We have to consider the possibility that top Republicans are compromised after Wilber Ross

Fort Fun Indiana, Dale Smith is very slow at grasping facts. Take your time with him.
145 million dollars end up in the Clinton slush fund and no one was more surprised than Bill and the Hildibeast.....(snicker)

Actually, those books are open, and you can actually see where that money went. Freaky, eh? Like, where's the big void into which to squeeze your Clinton-contrail brilliance?

What books are you speaking of? You want to talk about the Clinton Foundation slush fund scam?

You dont have to squawk about it here, big guy! The books are open! Get your crack legal team to work!

The Hildebeast is up to her neck in shit after the Donna Brazile book. Hopefully (and at the very least) these two slimeballs will slither away not to be heard from again....of course they have sycophants like you to prop them up.

I prop them up? How so? Facts are facts, which I know means very little to you. And I imagine your prediction will be about as fruitful as all of your predictions.

You could give a drunk ferret four buttons to press for a quantum mechanics multiple choice quiz, and even he will be right 25% of the time. You're doing worse than a drunk ferret. Think about that, Dale. I want to to think about that.

LOL! The Clintons have been grifters since their days in Arkansas but leftards like you and the adoring lamestream Operation Mockingbird press always gives them a pass. The list of dead people that had something on the Clintons or knew too much to make them "comfortable" is extremely long. They are part of the protected class just like the Bush crime family.....which, btw, they are thicker than thieves with each other. They certainly have pulled the wool over your dumb ass.
The "dossier" is a pile of crap. Intelligence is something a government agency produces, not some scumbag criminal organization. Nothing in the "dossier" has been validated, and plenty of it has been shown to be pure horseshit.

ummm...Carter Page's testimony the other day validated a lot of the dossier.

such as?

No one is on this board to babysit you. You're going to have to turn off your right wing talk show hosts, stop reading the garbage that comes out of your right wing website's--Turn off FOX NEWS--and start paying attention to REAL news. Meaning change the fucking channel--start reading the credibile verifiable links on this board, and grow a freaking brain.

When FOX NEWS decided that the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important than 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 1 guilty plea--it's clear you're not getting any NEWS, and that's why you don't know jack shit.


Now for those of you that really want to know something, for a change, go back to page 27 and READ post # 261. Paul Manafort--Rick Gates tie into this with Wilbur Ross.
Last edited:
The "dossier" is a pile of crap. Intelligence is something a government agency produces, not some scumbag criminal organization. Nothing in the "dossier" has been validated, and plenty of it has been shown to be pure horseshit.

ummm...Carter Page's testimony the other day validated a lot of the dossier.

such as?

No one is on this board to babysit you. You're going to have to turn off your right wing talk show hosts, stop reading the garbage that comes out of your right wing website's--Turn off FOX NEWS--and start paying attention to REAL news. Meaning change the fucking channel--start reading the credibile verifiable links on this board, and grow a freaking brain.

When FOX NEWS decided that the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important than 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 1 guilty plea--it's clear you're not getting any NEWS, and that's why you don't know jack shit.


Oreo SEZ?????? "You need to watch REAL news like that of CNN and MSNBC! Those are the last bastion of hope for honest journalism and you need to hook up with a membership to mediamatters and the dailykos because that is the only way you can have as many smarts as me!!!!!"

Seriously, you are one of the more clueless fucks here...... and that is really saying something given all the competition.....
Fort Fun Indiana, Dale Smith is very slow at grasping facts. Take your time with him.

Jake, you and "facts" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other. I still enjoy how you had to eat your words when the corrupt Hildebeast got her ass whipped a year ago.....and your whine has been delicious! You got so pissed off and lost control of your temper so much that you had to take a forced sabbatical from the forum. Good to have ya back, ol Jake Smarmy...the board wasn't the same with out ya.......said absolutely no one. LOL!
The "dossier" is a pile of crap. Intelligence is something a government agency produces, not some scumbag criminal organization. Nothing in the "dossier" has been validated, and plenty of it has been shown to be pure horseshit.

ummm...Carter Page's testimony the other day validated a lot of the dossier.

such as?

