Watching the replay of 911 on Fox

I think we are a bit safer but not totaly safe.

We have home grown terrorists all over the country and the FBI and CIA aren't communicating and sharing info any better now then they did then.

Homeland Security is a joke.

Oh they have caught a few idiots but mostly because they were, well, idiots.


I was in the midtown when it happened.

I miss the feeling of total unity we've had in the weeks and months afterwards. It was incredible - New Yorkers, always harsh, being nice :)
Islamic terror is not home grown.
The list of threats bigger than Islamic terror that Obama spoke of included, gun owners, tea party members, republican voters and the NRA.

Home grown terrorists!!

Now show me the terrorist acts committed by the above HOME GROWN TERROR GROUPS that are a bigger threat to the USA than Islam.
He said that a very short time before the Islamic attacks of 4/15.

Yet I don't see any recent terror attacks on us soil by non Moslems??
Care to explain?

the first wave was not.

NOW it could be. and some ARE

and yes, those Boston bombers are homegrown - they were kids when they came here, they have been radicalized while at the same time enjoying the most of the liberties ( and stupidity) of this country.
I was north of it, on Wards Island. We didnt know what was going on until the 1st tower collapsed and we saw the fighters overhead

Most of what you saw was dust, not smoke.

From the collapse, yes, what we saw from the impacts was black smoke.

I see. I thought you were saying you couldn't really see (know what's going on) until the first tower vaporized.

Somone noticed a black smoke line looking south from where we were, but from our perspective it looked like it could have been a car fire on the triboro bridge. We only found out when someone came in and told us, and then we moved a bit and could see it was coming from lower manhattan, right around then is when the 1st tower went down.
Is the "Muslim world" guilty of the crimes of a few?

Is the "Christian world" punished for those individuals who misuse the teaching for violent ends?

We're more vulnerable than we were before. Because our reaction to the situation has made it all worse than it was. Just like our actions before hand provoked the incident in the first place.

The Muslim world is more than tolerant of the jihadists...if you don't cure the cancer within, you die.

Kind of like the GOP.
How many people in how many countries were cheering & dancing in the streets when the towers went down?

Have all those countries & people been punished yet?
I sent thanks to Fox for showing this! I don't think any of the other networks did.

I don't blame Islam for this but do get angry at thinking they were Saudis and we continue to support that government with its radical Wahabi faction.

And, when the Fakir-in-Chief claims how we've decimated Al Queda, I want to cry from frustration at his stupidity. :mad::mad::mad:
How many people in how many countries were cheering & dancing in the streets when the towers went down?

Have all those countries & people been punished yet?

You want to punish free speech?

Pretty vindictive. Not only do you want to punish the perpetrators, you want to punish those who felt happy about the crime.

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How many people in how many countries were cheering & dancing in the streets when the towers went down?

Have all those countries & people been punished yet?

You want to punish free speech?

Pretty vindictive. Not only do you want to punish the perpetrators, you want to punish those who felt happy about the crime.


So you think there is free speech? :lol:

Those people have shown they are our enemy & will kill us if given a chance. Why don't you go give them a big hug from the USA & see how they treat you.
How many people in how many countries were cheering & dancing in the streets when the towers went down?

Have all those countries & people been punished yet?

You want to punish free speech?

Pretty vindictive. Not only do you want to punish the perpetrators, you want to punish those who felt happy about the crime.


So you think there is free speech? :lol:

Those people have shown they are our enemy & will kill us if given a chance. Why don't you go give them a big hug from the USA & see how they treat you.

"They will like us when we win."
You want to punish free speech?

Pretty vindictive. Not only do you want to punish the perpetrators, you want to punish those who felt happy about the crime.


So you think there is free speech? :lol:

Those people have shown they are our enemy & will kill us if given a chance. Why don't you go give them a big hug from the USA & see how they treat you.

"They will like us when we win."

The enemy will be killed & everyone loves a winner.
You want to punish free speech?

Pretty vindictive. Not only do you want to punish the perpetrators, you want to punish those who felt happy about the crime.


So you think there is free speech? :lol:

Those people have shown they are our enemy & will kill us if given a chance. Why don't you go give them a big hug from the USA & see how they treat you.

"They will like us when we win."

Worked against Germany and Japan.
Is the "Muslim world" guilty of the crimes of a few?

Is the "Christian world" punished for those individuals who misuse the teaching for violent ends?

We're more vulnerable than we were before. Because our reaction to the situation has made it all worse than it was. Just like our actions before hand provoked the incident in the first place.

The Muslim world is more than tolerant of the jihadists...if you don't cure the cancer within, you die.

Kind of like the GOP.

Provide us a list of terror attacks linked to the GOP.
The Boston bombers were HOMEGROWN?

And I'm the dumbo?

Was Bin Fucking Ladin also homegrown?

You fucking retard!!

3 or Chechens a kazakh and another immigrant.

Sounds home grown to me!!
You fucking dozy, shit for brains retard.

The act of supporting AQ in its attacks on Syria is making us de facto allies of AQ.
Assisting AQ is pissing on the graves of every victim that day and the graves of every soldier that died fighting them.

It is an act of vile treason to even consider assisting AQ!

No you idiot. None of the terrorists from 9-11 were homegrown and no one is initerested in assisting AQ. No one but the terrorists that is.

The bombers for the marathon were living in the US. Hell. They were on welfare. Homegrown by any other name.

Ft Hood killer was in the US ARMY.

You fucking dozy, shit for brains. Catch a clue you fucking idiot.

I thought you fanatical liberal totalitarians of the Obamacult said FT Hood was not terrorism, it was workplace violence and a gun controll issue?
Make your syphalitic mind up, herpatic one!!

WOW You think I'm an Obamabot??

Sorry to disappoint but I have not one iota of respect for that jackass.

As far as Ft. Hood goes. It sure as shit wasn't workplace violence or about gun control. It was terrorism carried out by an American citizen. Homegrown terror.

The shooter should have been tried in a military tribunal and done away with. I would have hung that SOB.
The questions occur to me....has the Muslim world paid a sufficient penalty for this deed? Have we "moved on" too soon? Are we still this vulnerable?

Have a good day.

No to all three questions. As long as Al Qaeda exists, they haven't paid enough. I don't know that we have "moved on". We are still on a war footing in Afghanistan. We attack terrorists all around the middle East. I really doubt we are as vulnerable now. Nobody could hijack a plane with a box cutter now. The passengers would all attack the hijacker. Not to mention all the TSA crap you have to go through just to get on a plane. Another terrorist attack would have to take on a different form, such as a dirty bomb, an EMP weapon, or chemical/biological agent.

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