We are a Nation Divided

The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

Frank, my good man.

When Clinton declared the era of big government over, and then proceeded to make the largest cuts to welfare since its inception, and then proceeded to sell labor down river with NAFTA, one thing became clear: the Reagan Revolution was complete. The old Democratic Party was dead. Their relation to Labor was finally broken; they would now get the bulk of their money from big business. Game over. The Dems became GOP lite, trading their union jack for corporate bling. (follow the money my good sir)

How do we know the Left has left the building? Look at the economic teams of Clinton and Obama. Richard Rubin and Larry Summers are followers of Milton Friedman, i.e., emphatically not of the Left.

Look at the Wall Street bailout. Instead of breaking up too-big-to fail frankensteins (as a real Democrat would have done), Obama merely completed the Bush TARP. Not one person got fired or went to jail for the biggest crimes in American history. Do you know how many trillions the private sector burned in the unregulated derivatives market? Answer: over 100X the amount Fannie and Freddie burned. Your news sources don't cover this stuff because they work for the interests which own both parties. Their job is to distract you with the socialist boogeyman while they loot the treasury.

What about the recent Health Care bill? Surely this is Lefty socialism, right? Nope; instead of unwinding the market distortions introduced by lobbying, Obama is merely handing poor Americans into the jaws of a deeply anti-competitve monopoly.

As for illegal immigration . . .

You don't understand Reagan's vision when he hatched the blue prints for NAFTA (which was finally realized by Clinton). He wanted to open the borders between the U.S. and Mexico so capital could enjoy cheap raw material, zero regulations, and cheap labor markets.

Once you understand the thirst for cheap labor at the heart of Reagan's neoliberalism, you will understand the truth behind the illegal immigration issue.

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," Ronald Reagan said in 1984.

Ronald Wilson Reagan is the king of Amnesty for all time; just ask Mexicans who entered this country illegally prior to 1982. Study history.

(Frank, my dear good man, you've been lied to by talk radio and FOX news. Your party opens the borders for profit, then they complain about illegals for votes. They give the capitalist his labor, then they use those same illegals to scare people into the voting booth. Same thing with deficits. When your party is in power, they create bigger deficits than anyone -- then when they're out of power, they use those same deficits to scare you into the voting booth (so they can get back in power in order to rob you all over again). It's a game my good sir. It's a terrible, terrible game. You are being played.)

It's called the Reagan Shuffle. In the front of the house you drape yourself in a flag and claim to be protecting the nation from terrorism, while in the back you sell weapons to Iran. In the front of the house you complain about Communist China, while in the back you build your economy around cheap Chinese goods. Do you know what makes terrorist petro states stronger than anything else? The American Lifestyle, which consumes more oil than any other thing on God's green earth by a factor that would melt your brain. The U.S. doesn't consume more oil by accident. It consumes more oil because of political decisions, many of which go back to Reagan and the special interests which put him in power.

It's a game and the poor right wing voter has been so terribly, terribly played.
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The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

Frank, my good man.

When Clinton declared the era of big government over, and then proceeded to make the largest cuts to welfare since its inception, and then proceeded to sell labor down river with NAFTA, one thing became clear: the Reagan Revolution was complete. The old Democratic Party was dead. Their relation to Labor was finally broken; they would now get the bulk of their money from big business. Game over. The Dems became GOP lite, trading their union jack for corporate bling. (follow the money my good sir)

How do we know the Left has left the building? Look at the economic teams of Clinton and Obama. Richard Rubin and Larry Summers are followers of Milton Friedman, i.e., emphatically not of the Left.

Look at the Wall Street bailout. Instead of breaking up too-big-to fail frankensteins (as a real Democrat would have done), Obama merely completed the Bush TARP. Not one person got fired or went to jail for the biggest crimes in American history. Do you know how many trillions the private sector burned in the unregulated derivatives market? Answer: over 100X the amount Fannie and Freddie burned. Your news sources don't cover this stuff because they work for the interests which own both parties. Their job is to distract you with the socialist boogeyman while they loot the treasury.

What about the recent Health Care bill? Surely this is Lefty socialism, right? Nope; instead of unwinding the market distortions introduced by lobbying, Obama is merely handing poor Americans into the jaws of a deeply anti-competitve monopoly.

As for illegal immigration . . .

You don't understand Reagan's vision when he hatched the blue prints for NAFTA (which was finally realized by Clinton). He wanted to open the borders between the U.S. and Mexico so capital could enjoy cheap raw material, zero regulations, and cheap labor markets.

Once you understand the thirst for cheap labor at the heart of Reagan's neoliberalism, you will understand the truth behind the illegal immigration issue.

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," Ronald Reagan said in 1984.

Ronald Wilson Reagan is the king of Amnesty for all time; just ask Mexicans who entered this country illegally prior to 1982. Study history.