No one is on this board to babysit you. You're going to have to turn off your right wing talk show hosts, stop reading the garbage that comes out of your right wing website's--Turn off FOX NEWS--and start paying attention to REAL news. Meaning change the fucking channel--start reading the credibile verifiable links on this board, and grow a freaking brain.

When FOX NEWS decided that the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important than 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 1 guilty plea--it's clear you're not getting any NEWS, and that's why you don't know jack shit.


Oreo SEZ?????? "You need to watch REAL news like that of CNN and MSNBC! Those are the last bastion of hope for honest journalism and you need to hook up with a membership to mediamatters and the dailykos because that is the only way you can have as many smarts as me!!!!!"

Seriously, you are one of the more clueless fucks here...... and that is really saying something given all the competition.....

Other media outlets aren't discussing the importance of cheese placement on cheeseburgers to divert the news away from 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea.. They are reporting on real news. Look I used to be addicted to FOX NEWS--refused to watch any other channel--but I turned them off as soon as they became the Trump media network during the primary season.

I will watch main stream media and read the New York Times and the Washington post--because they are the news and everyone bounces off of their news--and they require that there are 3 qualified sources to verify any story before it goes into print. If they get it wrong they have to retract it. I am no longer going to eliminate news sources because of right wing news sites or talk show hosts along with FOX NEWS whom continually claim that all others are fake news.

I am not going back to FOX NEWS- because-they are the FAKE NEWS.

And this proves it.

There are FOX NEWS employees saying they want to quit. Who could blame them? They're not journalists, they're spin masters.


If you want real news on this thread you'll have to go back to page 27 post # 261 or decide to stay just as stupid as you are today. There is a video of Rachel Maddow who has been following these investigations since they're onset--and she has newly RELEASED court documents in hand--that FOX NEWS never reported on. Which is why she is kicking FOX NEWS & CNN butts in viewership & ratings.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Here it is: This ties in this thread about Wilbur Ross with Paul Manafort & Rick Gates--because they too do a lot of banking in off shore accounts in Cyprus. This was last weeks news--before we even knew about Wilbur Ross.

Last edited:
The "dossier" is a pile of crap. Intelligence is something a government agency produces, not some scumbag criminal organization. Nothing in the "dossier" has been validated, and plenty of it has been shown to be pure horseshit.

ummm...Carter Page's testimony the other day validated a lot of the dossier.

such as?

No one is on this board to babysit you. You're going to have to turn off your right wing talk show hosts, stop reading the garbage that comes out of your right wing website's--Turn off FOX NEWS--and start paying attention to REAL news. Meaning change the fucking channel--start reading the credibile verifiable links on this board, and grow a freaking brain.

When FOX NEWS decided that the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important than 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 1 guilty plea--it's clear you're not getting any NEWS, and that's why you don't know jack shit.


Oreo SEZ?????? "You need to watch REAL news like that of CNN and MSNBC! Those are the last bastion of hope for honest journalism and you need to hook up with a membership to mediamatters and the dailykos because that is the only way you can have as many smarts as me!!!!!"

Seriously, you are one of the more clueless fucks here...... and that is really saying something given all the competition.....

Other media outlets aren't discussing the importance of cheese placement on cheeseburgers to divert the news away from 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea.. They are reporting on real news. Look I used to be adicted to FOX NEWS--refused to watch any other channel--but I turned them off as soon as they became the Trump media network during the primary season.

I will watch main stream media and read the New York Times and the Washinton post--because they are the news and everyone bounces off of their news--and they require that there are 3 qualified sources to verify any story before it goes into print. If they get it wrong they have to retract it. I am no longer going to eliminate news sources because of right wing news sites or talk show hosts along with FOX NEWS whom continually claim that all others are fake news.

I am not going back to FOX NEWS- because-they are the FAKE NEWS.

And this proves it.

There are FOX NEWS employees saying they want to quit. Who could blame them? They're not journalists, they're spin masters.


If you want real news on this thread you'll have to go back to page 27 post # 261 or decide to stay just as stupid as you are today. There is a video of Rachel Maddow who has been following these investigations since they're onset--and she has newly RELEASED court documents in hand--that FOX NEWS never reported on. Which is why she is kicking FOX NEWS & CNN butts in viewership & ratings.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Here it is: This ties in this thread about Wilbur Ross with Paul Manafort & Rick Gates--because they too do a lot of banking in off shore accounts in Cyprus. This was last weeks news--before we even knew about Wilbur Ross.

