Watching "Banana Republic" Don on Thanksgiving Call.

What policies has Trump put in place that are destroying the country??


We could start with tax breaks for people who already have more money than they know what to do with as it is. These tax breaks make for cuts for other programs already running low in money like social security, medicare, medicaid.

Tax breaks for wealthy paid for with deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

Income taxes paid by the wealthy have NOTHING to do with Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Why are you and these two libtard writers so stupid?

You note this is an opinion piece written by two Democraps which mean that it likely contains zero facts and consists of 100% lies!
as i said , discussion on Steam versus the new catapult System has been reported on for the last few years in the media and is not SECRET DeanRD.
but anyway , TRUMP looks like he is doing pretty well . As example he has let 'judges' know that he and much of America think that ' judges' are 'FOS' DeanRD ,
but anyway , TRUMP looks like he is doing pretty well . As example he has let 'judges' know that he and much of America think that ' judges' are 'FOS' DeanRD ,
Which, of course, is slimy and nauseating and further demonstration that he is unfit for the office.
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TRUMP is doing fine , hearing on FOX that he might shut the border down FortF .
Bout time he showed up

Everybody knows thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to Lord Trump. Only republicans need volunteer to fellate him, though. If he squirts in your eye, you get extra thoughts and prayer power.

The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.

Yeah, that Dotard is a real number but the question everyone is asking: HOW MANY Big Macs will Dotard consume on Thanksgiving? 5? 10? 15? 20? More?

Your post is clear TDS because you have to be deranged to support Trump after this monumental stupidity.

That's what TDS refers too, isn't it? Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like this:

Trumpanzees on display.

What policies has Trump put in place that are destroying the country??


We could start with tax breaks for people who already have more money than they know what to do with as it is. These tax breaks make for cuts for other programs already running low in money like social security, medicare, medicaid.

Tax breaks for wealthy paid for with deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

By listing names, ranks and locations, Trump is potentially putting these soldier's families in danger.

Who doesn't get that?

Why the hell is this moron still droning on about the 9th circuit on Thanksgiving? Can't wait till tomorrow. Trump I think is intentionally trying to ruin Thanksgiving for everyone all over the country...:04:
---------------------------------- and if thats the TRUMP plan , it looks like its working at least on YOU JLaw ,
Looks like everyone responding to this thread, you included. Look at some of the responses.

Trump is totally incapable of giving a unified message to the nation even on Thanksgiving. What a disgrace.

We don't want to be unified with the left, we hate them.
That's wierd, we just kinda pity you.

Stop lying you hack the left hate our guts and you know it. Here talk to the hand for being stupid :eusa_hand:
No, just because you hate us doesn't mean we hate you. That's called "projection" and it is well known conservative trait.

Bout time he showed up

Everybody knows thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to Lord Trump. Only republicans need volunteer to fellate him, though. If he squirts in your eye, you get extra thoughts and prayer power.

The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.

Yeah, that Dotard is a real number but the question everyone is asking: HOW MANY Big Macs will Dotard consume on Thanksgiving? 5? 10? 15? 20? More?

Your post is clear TDS because you have to be deranged to support Trump after this monumental stupidity.

That's what TDS refers too, isn't it? Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like this:

Trumpanzees on display.

What policies has Trump put in place that are destroying the country??


We could start with tax breaks for people who already have more money than they know what to do with as it is. These tax breaks make for cuts for other programs already running low in money like social security, medicare, medicaid.

Tax breaks for wealthy paid for with deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

By listing names, ranks and locations, Trump is potentially putting these soldier's families in danger.

Who doesn't get that?

Why the hell is this moron still droning on about the 9th circuit on Thanksgiving? Can't wait till tomorrow. Trump I think is intentionally trying to ruin Thanksgiving for everyone all over the country...:04:
---------------------------------- and if thats the TRUMP plan , it looks like its working at least on YOU JLaw ,
Looks like everyone responding to this thread, you included. Look at some of the responses.

Trump is totally incapable of giving a unified message to the nation even on Thanksgiving. What a disgrace.

We don't want to be unified with the left, we hate them.
That's wierd, we just kinda pity you.

Stop lying you hack the left hate our guts and you know it. Here talk to the hand for being stupid :eusa_hand:
No, just because you hate us doesn't mean we hate you. That's called "projection" and it is well known conservative trait.

Fat boy's favorite holiday,no doubt. I wonder if Baron will recognize him?
We don't want to be unified with the left, we hate them.

