We are not a banana republic.

Actually it's a lot less complicated than that. They now view the U.S. as unstable and are looking to distance themselves from us. Before, we were a flawed yet reliable partner.

If they want to distance themselves, why are they always whinng and trying to become as involved as possible?

Oh of course, because that's the last thing they want to do. Anything is better than distance, they rely on the US in so many ways. This reality bust be difficult for someone not living in reality (such as a leftist) to face .

And that's fine, but no longer will Americans be used.

Because over the years Europeans have come to rely upon the U.S. It will take some time for them to become untangled.

Of course, I don't know why I'm bothering to try to talk to a Trump supporter, AKA a person who only understands childish insults and conspiracy theories. I really should know better by now.

Whew, it did not take long to resort to projection. It's only you who talks about crazy Russian conspiracy theories. Flat earthists look good in comparison.

Europe will never be untangled from the USA. In many ways they are in an even bigger swamp. You pulled the whole thing right out of your ass, as expected.

I actually don't talk about collusion at all because I don't believe it exists. But nice of you to assume my views on things while being completely incorrect. It really helps me justify ignoring the veracity of anything you say going forward.

I'm just referencing what European leaders have been saying. Unless, of course, they are lying, in your view. But in the world of the Trump supporter, everyone is a prolific liar except for Trump, who, in reality, lies more than anyone.

Cut the crap, you yourself just assumed I was a conspiracy theorists without any evidence. I will talk about as much crap about you as I desire after such lack of respect.

No, you didn't reference what Europeans leaders have been saying. You referenced the shit that is coming out of your ass and are pretending it came out of European leadership. Right now European leadership is doing everything possible to see that the tariff's don't go through. Merkel visited white house to negotiate such. This is not what we call distance, but a desperate move for the exact opposite.

Trying to prevent Trump from causing havoc does not mean they desire closer ties. It is damage control from both Merkel and Macron.

And Merkel, the most important European leader currently, has indeed expressed an interest in moving away from the U.S. Which I'm sure you're aware of if you even follow the news in the slightest.
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