Look, you stupid sack......90 percent of ALL media is owned by 6 conglomerates whose CEOs belong to the same exclusive clubs like the CFR and the Committee of 300 and attend the Bilderburg meetings. They keep uneducated idiots like you occupied and locked in this left versus right paradigm while both political parties are bought and paid for by the REAL powers that control the fiat currency printing presses. The last president that took on the Federal Reserve was JFK. Trump knows what a parasitic entity it is and it is my hope that with the help of the "white hats" that they can finally rid us of this debt slavery system of credit=debt and debt = credit and dissolve the corporation that is USA.INC. It may be a shot in the dark but NOTHING will change if a fabian socialist or a neocon is the face of the franchise of USA.INC that took this bankrupted entity into receivership to provide the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 on no less than four occasions.

When you incorporate something, you take it from the jurisdiction of the land and place it under admiralty law/statutory law that has to be in compliance with the Uniform Commercial Code of commerce. Have you ever stopped to wonder as to why USA.INC is till operating under the Lieber Code put in place during and after the Civil War? These are things you need to know.
ummm...Carter Page's testimony the other day validated a lot of the dossier.

such as?

No one is on this board to babysit you. You're going to have to turn off your right wing talk show hosts, stop reading the garbage that comes out of your right wing website's--Turn off FOX NEWS--and start paying attention to REAL news. Meaning change the fucking channel--start reading the credibile verifiable links on this board, and grow a freaking brain.

When FOX NEWS decided that the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important than 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 1 guilty plea--it's clear you're not getting any NEWS, and that's why you don't know jack shit.


Oreo SEZ?????? "You need to watch REAL news like that of CNN and MSNBC! Those are the last bastion of hope for honest journalism and you need to hook up with a membership to mediamatters and the dailykos because that is the only way you can have as many smarts as me!!!!!"

Seriously, you are one of the more clueless fucks here...... and that is really saying something given all the competition.....

Other media outlets aren't discussing the importance of cheese placement on cheeseburgers to divert the news away from 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea.. They are reporting on real news. Look I used to be adicted to FOX NEWS--refused to watch any other channel--but I turned them off as soon as they became the Trump media network during the primary season.

I will watch main stream media and read the New York Times and the Washinton post--because they are the news and everyone bounces off of their news--and they require that there are 3 qualified sources to verify any story before it goes into print. If they get it wrong they have to retract it. I am no longer going to eliminate news sources because of right wing news sites or talk show hosts along with FOX NEWS whom continually claim that all others are fake news.

I am not going back to FOX NEWS- because-they are the FAKE NEWS.

And this proves it.

There are FOX NEWS employees saying they want to quit. Who could blame them? They're not journalists, they're spin masters.


If you want real news on this thread you'll have to go back to page 27 post # 261 or decide to stay just as stupid as you are today. There is a video of Rachel Maddow who has been following these investigations since they're onset--and she has newly RELEASED court documents in hand--that FOX NEWS never reported on. Which is why she is kicking FOX NEWS & CNN butts in viewership & ratings.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Here it is: This ties in this thread about Wilbur Ross with Paul Manafort & Rick Gates--because they too do a lot of banking in off shore accounts in Cyprus. This was last weeks news--before we even knew about Wilbur Ross.

Look, you stupid sack......90 percent of ALL media is owned by 6 conglomerates whose CEOs belong to the same exclusive clubs like the CFR and the Committee of 300 and attend the Bilderburg meetings. They keep uneducated idiots like you occupied and locked in this left versus right paradigm while both political parties are bought and paid for by the REAL powers that control the fiat currency printing presses. The last president that took on the Federal Reserve was JFK. Trump knows what a parasitic entity it is and it is my hope that with the help of the "white hats" that they can finally rid us of this debt slavery system of credit=debt and debt = credit and dissolve the corporation that is USA.INC. It may be a shot in the dark but NOTHING will change if a fabian socialist or a neocon is the face of the franchise of USA.INC that took this bankrupted entity into receivership to provide the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 on no less than four occasions.

