We are not a banana republic.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
We are not a banana republic.
Obama politicized the DOJ, FBI and the IRS
The FBI is supposed to be protecting the public.
It's not supposed to be the secret police for the Corrupt Democratic Party.

Trump slams former intel chief Clapper: ‘Lying machine’
Trump: “He(Clapper) is a lying machine who now works for Fake News CNN.”
“Clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the ‘dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper,’” the report said.
Trump is 100% correct
Clapper + Tapper = Fake News

At this point, you must realize that the FBI was politicized oh so many years ago when Reagan was in office..Notice the end of sting undercover operations? The apparent lack of care when an official broke the law because of being covered, included presidents..The changing of our laws by both Dems and Repubs to favor the illegal immigrant/refugee. The laws after 9/11 which allow the populace to be spied upon and using high tech tools and devices spy on us in our homes and what we say on the internet and our phones.
Trump I bet is not clean and has been playing the edges well, so far but they are getting frazzled...I believe all in power to be unscrupulous at this time in history. You don't know who to trust..
If Trump is successful in his endeavor to use the Justice Department to punish his political opponents we will be.

The pals of Obama already succeeded in doing the same to IRS.

Really? Show us that report that says what happened with the IRS was Obama punishing his political opponents.

Are you saying that not granting your political opponents tax-exempt status is not punishing political opponents?

I am sorry, this is so cut and dry. I am not even going to bother. I must be talking to a retard.

"In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. This led to wide condemnation of the agency and triggered several investigations, including a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal probe ordered by United States Attorney General Eric Holder."

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

This should be the definition of targeting your political opponents and having different rules for them.
If Trump is successful in his endeavor to use the Justice Department to punish his political opponents we will be.

The pals of Obama already succeeded in doing the same to IRS.

Really? Show us that report that says what happened with the IRS was Obama punishing his political opponents.

Are you saying that not granting your political opponents tax-exempt status is not punishing political opponents?

I am sorry, this is so cut and dry. I am not even going to bother. I must be talking to a retard.

"In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. This led to wide condemnation of the agency and triggered several investigations, including a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal probe ordered by United States Attorney General Eric Holder."

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

This should be the definition of targeting your political opponents and having different rules for them.

You are living in a Fox created bubble where the actual facts don't penetrate.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

What is new now? The original claim was that the filters that the IRS's tax-exempt organizations unit had used were biased against right-wing groups. Now, it turns out that even that was not true. In addition to keywords like "tea party," the unit was also looking for words like "occupy," "progressive," and "green energy."

Actually, that information is not new. We have known for years that the IRS was using both left- and right-oriented search terms, but this report provides exhaustive documentation of that fact.

As tax professor Philip Hackney points out, the non-scandal was always a two-part story: (1) the IRS targeted right-wing groups for extra scrutiny, and (2) the Obama Administration had ordered them to do so.

We never had any proof that the second part was true. Indeed, as I argued all along, it would amount to political malpractice for the Obama people to engage in that kind of dirty trick, because it was so pointless. "We're going to win by having the IRS slow down tax-exempt status applications from tiny local Tea Party groups, none of which have enough money to tax in the first place."

Now, we have proof that the first prong of the non-scandal was never true. The IRS did use politically-oriented search terms to try to sort through applicants for inappropriate levels of political activity, but it did not do so on a partisan or ideological basis. And even so, they stopped using those search terms, in an effort to avoid even the appearance of political intent in their reviews.

Will this stop the Republicans? Of course not.

Liberal groups got IRS scrutiny, too, inspector general suggests
We sure as hell acted like a banana republic under that asshole Obama when he used the government for political pressure.IRS, EPA, Justice Department, FBI, CIA. That cooruption we saw from that Obama asshole was big time banana republic.