Spoken like a real Russian troll. Thank you for showing your anti-American colors.

The left have allied with foreign illegals flooding into our country, why wouldn't I hate them?
The presidents who have given amnesty were all Republicans. You have to be anti-American to give message of hate on Thanksgiving as you have done.

Right, asshole lying scum Democrats failed to uphold their end of the Reagan amnesty bargain and secure the borders shocker. Reagan later said it was the decision he most regretted, trusting asshole lying scum Democrats. Fine we learned our lesson, now we know better than to trust Dem's.

Why yes I have a recent news story that will obliterate you, I recommend you run and hide before I unleash it on you.

Why in the hell would you requests links? You post BS everyday and when asked to supply links you don’t. You are a liar and the. Need links? Get an f’ing nut.
Reagan made a deal in GOOD FAITH with the Democrats. The Democrats LIED, and RENEGED on the deal. Lesson learned. Never trust the Democrats, especially on granting them the Open Borders they want, and the goal of destroying this great country with one party rule!

PROOF the left cannot be trusted...the left were recently discussing another amnesty deal. They said they would be willing to give Trump money for the border wall in exchange for amnesty...and in the next breath said "because we can stop Trump from building the wall by suing in court". That's how dishonest the left are, they do nothing but lie and scheme.
A wall that can't be built.

What is wrong with you people?

What is it with this determined ignorance?

We are discussing how liberals are lying lowlife filthy scumbags who plan on weaseling out of their end of the deal.
When I grew up, it was liars and murderers and people who incited violence that where considered lowlife and filthy scumbags. And the people that followed them were sycophants.

Who reminds me of that today? No, he doesn't remind me, he embodies filth and lowlife. How can I make that judgement? Easy, he tells us.


Spoken like a real Russian troll. Thank you for showing your anti-American colors.

The left have allied with foreign illegals flooding into our country, why wouldn't I hate them?
The presidents who have given amnesty were all Republicans. You have to be anti-American to give message of hate on Thanksgiving as you have done.

Right, asshole lying scum Democrats failed to uphold their end of the Reagan amnesty bargain and secure the borders shocker. Reagan later said it was the decision he most regretted, trusting asshole lying scum Democrats. Fine we learned our lesson, now we know better than to trust Dem's.

Why yes I have a recent news story that will obliterate you, I recommend you run and hide before I unleash it on you.

Why in the hell would you requests links? You post BS everyday and when asked to supply links you don’t. You are a liar and the. Need links? Get an f’ing nut.
What? I post links on most of my posts. You don't bother reading the links. That's YOUR problem.
The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghanistan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.

Bout time he showed up

Everybody knows thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to Lord Trump. Only republicans need volunteer to fellate him, though. If he squirts in your eye, you get extra thoughts and prayer power.

The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.

Yeah, that Dotard is a real number but the question everyone is asking: HOW MANY Big Macs will Dotard consume on Thanksgiving? 5? 10? 15? 20? More?

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.

Your post is clear TDS because you have to be deranged to support Trump after this monumental stupidity.

That's what TDS refers too, isn't it? Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like this:

Trumpanzees on display.

He is actually bragging about himself as he gives rants of gibberish and misinformation.

The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
Did you hear his entire steam versus electromagnetic catapults with a senior officer from the Ronald Reagan?

What policies has Trump put in place that are destroying the country??


We could start with tax breaks for people who already have more money than they know what to do with as it is. These tax breaks make for cuts for other programs already running low in money like social security, medicare, medicaid.

Tax breaks for wealthy paid for with deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

We don't want to be unified with the left, we hate them.

Spoken like a real Russian troll. Thank you for showing your anti-American colors.

The left have allied with foreign illegals flooding into our country, why wouldn't I hate them?
The presidents who have given amnesty were all Republicans. You have to be anti-American to give message of hate on Thanksgiving as you have done.

Right, asshole lying scum Democrats failed to uphold their end of the Reagan amnesty bargain and secure the borders shocker. Reagan later said it was the decision he most regretted, trusting asshole lying scum Democrats. Fine we learned our lesson, now we know better than to trust Dem's.

Why yes I have a recent news story that will obliterate you, I recommend you run and hide before I unleash it on you.

Reagan saying he regretted, trusting.....etc. Don't you know the reagan administration had more felonies and felony convictions (although he pardoned many), than any other administration since hector was a pup? That old fool knew nothing and was only used for giving speeches. That, he was good at. That's the problem with you people that get all your info from wnd, hannity etc. You're know nothings that go forth and spew anyway.

