We do not want a transcript of the call, we want the Whistleblower's

Poor fucking liar, a complete psychopath, but SO STUPID.

You stupid, stupid little fuck.

Insane poster -- nowhere in that video does it show that Hunter Biden was under investigation.

You crazy. :cuckoo:

If you just lie hard enough psychopath, you can change reality.

You're such a fucking liar, but so stupid.

"Shokin told me in written answers to questions that, before he was fired as general prosecutor, he had made “specific plans” for the investigation that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”


Insane poster-- you said Hunter Biden was under investigation...

Now you say he wasn't; but that it was in the planning stages...

What a flaming fruitcake you are.


Wow psychopath, you're not only a fucking liar, you can't read.


Insane poster, I even quoted Shokin saying he was planning to investigate Hunter Biden.

Planning to investigate is not investigating.



Good Allah but you're stupid.

Look fawn, you're reprehensible scum, devoid of even the shadow of integrity. So you lying to me is no surprise, but don't lie to yourself, psychopath.
The White House has admitted moving details of a telephone call between Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart to a classified server.

The admission appears to back up one of the claims made by a whistleblower about efforts to conceal evidence of the controversial call, which has led to an impeachment investigation against the president.

The White House official said staff had been directed by National Security Council lawyers to move records of the call to a server usually used to store classified information. They said: “NSC lawyers directed that the classified document be handled appropriately.”


White House officials say that the call was classified, meaning there was nothing wrong in moving it to that server.

The American people and members of Congress have been able to read the transcript of that call. Nothing was redacted. What was classified?

That 's the problem with Trump's malfeasance. White House officials are forced to lie to protect the President.

Is this the last straw for those officials? Did Trump's abject stupidity go too far this time? There are indications of that, including the whistleblower and those who helped the whistleblower.
Few Republicans are defending Trump. The defense is so thin it is nearly invisible, most of it consists of mocking. Their defense goes something like this: Donald Trump never said to Zelensky, "I won't do X unless you give me Y." He never said the phrase "quid pro quo." Therefore, nothing to see here!

"Wow. Impeachment over this?," Sen. Lindsey Graham tweeted after reading the Ukraine call transcript. "What a nothing (non-quid pro quo) burger."

Asked what he would call quid pro quo, Graham said, "'Uh, hey pal, you know, you need to like, go after the Bidens or I ain't gonna give you any money,' [He'd] be really, like, thuggish about it." Graham must think Trump is really stupid.

So does Jay Sekulow, one of Trump's lawyers. "I think it's important to understand what we don't have, and what we don't have is a quid pro quo,'" said Sekulow. "In other words, 'I will do this, you do this.' That is absent." Gee, ya think. This guy is one of Trump's lawyers, and that is the best he can do?

Other questionable defensive remarks from Republicans would include it’s a “he said, she said” case (Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, Tenn.), that the whistleblower had “zero first-hand knowledge” (House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, La.) or “political bias” (Rep. Devin Nunes, Calif., and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Calif.), that “these attacks are lies” (Rep. Jeff Duncan, S.C.) or, contrary to the evidence, that the real villain is Joe Biden.

Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, topped them all at Maguire's hearing. “Information warfare operation . . . Russia collusion hoax . . . hearsay . . . cabal of leakers . . . another Steele dossier . . . Russia hoax [again] . . . public spectacle . . . Fake news. . . Russia hoax [yet again] . . . Democrats doing the exact same thing . . . Joe Biden . . . Fusion GPS . . . Nude pictures of Trump . . . unhinged and dangerous . . . dishonest, grotesque . . . charade.”

The comments speak for themselves. What the White House put out this week was enough: The President broke the law when he solicited political help from Ukraine. In doing so, he put his political interests above the national interest. How can Republicans defend the indefensible?

They can't, and it shows.
Trump said, "I would like you to find out about the other thing. There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

Trump abused his official powers "to solicit interference" from Ukraine in the upcoming 2020 election, and the White House took steps to cover it up.

Several White House officials were "deeply disturbed" by Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and tried to "lock down" all records of the phone call, especially the word-for-word transcript produced by the White House.