(Frank, my dear good man, you've been lied to by talk radio and FOX news. Your party opens the borders for profit, then they complain about illegals for votes. They give the capitalist his labor, then they use those same illegals to scare people into the voting booth. Same thing with deficits. When your party is in power, they create bigger deficits than anyone -- then when they're out of power, they use those same deficits to scare you into the voting booth (so they can get back in power in order to rob you all over again). It's a game my good sir. It's a terrible, terrible game. You are being played.)

It's called the Reagan Shuffle. In the front of the house you drape yourself in a flag and claim to be protecting the nation from terrorism, while in the back you sell weapons to Iran. In the front of the house you complain about Communist China, while in the back you build your economy around cheap Chinese goods. Do you know what makes terrorist petro states stronger than anything else? The American Lifestyle, which consumes more oil than any other thing on God's green earth by a factor that would melt your brain. The U.S. doesn't consume more oil by accident. It consumes more oil because of political decisions, many of which go back to Reagan and the special interests which put him in power.

It's a game and the poor right wing voter has been so terribly, terribly played.

And so has the left. Obama and the Dems have been busy putting our oil and coal off limits so we're more and more dependent on our enemies for oil.

I don't see you complaining about that.....so until you do STFU.
The difference between now and the 60's is that the drama queens have an easier way to congregate over the internet about how their way of life is being utterly destroyed by the evil opposition and instead of getting off of their fat sloppy asses as if they were serious, 90% of them just whine in internet threads and give each other "rep" and Borat "high fiiive!"

Do we have the right to a southern border and an American cultural identity?

Sure we have a right to a Southern border. The cultural identity thing? That's bunk.

But you're definitely one of those key-board commandoes I'm referencing. If you honestly feel the Country is sinking and being taken over by teh evull lubbrul commies, and the extent of your response is protest on teh internetz, then you need to reevaluate the "convictions" of your positions..............and downgrade your passion to "I luvs me arguments on tah net." .......from "Conservative Patriot," as I'm sure you see yourself. :lol:
If you think we are divided now...

Wait till it turns out that Obama was born in Kenya
Wait till Obama rounds up everyones guns
Wait till Obama institutes Socialism
Wait till Obama tears down the border fences and grands open amnesty

Things are going to get much worse

Hopefully someone will have a smoking gun before this happens!!
The difference between now and the 60's is that the drama queens have an easier way to congregate over the internet about how their way of life is being utterly destroyed by the evil opposition and instead of getting off of their fat sloppy asses as if they were serious, 90% of them just whine in internet threads and give each other "rep" and Borat "high fiiive!"

Do we have the right to a southern border and an American cultural identity?

Sure we have a right to a Southern border. The cultural identity thing? That's bunk.

But you're definitely one of those key-board commandoes I'm referencing. If you honestly feel the Country is sinking and being taken over by teh evull lubbrul commies, and the extent of your response is protest on teh internetz, then you need to reevaluate the "convictions" of your positions..............and downgrade your passion to "I luvs me arguments on tah net." .......from "Conservative Patriot," as I'm sure you see yourself. :lol:

I think you're making some unfair assumptions.

But regardless.....I feel the best form of protest is with your vote.
The difference between now and the 60's is that the drama queens have an easier way to congregate over the internet about how their way of life is being utterly destroyed by the evil opposition and instead of getting off of their fat sloppy asses as if they were serious, 90% of them just whine in internet threads and give each other "rep" and Borat "high fiiive!"

Do we have the right to a southern border and an American cultural identity?

Sure we have a right to a Southern border. The cultural identity thing? That's bunk.

But you're definitely one of those key-board commandoes I'm referencing. If you honestly feel the Country is sinking and being taken over by teh evull lubbrul commies, and the extent of your response is protest on teh internetz, then you need to reevaluate the "convictions" of your positions..............and downgrade your passion to "I luvs me arguments on tah net." .......from "Conservative Patriot," as I'm sure you see yourself. :lol:
Border ?
Por favor !


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It's clear we no longer share the same values including the most basic notion of what it means to be a nation. We are only arguing about the degree and speed of the death spiral we are in as a nation.

The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

There's no compromising, there's no room for negotiating; one group must win the other must Unconditionally Surrender.

I love the way you guys CONSTANTLY forget that the REPULICANS have also signed off on allowing illegals into this nation.

How convenient for you guys that you pretend to forget even recent history.

This isn't a R or D probkem, this is an INSIDER problem.

And YOU people who think you're conservatives aren't on THAT TEAM neither am I.

Time to wake and smell the duelopolistic conspiracy against the nation we both love, lad.
I think you're making some unfair assumptions.

But regardless.....I feel the best form of protest is with your vote.

That's where I have to wonder about your guys' uh....<conviction, organizational skills, leadership qualities, and man-hood>

Let me explain why I wonder about each:

Conviction: I hear a whole lot of talk, and not a lot of action. In fact, your anti-Clinton sentiments and how George Bush was a Liberal in disguise should have rallied your base ten-fold in 2008, and also in 2006. What happened? Where's your conviction?