The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghanistan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
Classless, unethical, amoral...

Reagan made a deal in GOOD FAITH with the Democrats. The Democrats LIED, and RENEGED on the deal. Lesson learned. Never trust the Democrats, especially on granting them the Open Borders they want, and the goal of destroying this great country with one party rule!

PROOF the left cannot be trusted...the left were recently discussing another amnesty deal. They said they would be willing to give Trump money for the border wall in exchange for amnesty...and in the next breath said "because we can stop Trump from building the wall by suing in court". That's how dishonest the left are, they do nothing but lie and scheme.
A wall that can't be built.

What is wrong with you people?

What is it with this determined ignorance?

We are discussing how liberals are lying lowlife filthy scumbags who plan on weaseling out of their end of the deal.
When I grew up, it was liars and murderers and people who incited violence that where considered lowlife and filthy scumbags. And the people that followed them were sycophants.

Who reminds me of that today? No, he doesn't remind me, he embodies filth and lowlife. How can I make that judgement? Easy, he tells us.



I was just watching a couple of retired military officers being interviewed.

They were asked about Trump not visiting the graves of fallen US heroes and he said he's glad Trump hasn't gone. That Trump can't help himself making the military political. He said evidence is Trump's Thanksgiving fiasco. Why would Trump ask soldiers about trade and about the border and about judges. He said Trump can't listen.

In fact, he said where he was from, a man has two eyes and two ears and one mouth. He said you should use the eyes and the ears the most and the mouth the least because there is only one. He said Trump can't do that.

My feeling is that Trump was giving out deployment numbers, locations, names and ranks of the commanders and asking them to talk about sensitive systems, like the catapults and putting such sensitive material on TV borders on treason.

Imagine if Obama has done that. Republicans heads would have exploded.
Actually by attempting to secure our borders, and stop the flow of illegal aliens, Don is trying to STOP the U.S. from becoming a Banana Republic. By ignoring the rule of law, the Democrats want to create one to install one party rule, because idiot illegals will vote for them to get FREE STUFF.
Talking to a navy commander about naval technology in the open. Is this classified info? The commander probably is thinking who is this moron.
------------------------------------ naw , steam catapults are old reliable technology and the new type is not reliable and is complicated . Its not a secret as its been reported on openly in the media JLaw ,
And yet the man on the Carrier said the "new type" is better. And he gave reasons why.

So should I believe him, who is on the carrier? Or should I believe you who thinks science is a "faith"?
------------------------------- sure and thats his OPINION while TRUMP has a different OPINION DeanRD .
It's sensitive information about our aircraft carriers you fuking idiot. You don't discuss this on TV. Along with the man's location and name and rank.

What is wrong with you people that you can't find this kind of public disclosure dangerous?

You know what is wrong with his base, yep TDS, follow the man into a bath house naked if he asked them to. Truly, the human mind is fucked that would follow trump the buffoon.
You know what is wrong with his base, yep TDS, follow the man into a bath house naked if he asked them to. Truly, the human mind is fucked that would follow trump the buffoon.

What exactly has Trump done that's been so bad for the country? I guess I am efffed then,
Actually by attempting to secure our borders, and stop the flow of illegal aliens, Don is trying to STOP the U.S. from becoming a Banana Republic. By ignoring the rule of law, the Democrats want to create one to install one party rule, because idiot illegals will vote for them to get FREE STUFF.
Free stuff. That's what we give Republicans in Red States so those states don't go under.
You know what is wrong with his base, yep TDS, follow the man into a bath house naked if he asked them to. Truly, the human mind is fucked that would follow trump the buffoon.

What exactly has Trump done that's been so bad for the country? I guess I am efffed then,
Gee, I don't know.

Some Mexicans don't rape.

I like soldiers who weren't captured.



Promotes violence

Says that some Nazi's are "very fine people"

Trashes our intelligence agencies

Sides with Putin and Kim Jung Un and a Saudi Prince over the United States

Trillions in new debt

Tax cuts for billionaires

Wow, don't get me started. I could go on for an hour at least.

Did that help?
My feeling is that Trump was giving out deployment numbers, locations, names and ranks of the commanders and asking them to talk about sensitive systems, like the catapults and putting such sensitive material on TV borders on treason.

Imagine if Obama has done that. Republicans heads would have exploded.

Trump will NEVER pass on an opportunity to show what an asshole he is.....cheered on by the uneducated, cultist base.....Trump is a stain to our political history.

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