We do not want a transcript of the call, we want the Whistleblower's

White House officials say that the call was classified, meaning there was nothing wrong in moving it to that server.
Contrary to literally every current or former intelligent official who has been asked about it. Talk about desperate...
ROFL! I've seen plenty say exactly the opposite.

Fort Fuck India is using KGB John Brennan on MSNBC as his source and claiming that is "every intelligence official".
I recall how they claimed all the intelligence agencies agreed that about something having to do with the coup, but it was only Clapper, Brennan and Comey who agreed.
Business Insider reports, "Notes from a phone call that President Donald Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25 confirm reports that Trump repeatedly pressed Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden after discussing military aid to Ukraine."

Trump had ordered the US to withhold a nearly $400 million military-aid package to Ukraine days before the phone call.

Business Insider continued, "Early in the July 25 call, Trump reminded Zelensky that "we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing."

"Zelensky agreed, telling Trump he was "absolutely right." Zelensky went on to thank Trump for "your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically, we're almost ready to buy more javelins from the United States for defense purposes."

"Trump then responded, "I would like you to do us a favor though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your wealthy people ... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

The reference to a 2016 election conspiracy was a diversion. It is pure Trumpian. He is never direct. He expects people to understand what he really wants.

Then Trump finally got to the point.

"I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it," Trump said, according to the notes. "Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible."

"There's a lot of talk about [former vice president Joe Biden's] son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

"A lot of people" is always a reference to himself. In this case, more misdirection. Pure Trumpian.

It doesn't take genius to figure out that A) Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in our Presidential election on his behalf. B) Trump was bribing the foreign power. C) By mentioning the Attorney General, Trump intends to use the Department of Justice for his political benefit.

By the way, those all fit the definition of " Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

This source provided info for this report. The notes on Trump's call with Ukraine's president hint at a quid pro quo over investigating Joe Biden's son
Business Insider reports, "Notes from a phone call that President Donald Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25 confirm reports that Trump repeatedly pressed Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden after discussing military aid to Ukraine."

Trump had ordered the US to withhold a nearly $400 million military-aid package to Ukraine days before the phone call.

Business Insider continued, "Early in the July 25 call, Trump reminded Zelensky that "we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing."

"Zelensky agreed, telling Trump he was "absolutely right." Zelensky went on to thank Trump for "your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically, we're almost ready to buy more javelins from the United States for defense purposes."

"Trump then responded, "I would like you to do us a favor though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your wealthy people ... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

The reference to a 2016 election conspiracy was a diversion. It is pure Trumpian. He is never direct. He expects people to understand what he really wants.

Then Trump finally got to the point.

"I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it," Trump said, according to the notes. "Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible."

"There's a lot of talk about [former vice president Joe Biden's] son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

"A lot of people" is always a reference to himself. In this case, more misdirection. Pure Trumpian.

It doesn't take genius to figure out that A) Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in our Presidential election on his behalf. B) Trump was bribing the foreign power. C) By mentioning the Attorney General, Trump intends to use the Department of Justice for his political benefit.

By the way, those all fit the definition of " Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

This source provided info for this report. The notes on Trump's call with Ukraine's president hint at a quid pro quo over investigating Joe Biden's son

No it takes a liberal to believe that A Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in an election where Trump isn't actually running against Biden.
B that Trump was bribing a foreign power when he never actually told the foreign power that they had to do anything to receive something (unlike Biden) and C To believe that Trump was using the Department of Justice for his political benefit when he was asking them to look into the hacking of Democratic computers which is a crime. And looking into the Biden thing which was a bribe. As it was a quid pro quo because Biden said it was.
Business Insider reports, "Notes from a phone call that President Donald Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25 confirm reports that Trump repeatedly pressed Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden after discussing military aid to Ukraine."

Trump had ordered the US to withhold a nearly $400 million military-aid package to Ukraine days before the phone call.

Business Insider continued, "Early in the July 25 call, Trump reminded Zelensky that "we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing."