White House lawyers directed officials to remove the transcript of the call from a computer system that stores them for Cabinet-level officials and instead put the transcript in a system for especially sensitive information.

The White House has admitted moving details of a telephone call between Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart to a classified server. They claimed the call was classified. The American people and members of Congress have been able to read the transcript of that call. Nothing was redacted. Nothing was classified.

It is interesting to note that Trump, those in the White House defending Trump, the few Republicans in Congress willing to defend Trump, and Trump supporters on this thread never go into the specifics of the call's transcript or the whistleblower's complaint. They use various vague, outdated characterizations, pretend the call was innocent, and try desperately to change the subject, but they dare not venture into the substance of the alleged impeachment charges against Trump.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Rep. Adam Schiff totally made up my conversation with Ukraine President and read it to Congress and Millions. He must resign and be investigated. He has been doing this for two years. He is a sick man!

6:29 AM - Sep 27, 2019

Dirty Creepy Joe used $1 billion of taxpayer money to blackmail Ukraine into firing the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and the corrupt company he worked for

Basically, Biden is Corrupt, so we MUST impeach Trump....

Why didn't you give all of that information to Mueller? He said there was no evidence that Trump or anyone on his campaign ever colluded with Russia which is not illegal in the first place!
The White House has admitted moving details of a telephone call between Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart to a classified server.

The admission appears to back up one of the claims made by a whistleblower about efforts to conceal evidence of the controversial call, which has led to an impeachment investigation against the president.

The White House official said staff had been directed by National Security Council lawyers to move records of the call to a server usually used to store classified information. They said: “NSC lawyers directed that the classified document be handled appropriately.”


White House officials say that the call was classified, meaning there was nothing wrong in moving it to that server.

The American people and members of Congress have been able to read the transcript of that call. Nothing was redacted. What was classified?

That 's the problem with Trump's malfeasance. White House officials are forced to lie to protect the President.

Is this the last straw for those officials? Did Trump's abject stupidity go too far this time? There are indications of that, including the whistleblower and those who helped the whistleblower.
That's proof of nothing. The practice started before the call with the President of Ukraine. The Whitehouse has been plagued by leaks from back stabbing employees.
Trump said, "I would like you to find out about the other thing. There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

Trump abused his official powers "to solicit interference" from Ukraine in the upcoming 2020 election, and the White House took steps to cover it up.

Several White House officials were "deeply disturbed" by Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and tried to "lock down" all records of the phone call, especially the word-for-word transcript produced by the White House.

White House lawyers directed officials to remove the transcript of the call from a computer system that stores them for Cabinet-level officials and instead put the transcript in a system for especially sensitive information.

The White House has admitted moving details of a telephone call between Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart to a classified server. They claimed the call was classified. The American people and members of Congress have been able to read the transcript of that call. Nothing was redacted. Nothing was classified.

It is interesting to note that Trump, those in the White House defending Trump, the few Republicans in Congress willing to defend Trump, and Trump supporters on this thread never go into the specifics of the call's transcript or the whistleblower's complaint. They use various vague, outdated characterizations, pretend the call was innocent, and try desperately to change the subject, but they dare not venture into the substance of the alleged impeachment charges against Trump.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Rep. Adam Schiff totally made up my conversation with Ukraine President and read it to Congress and Millions. He must resign and be investigated. He has been doing this for two years. He is a sick man!

6:29 AM - Sep 27, 2019

Dirty Creepy Joe used $1 billion of taxpayer money to blackmail Ukraine into firing the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and the corrupt company he worked for

Basically, Biden is Corrupt, so we MUST impeach Trump....

Why didn't you give all of that information to Mueller? He said there was no evidence that Trump or anyone on his campaign ever colluded with Russia which is not illegal in the first place!
That's called "performing his law enforcement function." Do you believe the Dim politicians can never be investigated for law breaking?
Few Republicans are defending Trump. The defense is so thin it is nearly invisible, most of it consists of mocking. Their defense goes something like this: Donald Trump never said to Zelensky, "I won't do X unless you give me Y." He never said the phrase "quid pro quo." Therefore, nothing to see here!

