We Don't Have A 'Tax Revenue' Problem - We Have A POLITICIAN SPENDING Problem!

Might as well break Obama's debt record, seeing as how Trump has broken every other Obama record. I personally don't give a crap about debt. Easy come, easy go, and at least I'm getting my money's worth now. - JGalt

A guy who named himself after John Galt in Atlas Shrugged says he doesn't care that Trump is breaking every spending record and he doesn't give a crap about the debt.

That's just how mentally ill Trumptards have become. It is a perfect illustration.

We need 2 things to avoid the eventual collapse of the USA:

1. Balance Budget Amendment.

2. Term limits for Congress.

The balanced budget amendment isn't the way to go.........they can simply "balance," the budget spending by demanding more tax money.........we need something else.
Liberals never want to even acknowledge spending as a potential problem.
Really? Just liberals, huh?

Have you EVER seen a pseudocon say Trump is spending way too fucking much?


See my signature for just how mentally ill the Trumptards have become.

Yes. I call out Republicans, including Trump, for spending too much. Liberals call him and other Republicans for spending too much just for “gotcha” as opposed to, “we will come in and cut spending.” Who is saying that?
Despite ridiculous claims from the Left that President Trump's tax cuts is responsible for the ballooning deficit, the fact that the US collected more in tax revenue this year than any time in US history proves the cuts actually resulted in more tax dollars being collected ever...and helped prove we do not have a tax revenue / tax collection problem. We have a Federal Politician Spending problem.

Democrats, especially, pride themselves on knowing how to spend your money better than you do. Here are some of the examples of what our brilliant federal politicians found to wisely spend our money on:

1. UNUSEABLE Telecommunications Towers in Afghanistan: $6.5 Million

2. Improperly Camouflaged Uniforms For Afghanistan: $28 Million

3. HOUSING for RETIRED CHIMPANZEES (despite Ca's homeless epidemic): $7 Million

4. NASA - A Bent Rocket Tower: $1 Billion ($912 Million over the last 10 years on another tower for 1 use)

5. A Defective Telescope: $800,000


Merry Christmas! Uncle Sam Spends $1.2 Billion On Complete Junk

How about that 3 billion for homeless apartments ....they ain't built shit but yet still pissed away the money
Liberals never want to even acknowledge spending as a potential problem.
Really? Just liberals, huh?

Have you EVER seen a pseudocon say Trump is spending way too fucking much?


See my signature for just how mentally ill the Trumptards have become.

Yes. I call out Republicans, including Trump, for spending too much. Liberals call him and other Republicans for spending too much just for “gotcha” as opposed to, “we will come in and cut spending.” Who is saying that?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years
Trump had a REPUBLICAN Congress for TWO YEARS while he was doubling the deficit, dipshit.

Schumer would have filibustered and prevented any budget approval, just as he threatened to do in 2011 when he wanted the government to pay for abortions. How do you feel about government paying for abortions, Mr. Fiscal Conservative?

Senate Democrats Embrace Filibuster

On another note, why are you so hateful and angry?
You all can argue back and forth on which tribe is the worst for spending our hard earned money.
But, you have taken a rabbit trail away from the OP's information. The tax cuts did work to increase revenue
no matter how much you argue that point.
Neither side will admit we as a nation......are spending far too much with the pork barrel ingredients.
Wake up and quit being so partisan with a bipartisan problem.
Both Republicans AND Democrats are to blame EQUALLY.
I see the pseudocon delusion and willful blindness to Trump's spending continues and is widespread.

U.S. government hits record for Treasury selling debt

The U.S. government hit a record this year on selling long-term debt after the Treasury Department on Thursday auctioned its latest seven-year notes, bringing it to a total of $2.25 trillion for the year in sales of notes and bonds ranging from two to 30 years.

The figures, reported by The Wall Street Journal, represented a 26 percent spike from 2017.

Trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and hardly a voice of caution to be heard

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

Now watch the fuckwits continue to claim only Democrats are big government spenders in true Orwellian fashion.