Organizational Skills: If you feel that "the vote" is where Conservatism will reign, than how come, if it's the "best way forward" for our Country, and you feel that most "Real Americans(sic)" agree, you can't pull it together and get a butt-load of Conservatives elected, EVER? And while we're at it, where ARE all these mythical Conservatives, that somehow allowed Moderate Republicans to stand idly by as the Gubbamint moved left-ward?

Leadership Qualities: If conservatism is common sense and the true way forward, it sure lacks the leadership to bring us toward its goals. The Government gets bigger and bigger...................I have to wonder: If conservative leaders are so great and effective, than how come they can't really do shit about shit? How did they let the Country get "taken over" by the "other side," if they're so fucking effective and great leaders?

Manhood: If the votes aren't working, and uh...they're not which is apparent by how "leftward" the Government's been going for 30+ years................and you REALLY FEEL the Government Liberals are EVIL LEFTIST SOCIALISTS, WITH COMMUNIST CZARS WANTING TO DESTROY YOUR FREEDOMS!, then where's your fucking fight? Seriously>? Cuz the "Vote" works so good for you? It's proven effective? If Conservatives in the 1700's were anything like you pussies, we'd be kneeling to the crown because after-all, guys like "The T" feel our Government is tyrranical. You can't really "vote out" tyranny.......but I guess Internet photo shops and bullying "teh libruls" is uber effective!
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Do we have the right to a southern border and an American cultural identity?

Sure we have a right to a Southern border. The cultural identity thing? That's bunk.

But you're definitely one of those key-board commandoes I'm referencing. If you honestly feel the Country is sinking and being taken over by teh evull lubbrul commies, and the extent of your response is protest on teh internetz, then you need to reevaluate the "convictions" of your positions..............and downgrade your passion to "I luvs me arguments on tah net." .......from "Conservative Patriot," as I'm sure you see yourself. :lol:
Border ?
Por favor !

Go to JC Penny's and try to buy something with it. Por Favor.
It's clear we no longer share the same values including the most basic notion of what it means to be a nation. We are only arguing about the degree and speed of the death spiral we are in as a nation.

The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

There's no compromising, there's no room for negotiating; one group must win the other must Unconditionally Surrender.

I love the way you guys CONSTANTLY forget that the REPULICANS have also signed off on allowing illegals into this nation.

How convenient for you guys that you pretend to forget even recent history.

This isn't a R or D probkem, this is an INSIDER problem.

And YOU people who think you're conservatives aren't on THAT TEAM neither am I.

Time to wake and smell the duelopolistic conspiracy against the nation we both love, lad.

Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ), what Party does she represent?

Reagan analogy = epic fail

CA wasn't going bankrupt at the time
Didn't Reagan sign an amnesty law in 1986?

Doesn't seem that new to me.

Has NOTHING to so with AZ taking a stand to enforce the borders NOTHING!

And has even less than nothing to do with Progressives (including Dubya and Juan McCain) that are erasing the border

But it does have quite a bit to do with you claiming that this is a "new" thing. This has been a firebrand issue for a hundred years. This is NOT a "new" thing.

We have a Conservative Republican border state Governor who has taken a stand. That's new! Surely, even a Progressive can recognize that!
Nope, the Tea Party protesters, many of them, are bad people. However, they are flatly not as bad as the New Lefties of the Sixties. The Tea Party is a spent force and will recede by election day and disappear thereafter.

You're a bad person. You're a Saboteur, a Fraud, a Phony.

But I owe you, because I have decided to get involved in local politics to make sure evil lying cocksuckers like you are outed.
It's clear we no longer share the same values including the most basic notion of what it means to be a nation. We are only arguing about the degree and speed of the death spiral we are in as a nation.

The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

There's no compromising, there's no room for negotiating; one group must win the other must Unconditionally Surrender.

"There's no compromising, there's no room for negotiating; one group must win the other must Unconditionally Surrender."

fuk you , areshole

unless you are suggesting violence (killing liberals) there is NOTHing you can do about it.

you might win some politicial battles but until you resort to MURDER there is NO WAY you can stop us from promoting our beliefs

scumbag moron jrkoff nazu bastard....

are YOU willing to resort to violence?

are you actually willing to start killing liberals?


shut the fuk up scumbag

First, go find the nurse on your floor and admit you only pretended to take your meds.

Second, we have a border state Governor who has taken a stand for our Sovereignty and it's interesting to see who supports her and our ability to have a border, a nation and a culture and who is against it.

Third, you have to stop listening to the voices in your head, I did not advocate killing anyone. Maybe you and Modbert can have a CrusaderFrank Evil Nazi Child Killer Circle Jerk Party.
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It's clear we no longer share the same values including the most basic notion of what it means to be a nation. We are only arguing about the degree and speed of the death spiral we are in as a nation.

The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

There's no compromising, there's no room for negotiating; one group must win the other must Unconditionally Surrender.

And destined to continue falling.
It's clear we no longer share the same values including the most basic notion of what it means to be a nation. We are only arguing about the degree and speed of the death spiral we are in as a nation.

The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

There's no compromising, there's no room for negotiating; one group must win the other must Unconditionally Surrender.

...and it's only gotten worse since then

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