"Wow. Impeachment over this?," Sen. Lindsey Graham tweeted after reading the Ukraine call transcript. "What a nothing (non-quid pro quo) burger."

Asked what he would call quid pro quo, Graham said, "'Uh, hey pal, you know, you need to like, go after the Bidens or I ain't gonna give you any money,' [He'd] be really, like, thuggish about it." Graham must think Trump is really stupid.

So does Jay Sekulow, one of Trump's lawyers. "I think it's important to understand what we don't have, and what we don't have is a quid pro quo,'" said Sekulow. "In other words, 'I will do this, you do this.' That is absent." Gee, ya think. This guy is one of Trump's lawyers, and that is the best he can do?

Other questionable defensive remarks from Republicans would include it’s a “he said, she said” case (Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, Tenn.), that the whistleblower had “zero first-hand knowledge” (House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, La.) or “political bias” (Rep. Devin Nunes, Calif., and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Calif.), that “these attacks are lies” (Rep. Jeff Duncan, S.C.) or, contrary to the evidence, that the real villain is Joe Biden.

Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, topped them all at Maguire's hearing. “Information warfare operation . . . Russia collusion hoax . . . hearsay . . . cabal of leakers . . . another Steele dossier . . . Russia hoax [again] . . . public spectacle . . . Fake news. . . Russia hoax [yet again] . . . Democrats doing the exact same thing . . . Joe Biden . . . Fusion GPS . . . Nude pictures of Trump . . . unhinged and dangerous . . . dishonest, grotesque . . . charade.”

The comments speak for themselves. What the White House put out this week was enough: The President broke the law when he solicited political help from Ukraine. In doing so, he put his political interests above the national interest. How can Republicans defend the indefensible?

They can't, and it shows.
"Few Republicans are defending Trump. The defense is so thin it is nearly invisible, most of it consists of mocking."

Total fucking bullshit
White House officials say that the call was classified, meaning there was nothing wrong in moving it to that server.
Contrary to literally every current or former intelligent official who has been asked about it. Talk about desperate...

You mean contrary to KGB Agent John Brennan, who is involved in placing the CIA mole in the executive branch to spy on the president of the United State, an act of treason? Brennan is a traitor, and has been for decades.

Turn off MSNBC occasionally, traitor.
Trump said, "I would like you to find out about the other thing. There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

Trump abused his official powers "to solicit interference" from Ukraine in the upcoming 2020 election, and the White House took steps to cover it up.

Several White House officials were "deeply disturbed" by Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and tried to "lock down" all records of the phone call, especially the word-for-word transcript produced by the White House.

White House lawyers directed officials to remove the transcript of the call from a computer system that stores them for Cabinet-level officials and instead put the transcript in a system for especially sensitive information.

The White House has admitted moving details of a telephone call between Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart to a classified server. They claimed the call was classified. The American people and members of Congress have been able to read the transcript of that call. Nothing was redacted. Nothing was classified.

It is interesting to note that Trump, those in the White House defending Trump, the few Republicans in Congress willing to defend Trump, and Trump supporters on this thread never go into the specifics of the call's transcript or the whistleblower's complaint. They use various vague, outdated characterizations, pretend the call was innocent, and try desperately to change the subject, but they dare not venture into the substance of the alleged impeachment charges against Trump.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Rep. Adam Schiff totally made up my conversation with Ukraine President and read it to Congress and Millions. He must resign and be investigated. He has been doing this for two years. He is a sick man!

6:29 AM - Sep 27, 2019

Dirty Creepy Joe used $1 billion of taxpayer money to blackmail Ukraine into firing the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and the corrupt company he worked for

Basically, Biden is Corrupt, so we MUST impeach Trump....

Why didn't you give all of that information to Mueller? He said there was no evidence that Trump or anyone on his campaign ever colluded with Russia which is not illegal in the first place!

Using the term "whistleblower" is offensive.

This is no whistleblower, the CIA operative has no direct knowledge of events and in fact had LESS knowledge at the time of his/her treason than you or I do. We have actually read the transcripts. No, not a whistleblower but a mole, an embedded agent of the CIA deliberately spying on the President of the United States with the intent of overthrowing the Executive branch, an act of high treason, an act of war.

