We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

One thing I learned from college....you have to put in the work by yourself.
You can't just show up and pass.
I passed a few classes with a D just because I showed up, cared, tried, begged and did the best I could.

Not the end of the world if you are horrible at one subject. Foreign languages, math, science
I passed a few classes with a D just because I showed up, cared, tried, begged and did the best I could.

Not the end of the world if you are horrible at one subject. Foreign languages, math, science
My only problem has been math.
Once they invented the calculator that problem went away.
I always hated long division.
Most of the time an education just makes you less sociable and more of a dick.
Only in the eyes of less educated people.

High intelligence can be isolating, people don't get allusions and jokes....this can make one reluctant to socialize...

But I have several high iq high achieving friends of long standing - one is kinda crazed, but a load of fun, the others are interesting, generous and incredibly loyal. Because I was the last to breed in my cohort, and had no good parenting models, I used them because they raised great kids.
Social media users have been sharing a photograph of four men golfing and claiming that it shows Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden with the CEO of Burisma, a holding company operating in the Ukrainian natural gas market. This claim is false

I'm convinced....thanks.

Do you deny that Devin Archer is in his picture?
My only problem has been math.
Once they invented the calculator that problem went away.
I always hated long division.

I am clearly dumb when it comes to math. You know how most of you have memorized what is 7 x 7 or 6 x 8 to where the number just pops in your head? Not me. If you ask me 7 x 8 I have to say in my head (7x7 is 49 56). My brain will not allow me to remember 7x8 is 56. Am I retarded? In math, yes.

Also I'm greek and I have lived among greeks my whole life. I should speak better greek. I should know how to speak greek. It's fucking sad I can't.

But it makes me feel better when I see my nephews and niece can't speak very well either. We're in America. We speak American. My sister in laws had 2 Greek parents. No shit they speak it well. Even my nephews who have a father who's from Greece and their mother speaks it fluently, they don't speak it that well. It takes a lot.
I am clearly dumb when it comes to math. You know how most of you have memorized what is 7 x 7 or 6 x 8 to where the number just pops in your head? Not me. If you ask me 7 x 8 I have to say in my head (7x7 is 49 56). My brain will not allow me to remember 7x8 is 56. Am I retarded? In math, yes.

Also I'm greek and I have lived among greeks my whole life. I should speak better greek. I should know how to speak greek. It's fucking sad I can't.

But it makes me feel better when I see my nephews and niece can't speak very well either. We're in America. We speak American. My sister in laws had 2 Greek parents. No shit they speak it well. Even my nephews who have a father who's from Greece and their mother speaks it fluently, they don't speak it that well. It takes a lot.
It's like any language. You have to use it or lose it.

I learned Morse Code in the Army. It got to the point I was doing it in my sleep. When copying code I would be writing 3 letters behind what I was hearing because my understanding was faster than my writing skills. That's because I wasn't thinking of translation but just knowing what the letter was without having to visualize it in my head. The sounds themselves were the letters.
I spent 6 months 6 hrs a day practicing code before I even started doing anything else in my job classification. I got so fast that it was difficult for the guys in the commo shed to understand my transmissions. The way they improved our speed was by sending code into a tape recorder, and then playing it back to ourselves and trying to copy it on paper.

Same goes with any language. Sometimes you know what the next word is because you've heard the phrase so many times. It makes it faster. And when you get so you're thinking in Greek, or whatever language you're hearing, then you're comprehension speed goes into warp drive. If you want to learn a language, read it on a tape recorder and then play it back to make sure you're saying it correctly. Practice communicating only in one language as often as possible. If you don't, you'll forget it.
It's like any language. You have to use it or lose it.

I learned Morse Code in the Army. It got to the point I was doing it in my sleep. When copying code I would be writing 3 letters behind what I was hearing because my understanding was faster than my writing skills. That's because I wasn't thinking of translation but just knowing what the letter was without having to visualize it in my head. The sounds themselves were the letters.
I spent 6 months 6 hrs a day practicing code before I even started doing anything else in my job classification. I got so fast that it was difficult for the guys in the commo shed to understand my transmissions. The way they improved our speed was by sending code into a tape recorder, and then playing it back to ourselves and trying to copy it on paper.

Same goes with any language. Sometimes you know what the next word is because you've heard the phrase so many times. It makes it faster. And when you get so you're thinking in Greek, or whatever language you're hearing, then you're comprehension speed goes into warp drive. If you want to learn a language, read it on a tape recorder and then play it back to make sure you're saying it correctly. Practice communicating only in one language as often as possible. If you don't, you'll forget it.
One girl suggested I change my TV to Greek and the subtitles English. That way I can hear what they are saying and read what they are saying. Which is kind of what I do when someone says something to me in greek. I turn to my brother or sister in law as if they are my closed caption. "what did she just say?" If I could listen to them fluidly speaking Greek and I can read what's being said in real time, I think I would pick it up in no time.

