We can mandate electric cars; Many conservatives already use them and cant see it

You mean like the interstate system that crosses this country?

Do you understand that the cost of building roads like the interstate highway system is orders of magnitude less per mile than track for the High Speed Fail system could ever be?

Do you understand that even if it was perfectly successful, by the most extravagant expectations, the High Speed Fail system would never be able to carry more than a tiny fraction of the number of people or the amount of cargo, to more than a tiny fraction of all the places, that can be carried over the Interstate Highway system?
Do you understand that the cost of building roads like the interstate highway system is orders of magnitude less per mile than track for the High Speed Fail system could ever be?

Do you understand that even if it was perfectly successful, by the most extravagant expectations, the High Speed Fail system would never be able to carry more than a tiny fraction of the number of people or the amount of cargo, to more than a tiny fraction of all the places, that can be carried over the Interstate Highway system?

Again, other countries can do it but we can't.
I see some MAGAs resisting the inevitable change to green energy such as electric cars. What they don’t realize is this: take a look at their wealthy suburbs and country clubs. They drive their golf carts to dinner, I even see the Trump flags flying on some. They drive the electric golf carts all over town. They choose this while also owning an $80,000 pickup truck in the driveway.

So…the next step is, mandate all travel within 15 miles of home be in an electric car. A golf cart style vehicle for example. Extremely efficient and green.

Further than 15 miles? I advocate mass transit, like Europe. More trains. Yes this takes infrastructure, so a couple decades of work which is fine. We cant mandate golf cart travel & ban other gas cars overnight I realize that.

But what if by, say, 2050 or 2060 we have a society where 100% of personal travel is done by bike, golf cart or mass transit train? And save fossil fuel travel ONLY for 18 wheelers (necessary for now), planes and ships (which also can be green eventually)??

Our interstates can be retrofitted to only have mass transit train rails and lanes for 18 wheelers.
Have you figured out where we're going to get the raw materials to make all of those batteries to run all of those "golf carts", Peach? From China? Yeah, smart move there!
So…the next step is, mandate all travel within 15 miles of home be in an electric car.

And mandate no more than one child per household. Mandate all houses must not be bigger than 100 square feet per occupant. Mandate no dogs can weigh more than 10 pounds. Mandate no steaks can be bigger than three ounces. Mandate all batteries must be biodegradable. Mandate no driving more than 300 miles per week. Mandate no more than two marriages per lifetime.

And mandate no more than one child per household. Mandate all houses must not be bigger than 100 square feet per occupant. Mandate no dogs can weigh more than 10 pounds. Mandate no steaks can be bigger than three ounces. Mandate all batteries must be biodegradable. Mandate no driving more than 300 miles per week. Mandate no more than two marriages per lifetime.
The child, dog and marriage comments are absurd of course not. The rest actually have some validity, at least for educated people
I see some MAGAs resisting the inevitable change to green energy such as electric cars. What they don’t realize is this: take a look at their wealthy suburbs and country clubs. They drive their golf carts to dinner, I even see the Trump flags flying on some. They drive the electric golf carts all over town. They choose this while also owning an $80,000 pickup truck in the driveway.

So…the next step is, mandate all travel within 15 miles of home be in an electric car. A golf cart style vehicle for example. Extremely efficient and green.

Further than 15 miles? I advocate mass transit, like Europe. More trains. Yes this takes infrastructure, so a couple decades of work which is fine. We cant mandate golf cart travel & ban other gas cars overnight I realize that.

But what if by, say, 2050 or 2060 we have a society where 100% of personal travel is done by bike, golf cart or mass transit train? And save fossil fuel travel ONLY for 18 wheelers (necessary for now), planes and ships (which also can be green eventually)??

Our interstates can be retrofitted to only have mass transit train rails and lanes for 18 wheelers.
If everyone in the US plugged in their cars our power grid would go down as fast as an EMP. Joe will have rot in the ground before we solve our energy problem but that little fool don't have a clue, just an agenda.
I see some MAGAs resisting the inevitable change to green energy such as electric cars. What they don’t realize is this: take a look at their wealthy suburbs and country clubs. They drive their golf carts to dinner, I even see the Trump flags flying on some. They drive the electric golf carts all over town. They choose this while also owning an $80,000 pickup truck in the driveway.

So…the next step is, mandate all travel within 15 miles of home be in an electric car. A golf cart style vehicle for example. Extremely efficient and green.

Further than 15 miles? I advocate mass transit, like Europe. More trains. Yes this takes infrastructure, so a couple decades of work which is fine. We cant mandate golf cart travel & ban other gas cars overnight I realize that.

But what if by, say, 2050 or 2060 we have a society where 100% of personal travel is done by bike, golf cart or mass transit train? And save fossil fuel travel ONLY for 18 wheelers (necessary for now), planes and ships (which also can be green eventually)??

Our interstates can be retrofitted to only have mass transit train rails and lanes for 18 wheelers.

Folks in my neighborhood use ICE 4 wheelers to get around, usually they same ones they use on their deer leases.

I see some MAGAs resisting the inevitable change to green energy such as electric cars. What they don’t realize is this: take a look at their wealthy suburbs and country clubs. They drive their golf carts to dinner, I even see the Trump flags flying on some. They drive the electric golf carts all over town. They choose this while also owning an $80,000 pickup truck in the driveway.

So…the next step is, mandate all travel within 15 miles of home be in an electric car. A golf cart style vehicle for example. Extremely efficient and green.

Further than 15 miles? I advocate mass transit, like Europe. More trains. Yes this takes infrastructure, so a couple decades of work which is fine. We cant mandate golf cart travel & ban other gas cars overnight I realize that.

But what if by, say, 2050 or 2060 we have a society where 100% of personal travel is done by bike, golf cart or mass transit train? And save fossil fuel travel ONLY for 18 wheelers (necessary for now), planes and ships (which also can be green eventually)??

Our interstates can be retrofitted to only have mass transit train rails and lanes for 18 wheelers.
You can see tve US govt mandating citizens being forced to buy a product they can't afford becuase of a politocal party's agenda?

You think it is ok for the federal govt to outlaw the use of cars citizens already own?

After the govt has issued the decree and made our cars illegal / obsolete, will the federal govt PAY for new EV cars for us?

You think middle / lower class citizens already trying to make it in Bidenflation is going to run out and pay $60,000 for an EV, you think they can afford that?

Elitist millionaire politicians continue to prove they are completely out of touch with working class Anericans.

Many conservatives already use them and cant see it​

We also use horses ... can we mandate replacing cars and going back to horses?


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