaking lunch. No laws were broken.
Is that you legal opinion based upon upfront and detailed knowledge of the meeting, or possibly its just your misguided opinion, and if so, say it.
So the email from a third party talent promoter claims one thing while the actual person involved repeatedly says another. Maybe you ought to be asking why this lady was in the country at all, since her visa was expired by 6 months when Obama's justice department let her in? So now you are going to believe one over the other? You miss the bigger point: NOTHING IN WHAT TRUMP JR. DID WAS ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL OR EVEN IMPROPER. I will write up a thread on it tonight.

Can't wait for your moronic defense of the orange buffoon......LOL

The Russian lawyer was allowed into the country specifically to be part of a lawsuit against her Russian client being sued in the U.S........

Had she stated that she would ALSO attempt to covertly entice the Trumpsters with dirt on Hillary, maybe the DOJ would have balked....don't you think? (or do you think?)
So the email from a third party talent promoter claims one thing while the actual person involved repeatedly says another. Maybe you ought to be asking why this lady was in the country at all, since her visa was expired by 6 months when Obama's justice department let her in? So now you are going to believe one over the other? You miss the bigger point: NOTHING IN WHAT TRUMP JR. DID WAS ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL OR EVEN IMPROPER. I will write up a thread on it tonight.

Can't wait for your moronic defense of the orange buffoon......LOL

The Russian lawyer was allowed into the country specifically to be part of a lawsuit against her Russian client being sued in the U.S........

Had she stated that she would ALSO attempt to covertly entice the Trumpsters with dirt on Hillary, maybe the DOJ would have balked....don't you think? (or do you think?)
She probably would have had her visa extended by Trump

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