We are not fooled

The modern Democratic Party = N.A.A.C.P. = National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The modern Republican Party = W.B.C. = Whorehouse for Big Corporations.

What's missing is a Party for the Common Man in America, regardless of race.
How many people know the NAACP is from 1902 when its primary competition was Marcus Garvey's International Africans' league or whatever, and lets ship ourselves back to Africa on our own dime on our own steamliners. NAACP that's funny. OK if it was made in 1970 and they had the little black berets , you know?!
Democrats go with Democracy in Action and the Active Participant dutiful citizen and the Representative Democracy Republic somehow met up with business, that's the fact of the matter. I wonder if "business" was good under the Ancient Roman Senate, I have no idea. Patricians lend me your ears, my district says Trump trump trump
The modern Democratic Party = N.A.A.C.P. = National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The modern Republican Party = W.B.C. = Whorehouse for Big Corporations.

What's missing is a Party for the Common Man in America, regardless of race.

Common sense and information based on facts not agendas.

I don't have a dog in the races. I stopped foolign myself about 20 years ago that we had a 'choice' .
It is all about divide and conquor.
Evidently, it is OK to post bigoted & racist posts but you get your post deleted when you posters out for it.
You Trump a lumps equal 30-35 percent of all American voters. There is no mass migration from the democratic party to the republican party. Trump has been a failure.

You liars have tried crediting Trump for an economy he did not create. Because of your wish for a return to white male supremacy, we will be facing trillion dollar annual deficits. Because of your desperation you enabled this idiot to impose a crippling economic policy. He has created fewer jobs than Obama and your desperation for a return to all white rule had you talking stupid about Obama who inherited a historic problem and handed Trump a healthy growing economy at full employment.

This whole thing is not about Trumps job performance. If it was you'd be demanding impeachment. You have cosigned and excused every lie and failed policy. You are not fooling anyone and neither is Trump. You are 30-35 percent of the vote, the majority of American people do not support Trump no matter what Rasmussen says.

Trump needs to go and if by some miracle your desperate wish to return to segregation continues, you would have succeeded in destroying America.

Quit projecting your racism and segregation onto others. It's well known that the dems were the party of slavery and segregation.

Not exactly.
Where are all the black created science labs? Hospitals? Manufacturing? Parks? Aircraft? There aren't any, because you people cannot do it.
Here you go, a racist post from a racist fuck.
You can't answer the question. Why is that? All you can do is cry racist over and over.
miketx ,Oh come on miketx, this is literally hate speech of a racist quality. I should know... Give a barbarian pagan ape like a Japanese person the documents, specialists, knowhow and pilot training to make an aircraft carrier, and even the devil will make an aircraft carrier. Thanks Britain. Jap-Anglo ALliances!!!1!
Naw man, we lit them up over that stuff.
You Trump a lumps equal 30-35 percent of all American voters. There is no mass migration from the democratic party to the republican party. Trump has been a failure.

You liars have tried crediting Trump for an economy he did not create. Because of your wish for a return to white male supremacy, we will be facing trillion dollar annual deficits. Because of your desperation you enabled this idiot to impose a crippling economic policy. He has created fewer jobs than Obama and your desperation for a return to all white rule had you talking stupid about Obama who inherited a historic problem and handed Trump a healthy growing economy at full employment.

This whole thing is not about Trumps job performance. If it was you'd be demanding impeachment. You have cosigned and excused every lie and failed policy. You are not fooling anyone and neither is Trump. You are 30-35 percent of the vote, the majority of American people do not support Trump no matter what Rasmussen says.

Trump needs to go and if by some miracle your desperate wish to return to segregation continues, you would have succeeded in destroying America.

I knew your bottom line was going to be all about racism...on your part.

I said nothing racist and you can't produce one sentence in the OP that is.

Move along junior, that shit you tried is played out. It only works with you 30 percenters.

Oh? Let's just see about that.

1) Because of your wish for a return to white male supremacy, we will be facing trillion dollar annual deficits.

2) He has created fewer jobs than Obama and your desperation for a return to all white rule had you talking stupid about Obama who inherited a historic problem and handed Trump a healthy growing economy at full employment.

Looks to me like I produced not one but two, dumbass. So stupid and un-self-aware you can't even realize you're racist.
You Trump a lumps equal 30-35 percent of all American voters. There is no mass migration from the democratic party to the republican party. Trump has been a failure.

You liars have tried crediting Trump for an economy he did not create. Because of your wish for a return to white male supremacy, we will be facing trillion dollar annual deficits. Because of your desperation you enabled this idiot to impose a crippling economic policy. He has created fewer jobs than Obama and your desperation for a return to all white rule had you talking stupid about Obama who inherited a historic problem and handed Trump a healthy growing economy at full employment.

