Wave Of Monstrous Anti LGBTQ Legislation Crashing Over Rural America

But sometimes someone gets it wrong when you were born

And what and when was the gender decided?
Well, generally speaking, if the doctor or midwife sees a penis, it’s a boy. But if the doctor or midwife instead sees a vulva, it’s a girl.
And all of that is how this happens.

Anyone with any vestige of sanity or decency ought to know better than to put children under the control of morally fucked-up perverts. But you did it anyway, knowing damn well what the results were likely to be.

The plain and obvious truth is that you care more about pandering to the sick fetishes of such perverts, than you have ever cared about the safety or well-being of children.
Who are you again?

Plain and obvious truth? According to who, you?
Does the doctor see the neurons in the brain at conception? Biologists tell us that the neurons in the brain decide the sex, not dicks and pussies.

No competent doctor nor any other competent biologist, says any such thing.

Not just in humans, but in all forms of life that have a sexual component to their life cycle, sex is entirely about the manner in which one organism combines its DNA with that of another organism of the same species, to create a new, genetically-distinct organism.

And in humans, that involves dicks and pussies (and related equipment), not neurons.

A guy with a dick, and testicles, will never, ever be able to fulfill the female role in the process of combining DNA to create a new human being.
Does the doctor see the neurons in the brain at conception? Biologists tell us that the neurons in the brain decide the sex, not dicks and pussies.
Maybe in your case when your little brain fell out at birth. Other than that, neurons aren’t usually seen at birth.

And biologists don’t tell us that neurons determine sex. A penis or a vulva, however, is a magnificent clue.
Maybe in your case when your little brain fell out at birth. Other than that, neurons aren’t usually seen at birth.

And biologists don’t tell us that neurons determine sex. A penis or a vulva, however, is a magnificent clue.
I'm not talking about birth slick. I'm talking about post #293. It discusses the neurons many months before birth. Try and keep up.

You are looking for an easy way out. I hate to break it to you, but if you can't unravel the puzzle with scientific information, you'll go back to your easy way out of hating what you don't and won't understand.
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I noticed you laughed at post#293 but failed to debate the substance of that very informative post.

Probably because that post contained no actual truth, but a whole lot of anti-scientific bullshit that can only come form a severely disordered mind trying very hard to pretend that it's not seriously disorded.

Are you afraid to debate it, or choose hate in order to ignore the fear?

I choose to believe genuine science, and not the fucked-up mockery of “science” on which you rely.

I choose to believe what I can see, hear, and otherwise observe for myself, over the insane delusions of madmen and perverts.
Yeah, sure, they're perves. Lol. You won't even consider that their own biology forces them to be who they're.

Male and female brains are, on average, slightly different in structure, although there is tremendous individual variability. Several studies have looked for signs that transgender people have brains more similar to their experienced gender. Spanish investigators—led by psychobiologist Antonio Guillamon of the National Distance Education University in Madrid and neuropsychologist Carme Junqué Plaja of the University of Barcelona—used MRI to examine the brains of 24 female-to-males and 18 male-to-females—both before and after treatment with cross-sex hormones. Their results, published in 2013, showed that even before treatment the brain structures of the trans people were more similar in some respects to the brains of their experienced gender than those of their natal gender. For example, the female-to-male subjects had relatively thin subcortical areas (these areas tend to be thinner in men than in women). Male-to-female subjects tended to have thinner cortical regions in the right hemisphere, which is characteristic of a female brain.
https://www.scientificamerican.com/arti ... der-brain/
I'm not talking about birth slick. I'm talking about post #293. It discusses the neurons many months before birth. Try and keep up.
I’m not talking just about birth, either, dullard.

After about 10 weeks of gestation, testes form. In turn, they quickly start secreting testosterone. (I swear; it’s not toxic.)

The testosterone then sends its little chemical agents out to a variety or organs. The brain being big one the list. This influences the ongoing development of the embryo’s sexuality (normally that is male).

There are, as we all know, some breakdowns in the process periodically for some people. But, as I correctly noted, generally the appearance of a penis and scrotum in the newborn accurately tells you it developed into a male.

If the child is born absent a penis and a scrotum with testes, but instead has a vulva, you can pretty well rest assured the child is a girl.

Absent the embryonic formation of testes, there is little testosterone. The biological out of that usually translates into the development of a girl.
I’m not talking just about birth, either, dullard.

After about 10 weeks of gestation, testes form. In turn, they quickly start secreting testosterone. (I swear; it’s not toxic.)

The testosterone then sends its little chemical agents out to a variety or organs. The brain being big one the list. This influences the ongoing development of the embryo’s sexuality (normally that is male).

There are, as we all know, some breakdowns in the process periodically for some people. But, as I correctly noted, generally the appearance of a penis and scrotum in the newborn accurately tells you it developed into a male.

If the child is born absent a penis and a scrotum with testes, but instead has a vulva, you can pretty well rest assured the child is a girl.

Absent the embryonic formation of testes, there is little testosterone. The biological out of that usually translates into the development of a girl.
Sex differences in the developing brain as a source of inherent risk Try expanding your horizons into the unknown. You are still far behind. Reading about scrotums and vulvas is not penetrating the neurology. You seem to be grossley confused and unable to separate the two.

Many brain sex differences are established during critical periods​

Critical periods are defined as developmental windows during which a particular physiological or anatomical end point in the brain is established. Sensitive periods are related to critical periods in that they are times when development can be derailed by external or internal stimuli, such as toxic chemicals or inflammation. The establishment of many sex differences in the brain occurs during a critical period when the brain is sensitive to the internal signal of gonadal steroids that are endogenously generated in males from the fetal testis. Females are also sensitive to testosterone, equally to males, but they normally are not exposed to sufficient testosterone to induce masculinization. We define the onset of the critical period as the time when testosterone production surges in the male testis, which is around embryonic day 16 in mice, day 18 in rats, and at the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester in primates. The offset of the critical period is determined by finding the developmental stage at which females lose sensitivity to exogenous steroid treatment; in other words, they cannot be masculinized. The sensitivity of males to manipulations that deplete steroids or block their action is not a good marker of the end of the sensitive period because of the in utero exposure, which is difficult to cleanly manipulate. Thus, females are an excellent “tool” for determining how long the sensitive window stays open. Evidence suggests that the window closes at different times for different end points (ie, closes early for reproductive versus nonreproductive end points, for instance), although no coherent rules are established. Moreover, an unanswered question is how the critical period window closes. Recent evidence strongly implicates epigenetic changes to the DNA as a means for both closing off the ability to become masculinized and maintaining the masculinization phenotype for at least one neural phenotype and adult behavior.23 Not that any hater would read such literature, but here it is.

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