We get to pay for ukraine...great

I am not an expert on this subject.
Having said that, you would have to look very hard and deep to find a single example of where the US spending $billions in aid for a military conflict turned out well.
Over and over and over and over 90% or better of the money never goes to where it is supposed to. So YOU are going to work everyday and paying taxes to enrich corrupt people who cause the deaths of 100,000s of people.
There were thousands of young Americans that protested the Vietnam War but the young people today don't seem to mind us getting involved in a proxy war with Russia.
There were thousands of young Americans that protested the Vietnam War but the young people today don't seem to mind us getting involved in a proxy war with Russia.
Pretty much every war we get into started out as a Proxy war.
The end result of this is not going to be a win for the allies. It simply isn't going to happen.
Even if Putin eventually gives in, the leadership in Ukraine is not going to be any better than if they were annexed.
At least if Russia annexed it - it would be Russia footing the bill and not us.
If the allies defeated Putin, he withdraws... it will be AMERICAN CITIZENS footing well over 90% of the ENORMOUS bill to rebuild Ukraine.
All for what? So people on the other side of the world can say "yay our team is better than your team"!
The lives of everyday Ukrainians will not improve wither way. They are way too corrupt and generations behind western thoughts

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