When you incorporate something, you take it from the jurisdiction of the land and place it under admiralty law/statutory law that has to be in compliance with the Uniform Commercial Code of commerce. Have you ever stopped to wonder as to why USA.INC is till operating under the Lieber Code put in place during and after the Civil War? These are things you need to know.

Go ahead and keep believing all your :bsflag: Get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX NEWS--keep reading Brietbart & the Drudge report--and they'll report that Trump was impeached a month after it happens.

Just last week this happened.

1. Monday--3 Federal Grand Jury Indictments, 1 guilty plea
2. Wednesday--Jeff Sessions caught lying under oath in congressional hearings 3 times.
3. Friday--Carter Page under oath finally admits, and after lying under previous testimony that he did meet with Russian officials on that infamous trip he took to Moscow in July 2016, repeatedly stating that he was there to simply give a speech at a University.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

It all happened within a 5 day period, and I'll bet my last nickle you didn't hear about any of it--on FOX NEWS, Brietbart, the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage or any of the other crap you've gobbled up in over the last two decades.

What the Trump team never realised is that they were being watched and electronically monitored since 2015, by several different Foreign intelligence sources that share intelligence with us.

GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said. The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.
NEWS | "Trump's Lies Are INSANE!" Chris Wallace & Shep. Smith Is Fed Up With Trump

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017 that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.
'Demonstrably, unquestionably, 100 percent false': Shep Smith goes all in on Trump

17 times Trump and his inter circle DENIED any of their surrogates had any contact with any Russians during the campaign season.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics

Now Chris Wallace & Shep Smith have been bound and gagged--and FOX NEWS has decided that the placement of cheese on cheesburgers is the most important news out there.
Fox News: What Indictments? Cheeseburger Emojis Are The REAL Story

The DUMBEST President ever--that goes on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admits that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation


This investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate, and it's coming down around your ears.

Republicans have two options.
1. Remove Trump from office NOW or
2. Burn down the entire party in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, and endless talk about emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION & LIES when they take over in 2018.
Last edited:

No one is on this board to babysit you. You're going to have to turn off your right wing talk show hosts, stop reading the garbage that comes out of your right wing website's--Turn off FOX NEWS--and start paying attention to REAL news. Meaning change the fucking channel--start reading the credibile verifiable links on this board, and grow a freaking brain.

When FOX NEWS decided that the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important than 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 1 guilty plea--it's clear you're not getting any NEWS, and that's why you don't know jack shit.


Oreo SEZ?????? "You need to watch REAL news like that of CNN and MSNBC! Those are the last bastion of hope for honest journalism and you need to hook up with a membership to mediamatters and the dailykos because that is the only way you can have as many smarts as me!!!!!"

Seriously, you are one of the more clueless fucks here...... and that is really saying something given all the competition.....

Other media outlets aren't discussing the importance of cheese placement on cheeseburgers to divert the news away from 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea.. They are reporting on real news. Look I used to be adicted to FOX NEWS--refused to watch any other channel--but I turned them off as soon as they became the Trump media network during the primary season.

I will watch main stream media and read the New York Times and the Washinton post--because they are the news and everyone bounces off of their news--and they require that there are 3 qualified sources to verify any story before it goes into print. If they get it wrong they have to retract it. I am no longer going to eliminate news sources because of right wing news sites or talk show hosts along with FOX NEWS whom continually claim that all others are fake news.

I am not going back to FOX NEWS- because-they are the FAKE NEWS.

And this proves it.

There are FOX NEWS employees saying they want to quit. Who could blame them? They're not journalists, they're spin masters.


If you want real news on this thread you'll have to go back to page 27 post # 261 or decide to stay just as stupid as you are today. There is a video of Rachel Maddow who has been following these investigations since they're onset--and she has newly RELEASED court documents in hand--that FOX NEWS never reported on. Which is why she is kicking FOX NEWS & CNN butts in viewership & ratings.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Here it is: This ties in this thread about Wilbur Ross with Paul Manafort & Rick Gates--because they too do a lot of banking in off shore accounts in Cyprus. This was last weeks news--before we even knew about Wilbur Ross.

