Watching "Banana Republic" Don on Thanksgiving Call.

My feeling is that Trump was giving out deployment numbers, locations, names and ranks of the commanders and asking them to talk about sensitive systems, like the catapults and putting such sensitive material on TV borders on treason.

Imagine if Obama has done that. Republicans heads would have exploded.

Trump will NEVER pass on an opportunity to show what an asshole he is.....cheered on by the uneducated, cultist base.....Trump is a stain to our political history.
------------------------------------------------- GO TRUMP as i hope for the TRUMP Reelection Nat and DeanRD , .
My feeling is that Trump was giving out deployment numbers, locations, names and ranks of the commanders and asking them to talk about sensitive systems, like the catapults and putting such sensitive material on TV borders on treason.

Imagine if Obama has done that. Republicans heads would have exploded.

Trump will NEVER pass on an opportunity to show what an asshole he is.....cheered on by the uneducated, cultist base.....Trump is a stain to our political history.
Trump is a sh!t stain.

He thinks that after he's out of office, he will be popular, respected and admired the way Obama is.

But he won't be.

Everywhere he goes, people will shout out traitor, Putin's minion, liar and "lock him up".

It will be like when Trump talked at the United Nations and everyone laughed. He looked surprised and said I wasn't expecting that. For him, it will be a thousand times worse after he is out of office.
My feeling is that Trump was giving out deployment numbers, locations, names and ranks of the commanders and asking them to talk about sensitive systems, like the catapults and putting such sensitive material on TV borders on treason.

Imagine if Obama has done that. Republicans heads would have exploded.

Trump will NEVER pass on an opportunity to show what an asshole he is.....cheered on by the uneducated, cultist base.....Trump is a stain to our political history.
------------------------------------------------- GO TRUMP as i hope for the TRUMP Reelection Nat and DeanRD , .
Yea, Go Trump, Go Away!
The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
Did you hear his entire steam versus electromagnetic catapults with a senior officer from the Ronald Reagan?

Trump had his stupidity on full display. And, apparently, Trump thinks that steam catapults are better than electromagnetic. The reason they switched? Less wear and tear on the ship.
Talking to a navy commander about naval technology in the open. Is this classified info? The commander probably is thinking who is this moron.
------------------------------------ naw , steam catapults are old reliable technology and the new type is not reliable and is complicated . Its not a secret as its been reported on openly in the media JLaw ,
And yet the man on the Carrier said the "new type" is better. And he gave reasons why.

So should I believe him, who is on the carrier? Or should I believe you who thinks science is a "faith"?
Why is Trump even talking about classified material? ON TV?

Giving names, locations and deployment information?

Sensitive intelligence information?

What the fuk is wrong with these right wingers not getting that??????????????

You know, for the whole 20 years that I was in the Navy, talking about ship deployments, and where they may or may not go next was not done. Why? Because a ships schedule is considered classified information. We don't want to give our opposition the upper hand by telling them where we were going to be.

Although, on my first sea tour, I gotta say that pulling into Naples was pretty interesting. Seems that the street vendors (also called "Hey Joe's" because of the way they greeted American troops), knew our schedule better than we did and would actually tell US when we were coming back. However, whether or not we knew when we would be back, we weren't allowed to confirm or deny.
The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
Did you hear his entire steam versus electromagnetic catapults with a senior officer from the Ronald Reagan?

Trump had his stupidity on full display. And, apparently, Trump thinks that steam catapults are better than electromagnetic. The reason they switched? Less wear and tear on the ship.
-------------------------------- and TRUMP thinks its a bad idea to get rid of steam catapult . Just his OPINION at this time . Until he gets ready to have the newer type catapults removed which he might do next weekend BSailor .
Well, to be fair, Trump didn't really disclose any classified information when he asked about the new catapults. Although, he also showed he didn't really know what the hell he was talking about when he called the electromagnetic catapults "digital" catapults.

And, to the credit of the Navy person he was talking to, he was able to gloss over the question without giving up any information that would be classified.

Yes, our Navy shifting over from steam to digital catapults is something that has been in the news, and one of the learning channels (Discovery, Science, etc., I forget which one), has done a documentary on how the new ship was built, with a little bit about the electromagnetic cats and how much better they are because they can be dialed in to a plane's weight for launch with a lot better accuracy than they could with steam.

And finally, the Navy operates its carrier launch systems IS classified. Interestingly enough, we are the only Navy on the planet that uses catapults. Carriers from other nations have upturned bows where they launch the planes by sending them off a ramp.

We have the only proven steam catapult (and now electromagnetic) launch systems around, with the exception of one French carrier that was launched in 2001, and has a steam catapult based on American design.

The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
Did you hear his entire steam versus electromagnetic catapults with a senior officer from the Ronald Reagan?

Trump had his stupidity on full display. And, apparently, Trump thinks that steam catapults are better than electromagnetic. The reason they switched? Less wear and tear on the ship.
-------------------------------- and TRUMP thinks its a bad idea to get rid of steam catapult . Just his OPINION at this time . Until he gets ready to have the newer type catapults removed which he might do next weekend BSailor .

Hate to tell you Piss Moron, but you can't just remove a catapult system from a carrier, nor can you just convert it from electromagnetic to steam. The 2 systems are way different, and because of their size, they take up a great deal of space as well as are part of the structural integrity of the ship.

I actually watched a documentary on how they built the new carrier, and not only is the electromagnetic catapult able to be dialed in more accurately, but they also cause a lot less wear and tear on the ship. I remember that when I was stationed with VFA-131 Wildcats (FA-18 outfit), our ships office was close to where the cat ran, and every time they launched, you would hear a loud shriek, followed by a loud thump of the piston hitting the water break. Loud as hell, and a bit if a pain when flight ops were hot and heavy.