This whole thing is not about Trumps job performance. If it was you'd be demanding impeachment. You have cosigned and excused every lie and failed policy. You are not fooling anyone and neither is Trump. You are 30-35 percent of the vote, the majority of American people do not support Trump no matter what Rasmussen says.

Trump needs to go and if by some miracle your desperate wish to return to segregation continues, you would have succeeded in destroying America.

What an ignorant rant.

Yes, Trump created this economy. He removed job killing regulations, lowered taxes on businesses and consumers, and created a friendly government for businesses that led to record levels of business confidence, and a new record for small business confidence.

Hussein was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. His actions destroyed businesses all over the country. You have a short memory to complain about Trump's deficits in the aftermath of the President that put us an additional 10 trillion in the hole. DumBama never made one business positive policy in 8 years.

DumBama didn't create jobs--the private market did. And there is a difference between jobs and real jobs.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

10 times?


You should try reading the article before responding. Allow me to help:

As is the case during recoveries, jobs bounced back, with seasonally adjusted nonfarm employment expanding almost 12% from March 2010 until January 2017, when President Obama handed over the presidency to Donald Trump.

But during the same period, manufacturing employment grew only 7.7% with manufacturing payrolls virtually flat in the last 21 months of the Obama administration.

In the first 21 months of the Trump presidency, nonfarm employment grew by a seasonally adjusted 2.6%. In the same period, manufacturing employment grew by 3.1%, reversing the trend under Obama when overall employment grew faster than employment in the manufacturing sector.

Comparing the last 21 months of the Obama administration with the first 21 months of Trump’s, shows that under Trump’s watch, more than 10 times the number of manufacturing jobs were added.

But it was America and later Spain who first abolished slavery.

Speaking of NOT knowing history.........One of the often overlooked reasons for our Revolutionary War against England, was the fact that there was much talk among the Btits' Parliament to ABOLISH slavery...something that our beloved southern, early states did not like too much had America remained under England's thumb.

In 1807 (or thereabouts) England OUTLAWED slavery.........The young U.S. only outlawed slave TRADE soon after that.
This whole thing is not about Trumps job performance. If it was you'd be demanding impeachment
hahahhahahahahaha and hahahhahahahahahahahahahh
Obama was/is the jackass---if anyone needed impeaching it was him
but you are a RACIST who ALSO hate rich WHITE men

Although I don't vote haven't for couple decades, I do agree with this.
The only thing the liberals will win is a lost nation full of chaos and warring cultures. Like LARAZA said we don't owe blacks anything,we never had slaves [ although this is basically not true,what they mean is their ancestors haven't had slaves in this hemisphere ].
Liberals are not known to be very smart so this destruction of their only hope fro civilized survival is par for the course.
But it was America and later Spain who first abolished slavery.

Speaking of NOT knowing history.........One of the often overlooked reasons for our Revolutionary War against England, was the fact that there was much talk among the Btits' Parliament to ABOLISH slavery...something that our beloved southern, early states did not like too much had America remained under England's thumb.

In 1807 (or thereabouts) England OUTLAWED slavery.........The young U.S. only outlawed slave TRADE soon after that.
Good for us. Giving those black folk a job and a place to live was good for them.
But it was America and later Spain who first abolished slavery.

Speaking of NOT knowing history.........One of the often overlooked reasons for our Revolutionary War against England, was the fact that there was much talk among the Btits' Parliament to ABOLISH slavery...something that our beloved southern, early states did not like too much had America remained under England's thumb.

In 1807 (or thereabouts) England OUTLAWED slavery.........The young U.S. only outlawed slave TRADE soon after that.

Thats not the whole story. Also our brothers the the Brits had plenty of slaves in African Colonies so it wasn't needed as much at home.
Plus we tried to abolish it in 1776 but S.Carolina held out and wouldn't join the Republic if they had to get rid of their slaves.
And the north still had plenty of slaves both black and white ,they just made it legal and changed the name to production workers. So that is not really true that they got rid of slavery they just kept under a new form.

Americas working poor children and people. No workers rights in coal mines or factories and long hours and low wages.

Sixteen Tons, Big John and a few other songs written about how hard life was under these corporations.
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But it was America and later Spain who first abolished slavery.

Speaking of NOT knowing history.........One of the often overlooked reasons for our Revolutionary War against England, was the fact that there was much talk among the Btits' Parliament to ABOLISH slavery...something that our beloved southern, early states did not like too much had America remained under England's thumb.

In 1807 (or thereabouts) England OUTLAWED slavery.........The young U.S. only outlawed slave TRADE soon after that.
Good for us. Giving those black folk a job and a place to live was good for them.

