We are witnessing the invention of the "bloodbath" hoax in real-time Unfortunately for them, we have the facts!

The democrat party slavery that they supported by going ro war to keep blacks as their slaves
What you refuse to acknowledge is that slavery was a Southern Redneck Conservative thing. Not a Liberal thing.
Those so-called Dixiecrats no longer exist.
They are and always have been your people.

Use the word (D) all you want. Yes, these conservatives were (D) back then,
Facts show that today's conservatives are the ones that supported racism, and STILL do today.
Once you find yourself "explaining" what was said, you have lost the debate.

Your Orange Baboon-God should have chosen his words more carefully.

Then again, the ape doesn't have it in him to do so... zero forethought...zero self-control... unfit for high office.
Once you find yourself lying about what people say, you have lost the debate.

Biden warns a bloodbath is coming:

Who uses the term Bloodbath to describe auto trade?

The reality is that Trump uses such threatening rhetoric any time he discusses what will happen if he loses

If I lose……There will be hell to pay!
One question. What if he doesn’t? Would you switch to opposition?

No. I would never become a leftist. I would join the movement to uphold the constitution and throw him out.
Now here’s a question for you.
When Trump does leave office after his second term will you finally admit your party lies and manipulates you?
I know that he wasn't talking about the election. It was something to do with the car manufacturing companies and I heard from a friend that the push for electric cars had something to do with it. Anybody mind filling in the blanks for me?

Well one things fer sure.It tain't knowed version of a true blue
Country Witticism.Where The Donald prefers the Queens
version of a Country Witticism like maybe Andrew " Dice " Clay.

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