We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong

When Trump planed, instigates, and financed the commission of an election law violation by Cohen, that is called a criminal conspiracy which is a felony in New York.

financed the commission of an election law violation by Cohen,

What election law did Cohen violate? Post it please.
Yes I can read.

Trump is being charged with falsification of business records.

Not one charge in the indictment attempts to charge him with a federal crime.

Trump's charges related to attempting to aid and or conceal a crime, the most likely being Cohen's crime for which he was convicted in 2018. You know that under Section 175.10 the crime that was attempting to be hidden could be done by another right?


There was nothing illegal about Cohen executing the NDA, it's done all the time. Including congresscritters doing it using public funds.

If falsification of business records is done with intend to cover up another crime, it is a felony and that is the charge against Trump, 34 felony counts. The New the York statue of limitations is 5yrs for a felony measured between the date of the crime and the date of indictment plus days out of state.

Prior to any charges being made, the DA is required by law to determine if the crime is within the statue of limitations, before asking for an indictment. If is then he can not ask the Grand Jury for an indictment. Thus the trial judge will assume that the case is not within thoe limitations. It will be up to Trump's lawyers to present evidence that it is not. If the defense is going to make such a claim, the court will expect it in the first hearing before the trial or any other rulings.

Since Brag is an experience prosecuting attorney in New York with 31 cases of falsifying business records as a felonies in the last year and 20 years legal experience in New York, I would expect, like all prosecuting attorneys, he is quite aware of the ticking clock of the statue of limitation. So it seems very unlikely that he has miscalculated.

There was no other crime, see post 843.

It’s the odor of this rotting farce that’s strong.
So couple weeks later nothing is happening and all this is snd has been is a lengthy orchestrated media smear campaign.
Periodic update as a public service message:

There is no case against Trump. The so-called “case” against Trump is pathetically weak and should be tossed out. (That’s not to say it will be. It would be a monumental mark of judicial courage for a judge in NYC to make the legally correct call in this circus atmosphere.)
It’s the odor of this rotting farce that’s strong.
So couple weeks later nothing is happening and all this is snd has been is a lengthy orchestrated media smear campaign.

So you think that Trump should have been scheduled for Trial before his attorney's had a changes to review evidence from a month's long Grand Jury presentation?

So you think that Trump should have been scheduled for Trial before his attorney's had a changes to review evidence from a month's long Grand Jury presentation?

In a bums rush to get to the dog and pony show and now drag it into 2024 with “legal” proclamation that he’s ineligible to run because……….
In a bums rush to get to the dog and pony show and now drag it into 2024 with “legal” proclamation that he’s ineligible to run because……….

Being convicted of falsification of business record under state law is not a disqualification for running for President.

As a matter of fact if convicted Trump could still run from (a) jail or (b) MAL house arrest.

(DISCLAIMER: IMHO, Trump may be convicted, but if he is it will not involve jail time or house arrest time.)

Being convicted of falsification of business record under state law is not a disqualification for running for President.

As a matter of fact if convicted Trump could still run from (a) jail or (b) MAL house arrest.

(DISCLAIMER: IMHO, Trump may be convicted, but if he is it will not involve jail time or house arrest time.)

He has Zero fraud culpability for his property estimations
Banks were not defrauded because they send out staff appraisers to protect themselves
This is another massive Pearl clutch predicated on the Fact that most lib loons don’t know how the high level lending process works and are thus easily misguided and inflamed
He has Zero fraud culpability for his property estimations
Banks were not defrauded because they send out staff appraisers to protect themselves
This is another massive Pearl clutch predicated on the Fact that most lib loons don’t know how the high level lending process works and are thus easily misguided and inflamed

What are you talking about?

"Being convicted of falsification of business record under state law is not a disqualification for running for President." was clearly about the recent indictment in New York for the Cohen/Daniels/McDougal/Doorman case by the Manhattan DA, not the investigation into tax fraud through property valuation.

USMB desperately needs a policy that before you speak on technical levels about things like finance, or repairing cars, that you have experience or knowledge with the subject
Otherwise high school kids just home from school blather on with feelings and no knowledge of.
USMB desperately needs a policy that before you speak on technical levels about things like finance, or repairing cars, that you have experience or knowledge with the subject
Otherwise high school kids just home from school blather on with feelings and no knowledge of.
I work in finance.

You don't know what you are talking about. I promise. And you should probably just shut up about it.

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