Imagine letting that corrupt Crooked Hillary off the hook because of "no intent" because she was the Democrat Party's Presidential candidate. That is stuff banana republics are made of. Using the IRS to curtail a grassroots political movement. Using NASA and NOAA to lie about the AGW scam. Using the FBI to spy on political opponents. Obama's list is a mile long.
Very few citizens are apolitical. One can not expect individuals in our democratic republic to not hold opinions which put them in the set of a Republican, a Democrat, a Green, Libertarian, Independent or other such organization.

Sworn Law Enforcement personnel in the Federal Government, and in State and local government agencies, all take the oath to support and defend The Constitution, and the polices and laws promulgated by their federal, state or local government agency.

Are some bad apples? Sure, but these exist in every large group of human beings. No surprise there, but they are a small minority.and usually don't last before they become toxic to the agency and thus the community. Holding political opinions are not examples of bad apples, unless it impacts negatively policy or law.
If Trump is successful in his endeavor to use the Justice Department to punish his political opponents we will be.

The pals of Obama already succeeded in doing the same to IRS.

Really? Show us that report that says what happened with the IRS was Obama punishing his political opponents.

Are you saying that not granting your political opponents tax-exempt status is not punishing political opponents?

I am sorry, this is so cut and dry. I am not even going to bother. I must be talking to a retard.

"In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. This led to wide condemnation of the agency and triggered several investigations, including a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal probe ordered by United States Attorney General Eric Holder."

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

This should be the definition of targeting your political opponents and having different rules for them.

You are living in a Fox created bubble where the actual facts don't penetrate.

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

What is new now? The original claim was that the filters that the IRS's tax-exempt organizations unit had used were biased against right-wing groups. Now, it turns out that even that was not true. In addition to keywords like "tea party," the unit was also looking for words like "occupy," "progressive," and "green energy."

Actually, that information is not new. We have known for years that the IRS was using both left- and right-oriented search terms, but this report provides exhaustive documentation of that fact.

As tax professor Philip Hackney points out, the non-scandal was always a two-part story: (1) the IRS targeted right-wing groups for extra scrutiny, and (2) the Obama Administration had ordered them to do so.

We never had any proof that the second part was true. Indeed, as I argued all along, it would amount to political malpractice for the Obama people to engage in that kind of dirty trick, because it was so pointless. "We're going to win by having the IRS slow down tax-exempt status applications from tiny local Tea Party groups, none of which have enough money to tax in the first place."

Now, we have proof that the first prong of the non-scandal was never true. The IRS did use politically-oriented search terms to try to sort through applicants for inappropriate levels of political activity, but it did not do so on a partisan or ideological basis. And even so, they stopped using those search terms, in an effort to avoid even the appearance of political intent in their reviews.

Will this stop the Republicans? Of course not.

Liberal groups got IRS scrutiny, too, inspector general suggests

Yea, Obama investigated his own administration's corruption and they absolves themselves of any wrong doing.....aaaamazinggg
We are not a banana republic.
Obama politicized the DOJ, FBI and the IRS
The FBI is supposed to be protecting the public.
It's not supposed to be the secret police for the Corrupt Democratic Party.

The FBI has been used by the government against political opponents ever since it was created. How do you think Hoover managed to stay in charge for 40 years? He had dirt on everyone in D.C. that would have destroyed them had he exposed it, so they left him alone.
We pretty much are at this point, lol. The US is a joke internationally. Even at home, most are realizing that it going back toward the robber baron era in terms of wealth disparity.
We pretty much are at this point, lol. The US is a joke internationally. Even at home, most are realizing that it going back toward the robber baron era in terms of wealth disparity.

It was a joke in the past how easy it was to take advantage of the Americans. Now the international community is having a fake laughter, but in the backroom where it has been realized that the population of US can no longer be used for their goals...the tune is entirely different.

They are hoping that by mocking enough they will get a result they desire in a last ditch attempt of reverse psychology. It won't work...
We pretty much are at this point, lol. The US is a joke internationally. Even at home, most are realizing that it going back toward the robber baron era in terms of wealth disparity.