I would also like to get english closed caption for telemundo. Those shows seem crazy fun. Wish I knew what they were saying

If you say so.

The only Republicans who want him to go away are the Republicans that conspired with the Democrats against us.

You need to talk to more Republicans. Many of them are ashamed of their own party. It's not a war. It's a betrayal. And the only reason you don't object to your party is because you'll settle for anything. You actually feel great about the fact that they are willing to do anything, break any law, to win in elections. It's not cheating as long as the election can never be reversed. You're probably one of those that felt that non-vaxxers should have been shunned or thrown in jail because you believed we are a threat to your safety.

You probably believe that men can be pregnant....that white people are ganging up on blacks all over our blue cities....and causing riots in Paris, London, other European cities. All of those dark skinned migrants from African countries are really just White Supremacists.

Here is proof that the RINO argument is bullshit.

Lindsay Graham is the king of RINO's right? Yet he tried to help Trump steal the election.

Here is proof that the RINO argument is bullshit.

Lindsay Graham is the king of RINO's right? Yet he tried to help Trump steal the election.

Lindsay Graham is dirtbag who is burning the candle at both ends.
He acts like he's rational but then when he doesn't think the cameras are rolling, he's saying some pretty revealing stuff.
Lindsay has taken over John McCain's role overseas. He's arming terrorists and creating one armed conflict after another. They help create these wars and, then the instability it causes creates these massive migrations of millions of people escaping to the Western world. It's a UN program. That's why we have so many migrants moving to Europe and the US. Because of all of the wars and armed conflicts these people are creating in Libya, Syria, Sudan, Bosnia, Ukraine, Central America, Venezuela, Columbia, Brazil, take your pick. It's a reset designed to destroy countries and create a new world government.
Pretty obvious this was a systemic problem within the casino.
do you really think Trump knew all the intricate details within that business? or that he set them up to cheat the customers?

He took financial responsibility for his employee's actions. He did the right thing.
On every topic you take the leftist position, you are fooling no one. we know who and what you are.
Ok. What are my positions on immigration, race, health care, corporate taxation, identity politics, abortion and guns?


Seven (7) issues right there. You must know. You say I "take the leftist position" on every topic. Tell me.

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do you really think Trump knew all the intricate details within that business? or that he set them up to cheat the customers?

He took financial responsibility for his employee's actions. He did the right thing.
If it was systemic he knew about it.
Lindsay Graham is dirtbag who is burning the candle at both ends.
He acts like he's rational but then when he doesn't think the cameras are rolling, he's saying some pretty revealing stuff.
Lindsay has taken over John McCain's role overseas. He's arming terrorists and creating one armed conflict after another. They help create these wars and, then the instability it causes creates these massive migrations of millions of people escaping to the Western world. It's a UN program. That's why we have so many migrants moving to Europe and the US. Because of all of the wars and armed conflicts these people are creating in Libya, Syria, Sudan, Bosnia, Ukraine, Central America, Venezuela, Columbia, Brazil, take your pick. It's a reset designed to destroy countries and create a new world government.
Good read.. Makes sense.
Ok. What are my positions on immigration, race, health care, corporate taxation, identity politics, abortion and guns?


Seven (7) issues right there. You must know. You say I "take the leftist position" on every topic. Tell me.

All of your positions are leftist.
It's a surprise when you say something that isn't based on that ideology.
You also use words and phrases that every leftist uses here.
You call us rubes and cult members, right out of the Deep State playbook.
Here is proof that the RINO argument is bullshit.

Lindsay Graham is the king of RINO's right? Yet he tried to help Trump steal the election.

Nobody tried to help Trump steal an election.
Trump was winning when they shut everything down to reprogram the count.
All of the sudden Trump votes became Biden votes.
Some of the vote swapping was recorded live and is showing up in videos online.
Lindsay isn't a friend of Trump. He just tries to sound like one.
He's what we would call a double-agent in the military.
A mole.
I notice you didn't answers any of those questions either.

So tell me: What are my positions on immigration, race, health care, corporate taxation, identity politics, abortion and guns?

Come on, Einstein. List them out for me. Let's go. Man up and back up your words.
I notice that you pull this every time.
You expect everyone to be able to repeat your posts word for word.
We all know where you come from by reading your posts.
So man up and admit what you are or STFU.

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