Look, you stupid sack......90 percent of ALL media is owned by 6 conglomerates whose CEOs belong to the same exclusive clubs like the CFR and the Committee of 300 and attend the Bilderburg meetings. They keep uneducated idiots like you occupied and locked in this left versus right paradigm while both political parties are bought and paid for by the REAL powers that control the fiat currency printing presses. The last president that took on the Federal Reserve was JFK. Trump knows what a parasitic entity it is and it is my hope that with the help of the "white hats" that they can finally rid us of this debt slavery system of credit=debt and debt = credit and dissolve the corporation that is USA.INC. It may be a shot in the dark but NOTHING will change if a fabian socialist or a neocon is the face of the franchise of USA.INC that took this bankrupted entity into receivership to provide the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 on no less than four occasions.

When you incorporate something, you take it from the jurisdiction of the land and place it under admiralty law/statutory law that has to be in compliance with the Uniform Commercial Code of commerce. Have you ever stopped to wonder as to why USA.INC is till operating under the Lieber Code put in place during and after the Civil War? These are things you need to know.

Go ahead and keep believing all your :bsflag: Get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX NEWS--keep reading Brietbart & the Drudge report--and they'll report that Trump was impeached a month after it happens.

Just last week this happened and I doubt that FOX NEWS--Rush Limbaugh & Sean Hannity even mentioned it.

1. Monday--3 Federal Grand Jury Indictments, 1 guilty plea
2. Wednesday--Jeff Sessions caught lying under oath in congressional hearings 3 times.
3. Friday--Carter Page under oath finally admits, and after lying under previous testimony that he did meet with Russian officials on that infamous trip he took to Moscow in July 2016, repeatedly stating that he was there to simply give a speech at a University.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

It all happened within a 5 day period, and I'll bet my last nickle you didn't hear about any of it--on FOX NEWS, Brietbart, the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage or any of the other crap you've been gobbled up in over the last two decades.

What the Trump team never realised is that they were being watched and electronically monitored since 2015, by several different Foreign intelligence sources that share intelligence with us.

GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.
NEWS | "Trump's Lies Are INSANE!" Chris Wallace & Shep. Smith Is Fed Up With Trump

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017 that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.
'Demonstrably, unquestionably, 100 percent false': Shep Smith goes all in on Trump

17 times Trump and his inter circle DENIED any of their surrogates had any contact with any Russians during the campaign season.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics

Now Chris Wallace & Shep Smith have been bound and gagged--and they're talking about cheeseburgers.

The DUMBEST President ever--that goes on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admits that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation


I don't watch ANY corporate media outlets which is why I am infinitely more informed than you are. I noticed that you totally ignored the salient points I made......because you lack the ability to comprehend or discern information that doesn't fall within the "left versus right" paradigm. In your case (and that of most leftards here) I am simply casting pearls before swine.....
And business ties to Russia are illegal how?
Trump jr promised things to the Russians if they helped them win our election. Quid pro quo.

They say it was about adoptions. That's a lie.
Really? Where's the evidence for that claim?

Do all snowflakes rely on "facts" they just make up?
Remember supposedly it was about orphans. Come on do you believe that? Maybe Ivan's but not don jr.
Where is the evidence that Trump Jr promised the Russians anything? What you believe about the orphans is irrelevant.

The Russian lawyer he met with said he did. That's all we peons know so far.

Was that before of after her two meetings with Fusion GPS?

No one is on this board to babysit you. You're going to have to turn off your right wing talk show hosts, stop reading the garbage that comes out of your right wing website's--Turn off FOX NEWS--and start paying attention to REAL news. Meaning change the fucking channel--start reading the credibile verifiable links on this board, and grow a freaking brain.

When FOX NEWS decided that the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important than 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 1 guilty plea--it's clear you're not getting any NEWS, and that's why you don't know jack shit.


Oreo SEZ?????? "You need to watch REAL news like that of CNN and MSNBC! Those are the last bastion of hope for honest journalism and you need to hook up with a membership to mediamatters and the dailykos because that is the only way you can have as many smarts as me!!!!!"

Seriously, you are one of the more clueless fucks here...... and that is really saying something given all the competition.....

Other media outlets aren't discussing the importance of cheese placement on cheeseburgers to divert the news away from 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea.. They are reporting on real news. Look I used to be adicted to FOX NEWS--refused to watch any other channel--but I turned them off as soon as they became the Trump media network during the primary season.