It was a joke in the past how easy it was to take advantage of the Americans. Now the international community is having a fake laughter, but in the backroom where it has been realized that the population of US can no longer be used for their goals...the tune is entirely different.

They are hoping that by mocking enough they will get a result they desire in a last ditch attempt of reverse psychology. It won't work...

Actually it's a lot less complicated than that. They now view the U.S. as unstable and are looking to distance themselves from us. Before, we were a flawed yet reliable partner.
We pretty much are at this point, lol. The US is a joke internationally. Even at home, most are realizing that it going back toward the robber baron era in terms of wealth disparity.

It was a joke in the past how easy it was to take advantage of the Americans. Now the international community is having a fake laughter, but in the backroom where it has been realized that the population of US can no longer be used for their goals...the tune is entirely different.

They are hoping that by mocking enough they will get a result they desire in a last ditch attempt of reverse psychology. It won't work...

Actually it's a lot less complicated than that. They now view the U.S. as unstable and are looking to distance themselves from us. Before, we were a flawed yet reliable partner.

If they want to distance themselves, why are they always whinng and trying to become as involved as possible?

Oh of course, because that's the last thing they want to do. Anything is better than distance, they rely on the US in so many ways. This reality bust be difficult for someone not living in reality (such as a leftist) to face .

And that's fine, but no longer will Americans be used.
We pretty much are at this point, lol. The US is a joke internationally. Even at home, most are realizing that it going back toward the robber baron era in terms of wealth disparity.

It was a joke in the past how easy it was to take advantage of the Americans. Now the international community is having a fake laughter, but in the backroom where it has been realized that the population of US can no longer be used for their goals...the tune is entirely different.

They are hoping that by mocking enough they will get a result they desire in a last ditch attempt of reverse psychology. It won't work...

Actually it's a lot less complicated than that. They now view the U.S. as unstable and are looking to distance themselves from us. Before, we were a flawed yet reliable partner.

If they want to distance themselves, why are they always whinng and trying to become as involved as possible?

Oh of course, because that's the last thing they want to do. Anything is better than distance, they rely on the US in so many ways. This reality bust be difficult for someone not living in reality (such as a leftist) to face .

And that's fine, but no longer will Americans be used.

Because over the years Europeans have come to rely upon the U.S. It will take some time for them to become untangled.

Of course, I don't know why I'm bothering to try to talk to a Trump supporter, AKA a person who only understands childish insults and conspiracy theories. I really should know better by now.
We pretty much are at this point, lol. The US is a joke internationally. Even at home, most are realizing that it going back toward the robber baron era in terms of wealth disparity.

It was a joke in the past how easy it was to take advantage of the Americans. Now the international community is having a fake laughter, but in the backroom where it has been realized that the population of US can no longer be used for their goals...the tune is entirely different.

They are hoping that by mocking enough they will get a result they desire in a last ditch attempt of reverse psychology. It won't work...

Actually it's a lot less complicated than that. They now view the U.S. as unstable and are looking to distance themselves from us. Before, we were a flawed yet reliable partner.

If they want to distance themselves, why are they always whinng and trying to become as involved as possible?

Oh of course, because that's the last thing they want to do. Anything is better than distance, they rely on the US in so many ways. This reality bust be difficult for someone not living in reality (such as a leftist) to face .

And that's fine, but no longer will Americans be used.

Because over the years Europeans have come to rely upon the U.S. It will take some time for them to become untangled.

Of course, I don't know why I'm bothering to try to talk to a Trump supporter, AKA a person who only understands childish insults and conspiracy theories. I really should know better by now.

Whew, it did not take long to resort to projection. It's only you who talks about crazy Russian conspiracy theories. Flat earthists look good in comparison. The childish insults you lay could be world's better though.

