We Don't Have A 'Tax Revenue' Problem - We Have A POLITICIAN SPENDING Problem!

Liberals never want to even acknowledge spending as a potential problem.
Really? Just liberals, huh?

Have you EVER seen a pseudocon say Trump is spending way too fucking much?


See my signature for just how mentally ill the Trumptards have become.

Do you believe that Nancy and Chuck have any responsibility for massive government spending?
I believe EVERYONE is responsible, including YOU.

We get the politicians we deserve.

EVERYONE has their hand out.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."
I've been talking about the federal debt since coming to this forum. I am VERY consistent about it. Unlike the willfully blind and stupid pseudocons, I am well aware that both parties are into MASSIVE spending.

You would think after Bush and the GOP Congress began doubling the debt on their watch, the tard herd would have figured it out.


They STILL haven't figured it out even though Trump has been EXPLODING the deficit and our debt since he took the helm.

These retards think it is somehow only a Democrat problem. That's takes some serious stupidity to believe that horseshit.

Serious stupidity.
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I believe EVERYONE is responsible, including YOU.

I'm not the one that supports open borders, free healthcare, education and legal aid for illegals. Nor do I support the government giving out "loans" to home buyers and students. I wasn't in favor of bailing out banks, GM and the UAW. All of that is on YOU and your leftist comrades. Thanks.
We need 2 things to avoid the eventual collapse of the USA:

1. Balance Budget Amendment.

2. Term limits for Congress.

No, what is needed is for Congress to raise taxes to the level of spending, instead of cutting them. Americans having been living on the national debt for generations, kicking the can of debt down the road for someone else to deal with. Young people are started to rebel against a deck that is completely stacked against them and now designed to keep them in debt through students loans to the end of their lives.

I am not in favour of term limits for Congress, but I am in favour of a mandatory retirement age.

Libs never say we should cut spending to balance the budget.........just tax more. Typical.

And Repubs say "who cares spending and the debt...we need more and more of both! "
Liberals never want to even acknowledge spending as a potential problem.
Really? Just liberals, huh?

Have you EVER seen a pseudocon say Trump is spending way too fucking much?


See my signature for just how mentally ill the Trumptards have become.

And yet almost everyone here agrees that too much is spent. You know, in the very fucking name of the thread.

Yet a other leftist liar.

Yet not a one of your will say even a single negative thing about the guy that signs off and approves of all spending...it is almost as if your really do not give a shit.
I've been talking about the federal debt since coming to this forum. I am VERY consistent about it.
These retards think it is somehow only a Democrat problem.

Every time I read your remarks about the debt, you only name Trump and Republicans. The reality is that there is NO WILL in Washington to cut spending - NONE. I guarantee Trump and the GOP would be fine with cutting a LOT of spending. Nancy and Chuck will NOT permit ANY cuts in spending.

Remember, Trump tried to get us out of Syria and the left cried and cried and cried some more. Trump is also trying to get us our of Afghanistan and he has remarked many times about how expensive and wasteful it is. You watch. If and when Trump gets us out, the left will SLAM him over it and you'll be here parroting their criticisms.
I believe EVERYONE is responsible, including YOU.

I'm not the one that supports open borders, free healthcare, education and legal aid for illegals. Nor do I support the government giving out "loans" to home buyers and students. I wasn't in favor of bailing out banks, GM and the UAW. All of that is on YOU and your leftist comrades. Thanks.
I'm not a leftist, retard. I'm a fiscal conservative.

Do you know what the biggest government handout is?

Food stamps? Nope! Not even close.

Oh, speaking of the auto bailout: Trump farm bailout costs more than double the auto bailout that GOP slammed

The biggest government handout, by far, is tax expenditures. They had up to $1.4 TRILLION a year.

What are your thoughts about banning tax expenditures so we can balance the budget, lower tax rates for EVERYONE, pay down the debt, while serendipitously reforming campaign finance all at the same time?
Yet not a one of your will say even a single negative thing about the guy that signs off and approves of all spending...it is almost as if your really do not give a shit.

You lack the honesty and integrity to acknowledge that, if Trump tried to cut a dime from the budget, Nancy would shut down the government and then you'd be here blaming Trump.
I've been talking about the federal debt since coming to this forum. I am VERY consistent about it.
These retards think it is somehow only a Democrat problem.

Every time I read your remarks about the debt, you only name Trump and Republicans.
Horseshit. I have been talking about banning tax expenditures since coming to this forum. Way before Trump.

You idiots have some very selective vision and make shit up in your heads. It's becoming an actual mental illness with you.

You want to see me slamming Obama, willfully blind monkey?

From 2012:

I want you to remember in 2019 that you were told today that ObamaCare is going to bankrupt your state.

By that time, Obama will be retired on the golf course, laughing his ass off. And when your fellow citizens get slammed with a higher state tax bill, and your fellow citizens find their state benefits abruptly cut back, you should probably know that Obama will have a lot of Secret Service protection. And he will need it.

That is Obama's way. Shower you with free gifts and pushing the costs out until long after he is gone. Just so you will swallow his c**k and vote for him.

Remember. 2019. You were warned way ahead of time. You were warned today.
Yet not a one of your will say even a single negative thing about the guy that signs off and approves of all spending...it is almost as if your really do not give a shit.

You lack the honesty and integrity to acknowledge that, if Trump tried to cut a dime from the budget, Nancy would shut down the government and then you'd be here blaming Trump.

Why do you care what I would do? Does what I would say determine what you will say?

Also, the Govt was shut down for a while last year, can you find where I blamed Trump alone?
Liberals never want to even acknowledge spending as a potential problem.
Really? Just liberals, huh?

Have you EVER seen a pseudocon say Trump is spending way too fucking much?


See my signature for just how mentally ill the Trumptards have become.

And yet almost everyone here agrees that too much is spent. You know, in the very fucking name of the thread.

Yet a other leftist liar.

Yet not a one of your will say even a single negative thing about the guy that signs off and approves of all spending...it is almost as if your really do not give a shit.

Trump is pretty awesome. Of course he has flaws, there are enough people whose full time job is to point out those flaws. Now why would we be little undermining bitches like you when America is under attack?

You are obsessing with the flaws to the point of retardation.
Yet not a one of your will say even a single negative thing about the guy that signs off and approves of all spending...it is almost as if your really do not give a shit.

You lack the honesty and integrity to acknowledge that, if Trump tried to cut a dime from the budget, Nancy would shut down the government and then you'd be here blaming Trump.
Trump had a REPUBLICAN Congress for TWO YEARS while he was doubling the deficit, dipshit.

Jesus, you people have the memory span of a goldfish!

Why do you care what I would do? Does what I would say determine what you will say?

I won't lay awake at night pondering your statements. LOL. I just know that your outrage typically flows in only one direction.

GM failed because of bad business practices. Obama bailed them out to save the UAW, not GM. Bailing out the farmers in order to protect the industry is different. It's not the fault of the farmers that we're in this trade war.

Let me ask you, Mr. "fiscal conservative", do you support providing illegals with free healthcare and education?
Answer my question to you about banning tax expenditures.

Banning tax expenditures = no more tax deductions, credits, or exemptions.
Trump had a REPUBLICAN Congress for TWO YEARS while he was doubling the deficit, dipshit

Calm down, we're just having a friendly discussion.

I thought we're talking about spending in the here-and-now.

I AGREE that we need to cut spending, I've simply pointed out that THERE IS NO WILL TO CUT SPENDING IN WASHINGTON BY ANYBODY.

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