We Don't Have A 'Tax Revenue' Problem - We Have A POLITICIAN SPENDING Problem!

A funny thing about those four candidates who promised a one page tax return. A very funny thing.

When all four failed to mention a key fact, then you know their omissions were deliberate.

The fact is, you cannot have a one page tax return unless you eliminate virtually every tax deduction, credit, and exemption.

NONE of them told the herd this fact. Because they knew the rubes wouldn't get it and would scream for their handouts.

Exactly. I was shaking my head when Paul Ryan said something about how we could file our return on a "postcard", if I am remembering correctly.
Answer the question, coward.

LOL. I do have a life outside of this forum and I was living it.

Your question is way too broad. We could probably sit here all day and night arguing about which taxes are "fair" and which aren't. Frankly, I'd need to be a tax accountant to discuss corporate taxes, government incentives, etc.

Is it your view that ALL tax incentives are wrong or unfair?

Generally speaking, how much of one's income should they be required to give to the government?
This kind of massive and willful ignorance is exactly what the Republicans who are robbing you blind count on.

You keep parroting the lie that only Democrats are all about handouts and your puppet masters love your dumb ass for it.

ALL tax expenditures cause tax rates and deficits to go up. Every last one. Every dollar. You are paying higher tax rates, and the government is borrowing more, because they are ever increasing.

One politician finally openly admitted it a couple years ago when they were talking about the corporate tax cuts. Deven Nunes of all people.

But instead of holding to true fiscal conservative principles, every last Republican caved and cut the corporate tax rate without eliminating the tax expenditures which caused them to be so high to begin with.

And that's going to add another trillion dollars to the debt over ten years.

You people have been so dumbed down you don't even know the most basic fiscal conservative principles. This is core. Elemental. And you don't even have the most basic grasp.

You have been deliberately dumbed down so you don't catch on. Otherwise, you'd be carrying torches and pitchforks to Washington and roasting Trump and the Republicans.

But they got you dumb sheep howling at Democratic spending.

Man, talk about the wool being over your eyes!
Oh brother :rolleyes-41: If we could just get rid of those pesky repubs, we could clean all of this up. :auiqs.jpg:

You all are only half the problem
Apparently, you didn't read post 93, GG. I think I covered it pretty good.

I had missed that one.

This comment in it is false...
But, you have taken a rabbit trail away from the OP's information. The tax cuts did work to increase revenue
no matter how much you argue that point

Revenue growth slowed significantly after the tax cuts. In the 5 years before the tax cut revenue grew at a rate of 6.39% per year.

In the first year after the tax cut it grew at a rate of 0.30% and then only because the first 3 months of the FY were before the tax cut took place.
A funny thing about those four candidates who promised a one page tax return. A very funny thing.

When all four failed to mention a key fact, then you know their omissions were deliberate.

The fact is, you cannot have a one page tax return unless you eliminate virtually every tax deduction, credit, and exemption.

NONE of them told the herd this fact. Because they knew the rubes wouldn't get it and would scream for their handouts.

Exactly. I was shaking my head when Paul Ryan said something about how we could file our return on a "postcard", if I am remembering correctly.
Yes. He did say that.

That is only possible if you have no deductions, exemptions, or credits.

There is now a "standard deduction", which is just another form of redistribution/handout.

If you earn 100 dollars and I need ten dollars in taxes from you, I would tax you ten percent.

But if I decided to pull a fast one and gave you a five dollar "standard deduction", then I would have to raise the tax rate to 10.5 percent in order to get that ten dollars from you.

The rube herd does not understand this. When they exercise their five dollar deduction, they say, "Woo hoo! I'm getting to keep more of my money!" never realizing that deduction is offset by the higher tax rate.
I really need to get to work on my "A libertarian allegory" topic...
Hey g5000

How much of one's income should go to the government?
The same amount as anyone else who earns the same income I do.

Right now, that is not the case. We have an insane system where entities earning identical incomes pay radically different amounts of tax.

The biggest wealth redistribution scheme in history.
I'm actually a proponent of the Fair Tax. I would eliminate the income tax and enact the Fair Tax.

I believe a tax on consumption is superior to a tax on production, as do most fiscally conservative economists.
Behavioral control.

If you do not have a mortgage, you are punished with higher taxes.

If you do not breed, you are punished with higher taxes.

If you do not buy the right kind of energy-saving refrigerator, you are punished with higher taxes.

And so forth.

It was no big leap to punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of health insurance. Those of you who favor tax expenditures handed the Democrats the individual mandate on a silver platter.