"Zelensky agreed, telling Trump he was "absolutely right." Zelensky went on to thank Trump for "your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically, we're almost ready to buy more javelins from the United States for defense purposes."

"Trump then responded, "I would like you to do us a favor though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your wealthy people ... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

The reference to a 2016 election conspiracy was a diversion. It is pure Trumpian. He is never direct. He expects people to understand what he really wants.

Then Trump finally got to the point.

"I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it," Trump said, according to the notes. "Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible."

"There's a lot of talk about [former vice president Joe Biden's] son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

"A lot of people" is always a reference to himself. In this case, more misdirection. Pure Trumpian.

It doesn't take genius to figure out that A) Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in our Presidential election on his behalf. B) Trump was bribing the foreign power. C) By mentioning the Attorney General, Trump intends to use the Department of Justice for his political benefit.

By the way, those all fit the definition of " Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

This source provided info for this report. The notes on Trump's call with Ukraine's president hint at a quid pro quo over investigating Joe Biden's son
Business Insider is a leftwing antiTrump publication. We all know what happened. We don't need some pompous leftwing rag to explain the facts to us. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together to see this a big nothing. Trump didn't do anything that Obama didn't do. There is nothing illegal here.
Trump's supporters often complain that those who are critical of Trump's performance are trying to do an end run around the 2016 election. That Trump's detractors are attempting a coup, the removal of a duly elected President. Ignoring the absurdity of that assertion for the moment, have they ever considered that Trump may be responsible for the multitude of questions regarding his competence?

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? That is a very good question considering the fact that the White House has been shackled during the 33 months Trump has sat in the Oval Office. Despite his party having control of both the House and Senate for the first two years of his Presidency, Trump has accomplished little or nothing. He has moved from controversy and scandal to new controversies and scandals throughout his entire administration.

He is the least popular President in modern American history, his staff has an historical turnover rate and is now filled with sycophants, and there are even questions about his mental stability.

Trump's close ties with Netanyahu while unilaterally proclaiming Jerusalem the capital of Israel has removed the U.S. from Middle East talks because the Arab republics do not trust him. Neither do Great Britain or France because Trump is unpredictable and unreliable. The U.S. has been replaced by Russia.

Trump removed the U.S. from the Paris Accord to which there are 197 signatories.

Because it was signed during the Obama administration, Trump removed the U.S. from the JCPOA which permanently barred Iran from making a nuke. He has been urging the Iranian leaders to agree to talks for a new agreement that permanently bars Iran from making a nuke. In the meantime, Iran has followed Trump's example and is in violation of the JCPOA. Our allies are trying desperately to save the agreement. Trump is threatening our allies' for their intentions.

Trump has removed the U.S. from lucrative trade agreements, TPP, NAFTA, and has not signed one major trade agreement.

Much to Putin's delight, Trump has weakened NATO with his constant jabs at our NATO partners. The recent G-7 conference went nearly as bad as last year's G-7 conference and there was no common statement of cooperation.

Trump has threatened the vibrant American economy. Because of his trade war with China, even he is concerned about a possible recession as consumer confidence is dropping along with the manufacturing index. Trump's harsh tariffs cause inflation, and inflation causes recession. To illustrate all of this, the stock market has been treading water since January 2018. On Jan. 29, 2018, the Dow stood at 26,439. Right now the Dow is at 26,917.A gain of only 478 points in 20 months. It was below Jan. 2018 figure for most of August due to Trump's tweets.

Questions about Trump's mental acuity have surfaced recently. Using a five day old NWS in predicting a hurricane's path Trump declared that Alabama "will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated." Everyone not named Trump knew the hurricane was going to turn north, missing Alabama by hundreds of miles. For a solid week Trump insisted that his faulty weather forecast was accurate.

When that died out Trump said he was totally responsible for inviting the terrorist sponsors of Al Qaeda to a meeting at Camp David five days before the 9/11 anniversary.

