Zone1 Watchtower Governing Body Clown, Stephen Lett

Yes, it's a very nasty cult. It tears families apart with its policy of shunning. If someone is disfellowshipped for something their friends and family in the organization will treat them like they no longer exist.
Whatever happened to Judge not, lest you be judged? For by what measure you mete, so shall it be meted unto you?

I guess the JWs think they have a right to be judge, jury and executioner..

Forget that old forgiveness stuff...
Whatever happened to Judge not, lest you be judged? For by what measure you mete, so shall it be meted unto you?

I guess the JWs think they have a right to be judge, jury and executioner..

Forget that old forgiveness stuff...
Youtube has numerous videos of ex JWs reciting horror stories of the pain and hurt caused by shunning. Christians can disagree and still love each other, but not these people. It's tragic and sad.
Youtube has numerous videos of ex JWs reciting horror stories of the pain and hurt caused by shunning. Christians can disagree and still love each other, but not these people. It's tragic and sad.
I wouldn't be surprised to find suicides. I mean, some people when they feel rejected think of such. But I probably shouldn't say that because I haven't heard of any particular stories like that. Still, it just stands to reason that you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater (unless the "baby" is a criminal who could harm you or whatever).
I thought you weren't going to talk to me anymore? Earlier today you said you were done.

In John chapter 8 why did the Jews get so angry and try to kill Jesus when Jesus said: "Before Abraham was, I Am"?
Hate filled hearts just like the apostates you promote.
41000 (according to who?) that believe in the Trinity sounds like unity to me. Also, they aren't "religions". Jesus had 12 disciples, all had different views, yet they followed Jesus. Read the book of Acts and you'll notice several disagreements among them. Have you ever just sat down and read a Bible without a magazine telling you something contrary to what the Bible says?
1Cor 1:10 shows your error.
I wouldn't be surprised to find suicides. I mean, some people when they feel rejected think of such. But I probably shouldn't say that because I haven't heard of any particular stories like that. Still, it just stands to reason that you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater (unless the "baby" is a criminal who could harm you or whatever).
Many suicides. In fact one was a nephew of Governing body member Stephen Lett. Watch one of his videos on YouTube. He's a real Bozo.
1Cor 1:10 shows your error.
You're the only one here following men, the 9 bozos of the governing body. One just got kicked out for being a drunk. You really are a pitiful so called Bible scholar. You can't even be honest enough to answer the question why the Jews picked up stones to kill Jesus when He said "Before Abraham was, I Am".
How come Jesus didnt know it-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Your blindness. John 1:1. Revelation 1:8. Revelation 22. John 8:59. Many more that you refuse to open your blind eyes to.
Too hard for you to be honest? I thought you were a Bible scholar?
The whole world saw what an apostate heart is like in Germany yesterday. 5 JW,s dead and one was a pregnant women, the baby died as well. Those kind of hearts are who you are promoting.
You're the only one here following men, the 9 bozos of the governing body. One just got kicked out for being a drunk. You really are a pitiful so called Bible scholar. You can't even be honest enough to answer the question why the Jews picked up stones to kill Jesus when He said "Before Abraham was, I Am".
Ans they said Jesus committed blasphemy--are you agreeing with their assumption? You are promoting it.
The whole world saw what an apostate heart is like in Germany yesterday. 5 JW,s dead and one was a pregnant women, the baby died as well. Those kind of hearts are who you are promoting.
You don't know the definition of apostate. Now you're accusing me of supporting murder. Are you hurting that badly?
Ans they said Jesus committed blasphemy--are you agreeing with their assumption? You are promoting it.
Correct, they were going to stone Jesus for claiming to be Jehovah. You're the one here who agrees with the Pharisees. Not me. Nice try at twisting. You heretics take classes on it.
Correct, they were going to stone Jesus for claiming to be Jehovah. You're the one here who agrees with the Pharisees. Not me. Nice try at twisting. You heretics take classes on it.
You twist it into Jesus saying he was Jehovah just as they did. It is 100% fact-there is no i am that i am in the Hebrew written OT but you would rather believe darkness than check into facts.
You twist it into Jesus saying he was Jehovah just as they did. It is 100% fact-there is no i am that i am in the Hebrew written OT but you would rather believe darkness than check into facts.
Unbelievable. Jesus said He was Jehovah and that's why they were going to kill him. The Pharisees didn't believe Jesus was Jehovah. I'm beginning to see your problem. Reading comprehension.
Unbelievable. Jesus said He was Jehovah and that's why they were going to kill him. The Pharisees didn't believe Jesus was Jehovah. I'm beginning to see your problem. Reading comprehension.
The problem is you are believing the pharisees. You know the ones who sent Gods son to his death.

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