In fact, the individual mandate was the brainchild of a right-wing think tank.
I know guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul would be ALL-FOR cutting spending, as well as taxes. How do you feel about those two senators?
I think it is ironic that the first chapter in Ted Cruz's book was called "Mendacity". I'll get to that in a second.

He told the rube herd he would create a flat income tax with a single page tax return.

Do you know the only way to create a one page tax return? By eliminating all tax expenditures.

Rand Paul also promised a one page tax return.

There were four 2016 candidates who promised a one page tax return. I pointed this out several times in 2016, especially since I have always been for the elimination of tax expenditures.

Trump was not one of those four.

Now, about Cruz. He promised a one page tax return. I liked him very much for that. My mother also was going to vote for him. Unfortunately, she died right before the election.

However, Cruz also told the rubes he would eliminate the IRS. This always got him big cheers. He was pandering.

So Cruz was going to have a flat INCOME TAX and no IRS?!?

He was obviously lying. Which is why I found it ironic the first chapter in his book was Mendacity.

Not only that, look at what Cruz has done since Trump won. He hated Trump. He called out Trump for exactly what he is. But today, he is a totally supine cuck for Trump. Trump invented a bogus conspiracy theory about Cruz's father and the assassination of JFK, and now Cruz sucks Trump's cock. So fuck him. He sucks off a man who dishonored his father, and that means he has no honor.

Rand Paul? He is not half the man his father is. I don't trust him at all. He does not stick to his principles. He's a pretender.

Justin Amash is more like Ron Paul than Ron Paul is today.
Wished Amash would run.
Despite ridiculous claims from the Left that President Trump's tax cuts is responsible for the ballooning deficit, the fact that the US collected more in tax revenue this year than any time in US history proves the cuts actually resulted in more tax dollars being collected ever...and helped prove we do not have a tax revenue / tax collection problem. We have a Federal Politician Spending problem.

Democrats, especially, pride themselves on knowing how to spend your money better than you do. Here are some of the examples of what our brilliant federal politicians found to wisely spend our money on:

1. UNUSEABLE Telecommunications Towers in Afghanistan: $6.5 Million

2. Improperly Camouflaged Uniforms For Afghanistan: $28 Million

3. HOUSING for RETIRED CHIMPANZEES (despite Ca's homeless epidemic): $7 Million

4. NASA - A Bent Rocket Tower: $1 Billion ($912 Million over the last 10 years on another tower for 1 use)

5. A Defective Telescope: $800,000


Merry Christmas! Uncle Sam Spends $1.2 Billion On Complete Junk

The op only lists spending accounted for under Obama'S PRESIDENCY, yet doesn't list the actual WASTEFUL overspending made by THIS TRUMP ADMINISTRATION that is affecting the budget deficit growing astronomically, in a good and strong economic period, RIGHT NOW.....???

What a deceiving and totally misleading, op article.... and op ed.
I know guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul would be ALL-FOR cutting spending, as well as taxes. How do you feel about those two senators?
I think it is ironic that the first chapter in Ted Cruz's book was called "Mendacity". I'll get to that in a second.

He told the rube herd he would create a flat income tax with a single page tax return.

Do you know the only way to create a one page tax return? By eliminating all tax expenditures.

Rand Paul also promised a one page tax return.

There were four 2016 candidates who promised a one page tax return. I pointed this out several times in 2016, especially since I have always been for the elimination of tax expenditures.

Trump was not one of those four.

Now, about Cruz. He promised a one page tax return. I liked him very much for that. My mother also was going to vote for him. Unfortunately, she died right before the election.

However, Cruz also told the rubes he would eliminate the IRS. This always got him big cheers. He was pandering.

So Cruz was going to have a flat INCOME TAX and no IRS?!?

He was obviously lying. Which is why I found it ironic the first chapter in his book was Mendacity.

Not only that, look at what Cruz has done since Trump won. He hated Trump. He called out Trump for exactly what he is. But today, he is a totally supine cuck for Trump. Trump invented a bogus conspiracy theory about Cruz's father and the assassination of JFK, and now Cruz sucks Trump's cock. So fuck him. He sucks off a man who dishonored his father, and that means he has no honor.

Rand Paul? He is not half the man his father is. I don't trust him at all. He does not stick to his principles. He's a pretender.

Justin Amash is more like Ron Paul than Ron Paul is today.
Wished Amash would run.
I don't know much about him except that he left the Republican party and became an Independent because the GOP has become too insane to tolerate any further.

Which, as it happens, so did I.
LOL. I do have a life outside of this forum and I was living it.