One day after Robert Mueller appeared before Congress to provide testimony regarding Russian intervention in our 2016 election on his behalf, Trump called the president of Ukraine to ask him to intervene in our 2020 election on his behalf!

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? Should he be removed from office? The reader can decide.
Trump's supporters often complain that those who are critical of Trump's performance are trying to do an end run around the 2016 election. That Trump's detractors are attempting a coup, the removal of a duly elected President. Ignoring the absurdity of that assertion for the moment, have they ever considered that Trump may be responsible for the multitude of questions regarding his competence?

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? That is a very good question considering the fact that the White House has been shackled during the 33 months Trump has sat in the Oval Office. Despite his party having control of both the House and Senate for the first two years of his Presidency, Trump has accomplished little or nothing. He has moved from controversy and scandal to new controversies and scandals throughout his entire administration.

He is the least popular President in modern American history, his staff has an historical turnover rate and is now filled with sycophants, and there are even questions about his mental stability.

Trump's close ties with Netanyahu while unilaterally proclaiming Jerusalem the capital of Israel has removed the U.S. from Middle East talks because the Arab republics do not trust him. Neither do Great Britain or France because Trump is unpredictable and unreliable. The U.S. has been replaced by Russia.

Trump removed the U.S. from the Paris Accord to which there are 197 signatories.

Because it was signed during the Obama administration, Trump removed the U.S. from the JCPOA which permanently barred Iran from making a nuke. He has been urging the Iranian leaders to agree to talks for a new agreement that permanently bars Iran from making a nuke. In the meantime, Iran has followed Trump's example and is in violation of the JCPOA. Our allies are trying desperately to save the agreement. Trump is threatening our allies' for their intentions.

Trump has removed the U.S. from lucrative trade agreements, TPP, NAFTA, and has not signed one major trade agreement.

Much to Putin's delight, Trump has weakened NATO with his constant jabs at our NATO partners. The recent G-7 conference went nearly as bad as last year's G-7 conference and there was no common statement of cooperation.

Trump has threatened the vibrant American economy. Because of his trade war with China, even he is concerned about a possible recession as consumer confidence is dropping along with the manufacturing index. Trump's harsh tariffs cause inflation, and inflation causes recession. To illustrate all of this, the stock market has been treading water since January 2018. On Jan. 29, 2018, the Dow stood at 26,439. Right now the Dow is at 26,917.A gain of only 478 points in 20 months. It was below Jan. 2018 figure for most of August due to Trump's tweets.

Questions about Trump's mental acuity have surfaced recently. Using a five day old NWS in predicting a hurricane's path Trump declared that Alabama "will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated." Everyone not named Trump knew the hurricane was going to turn north, missing Alabama by hundreds of miles. For a solid week Trump insisted that his faulty weather forecast was accurate.

When that died out Trump said he was totally responsible for inviting the terrorist sponsors of Al Qaeda to a meeting at Camp David five days before the 9/11 anniversary.

One day after Robert Mueller appeared before Congress to provide testimony regarding Russian intervention in our 2016 election on his behalf, Trump called the president of Ukraine to ask him to intervene in our 2020 election on his behalf!

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? Should he be removed from office? The reader can decide.

It is hoped those who should read the above post, Trump's supporters, will do so and with great concern. However, I fear they will not. Their main excuse will be they are too busy to take three minutes to read the post. The real reason, however, is when it comes to Trump, they try to avoid reality. Others will use an unsaid excuse. Since they have shown inability to defend Trump, what is the point of reading the realistic post that illustrates Trump's incompetence?

I hope I am wrong about this.

Perhaps it is time to reassess their priorities. Well, Trump's supporters don't want to think about that, either.
Business Insider reports, "Notes from a phone call that President Donald Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25 confirm reports that Trump repeatedly pressed Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden after discussing military aid to Ukraine."

Trump had ordered the US to withhold a nearly $400 million military-aid package to Ukraine days before the phone call.

Business Insider continued, "Early in the July 25 call, Trump reminded Zelensky that "we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing."