Based on what I saw on the documentary, as well as hearing what the launch crew had to say about it, electromagnetic is much better than steam.
and i only halfway glance at ship construction info engineering and methods in news papers or a casual article so i don't know much about it . But my general impression or guess and speculation is that some of the building and engineering of New Ships is pretty unimpressive .
The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
Did you hear his entire steam versus electromagnetic catapults with a senior officer from the Ronald Reagan?

Trump had his stupidity on full display. And, apparently, Trump thinks that steam catapults are better than electromagnetic. The reason they switched? Less wear and tear on the ship.
-------------------------------- and TRUMP thinks its a bad idea to get rid of steam catapult . Just his OPINION at this time . Until he gets ready to have the newer type catapults removed which he might do next weekend BSailor .

Hate to tell you Piss Moron, but you can't just remove a catapult system from a carrier, nor can you just convert it from electromagnetic to steam. The 2 systems are way different, and because of their size, they take up a great deal of space as well as are part of the structural integrity of the ship.

I actually watched a documentary on how they built the new carrier, and not only is the electromagnetic catapult able to be dialed in more accurately, but they also cause a lot less wear and tear on the ship. I remember that when I was stationed with VFA-131 Wildcats (FA-18 outfit), our ships office was close to where the cat ran, and every time they launched, you would hear a loud shriek, followed by a loud thump of the piston hitting the water break. Loud as hell, and a bit if a pain when flight ops were hot and heavy.

Based on what I saw on the documentary, as well as hearing what the launch crew had to say about it, electromagnetic is much better than steam.
------------------------------ maybe , maybe not BSailor . One day the USA will find out .
and i only halfway glance at ship construction info engineering and methods in news papers or a casual article so i don't know much about it . But my general impression or guess and speculation is that some of the building and engineering of New Ships is pretty unimpressive .

To you it may be unimpressive, but to me (who has actually been stationed on one and got various qualifications for various things), but to me they are things that are very well thought out and current electromagnetic tech is better than the steam piston and water break system they had. Less wear and tear on the ship, as well as operates a bit smoother and quieter.

The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
Did you hear his entire steam versus electromagnetic catapults with a senior officer from the Ronald Reagan?

Trump had his stupidity on full display. And, apparently, Trump thinks that steam catapults are better than electromagnetic. The reason they switched? Less wear and tear on the ship.
-------------------------------- and TRUMP thinks its a bad idea to get rid of steam catapult . Just his OPINION at this time . Until he gets ready to have the newer type catapults removed which he might do next weekend BSailor .

Hate to tell you Piss Moron, but you can't just remove a catapult system from a carrier, nor can you just convert it from electromagnetic to steam. The 2 systems are way different, and because of their size, they take up a great deal of space as well as are part of the structural integrity of the ship.

I actually watched a documentary on how they built the new carrier, and not only is the electromagnetic catapult able to be dialed in more accurately, but they also cause a lot less wear and tear on the ship. I remember that when I was stationed with VFA-131 Wildcats (FA-18 outfit), our ships office was close to where the cat ran, and every time they launched, you would hear a loud shriek, followed by a loud thump of the piston hitting the water break. Loud as hell, and a bit if a pain when flight ops were hot and heavy.

Based on what I saw on the documentary, as well as hearing what the launch crew had to say about it, electromagnetic is much better than steam.
------------------------------ maybe , maybe not BSailor . One day the USA will find out .

Maybe, maybe not? Dude, they don't do a major change to ship's design without researching it a bunch and testing it over and over before deciding to implement it. Like I said, according to what I saw on the documentary, combined with the knowledge I got from 4 years being stationed with a squadron, as well as listening to what he crew of the new launch systems said, electromagnetic is the way to go.
I am not familiar with the electromagnetic catapult technology. Interesting to read up on it.
The left have allied with foreign illegals flooding into our country, why wouldn't I hate them?
The presidents who have given amnesty were all Republicans. You have to be anti-American to give message of hate on Thanksgiving as you have done.

Right, asshole lying scum Democrats failed to uphold their end of the Reagan amnesty bargain and secure the borders shocker. Reagan later said it was the decision he most regretted, trusting asshole lying scum Democrats. Fine we learned our lesson, now we know better than to trust Dem's.

Why yes I have a recent news story that will obliterate you, I recommend you run and hide before I unleash it on you.

Why in the hell would you requests links? You post BS everyday and when asked to supply links you don’t. You are a liar and the. Need links? Get an f’ing nut.
What? I post links on most of my posts. You don't bother reading the links. That's YOUR problem.

BS! You were asked in this thread and you didn’t give them. That’s YOUR problem.
It will be like when Trump talked at the United Nations and everyone laughed. He looked surprised and said I wasn't expecting that. For him, it will be a thousand times worse after he is out of office.

Actually, I think it'll be worse than just people mocking the orange clown....His troubles will be legal and very expensive to defend.

Trump could have lived the rest of his miserable life unscathed by his crooked deals....but he chose to get into the limelight and he will dearly pay for the scrutiny.
I am not familiar with the electromagnetic catapult technology. Interesting to read up on it.
--------------------------------- i know nothing much about it either except that i have been seeing articles on the Catapults since TRUMP was elected which simply means that the Catapult info is easily available and that easy availability of info on the Catapult controversy is my only point . -------- Plus this bit of info Pilot . ----------------- The Navy’s Urinal-Free Brand New Supercarrier Is A Big Fat Mess ---
The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghanistan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
you should kick him outcof your head. these frequent TRUMP SUCKS posts are old.

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