Your question is way too broad. We could probably sit here all day and night arguing about which taxes are "fair" and which aren't. Frankly, I'd need to be a tax accountant to discuss corporate taxes, government incentives, etc.

Is it your view that ALL tax incentives are wrong or unfair?

Generally speaking, how much of one's income should they be required to give to the government?
This kind of massive and willful ignorance is exactly what the Republicans who are robbing you blind count on.

You keep parroting the lie that only Democrats are all about handouts and your puppet masters love your dumb ass for it.

ALL tax expenditures cause tax rates and deficits to go up. Every last one. Every dollar. You are paying higher tax rates, and the government is borrowing more, because they are ever increasing.

One politician finally openly admitted it a couple years ago when they were talking about the corporate tax cuts. Deven Nunes of all people.

But instead of holding to true fiscal conservative principles, every last Republican caved and cut the corporate tax rate without eliminating the tax expenditures which caused them to be so high to begin with.

And that's going to add another trillion dollars to the debt over ten years.

You people have been so dumbed down you don't even know the most basic fiscal conservative principles. This is core. Elemental. And you don't even have the most basic grasp.

You have been deliberately dumbed down so you don't catch on. Otherwise, you'd be carrying torches and pitchforks to Washington and roasting Trump and the Republicans.

But they got you dumb sheep howling at Democratic spending.

Man, talk about the wool being over your eyes!
Oh brother :rolleyes-41: If we could just get rid of those pesky repubs, we could clean all of this up. :auiqs.jpg:

You all are only half the problem
Apparently, you didn't read post 93, GG. I think I covered it pretty good.

I had missed that one.

This comment in it is false...
But, you have taken a rabbit trail away from the OP's information. The tax cuts did work to increase revenue
no matter how much you argue that point

Revenue growth slowed significantly after the tax cuts. In the 5 years before the tax cut revenue grew at a rate of 6.39% per year.

In the first year after the tax cut it grew at a rate of 0.30% and then only because the first 3 months of the FY were before the tax cut took place.
I guess it's who you want to believe, GG.

This one goes both ways and admits it does come down to assumptions.

Having said that, we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem.
I know guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul would be ALL-FOR cutting spending, as well as taxes. How do you feel about those two senators?
I think it is ironic that the first chapter in Ted Cruz's book was called "Mendacity". I'll get to that in a second.

He told the rube herd he would create a flat income tax with a single page tax return.

Do you know the only way to create a one page tax return? By eliminating all tax expenditures.

Rand Paul also promised a one page tax return.

There were four 2016 candidates who promised a one page tax return. I pointed this out several times in 2016, especially since I have always been for the elimination of tax expenditures.

Trump was not one of those four.

Now, about Cruz. He promised a one page tax return. I liked him very much for that. My mother also was going to vote for him. Unfortunately, she died right before the election.

However, Cruz also told the rubes he would eliminate the IRS. This always got him big cheers. He was pandering.

So Cruz was going to have a flat INCOME TAX and no IRS?!?

He was obviously lying. Which is why I found it ironic the first chapter in his book was Mendacity.

Not only that, look at what Cruz has done since Trump won. He hated Trump. He called out Trump for exactly what he is. But today, he is a totally supine cuck for Trump. Trump invented a bogus conspiracy theory about Cruz's father and the assassination of JFK, and now Cruz sucks Trump's cock. So fuck him. He sucks off a man who dishonored his father, and that means he has no honor.

Rand Paul? He is not half the man his father is. I don't trust him at all. He does not stick to his principles. He's a pretender.

Justin Amash is more like Ron Paul than Ron Paul is today.
Wished Amash would run.
I don't know much about him except that he left the Republican party and became an Independent because the GOP has become too insane to tolerate any further.

Which, as it happens, so did I.

Amash us like a younger Ron Paul. Except he's more articulate.

Fed Revenues hit record highs almost every since since they go up 90% of the time. Your article does nothing to challenge what I said, growth slowed after the tax cuts.

This one goes both ways and admits it does come down to assumptions.

Same link as the first.

Having said that, we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

This much we agree on. Slowing revenue growth does not help the problem.
I know guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul would be ALL-FOR cutting spending, as well as taxes. How do you feel about those two senators?
I think it is ironic that the first chapter in Ted Cruz's book was called "Mendacity". I'll get to that in a second.

He told the rube herd he would create a flat income tax with a single page tax return.

Do you know the only way to create a one page tax return? By eliminating all tax expenditures.

Rand Paul also promised a one page tax return.