"Zelensky agreed, telling Trump he was "absolutely right." Zelensky went on to thank Trump for "your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically, we're almost ready to buy more javelins from the United States for defense purposes."

"Trump then responded, "I would like you to do us a favor though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your wealthy people ... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

The reference to a 2016 election conspiracy was a diversion. It is pure Trumpian. He is never direct. He expects people to understand what he really wants.

Then Trump finally got to the point.

"I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it," Trump said, according to the notes. "Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible."

"There's a lot of talk about [former vice president Joe Biden's] son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

"A lot of people" is always a reference to himself. In this case, more misdirection. Pure Trumpian.

It doesn't take genius to figure out that A) Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in our Presidential election on his behalf. B) Trump was bribing the foreign power. C) By mentioning the Attorney General, Trump intends to use the Department of Justice for his political benefit.

By the way, those all fit the definition of " Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

This source provided info for this report. The notes on Trump's call with Ukraine's president hint at a quid pro quo over investigating Joe Biden's son

No it takes a liberal to believe that A Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in an election where Trump isn't actually running against Biden.
B that Trump was bribing a foreign power when he never actually told the foreign power that they had to do anything to receive something (unlike Biden) and C To believe that Trump was using the Department of Justice for his political benefit when he was asking them to look into the hacking of Democratic computers which is a crime. And looking into the Biden thing which was a bribe. As it was a quid pro quo because Biden said it was.

You seem to think you are dealing with an idiot.
Business Insider reports, "Notes from a phone call that President Donald Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25 confirm reports that Trump repeatedly pressed Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden after discussing military aid to Ukraine."

Trump had ordered the US to withhold a nearly $400 million military-aid package to Ukraine days before the phone call.

Business Insider continued, "Early in the July 25 call, Trump reminded Zelensky that "we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing."

"Zelensky agreed, telling Trump he was "absolutely right." Zelensky went on to thank Trump for "your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically, we're almost ready to buy more javelins from the United States for defense purposes."

"Trump then responded, "I would like you to do us a favor though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your wealthy people ... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

The reference to a 2016 election conspiracy was a diversion. It is pure Trumpian. He is never direct. He expects people to understand what he really wants.

Then Trump finally got to the point.

"I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it," Trump said, according to the notes. "Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible."

"There's a lot of talk about [former vice president Joe Biden's] son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

"A lot of people" is always a reference to himself. In this case, more misdirection. Pure Trumpian.

It doesn't take genius to figure out that A) Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in our Presidential election on his behalf. B) Trump was bribing the foreign power. C) By mentioning the Attorney General, Trump intends to use the Department of Justice for his political benefit.

By the way, those all fit the definition of " Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

This source provided info for this report. The notes on Trump's call with Ukraine's president hint at a quid pro quo over investigating Joe Biden's son

No it takes a liberal to believe that A Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in an election where Trump isn't actually running against Biden.
B that Trump was bribing a foreign power when he never actually told the foreign power that they had to do anything to receive something (unlike Biden) and C To believe that Trump was using the Department of Justice for his political benefit when he was asking them to look into the hacking of Democratic computers which is a crime. And looking into the Biden thing which was a bribe. As it was a quid pro quo because Biden said it was.

You seem to think you are dealing with an

I'm dealing with a liberal who likes to make up things that never really happened.
Trump's supporters often complain that those who are critical of Trump's performance are trying to do an end run around the 2016 election. That Trump's detractors are attempting a coup, the removal of a duly elected President. Ignoring the absurdity of that assertion for the moment, have they ever considered that Trump may be responsible for the multitude of questions regarding his competence?

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? That is a very good question considering the fact that the White House has been shackled during the 33 months Trump has sat in the Oval Office. Despite his party having control of both the House and Senate for the first two years of his Presidency, Trump has accomplished little or nothing. He has moved from controversy and scandal to new controversies and scandals throughout his entire administration.