Europe will never be untangled from the USA. In many ways they are in an even bigger swamp. You pulled the whole thing right out of your ass, as expected. Right now they are terrified of even the slightest tariff's and you actually think they will become untangled. Hilariously stupid assessment indeed.
We pretty much are at this point, lol. The US is a joke internationally. Even at home, most are realizing that it going back toward the robber baron era in terms of wealth disparity.

It was a joke in the past how easy it was to take advantage of the Americans. Now the international community is having a fake laughter, but in the backroom where it has been realized that the population of US can no longer be used for their goals...the tune is entirely different.

They are hoping that by mocking enough they will get a result they desire in a last ditch attempt of reverse psychology. It won't work...

Actually it's a lot less complicated than that. They now view the U.S. as unstable and are looking to distance themselves from us. Before, we were a flawed yet reliable partner.

If they want to distance themselves, why are they always whinng and trying to become as involved as possible?

Oh of course, because that's the last thing they want to do. Anything is better than distance, they rely on the US in so many ways. This reality bust be difficult for someone not living in reality (such as a leftist) to face .

And that's fine, but no longer will Americans be used.

Because over the years Europeans have come to rely upon the U.S. It will take some time for them to become untangled.

Of course, I don't know why I'm bothering to try to talk to a Trump supporter, AKA a person who only understands childish insults and conspiracy theories. I really should know better by now.

Whew, it did not take long to resort to projection. It's only you who talks about crazy Russian conspiracy theories. Flat earthists look good in comparison.

Europe will never be untangled from the USA. In many ways they are in an even bigger swamp. You pulled the whole thing right out of your ass, as expected.

I actually don't talk about collusion at all because I don't believe it exists. But nice of you to assume my views on things while being completely incorrect. It really helps me justify ignoring/questioning the veracity of anything you say going forward.

I'm just referencing what European leaders have been saying. Unless, of course, they are lying, in your view. But in the world of the Trump supporter, everyone is a prolific liar except for Trump, who, in reality, lies more than anyone.
It was a joke in the past how easy it was to take advantage of the Americans. Now the international community is having a fake laughter, but in the backroom where it has been realized that the population of US can no longer be used for their goals...the tune is entirely different.

They are hoping that by mocking enough they will get a result they desire in a last ditch attempt of reverse psychology. It won't work...

Actually it's a lot less complicated than that. They now view the U.S. as unstable and are looking to distance themselves from us. Before, we were a flawed yet reliable partner.

If they want to distance themselves, why are they always whinng and trying to become as involved as possible?

Oh of course, because that's the last thing they want to do. Anything is better than distance, they rely on the US in so many ways. This reality bust be difficult for someone not living in reality (such as a leftist) to face .

And that's fine, but no longer will Americans be used.

Because over the years Europeans have come to rely upon the U.S. It will take some time for them to become untangled.

Of course, I don't know why I'm bothering to try to talk to a Trump supporter, AKA a person who only understands childish insults and conspiracy theories. I really should know better by now.

Whew, it did not take long to resort to projection. It's only you who talks about crazy Russian conspiracy theories. Flat earthists look good in comparison.

Europe will never be untangled from the USA. In many ways they are in an even bigger swamp. You pulled the whole thing right out of your ass, as expected.

I actually don't talk about collusion at all because I don't believe it exists. But nice of you to assume my views on things while being completely incorrect. It really helps me justify ignoring the veracity of anything you say going forward.

I'm just referencing what European leaders have been saying. Unless, of course, they are lying, in your view. But in the world of the Trump supporter, everyone is a prolific liar except for Trump, who, in reality, lies more than anyone.

Cut the crap, you yourself just assumed I was a conspiracy theorists without any evidence. I will talk about as much crap about you as I desire after such lack of respect.

No, you didn't reference what Europeans leaders have been saying. You referenced the shit that is coming out of your ass and are pretending it came out of the mouth's of European leadership. Right now European leadership is doing everything possible to see that the tariff's don't go through. Merkel visited white house to negotiate such. This is not what we call distance, but a desperate move for the exact opposite.

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