I will watch main stream media and read the New York Times and the Washinton post--because they are the news and everyone bounces off of their news--and they require that there are 3 qualified sources to verify any story before it goes into print. If they get it wrong they have to retract it. I am no longer going to eliminate news sources because of right wing news sites or talk show hosts along with FOX NEWS whom continually claim that all others are fake news.

I am not going back to FOX NEWS- because-they are the FAKE NEWS.

And this proves it.

There are FOX NEWS employees saying they want to quit. Who could blame them? They're not journalists, they're spin masters.


If you want real news on this thread you'll have to go back to page 27 post # 261 or decide to stay just as stupid as you are today. There is a video of Rachel Maddow who has been following these investigations since they're onset--and she has newly RELEASED court documents in hand--that FOX NEWS never reported on. Which is why she is kicking FOX NEWS & CNN butts in viewership & ratings.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Here it is: This ties in this thread about Wilbur Ross with Paul Manafort & Rick Gates--because they too do a lot of banking in off shore accounts in Cyprus. This was last weeks news--before we even knew about Wilbur Ross.

Look, you stupid sack......90 percent of ALL media is owned by 6 conglomerates whose CEOs belong to the same exclusive clubs like the CFR and the Committee of 300 and attend the Bilderburg meetings. They keep uneducated idiots like you occupied and locked in this left versus right paradigm while both political parties are bought and paid for by the REAL powers that control the fiat currency printing presses. The last president that took on the Federal Reserve was JFK. Trump knows what a parasitic entity it is and it is my hope that with the help of the "white hats" that they can finally rid us of this debt slavery system of credit=debt and debt = credit and dissolve the corporation that is USA.INC. It may be a shot in the dark but NOTHING will change if a fabian socialist or a neocon is the face of the franchise of USA.INC that took this bankrupted entity into receivership to provide the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 on no less than four occasions.

When you incorporate something, you take it from the jurisdiction of the land and place it under admiralty law/statutory law that has to be in compliance with the Uniform Commercial Code of commerce. Have you ever stopped to wonder as to why USA.INC is till operating under the Lieber Code put in place during and after the Civil War? These are things you need to know.

Go ahead and keep believing all your :bsflag: Get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX NEWS--keep reading Brietbart & the Drudge report--and they'll report that Trump was impeached a month after it happens.

Just last week this happened and I doubt that FOX NEWS--Rush Limbaugh & Sean Hannity even mentioned it.

1. Monday--3 Federal Grand Jury Indictments, 1 guilty plea
2. Wednesday--Jeff Sessions caught lying under oath in congressional hearings 3 times.
3. Friday--Carter Page under oath finally admits, and after lying under previous testimony that he did meet with Russian officials on that infamous trip he took to Moscow in July 2016, repeatedly stating that he was there to simply give a speech at a University.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

It all happened within a 5 day period, and I'll bet my last nickle you didn't hear about any of it--on FOX NEWS, Brietbart, the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage or any of the other crap you've been gobbled up in over the last two decades.

What the Trump team never realised is that they were being watched and electronically monitored since 2015, by several different Foreign intelligence sources that share intelligence with us.

GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.
NEWS | "Trump's Lies Are INSANE!" Chris Wallace & Shep. Smith Is Fed Up With Trump

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017 that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.
'Demonstrably, unquestionably, 100 percent false': Shep Smith goes all in on Trump

17 times Trump and his inter circle DENIED any of their surrogates had any contact with any Russians during the campaign season.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics

Now Chris Wallace & Shep Smith have been bound and gagged--and they're talking about cheeseburgers.

The DUMBEST President ever--that goes on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admits that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation


I don't watch ANY corporate media outlets which is why I am infinitely more informed than you are. I noticed that you totally ignored the salient points I made......because you lack the ability to comprehend or discern information that doesn't fall within the "left versus right" paradigm. In your case (and that of most leftards here) I am simply casting pearls before swine.....

You don't know anything except conspiracy theories. You never use any credible--verifiable links--you're nothing more than physco--babble, a typical Trump supporter. And like they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee.

A great movie for you to watch about right now--is called "all the President's men." It's coming.