He is the least popular President in modern American history, his staff has an historical turnover rate and is now filled with sycophants, and there are even questions about his mental stability.

Trump's close ties with Netanyahu while unilaterally proclaiming Jerusalem the capital of Israel has removed the U.S. from Middle East talks because the Arab republics do not trust him. Neither do Great Britain or France because Trump is unpredictable and unreliable. The U.S. has been replaced by Russia.

Trump removed the U.S. from the Paris Accord to which there are 197 signatories.

Because it was signed during the Obama administration, Trump removed the U.S. from the JCPOA which permanently barred Iran from making a nuke. He has been urging the Iranian leaders to agree to talks for a new agreement that permanently bars Iran from making a nuke. In the meantime, Iran has followed Trump's example and is in violation of the JCPOA. Our allies are trying desperately to save the agreement. Trump is threatening our allies' for their intentions.

Trump has removed the U.S. from lucrative trade agreements, TPP, NAFTA, and has not signed one major trade agreement.

Much to Putin's delight, Trump has weakened NATO with his constant jabs at our NATO partners. The recent G-7 conference went nearly as bad as last year's G-7 conference and there was no common statement of cooperation.

Trump has threatened the vibrant American economy. Because of his trade war with China, even he is concerned about a possible recession as consumer confidence is dropping along with the manufacturing index. Trump's harsh tariffs cause inflation, and inflation causes recession. To illustrate all of this, the stock market has been treading water since January 2018. On Jan. 29, 2018, the Dow stood at 26,439. Right now the Dow is at 26,917.A gain of only 478 points in 20 months. It was below Jan. 2018 figure for most of August due to Trump's tweets.

Questions about Trump's mental acuity have surfaced recently. Using a five day old NWS in predicting a hurricane's path Trump declared that Alabama "will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated." Everyone not named Trump knew the hurricane was going to turn north, missing Alabama by hundreds of miles. For a solid week Trump insisted that his faulty weather forecast was accurate.

When that died out Trump said he was totally responsible for inviting the terrorist sponsors of Al Qaeda to a meeting at Camp David five days before the 9/11 anniversary.

One day after Robert Mueller appeared before Congress to provide testimony regarding Russian intervention in our 2016 election on his behalf, Trump called the president of Ukraine to ask him to intervene in our 2020 election on his behalf!

Is Trump doing exactly what Putin wants him to do? Should he be removed from office? The reader can decide.

It is hoped those who should read the above post, Trump's supporters, will do so and with great concern. However, I fear they will not. Their main excuse will be they are too busy to take three minutes to read the post. The real reason, however, is when it comes to Trump, they try to avoid reality. Others will use an unsaid excuse. Since they have shown inability to defend Trump, what is the point of reading the realistic post that illustrates Trump's incompetence?

I hope I am wrong about this.

Perhaps it is time to reassess their priorities. Well, Trump's supporters don't want to think about that, either.
Yes we read it and understand it but think its false, AND we don’t have to resort to name calling, profanity and insults to express our thoughts.
Business Insider reports, "Notes from a phone call that President Donald Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25 confirm reports that Trump repeatedly pressed Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden after discussing military aid to Ukraine."

Trump had ordered the US to withhold a nearly $400 million military-aid package to Ukraine days before the phone call.

Business Insider continued, "Early in the July 25 call, Trump reminded Zelensky that "we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing."

"Zelensky agreed, telling Trump he was "absolutely right." Zelensky went on to thank Trump for "your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically, we're almost ready to buy more javelins from the United States for defense purposes."

"Trump then responded, "I would like you to do us a favor though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your wealthy people ... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

The reference to a 2016 election conspiracy was a diversion. It is pure Trumpian. He is never direct. He expects people to understand what he really wants.

Then Trump finally got to the point.

"I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it," Trump said, according to the notes. "Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible."

"There's a lot of talk about [former vice president Joe Biden's] son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

"A lot of people" is always a reference to himself. In this case, more misdirection. Pure Trumpian.

