Way to Go Joe !!

Harris is Bidens insurance against impeachment.

Did you hear Mike?

Joe just sent her to Kiev to chew Putin out after her roaring success at our southern border, and the speech she gave while there she did WEARING A FUCKING MASK.

She looked like Joe's muzzled pet poodle.

What did President Biden not do that he could/should have done to prevent psycho war criminal Putin from invading Ukraine?
When France stepped in to act as some type of mediator gone bad? Yeah, not Biden. Trump would’ve stepped up and held negotiations, actually engaging directly with Putin in dialogue is an effective way to resolve territorial disputes. What did Biden do? He did not step up and left it to France to do the work that is typically done by a leading power in the world. He also sent sanctions that were labeled by the domestic media as “toddler sanctions”. It was of no concern to Putin since he has a build up of a stockpile of funding to cover his buddies targeted. Sanctions hurt innocent workers and consumers, global impact anticipated.

Biden’s handlers have determined where they’ll be in the history books and we’re only a year in; Future historians will ask, “Exactly how stupid WERE world leaders who had world knowledge at their fingertips and advanced technology in 2022?”
When France stepped in to act as some type of mediator gone bad? Yeah, not Biden. Trump would’ve stepped up and held negotiations, actually engaging directly with Putin in dialogue is an effective way to resolve territorial disputes. What did Biden do? He did not step up and left it to France to do the work that is typically done by a leading power in the world. He also sent sanctions that were labeled by the domestic media as “toddler sanctions”. It was of no concern to Putin since he has a build up of a stockpile of funding to cover his buddies targeted. Sanctions hurt innocent workers and consumers, global impact anticipated.

Biden’s handlers have determined where they’ll be in the history books and we’re only a year in; Future historians will ask, “Exactly how stupid WERE world leaders who had world knowledge at their fingertips and advanced technology in 2022?”

Trump held the reins on Nord Stream 2, using sanctions.

First thing Biden did was remove them and kill our energy independence, banning Keystone.
You hate gays. You don't know why, but you hate them.
Putin and Xi have their versions of tolerating. They see us as weaker. We have wasted so much and everything we do is much more expensive. Real war is conquering. Our nation has provided so much to the citizens even with flaws. We have gotten away from it and too much into ourselves. A major party who purposely impoverishes people or makes a good portion of the population poorer telling them to suck it up while they live the life of royalty. One friggin year!
no you are avoiding the thread topic by invoking Trump. Its a typical tactic used by crayon eaters and potato voters.
And Joe? What should he be doing? Exactly! Doing exactly what he is doing right now. And you and Trump? Besides cheering on the opposition, what would you and Trump be doing differently than Joe? I mean, we need a power point presentation on what Biden is doing wrong, or this thread is the joke it was from the beginning?
Putin and Xi have their versions of tolerating. They see us as weaker. We have wasted so much and everything we do is much more expensive. Real war is conquering. Our nation has provided so much to the citizens even with flaws. We have gotten away from it and too much into ourselves. A major party who purposely impoverishes people or makes a good portion of the population poorer telling them to suck it up while they live the life of royalty. One friggin year!
:spinner: :cuckoo: What's this got to do with hating gays?
Trump held the reins on Nord Stream 2, using sanctions.

First thing Biden did was remove them and kill our energy independence, banning Keystone.
Absolutely a huge connection and thank you for bringing it to this discussion PC. Likely the catalyst, at least a huge factor, but I am still learning the history.
You can't win wars without putting boots on the ground.
Boots on the ground for who exactly? Because you know, we have the Trump/Putin fans for Russia, including Trump, and then we have the folks who care about the sovereignty of Ukraine. So, which side are you on?

And by the way, Ukraine is not part of NATO. And it's complicated; How NATO's expansion helped drive Putin to invade Ukraine If they were part of NATO, there is no doubt we would be there, and I would be 100% for it. And I am no war hawk by the way.
What sort of 'scholar' thinks pathetic sanctions are better than real diplomacy? Did any of them mention Biden never bothered to fill the ambassador seat for Ukraine? Who are these idiots and what cereal box did they get their degrees from?
I know a lot of you guys on the right do not like educated people. Thank you for proving this.

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