We know Chuck Schumer is directly tied to the mole, as it is the attorney of Schumer who introduces and shepherds the mole. The senate should expel Schumer and AG Barr should indict him on charges of treason, making war on the United States of America.

What we have here is a coup, nothing less. The democrats attempted to oust the President with the fake Russian Collusion hoax and failed, so they move to do the same thing again. based on crime committed by Joe Biden.

The Stalinists are playing a VERY dangerous game. Should they move too far in their attempt to overthrow the government, the people may be prompted to offer an "AR-15 veto" of their coup.
Last edited:
White House officials say that the call was classified, meaning there was nothing wrong in moving it to that server.
Contrary to literally every current or former intelligent official who has been asked about it. Talk about desperate...
ROFL! I've seen plenty say exactly the opposite.

Fort Fuck India is using KGB John Brennan on MSNBC as his source and claiming that is "every intelligence official".
Trump got his wish. He wanted the focus to be on Ukraine - and now it is! Bigly!
Trump said, "I would like you to find out about the other thing. There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

Trump abused his official powers "to solicit interference" from Ukraine in the upcoming 2020 election, and the White House took steps to cover it up.

Utter fucking bullshit.

The President asking another leader to investigate corruption in coordination with our law enforcement is part of the duty of the executive branch.

What you dishonestly claim is as absurd as claiming Potentate Obama abused power by asking Pakistan to investigate Osama Bin Ladin.

What you claim is patently absurd.

Several White House officials were "deeply disturbed" by Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and tried to "lock down" all records of the phone call, especially the word-for-word transcript produced by the White House.

White House lawyers directed officials to remove the transcript of the call from a computer system that stores them for Cabinet-level officials and instead put the transcript in a system for especially sensitive information.

The White House has admitted moving details of a telephone call between Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart to a classified server. They claimed the call was classified. The American people and members of Congress have been able to read the transcript of that call. Nothing was redacted. Nothing was classified.

Well now that's a fucking lie.

Every conversation between the president and leaders of foreign nations is classified.

Several corrupt career leftists in the white house are dedicated to staging a coup against the sitting president.

What you are engaged in is treason, flat out.
Trump said, "I would like you to find out about the other thing. There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

Trump abused his official powers "to solicit interference" from Ukraine in the upcoming 2020 election, and the White House took steps to cover it up.

Several White House officials were "deeply disturbed" by Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and tried to "lock down" all records of the phone call, especially the word-for-word transcript produced by the White House.

White House lawyers directed officials to remove the transcript of the call from a computer system that stores them for Cabinet-level officials and instead put the transcript in a system for especially sensitive information.

The White House has admitted moving details of a telephone call between Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart to a classified server. They claimed the call was classified. The American people and members of Congress have been able to read the transcript of that call. Nothing was redacted. Nothing was classified.

It is interesting to note that Trump, those in the White House defending Trump, the few Republicans in Congress willing to defend Trump, and Trump supporters on this thread never go into the specifics of the call's transcript or the whistleblower's complaint. They use various vague, outdated characterizations, pretend the call was innocent, and try desperately to change the subject, but they dare not venture into the substance of the alleged impeachment charges against Trump.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Rep. Adam Schiff totally made up my conversation with Ukraine President and read it to Congress and Millions. He must resign and be investigated. He has been doing this for two years. He is a sick man!

6:29 AM - Sep 27, 2019

Dirty Creepy Joe used $1 billion of taxpayer money to blackmail Ukraine into firing the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and the corrupt company he worked for

Basically, Biden is Corrupt, so we MUST impeach Trump....

Why didn't you give all of that information to Mueller? He said there was no evidence that Trump or anyone on his campaign ever colluded with Russia which is not illegal in the first place!
That's called "performing his law enforcement function." Do you believe the Dim politicians can never be investigated for law breaking?

The position of the Stalinists is Biden is Corrupt, so we MUST impeach Trump....
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.


Unless the report is authenticated and the accuser affirms under penalty of perjury that the information is true the same is a fictionalized novel.

Furthermore, DJT has the absolute right to confront his accuser.



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