It doesn't take genius to figure out that A) Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in our Presidential election on his behalf. B) Trump was bribing the foreign power. C) By mentioning the Attorney General, Trump intends to use the Department of Justice for his political benefit.

By the way, those all fit the definition of " Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

This source provided info for this report. The notes on Trump's call with Ukraine's president hint at a quid pro quo over investigating Joe Biden's son

No it takes a liberal to believe that A Trump was asking a foreign power to intervene in an election where Trump isn't actually running against Biden.
B that Trump was bribing a foreign power when he never actually told the foreign power that they had to do anything to receive something (unlike Biden) and C To believe that Trump was using the Department of Justice for his political benefit when he was asking them to look into the hacking of Democratic computers which is a crime. And looking into the Biden thing which was a bribe. As it was a quid pro quo because Biden said it was.

You seem to think you are dealing with an

I'm dealing with a liberal who likes to make up things that never really happened.
They make it up and then declare you reprehensible about your response.
CBS reports, "Speaking to reporters on the White House South Lawn before departing for Florida, Mr. Trump suggested that China and Ukraine should investigate Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

"Asked on the White House South Lawn what specifically he wanted Zelensky to do, Mr. Trump responded:

"Well I would think that if they were honest about it they'd start a major investigation into the Bidens," Mr. Trump said. "It's a very simple answer. They should investigate the Bidens because how does a company that's newly formed -- and all these companies if you look at, and by the way likewise, China -- should start an investigation into the Bidens.

"Because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine. So I would say that President Zelensky, if it were me, I would recommend that they start an investigation into the Bidens because nobody has any doubt that they weren't crooked.'"

It wasn’t immediately clear what Trump believes “happened in China” as it relates to the Bidens. For that matter, Trump has never explained "what happened with Ukraine," either. As a matter of fact, no one has explained what it is the Bidens did wrong.

On the other hand, there are numerous sources that conclude the Bidens did nothing illicit, and those sources are not disputed by Trump, the White House, or the dwindling number of Trump cohorts.

Trump said that “I haven’t” asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to investigate, “but it’s certainly something we should start thinking about.”

Trump is not about to ask Xi to investigate the Bidens. Why in the world would Xi help Trump. Only his base could believe such an unlikely possibility. Trump always talks to his base, and, obviously, no one else.

Then came the always inevitable threat for which Trump is infamous. He is not happy unless he is making threats against someone. Here it is. Are you ready for it?

“I have a lot of options on China, but if they don’t do what we want, we have tremendous power.”

It is just another bogus threat. Trump has issued countless bogus threats. They, too, are meant for his base. They love his threats, but even they know they are fake. The very last thing Trump wants to do is aggravate the trade war with China which is posing a recession threat to our booming economy. He has had enough.

Incidentally, after losing 738 points on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Dow has rallied. The Dow now stands at 26,574. That is a 135 point gain in 20 months. The Dow stood at 26,439 on Jan. 29, 2018. Does anyone think Trump wants problems with China?
Recently, Pompeo tried to defend Trump's July 25th phone call. He is caught between a rock and a hard place, defending Trump vs. his career. He sounded pretty ridiculous.

"And America tries to advance its interests around the world,” he said, adding, "It’s totally appropriate. Right? Isn’t that right?” Pompeo asked. “Yeah, it’s totally right.”

“Nations do this,” Pompeo said. “Nations work together and they say, ‘Boy, goodness gracious, if you can help me with X, we’ll help you achieve Y.’ This is what partnerships do. It’s win-win, it’s better for each of us.”

Only trouble is Trump wasn't talking about nations. He was talking about himself.

First, he brags up what the U.S. has done for Ukraine after blocking military aid to Ukraine days before the phone call. Zelensky then says Ukraine wants to buy Javelin missiles. Trump replied, "I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it."

Trump has set up the quid pro quo. First denying the military aid. Then saying how generous American can be. Then asking for a favor.