There were four 2016 candidates who promised a one page tax return. I pointed this out several times in 2016, especially since I have always been for the elimination of tax expenditures.

Trump was not one of those four.

Now, about Cruz. He promised a one page tax return. I liked him very much for that. My mother also was going to vote for him. Unfortunately, she died right before the election.

However, Cruz also told the rubes he would eliminate the IRS. This always got him big cheers. He was pandering.

So Cruz was going to have a flat INCOME TAX and no IRS?!?

He was obviously lying. Which is why I found it ironic the first chapter in his book was Mendacity.

Not only that, look at what Cruz has done since Trump won. He hated Trump. He called out Trump for exactly what he is. But today, he is a totally supine cuck for Trump. Trump invented a bogus conspiracy theory about Cruz's father and the assassination of JFK, and now Cruz sucks Trump's cock. So fuck him. He sucks off a man who dishonored his father, and that means he has no honor.

Rand Paul? He is not half the man his father is. I don't trust him at all. He does not stick to his principles. He's a pretender.

Justin Amash is more like Ron Paul than Ron Paul is today.
Wished Amash would run.
I don't know much about him except that he left the Republican party and became an Independent because the GOP has become too insane to tolerate any further.

Which, as it happens, so did I.

Amash us like a younger Ron Paul. Except he's more articulate.

That is why the Repubs hate him so much. He is an actual Conservative.
I know guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul would be ALL-FOR cutting spending, as well as taxes. How do you feel about those two senators?
I think it is ironic that the first chapter in Ted Cruz's book was called "Mendacity". I'll get to that in a second.

He told the rube herd he would create a flat income tax with a single page tax return.

Do you know the only way to create a one page tax return? By eliminating all tax expenditures.

Rand Paul also promised a one page tax return.

There were four 2016 candidates who promised a one page tax return. I pointed this out several times in 2016, especially since I have always been for the elimination of tax expenditures.

Trump was not one of those four.

Now, about Cruz. He promised a one page tax return. I liked him very much for that. My mother also was going to vote for him. Unfortunately, she died right before the election.

However, Cruz also told the rubes he would eliminate the IRS. This always got him big cheers. He was pandering.

So Cruz was going to have a flat INCOME TAX and no IRS?!?

He was obviously lying. Which is why I found it ironic the first chapter in his book was Mendacity.

Not only that, look at what Cruz has done since Trump won. He hated Trump. He called out Trump for exactly what he is. But today, he is a totally supine cuck for Trump. Trump invented a bogus conspiracy theory about Cruz's father and the assassination of JFK, and now Cruz sucks Trump's cock. So fuck him. He sucks off a man who dishonored his father, and that means he has no honor.

Rand Paul? He is not half the man his father is. I don't trust him at all. He does not stick to his principles. He's a pretender.

Justin Amash is more like Ron Paul than Ron Paul is today.
Wished Amash would run.
Well, I just read Justin Amash's wikipedia page.

I like what I see.

I like what I see a lot!

I am definitely going to look into him further. Maybe even donate to his primary campaign.
I see the pseudocon delusion and willful blindness to Trump's spending continues and is widespread.

U.S. government hits record for Treasury selling debt

The U.S. government hit a record this year on selling long-term debt after the Treasury Department on Thursday auctioned its latest seven-year notes, bringing it to a total of $2.25 trillion for the year in sales of notes and bonds ranging from two to 30 years.

The figures, reported by The Wall Street Journal, represented a 26 percent spike from 2017.

Trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, and hardly a voice of caution to be heard

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

Now watch the fuckwits continue to claim only Democrats are big government spenders in true Orwellian fashion.

These dumbasses deserve to be lied to.
Yet you are more than willfully blind of Dem’s spending.
Behavioral control.

If you do not have a mortgage, you are punished with higher taxes.

If you do not breed, you are punished with higher taxes.

If you do not buy the right kind of energy-saving refrigerator, you are punished with higher taxes.

And so forth.

It was no big leap to punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of health insurance. Those of you who favor tax expenditures handed the Democrats the individual mandate on a silver platter.

In fact, the individual mandate was the brainchild of a right-wing think tank.

You're more persuasive when you post as you did here.
Liberals never want to even acknowledge spending as a potential problem.
Really? Just liberals, huh?

Have you EVER seen a pseudocon say Trump is spending way too fucking much?


See my signature for just how mentally ill the Trumptards have become.

Yes. I call out Republicans, including Trump, for spending too much. Liberals call him and other Republicans for spending too much just for “gotcha” as opposed to, “we will come in and cut spending.” Who is saying that?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Has it been 8 years?

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