Stay tuned in---:badgrin:
Oreo SEZ?????? "You need to watch REAL news like that of CNN and MSNBC! Those are the last bastion of hope for honest journalism and you need to hook up with a membership to mediamatters and the dailykos because that is the only way you can have as many smarts as me!!!!!"

Seriously, you are one of the more clueless fucks here...... and that is really saying something given all the competition.....

Other media outlets aren't discussing the importance of cheese placement on cheeseburgers to divert the news away from 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea.. They are reporting on real news. Look I used to be adicted to FOX NEWS--refused to watch any other channel--but I turned them off as soon as they became the Trump media network during the primary season.

I will watch main stream media and read the New York Times and the Washinton post--because they are the news and everyone bounces off of their news--and they require that there are 3 qualified sources to verify any story before it goes into print. If they get it wrong they have to retract it. I am no longer going to eliminate news sources because of right wing news sites or talk show hosts along with FOX NEWS whom continually claim that all others are fake news.

I am not going back to FOX NEWS- because-they are the FAKE NEWS.

And this proves it.

There are FOX NEWS employees saying they want to quit. Who could blame them? They're not journalists, they're spin masters.


If you want real news on this thread you'll have to go back to page 27 post # 261 or decide to stay just as stupid as you are today. There is a video of Rachel Maddow who has been following these investigations since they're onset--and she has newly RELEASED court documents in hand--that FOX NEWS never reported on. Which is why she is kicking FOX NEWS & CNN butts in viewership & ratings.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

Here it is: This ties in this thread about Wilbur Ross with Paul Manafort & Rick Gates--because they too do a lot of banking in off shore accounts in Cyprus. This was last weeks news--before we even knew about Wilbur Ross.

Look, you stupid sack......90 percent of ALL media is owned by 6 conglomerates whose CEOs belong to the same exclusive clubs like the CFR and the Committee of 300 and attend the Bilderburg meetings. They keep uneducated idiots like you occupied and locked in this left versus right paradigm while both political parties are bought and paid for by the REAL powers that control the fiat currency printing presses. The last president that took on the Federal Reserve was JFK. Trump knows what a parasitic entity it is and it is my hope that with the help of the "white hats" that they can finally rid us of this debt slavery system of credit=debt and debt = credit and dissolve the corporation that is USA.INC. It may be a shot in the dark but NOTHING will change if a fabian socialist or a neocon is the face of the franchise of USA.INC that took this bankrupted entity into receivership to provide the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution via the Act of 1871 on no less than four occasions.

When you incorporate something, you take it from the jurisdiction of the land and place it under admiralty law/statutory law that has to be in compliance with the Uniform Commercial Code of commerce. Have you ever stopped to wonder as to why USA.INC is till operating under the Lieber Code put in place during and after the Civil War? These are things you need to know.

Go ahead and keep believing all your :bsflag: Get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX NEWS--keep reading Brietbart & the Drudge report--and they'll report that Trump was impeached a month after it happens.

Just last week this happened and I doubt that FOX NEWS--Rush Limbaugh & Sean Hannity even mentioned it.

1. Monday--3 Federal Grand Jury Indictments, 1 guilty plea
2. Wednesday--Jeff Sessions caught lying under oath in congressional hearings 3 times.
3. Friday--Carter Page under oath finally admits, and after lying under previous testimony that he did meet with Russian officials on that infamous trip he took to Moscow in July 2016, repeatedly stating that he was there to simply give a speech at a University.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

It all happened within a 5 day period, and I'll bet my last nickle you didn't hear about any of it--on FOX NEWS, Brietbart, the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage or any of the other crap you've been gobbled up in over the last two decades.

What the Trump team never realised is that they were being watched and electronically monitored since 2015, by several different Foreign intelligence sources that share intelligence with us.

GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.
NEWS | "Trump's Lies Are INSANE!" Chris Wallace & Shep. Smith Is Fed Up With Trump

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017 that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.
'Demonstrably, unquestionably, 100 percent false': Shep Smith goes all in on Trump

17 times Trump and his inter circle DENIED any of their surrogates had any contact with any Russians during the campaign season.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics

Now Chris Wallace & Shep Smith have been bound and gagged--and they're talking about cheeseburgers.