Not so sure about that. Looks like once they got freedom the majority of them just destroyed all the major cities with violence and crime.
When I was young till the blacks took over Atlanta Ga. it was one of the safest cities in the nation. Only diverse NYC and Chicago was violent run by mafias from Italy and other places.
These blacks lived on infested hate programed into them by white liberal communist. Who then and now still live off their misery.
Put them into liberal plantations called ghettos and fed and groomed them into victim hood half truths and lies like cattle.
Thank goodness many blacks have awakened to this evil plan and left that evil group of ultra rich masters. But it is too late for them and us now since millions more plantation voters have arrived.
Nothing new under the sun,all empires fall and ironically for the same reasons.
We already had a President Trump. Aren't we following President Eisenhower's footsteps? Think about it, the last true Abraham Lincoln Northern Republican. The last time it was all No Dixie, Big Business, freedom to citizens. Interstate highways, freedom in the darkness, anti-communism. The fact that it switched ever-after to a send off to Dixie into obscurity in politics, and the South would always swing Republican thereafter, then look right there for politics that made sense right from the Civil War. He did screwy stuff to the Entire USA Presbyterian Church thereafter. There Is No Doubt about it. 1958 Is the year for making every major Presbyterian body United. If we are overseas in any country of politics and matter (white) then the british Abandoned it for the United churches.

You're comparing the lying piece of shit you elected President to Dwight Eisenhauer? To the guy who said:

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.

Or the man who said:

May we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.

Trump ALWAYS confuses dissent with subversion.

Donald Trump isn't fit to shine Dwight Eisenhower's shoes.
You Trump a lumps equal 30-35 percent of all American voters. There is no mass migration from the democratic party to the republican party. Trump has been a failure.

You liars have tried crediting Trump for an economy he did not create. Because of your wish for a return to white male supremacy, we will be facing trillion dollar annual deficits. Because of your desperation you enabled this idiot to impose a crippling economic policy. He has created fewer jobs than Obama and your desperation for a return to all white rule had you talking stupid about Obama who inherited a historic problem and handed Trump a healthy growing economy at full employment.

This whole thing is not about Trumps job performance. If it was you'd be demanding impeachment. You have cosigned and excused every lie and failed policy. You are not fooling anyone and neither is Trump. You are 30-35 percent of the vote, the majority of American people do not support Trump no matter what Rasmussen says.

Trump needs to go and if by some miracle your desperate wish to return to segregation continues, you would have succeeded in destroying America.
IM2 is the biggest racist on the forum. Despicable person. Doesn't get any worse.
We already had a President Trump. Aren't we following President Eisenhower's footsteps? Think about it, the last true Abraham Lincoln Northern Republican. The last time it was all No Dixie, Big Business, freedom to citizens. Interstate highways, freedom in the darkness, anti-communism. The fact that it switched ever-after to a send off to Dixie into obscurity in politics, and the South would always swing Republican thereafter, then look right there for politics that made sense right from the Civil War. He did screwy stuff to the Entire USA Presbyterian Church thereafter. There Is No Doubt about it. 1958 Is the year for making every major Presbyterian body United. If we are overseas in any country of politics and matter (white) then the british Abandoned it for the United churches.

You're comparing the lying piece of shit you elected President to Dwight Eisenhauer? To the guy who said:

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.

Or the man who said:

May we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.

Trump ALWAYS confuses dissent with subversion.

Donald Trump isn't fit to shine Dwight Eisenhower's shoes.
Dissent is not what has been going on the last two and a half years. More like lies, collusion attempted murder and assault. All by democrats.
You Trump a lumps equal 30-35 percent of all American voters. There is no mass migration from the democratic party to the republican party. Trump has been a failure.

You liars have tried crediting Trump for an economy he did not create. Because of your wish for a return to white male supremacy, we will be facing trillion dollar annual deficits. Because of your desperation you enabled this idiot to impose a crippling economic policy. He has created fewer jobs than Obama and your desperation for a return to all white rule had you talking stupid about Obama who inherited a historic problem and handed Trump a healthy growing economy at full employment.

This whole thing is not about Trumps job performance. If it was you'd be demanding impeachment. You have cosigned and excused every lie and failed policy. You are not fooling anyone and neither is Trump. You are 30-35 percent of the vote, the majority of American people do not support Trump no matter what Rasmussen says.

Trump needs to go and if by some miracle your desperate wish to return to segregation continues, you would have succeeded in destroying America.

Quit projecting your racism and segregation onto others. It's well known that the dems were the party of slavery and segregation.

Not exactly.
Where are all the black created science labs? Hospitals? Manufacturing? Parks? Aircraft? There aren't any, because you people cannot do it.
Here you go, a racist post from a racist fuck.
The left are the racist idiots.

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