We can't have electric cars for everyone.........


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....

Toyota warns that the grid and infrastructure simply arenā€™t there to support the electrification of the private car fleet. A 2017 U.S. government study found that we would need about 8,500 strategically-placed charge stations to support a fleet of just 7 million electric cars. Thatā€™s about six times the current number of electric cars but no one is talking about supporting just 7 million cars. We should be talking about powering about 300 million within the next 20 years, if all manufacturers follow GM and stop making ICE cars.
But instead of building a bigger boat, we may be shrinking the boat we have now. The power outages in California and Texas ā€” the largest U.S. states by population and by car ownership ā€” exposed issues with powering needs even at current usage levels. Increasing usage of wind and solar, neither of which can be throttled to meet demand, and both of which prove unreliable in crisis, has driven some coal and natural gas generators offline. Wind simply runs counter to needs ā€” it generates too much power when we tend not to need it, and generates too little when we need more. The storage capacity to account for this doesnā€™t exist yet

But the truth is this......the democrat party doesn't care about any of this...they don't want everyone being able to drive anywhere, anytime....the thought of that makes them crazy.....they want people to be forced onto public transportation....which will drastically limit lifestyle choices..while democrat party royalty will have all the energy and vehicles they want.......
I outgrew electric cars decades ago...

The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.
They arenā€™t going to stop making ICE cars. Porsche and other companies are already making eFuels which have a net zero carbon emissions and require no modifications to existing ICE engines. Porsche will start using it in motor sports in 2022.

Weā€™ll be using eFuels before we ever go ā€œall electricā€.
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.
I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will have MEGATONS of grid storage batteries charging MEGATONS of electric vehicles batteries and an unstable grid -- if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.
Bah... Fusion energy is only 20 years away.

But the truth is this......the democrat party doesn't care about any of this...they don't want everyone being able to drive anywhere, anytime....the thought of that makes them crazy.....they want people to be forced onto public transportation....
Just saying... It's hard to keep six feet way if the majority has to use public transportation. Hell.. It'd be hard to stay three feet away.

Edit: Full disclosure here... Even though I'm poking some holes in, and poking some fun at, the whole thing... I really do want a Cybertruck.
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.

Who is advocating elimination of all internal combustion cars before we have developed other sources of energy that work just as well? Lots of people want to make the change as soon as possible, but who is saying " do it before it is feasible"?
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.
Bah... Fusion energy is only 20 years away.


Our special Climate Czar says we'll all be toast in 9 years now.. Morons like HIM are the ones pushing this cliff jumping event..
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.

Who is advocating elimination of all internal combustion cars before we have developed other sources of energy that work just as well? Lots of people want to make the change as soon as possible, but who is saying " do it before it is feasible"?

GM already stated they will phase out gasoline cars by 2035, its in the article you haven't read.

Wimmerā€™s remarks come on the heels of GMā€™s announcement that it will phase out all gas internal combustion engines (ICE) by 2035. Other manufacturers, including Mini, have followed suit with similar announcements.

GM is heading to a bankruptcy future....... :cuckoo:
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.

Who is advocating elimination of all internal combustion cars before we have developed other sources of energy that work just as well? Lots of people want to make the change as soon as possible, but who is saying " do it before it is feasible"?

Are you serious? What is the current mandates in California right now for 2040 in terms of "renewable grid content"?? THEN -- what is their MANDATE for Electric vehicles by 2035?

Dont ask for help if you're this clueless.. Cali is DISMANTLING their grid generation before they have a clear technical plan.. Wind and solar are NOT ALTERNATIVES !!!! THey are mere and unreliable supplements, but that's doesn't matter to these zealots. And many of the SAME ZEALOTS are now in the Biden Admin pushing us to the edge of grid destruction..

We'll all be burning garbage to keep alive and calling it "green biomass".. THat's not a joke.. That's an alternative on their list "clean green" MASSIVELY POLLUTING and unhealthy garbage incineration. The UK and parts of US fell for this bait/switch and are now realizing THAT mistake..
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.