These dumbasses deserve to be lied to.

Trump is spend on almost everything that Obama spent on. Even more in some cases. But republican's still blame the democrats.
As if spending bills don't require a residential signature.
Every dollar which is exempted, deducted, or given away as a tax credit has to be offset by taking a dollar from someone else or by borrowing it.

$1.4 trillion in tax expenditures, folks. That's how much wealth Republicans are re-distributing every year. I say Republicans because they are by far the biggest writers of tax expenditures in the code.

They are robbing you and your descendants blind, and you don't even know it.

They even have you defending your handouts with the myth, "I am getting to keep more of my own money!" That's a hoax. You are paying more for your house, and thus more interest payments on your house, and everything else you buy because of them. And tax rates are higher because of them.

You are being robbed blind. And so are your descendants.

Tax expenditures are the largest government behavioral control and wealth redistribution program in history.

Without them, we would have a surplus with which we can use to lower tax rates for everyone, pay down the debt, and reform campaign finance since we would be taking away the incentive to bribe our politicians to put tax expenditures in the tax code.
Answer the question, coward.

LOL. I do have a life outside of this forum and I was living it.

Your question is way too broad. We could probably sit here all day and night arguing about which taxes are "fair" and which aren't. Frankly, I'd need to be a tax accountant to discuss corporate taxes, government incentives, etc.

Is it your view that ALL tax incentives are wrong or unfair?

Generally speaking, how much of one's income should they be required to give to the government?
You all can argue back and forth on which tribe is the worst for spending our hard earned money.
But, you have taken a rabbit trail away from the OP's information. The tax cuts did work to increase revenue
US lost more tax revenue than any other developed country in 2018 due to Trump tax cuts, new report says

U.S. tax revenue as a proportion of GDP drops the most of any country in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2018, according to a new report.

The 2017 tax cuts dramatically alter the U.S. tax landscape for the first time in decades, though the promised surge in economic growth and investment does not result.

GOP leader concedes tax cuts may not pay for themselves as 2019 deficit grows
Here's something your propagandists don't tell you tards.

When Barack Obama and Bill Clinton raised taxes during their presidencies, tax revenues went UP!

They keep that fact from you. Because they are dumbing you down to the point of mental illness.
You all can argue back and forth on which tribe is the worst for spending our hard earned money.
But, you have taken a rabbit trail away from the OP's information. The tax cuts did work to increase revenue
US lost more tax revenue than any other developed country in 2018 due to Trump tax cuts, new report says

U.S. tax revenue as a proportion of GDP drops the most of any country in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2018, according to a new report.

The 2017 tax cuts dramatically alter the U.S. tax landscape for the first time in decades, though the promised surge in economic growth and investment does not result.

GOP leader concedes tax cuts may not pay for themselves as 2019 deficit grows
It's a fucking spending problem, dude.
The more that's raked in the more they spend. It isn't rocket science, although you people make it out to be.
You all can argue back and forth on which tribe is the worst for spending our hard earned money.
But, you have taken a rabbit trail away from the OP's information. The tax cuts did work to increase revenue
no matter how much you argue that point.
Neither side will admit we as a nation......are spending far too much with the pork barrel ingredients.
Wake up and quit being so partisan with a bipartisan problem.
Both Republicans AND Democrats are to blame EQUALLY.

I agree with you. I have no problem criticizing Trump on this or anything else. Getting a leftist to admit that the Democrats have anything to do with our nation's spending and debt is like pulling teeth.

If we had congressional term limits, we'd see a drastic cut in government programs and spending. Since we don't have them, we have career politicians that promise the sun, the moon and the stars to a lot gullible people who have been indoctrinated into the belief that government can and will provide for one's every want and need.

Look at all of the leftists politicians promising and providing free healthcare to foreign illegals. They want to provide free everything to everyone on the back of the American worker, who has to do with less of the fruits of their labor.

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