Pompeo was listening in on the phone, and he pretends he was oblivious to all this when he says, “We know exactly what we were doing there. We were trying to create a situation where it wouldn’t be a corrupt government. We wanted to make sure that they didn’t interfere in our election in 2016. (HUH?) We wanted to make sure that if we underwrote Javelin missile systems — something that the previous administration refused to do — we wanted to make sure that we were doing this with a government that was straight-up, and would use that money for the things that it said it would use that money for.”

The only problem is the only corruption Trump mentioned was corruption involving his political campaign.

Right after asking for a favor, according to the transcript sent by the White House, Trump says, "I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

Crowdstrike is a fallacious far right conspiracy theory suggesting Ukraine interfered in our 2016 election for the Democrats, not Russia for Trump. This is news to Americans who never heard from Ukraine during the election campaign, but Russia was deeply involved.

Crowdstrike was a rouse, a misdirection, and a common Trump tactic to hide his real purpose. Next he got down to the real purpose of the phone call.

First he tells Zelensky how his atorney general and personal lawyer can be of enormous help in the investigations. Then he says, "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

He then adds, "I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I'm sure you will figure it out. I heard the prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything."

The prosecutor was a Russian sympathizer, and the U.S., EU, and the IMF all wanted the prosecutor gone.

Crowdstrike and the Bidens were the only corrupation Trump mentioned.

We know exactly what we were doing there. We were trying to create a situation where it wouldn’t be a corrupt government.

Pompeo best reassess his priorities, or his political career is over. The worst mistake he can make is assume Americans are stupid.

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

Pompeo defends phone call, saying Trump wanted to stop Ukrainian corruption
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
I suppose that they could make up a transcript, though there are enough people who were in on the call, along with the official recording of the call that would dispell that.

I am curious though. Why do you not believe that the whistleblower report is made up? After all, it consists of nothing but hearsay and thirdhand knowledge? Now we have learned that the Intel Committee chair has lied about his staff being in contact with this whistleblower and the fact that the report was written to such a polished degree it is thought that it is written by a lawyer, not the whistleblower.
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
I suppose that they could make up a transcript, though there are enough people who were in on the call, along with the official recording of the call that would dispell that.

I am curious though. Why do you not believe that the whistleblower report is made up? After all, it consists of nothing but hearsay and thirdhand knowledge? Now we have learned that the Intel Committee chair has lied about his staff being in contact with this whistleblower and the fact that the report was written to such a polished degree it is thought that it is written by a lawyer, not the whistleblower.
"Why do you not believe that the whistleblower report is made up?"

There are multiple whistleblowers.
AP article says, "WASHINGTON (AP) — The combative White House letter vowing to defy the “illegitimate” impeachment inquiry has actually put President Donald Trump on a more certain path to charges. His refusal to honor subpoenas or allow testimony would likely play into a formal accusation against him.

"The letter sent to House leaders by White House Counsel Pat Cipollone Tuesday evening declared the president would not cooperate with the investigation — a clear reason, Democrats say, to write an article of impeachment charging him with obstruction.

"The White House insists that a formal House vote is necessary just to start the impeachment process. But Democrats are moving ahead without one, confident for now that they are backed by the Constitution and Trump’s own acknowledgements of trying to persuade a foreign government to investigate a political foe."

In a word, desperation, Trump is guilty of breaking federal law and the White House lawyers know it. So, they dance around it with political B.S. The White House asking the House to vote on the impeachment of the President is pure lunacy.

Where are Trump's supporters? Nothing to say? Yeah, supporters of Trump have a real problem, and there are more disasters on the horizon for Trump. China has lowered its expectations for progress on trade talks, and Trump surrendered to the Turks with disastrous results. Both are serious national security problems created entirely by Trump along with asking a foreign power to intervene in our Presidential election.

Trump is a walking, talking disaster.
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
I suppose that they could make up a transcript, though there are enough people who were in on the call, along with the official recording of the call that would dispell that.

