Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

Never mind BS--We are done. You keep your darkness.
You're a classic example of what happens when people follow men instead of Jesus and the Scriptures. You're being deceived. Please talk to some ex JWs and get some help.
You're a classic example of what happens when people follow men instead of Jesus and the Scriptures. You're being deceived. Please talk to some ex JWs and get some help.
The teachings of Jesus back the Jw,s 100%. The facts of true God worship history back the JW,s 100%-- Because you believe errors and promote those whose father is the devil, are losing.
You're a classic example of what happens when people follow men instead of Jesus and the Scriptures. You're being deceived. Please talk to some ex JWs and get some help.
Yep. Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society. I put him in the same category of cultmasters like Joseph Smith, Herbert W. Armstrong, and other pseudo-Christian cults.
One note, however, the Worldwide Church of God was able to shed its unbiblical teaching and come to repentance.
Yep. Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society. I put him in the same category of cultmasters like Joseph Smith, Herbert W. Armstrong, and other pseudo-Christian cults.
One note, however, the Worldwide Church of God was able to shed its unbiblical teaching and come to repentance.
You missed Gods view of a cult--the only view that counts= A house divided( 41,000 trinity religions) will not stand. You missed as well-The teachings of Jesus and the Facts of true God worship history back the JW teachers all the way. So take a guess where facts leave the others?
The teachings of Jesus back the Jw,s 100%. The facts of true God worship history back the JW,s 100%-- Because you believe errors and promote those whose father is the devil, are losing.
I thought you weren't going to talk to me anymore? Earlier today you said you were done.

In John chapter 8 why did the Jews get so angry and try to kill Jesus when Jesus said: "Before Abraham was, I Am"?
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Yep. Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society. I put him in the same category of cultmasters like Joseph Smith, Herbert W. Armstrong, and other pseudo-Christian cults.
One note, however, the Worldwide Church of God was able to shed its unbiblical teaching and come to repentance.
Yes, I remember that. Very cool.
You missed Gods view of a cult--the only view that counts= A house divided( 41,000 trinity religions) will not stand. You missed as well-The teachings of Jesus and the Facts of true God worship history back the JW teachers all the way. So take a guess where facts leave the others?
You are totally engulfed by Russellism, that you deny the fact that Jesus Himself IS G-d. not Michael the Archangel.
I thought you weren't going to talk to me anymore? Earlier today you said you were done.

In John chapter 8 why did the Jews get so angry and try to kill Jesus when Jesus said: "Before Abraham was, I Am"?
John 8:58 is the "I, I Am" in which Jesus declares Himself to be the Sovereign G-d of Creation, YHWH, the Covenant G-d of Israel.
You missed Gods view of a cult--the only view that counts= A house divided( 41,000 trinity religions) will not stand. You missed as well-The teachings of Jesus and the Facts of true God worship history back the JW teachers all the way. So take a guess where facts leave the others?
41000 (according to who?) that believe in the Trinity sounds like unity to me. Also, they aren't "religions". Jesus had 12 disciples, all had different views, yet they followed Jesus. Read the book of Acts and you'll notice several disagreements among them. Have you ever just sat down and read a Bible without a magazine telling you something contrary to what the Bible says?
Russellites are followers of Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society, AKA JWs
ok, I had forgotten his name

not surprising since I am very dismissive of the JWs in general. I tried to talk to some JWs some time ago about how the JW religion cannot be true, and it was amazing how closed minded they were. I even invited them to come on usmb, but they rejected that. I mean, they didn't even want to discuss it. Isn't such closed mindedness a true sign of a cult? The old Never question our religion thing
ok, I had forgotten his name

not surprising since I am very dismissive of the JWs in general. I tried to talk to some JWs some time ago about how the JW religion cannot be true, and it was amazing how closed minded they were. I even invited them to come on usmb, but they rejected that. I mean, they didn't even want to discuss it. Isn't such closed mindedness a true sign of a cult? The old Never question our religion thing
Yes, it's a very nasty cult. It tears families apart with its policy of shunning. If someone is disfellowshipped for something their friends and family in the organization will treat them like they no longer exist. Leaving the organization is equivalent to choosing to stop believing in God, since they believe that they are the only true Christians. The rest of Christendom is of the devil. They're pretty nuts.

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