Who is advocating elimination of all internal combustion cars before we have developed other sources of energy that work just as well? Lots of people want to make the change as soon as possible, but who is saying " do it before it is feasible"?

Are you serious? What is the current mandates in California right now for 2040 in terms of "renewable grid content"?? THEN -- what is their MANDATE for Electric vehicles by 2035?

Dont ask for help if you're this clueless.. Cali is DISMANTLING their grid generation before they have a clear technical plan.. Wind and solar are NOT ALTERNATIVES !!!! THey are mere and unreliable supplements, but that's doesn't matter to these zealots. And many of the SAME ZEALOTS are now in the Biden Admin pushing us to the edge of grid destruction..

We'll all be burning garbage to keep alive and calling it "green biomass".. THat's not a joke.. That's an alternative on their list "clean green" MASSIVELY POLLUTING and unhealthy garbage incineration. The UK and parts of US fell for this bait/switch and are now realizing THAT mistake..

I have seen the numbers and articles about wind and solar power production, they don't come close to meeting the constant standard baseline rate that are needed to maintain consistent Transmission pressure that keeps it from shutting down.
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The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.

Who is advocating elimination of all internal combustion cars before we have developed other sources of energy that work just as well? Lots of people want to make the change as soon as possible, but who is saying " do it before it is feasible"?

GM already stated they will phase out gasoline cars by 2035, its in the article you haven't read.

Wimmerā€™s remarks come on the heels of GMā€™s announcement that it will phase out all gas internal combustion engines (ICE) by 2035. Other manufacturers, including Mini, have followed suit with similar announcements.

GM is heading to a bankruptcy future....... :cuckoo:
I'm pretty sure GM isn't the only car manufacturer.
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.

Who is advocating elimination of all internal combustion cars before we have developed other sources of energy that work just as well? Lots of people want to make the change as soon as possible, but who is saying " do it before it is feasible"?

Are you serious? What is the current mandates in California right now for 2040 in terms of "renewable grid content"?? THEN -- what is their MANDATE for Electric vehicles by 2035?

Dont ask for help if you're this clueless.. Cali is DISMANTLING their grid generation before they have a clear technical plan.. Wind and solar are NOT ALTERNATIVES !!!! THey are mere and unreliable supplements, but that's doesn't matter to these zealots. And many of the SAME ZEALOTS are now in the Biden Admin pushing us to the edge of grid destruction..

We'll all be burning garbage to keep alive and calling it "green biomass".. THat's not a joke.. That's an alternative on their list "clean green" MASSIVELY POLLUTING and unhealthy garbage incineration. The UK and parts of US fell for this bait/switch and are now realizing THAT mistake..

If gas cars were banned today, they would still be on the road at least 60 years in the future. nobody is forcing the change to all electric transportation before we are capable of doing it. Only an idiot would believe that will happen. You might note that we didn't have the infrastructure for the model T when it was first produced. That's when oil companies first started getting all those massive government grants that they still get. Taxes paid to build gas stations and roads in counties that didn't even have any cars.
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....

Toyota warns that the grid and infrastructure simply arenā€™t there to support the electrification of the private car fleet. A 2017 U.S. government study found that we would need about 8,500 strategically-placed charge stations to support a fleet of just 7 million electric cars. Thatā€™s about six times the current number of electric cars but no one is talking about supporting just 7 million cars. We should be talking about powering about 300 million within the next 20 years, if all manufacturers follow GM and stop making ICE cars.
But instead of building a bigger boat, we may be shrinking the boat we have now. The power outages in California and Texas ā€” the largest U.S. states by population and by car ownership ā€” exposed issues with powering needs even at current usage levels. Increasing usage of wind and solar, neither of which can be throttled to meet demand, and both of which prove unreliable in crisis, has driven some coal and natural gas generators offline. Wind simply runs counter to needs ā€” it generates too much power when we tend not to need it, and generates too little when we need more. The storage capacity to account for this doesnā€™t exist yet

But the truth is this......the democrat party doesn't care about any of this...they don't want everyone being able to drive anywhere, anytime....the thought of that makes them crazy.....they want people to be forced onto public transportation....which will drastically limit lifestyle choices..while democrat party royalty will have all the energy and vehicles they want.......
We can all have them by mid century ...if the engineers can perfect the battery
The fairy tale of electric cars.......now the truth....
??? But it is true that you can't have electric cars for everyone... I mean... For a damn good while yet. Not only would we have to figure out how to build NEW battery technology as current flat out isn't possible for everyone to have one, we'd have to mass produce them at god knows what rate that we aren't even close to even with the wrong type of battery.

