Watching our President: CNN Townhall

WATCH: Joe Biden Excuses the Uyghur Genocide as ‘Just a Chinese Cultural Norm,’ Spreading CCP Propaganda

Joe Biden spread direct Chinese Communist Party talking points when asked about Xi Jinping’s genocide of the Uyghurs during the CNN townhall on Tuesday evening.

One million Muslims (the majority of them Uyghurs) have been held in secretive detention camps without any legal process since 2014. It has been described as a genocide, the likes of which have not been seen since WWII.

Actually, it means that Dem's Bill Clinton's China WTO deal policy is a failure. The western world cannot reduce the CCP’s ability to control its vast population. In fact, the western world starts to feel the CCP's iron fist.

Joe speaks at a townhall event in Wisconsin and becomes a 'kill Whitey shi*head and illegitimate swine'. Worse, he becomes a magnet on message boards for a flurry of f-bombs by the vocabulary-challenged.

It is what it is.

ps.....what's a 'ZOG'? I'm new here.
..Biden is a dumbass---he's been talking about getting rid of White Supremacy!!!!!
--but---there's NO problem at all with white supremacy = he IS fking over white people
WATCH: Joe Biden Excuses the Uyghur Genocide as ‘Just a Chinese Cultural Norm,’ Spreading CCP Propaganda

Joe Biden spread direct Chinese Communist Party talking points when asked about Xi Jinping’s genocide of the Uyghurs during the CNN townhall on Tuesday evening.

One million Muslims (the majority of them Uyghurs) have been held in secretive detention camps without any legal process since 2014. It has been described as a genocide, the likes of which have not been seen since WWII.

Actually, it means that Dem's Bill Clinton's China WTO deal policy is a failure. The western world cannot reduce the CCP’s ability to control its vast population. In fact, the western world starts to feel the CCP's iron fist.

It had a lot to do with Henry Kissinger also.

When Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller met with Zhou Enlai in China in 1973—just after President Richard Nixon had visited China establishing official relations—an understanding was reached whereby the U.S. would supply industrial capital and know-how to China.

"--but---there's NO problem at all with white supremacy = he IS fking over white people."

I honestly don't get the post above.
"No problem"? What about the violence some of those knuckleheads have caused, e.g., Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, Boogaloo Bois, etc.

And just HOW is Biden doing what the poster says he's doing to white people?

If the poster could flesh out his thoughts here a bit more, perhaps he could be a bit more persuasive.
"--but---there's NO problem at all with white supremacy = he IS fking over white people."

I honestly don't get the post above.
"No problem"? What about the violence some of those knuckleheads have caused, e.g., Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, Boogaloo Bois, etc.

And just HOW is Biden doing what the poster says he's doing to white people?

If the poster could flesh out his thoughts here a bit more, perhaps he could be a bit more persuasive.
1. Proud Boys, etc are no different than the thousands of black/Asian/latino groups
2. hahahhahahahhahahahhahah--woooohooooooo
- commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
-murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
-commit crime at higher rates
-rape at TWICE the rate
3. white supremacist murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 8 blacks per DAY
etc etc
all linked and proved many times on USMB by me
4. AND---AND
you people haven't proved there is a problem of white supremacy!!!!!!'s undeniable the blacks are a much bigger problem than white supremacy
"--but---there's NO problem at all with white supremacy = he IS fking over white people."

I honestly don't get the post above.
"No problem"? What about the violence some of those knuckleheads have caused, e.g., Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, Boogaloo Bois, etc.

And just HOW is Biden doing what the poster says he's doing to white people?

If the poster could flesh out his thoughts here a bit more, perhaps he could be a bit more persuasive.
what planet are you on???!!!!!hahha
Ferguson 2014

etc much VIOLENCE from the blacks


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"--but---there's NO problem at all with white supremacy = he IS fking over white people."

I honestly don't get the post above.
"No problem"? What about the violence some of those knuckleheads have caused, e.g., Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, Boogaloo Bois, etc.

And just HOW is Biden doing what the poster says he's doing to white people?

If the poster could flesh out his thoughts here a bit more, perhaps he could be a bit more persuasive.
BLM wants to KILL white people!!!!!!!!!!
Piss off Chinese stooge
The Chinese stooges are all you Trumpist morons who do the bidding of out adversaries by degrading our political system with lies of voter fraud and contributing to the deaths of our fellow Americans by lying about vaccines. The Chinese love you idiots.
The Chinese stooges are all you Trumpist morons who do the bidding of out adversaries by degrading our political system with lies of voter fraud and contributing to the deaths of our fellow Americans by lying about vaccines. The Chinese love you idiots.

Oh, fuck you. Xiden is owned by Xi.

The whole world knows it.

Watching and listening to a real president.
That minute long "episode" was brutal.

He was given softball questions and looked brittle and unsure of himself the whole time. China, Russia, and Iran are probably laughing at him, as they tell him to bow to them and clean their shoes. And Biden will do it.
..Biden is a dumbass---he's been talking about getting rid of White Supremacy!!!!!
--but---there's NO problem at all with white supremacy = he IS fking over white people

Apparently CNN did not remind traitor Joe that his very first vote as a US Senator was for

Ku klux klan enchanted cyclops Robert KKKing of pork Byrd

As dem senate leader....
We're half a click away from watching that stuttering fucktard literally shit its pants at one of these hilarious spectacles.

Part of me wants this entertainment to continue forever.... but we do need to save the country.
" the bidding of out adversaries by degrading our political system with lies of voter fraud and contributing to the deaths of our fellow Americans by lying about vaccines."
On a serious note, poster Johnlaw reminds there is serious merd'e at stake in this current environment.

What has happened after the election in November has ----is-----seriously damaging America's faith in their free and fair elections. That can have long term negative consequences. America's 200+ year reality of a democratic voting mechanism to choose our leadership has been the envy of the world, and arguably the primary reason for America's resiliency and strength when we've faced dangerous obstacles to our nation's health, economy, and ability to stay cohesive. Don Trump, and his minions & fanboys, are doing a great disservice to America by denigrating that foundation to our governance.

Second, as poster Johnlaw articulates, this misinformation on Covid and vaccines---which has been promulgated in the rightfield media and talking heads......has, and is, killing people. Just read the recent stats......hospitalizations and deaths due to the Delta strain of Covid are over 90% concentrated in those rightfield jurisdictions that have fostered a low vaccination-rate reality.

Some other poster in this thread, or possibly another thread, also brought up a valid point regarding this rightfield vaccination skepticism, namely: What if-------what if Don Trump went on Fox or OAN or NewsMax and insistently and consistently communicated that getting those shots is good for you and good for America. What if he did that as often as he complains about the "Big Steal'?

What if........rightfield talking-heads like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Pillowhead Guy, Marjorie Green, Matt Goetz, and other leaders of Conservative-think stridently communicated that vaccinations are a good thing. Just look what they did for polio. Look what they did for smallpox.

What if........all those rightfielders tried to help America mitigate/minimize/defeat this terrible Covid scourge?
Do that rather than dwell on their MAGA-Grievance fantasies?

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