I am curious though. Why do you not believe that the whistleblower report is made up? After all, it consists of nothing but hearsay and thirdhand knowledge? Now we have learned that the Intel Committee chair has lied about his staff being in contact with this whistleblower and the fact that the report was written to such a polished degree it is thought that it is written by a lawyer, not the whistleblower.

The summary of the call and the whistleblower report do not match up. Schiff doesn't know who the whistleblower is, but one of his staffdoes, and he/she may of just called them, so they may not even know.

I think the whistleblower report is right, and it contains the word 'most' . Have you not read the report?
CBS reports, "Speaking to reporters on the White House South Lawn before departing for Florida, Mr. Trump suggested that China and Ukraine should investigate Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

"Asked on the White House South Lawn what specifically he wanted Zelensky to do, Mr. Trump responded:

"Well I would think that if they were honest about it they'd start a major investigation into the Bidens," Mr. Trump said. "It's a very simple answer. They should investigate the Bidens because how does a company that's newly formed -- and all these companies if you look at, and by the way likewise, China -- should start an investigation into the Bidens.

"Because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine. So I would say that President Zelensky, if it were me, I would recommend that they start an investigation into the Bidens because nobody has any doubt that they weren't crooked.'"

It wasn’t immediately clear what Trump believes “happened in China” as it relates to the Bidens. For that matter, Trump has never explained "what happened with Ukraine," either. As a matter of fact, no one has explained what it is the Bidens did wrong.

On the other hand, there are numerous sources that conclude the Bidens did nothing illicit, and those sources are not disputed by Trump, the White House, or the dwindling number of Trump cohorts.

Trump said that “I haven’t” asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to investigate, “but it’s certainly something we should start thinking about.”

Trump is not about to ask Xi to investigate the Bidens. Why in the world would Xi help Trump. Only his base could believe such an unlikely possibility. Trump always talks to his base, and, obviously, no one else.

Then came the always inevitable threat for which Trump is infamous. He is not happy unless he is making threats against someone. Here it is. Are you ready for it?

“I have a lot of options on China, but if they don’t do what we want, we have tremendous power.”

It is just another bogus threat. Trump has issued countless bogus threats. They, too, are meant for his base. They love his threats, but even they know they are fake. The very last thing Trump wants to do is aggravate the trade war with China which is posing a recession threat to our booming economy. He has had enough.

Incidentally, after losing 738 points on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Dow has rallied. The Dow now stands at 26,574. That is a 135 point gain in 20 months. The Dow stood at 26,439 on Jan. 29, 2018. Does anyone think Trump wants problems with China?

He might of already asked XI , and he said no.

But the atmosphere surrounding the talks was soured by the U.S. Commerce Department’s decision on Monday to blacklist 28 Chinese public security bureaus, technology and surveillance firms, citing human rights violations of Muslim minority groups in China’s Xinjiang province. A day later, the U.S. State Department imposed visa restrictions on Chinese officials related to the Xinjiang issue.
Top-level U.S.-China trade talks resume as irritants sour atmosphere
tramps plan is to bring all countries to ruin, so we can be NO.1. Like tramp cares about the Muslim Turks and well 2 sources said they are not imprisoned. He could careless about human rights.
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
I suppose that they could make up a transcript, though there are enough people who were in on the call, along with the official recording of the call that would dispell that.

I am curious though. Why do you not believe that the whistleblower report is made up? After all, it consists of nothing but hearsay and thirdhand knowledge? Now we have learned that the Intel Committee chair has lied about his staff being in contact with this whistleblower and the fact that the report was written to such a polished degree it is thought that it is written by a lawyer, not the whistleblower.

The summary of the call and the whistleblower report do not match up. Schiff doesn't know who the whistleblower is, but one of his staffdoes, and he/she may of just called them, so they may not even know.

I think the whistleblower report is right, and it contains the word 'most' . Have you not read the report?
Correct. The whistleblower is lying.
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
so you want a document that says what you need it to say, not what really happened, perhaps.

well we can take off "perhaps" i suppose.

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