I'm actually writing an article right now that touches on this dangerous plan of mandates, schedules and phase out.. There's multiple moving parts here.. The religious zealotry to purge all "carbon based" generation is being put forward before anyone sane figures out how wind and solar as the prime "alternatives" will guarantee demand on the grid 24/7/365. This is not practical or feasible for the next several decades if at alll. WHY? Because solar only generates 6 to 9 hours a day and is subject to location, lattitude and weather. Some days even in the most prime regions like say Tucson, there are at least 40 days a years where solar production will be 50% of peak or less. In a NON arid belt, That number of days increases to more than 100 days.

So -- the wet dream is "grid scale battery storage".. A facility being built at Moss Landing in Cali will provide just 4 hours of storage for 300MWatts.. This is the EQUIVALENT of charging 17,000 electric vehicles.. So to EXTEND this to a primary reliance on solar and wind, you'd have to TRIPLE the Production during prime solar hours just to charge enough "grid scale storage" to STRETCH solar out to 24 hours a day..

That one facility uses 92 TONS of just the lithium element in the batteries at that facility.. Thats about 4 months of MINING in Sonora Mexico (one of the largest lithium mines in the world). And equivalent to the amount of lithium in those 17,000 Tesla Model S cars.

The idiocy of all this is the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of making the entire TRANSPORT energy sector AND grid generation Battery Centric at the same time. NONE of that ADDS grid generation capacity -- in reality it's a drain on real grid generation capacity..

And the morons in charge of this cluster fuck will hav batteries charging batteries if we let them proceed with this greenie jihadist conquest plan.. And PEOPLE WILL DIE, the ENVIRONMENT WILL SUFFER and we will WASTE TRILLIONS of dollars on this hare-brained scheme.

Who is advocating elimination of all internal combustion cars before we have developed other sources of energy that work just as well? Lots of people want to make the change as soon as possible, but who is saying " do it before it is feasible"?

Are you serious? What is the current mandates in California right now for 2040 in terms of "renewable grid content"?? THEN -- what is their MANDATE for Electric vehicles by 2035?

Dont ask for help if you're this clueless.. Cali is DISMANTLING their grid generation before they have a clear technical plan.. Wind and solar are NOT ALTERNATIVES !!!! THey are mere and unreliable supplements, but that's doesn't matter to these zealots. And many of the SAME ZEALOTS are now in the Biden Admin pushing us to the edge of grid destruction..

We'll all be burning garbage to keep alive and calling it "green biomass".. THat's not a joke.. That's an alternative on their list "clean green" MASSIVELY POLLUTING and unhealthy garbage incineration. The UK and parts of US fell for this bait/switch and are now realizing THAT mistake..

THey are mere and unreliable supplements, but that's doesn't matter to these zealots.

Actually, it does matter to the zealots....it is what they actually want...less energy, less efficient energy. Why do they want those seemingly insane things? Because they believe the world is overpopulated with humans and that humans are destroying the world......they do not want cheap, efficient energy because that would allow humans to grow the population even more.....

So....we want cheaper more reliable, clean energy, they want less energy, and less efficient energy as a check on human beings....

This is the mistake so many normal people make when they discuss energy with left wingers....we are not talking about the same goals.......which is why their policies seem so insane.....and too many of us think they are just dumb.....they aren't dumb, they have an agenda.
You can be sure the horse and buggy crowd said the same kind of thing about gasoline powered motor cars back in the day.

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