The DUMBEST President ever--that goes on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admits that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation


I don't watch ANY corporate media outlets which is why I am infinitely more informed than you are. I noticed that you totally ignored the salient points I made......because you lack the ability to comprehend or discern information that doesn't fall within the "left versus right" paradigm. In your case (and that of most leftards here) I am simply casting pearls before swine.....

You don't know anything except conspiracy theories. You never use any credible--verifiable links--you're nothing more than physco--babble, a typical Trump supporter. And like they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee.

A great movie for you to watch about right now--is called "all the President's men." It's coming.


Stay tuned in---:badgrin:

Yeaaaaaah, the only "conspiracies" that are true are the ones that deny the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies from their rightful place in power......I "get it". Parasites like you are gonna do what parasites do.......sucking the life out of others is what those like you attempt to do.

He did and I don't expect you to remember or acknowledge he did that. So did kushner and ten other trumpsters

Prove it, asshole. Post a link showing they did.
I'm on smartphone. Look it up. Don trump jr quid pro quo. You post the links you find dummy. Lazy fuck

Hunting down evidence to support your claims is not my job. You have been in this forum long enough to know what kind of response you will get with a suggestion like that.

"Hunting down evidence to support your claims is not my job."

But it's also not anyone's job to be your mommy and spoonfeed you information found all over the media. If you aren't keeping up, that's your problem.

Yes, that basically is your job if you expect anyone to believe your moronic claims. If you aren't willing to do the work required, then shut the fuck up and quit bothering the adults.

You don't seem to understand how a debate works. Here's a clue for you: I'm not on your side. What does that tell you about the evidence I'm willing to gather to prove your point?
You should already know the basic facts. If you don't why are you talking so much?
I'm on smartphone. Look it up. Don trump jr quid pro quo. You post the links you find dummy. Lazy fuck

Hunting down evidence to support your claims is not my job. You have been in this forum long enough to know what kind of response you will get with a suggestion like that.

"Hunting down evidence to support your claims is not my job."

But it's also not anyone's job to be your mommy and spoonfeed you information found all over the media. If you aren't keeping up, that's your problem.

Yes, that basically is your job if you expect anyone to believe your moronic claims. If you aren't willing to do the work required, then shut the fuck up and quit bothering the adults.

You don't seem to understand how a debate works. Here's a clue for you: I'm not on your side. What does that tell you about the evidence I'm willing to gather to prove your point?

No, it is not my job, when this is easily available info. It is not my job to be your mommy. And I dont care if you believe me. I don't care whether or not you beleieve water is wet, nor do I feel any obligation whatsoever to prove to you that it is .
It is your job, moron. Do you think the lawyer for the defense is suppose to provide the prosecution it uses to convict the defendent? You really are a special kind of moron. If you don't want to support your case, then go away and shut the fuck up. You have already lost the argument.
But you don't want us to prove oj killed you want us to prove oj is oj.

It's a given trump jr did quid pro quo. The defense is that he didn't know better and they all do it. Sorta like hillarys emails
I'm on smartphone. Look it up. Don trump jr quid pro quo. You post the links you find dummy. Lazy fuck

Hunting down evidence to support your claims is not my job. You have been in this forum long enough to know what kind of response you will get with a suggestion like that.

"Hunting down evidence to support your claims is not my job."

But it's also not anyone's job to be your mommy and spoonfeed you information found all over the media. If you aren't keeping up, that's your problem.

Yes, that basically is your job if you expect anyone to believe your moronic claims. If you aren't willing to do the work required, then shut the fuck up and quit bothering the adults.

You don't seem to understand how a debate works. Here's a clue for you: I'm not on your side. What does that tell you about the evidence I'm willing to gather to prove your point?

No, it is not my job, when this is easily available info. It is not my job to be your mommy. And I dont care if you believe me. I don't care whether or not you beleieve water is wet, nor do I feel any obligation whatsoever to prove to you that it is .
It is your job, moron. Do you think the lawyer for the defense is suppose to provide the prosecution it uses to convict the defendent? You really are a special kind of moron. If you don't want to support your case, then go away and shut the fuck up. You have already lost the argument.
Why prove anything to you? You'll still vote trump even if guilty
Mudwhistle asked for a link. I didn't. However, your link is points to what some scumbag fakenewsjournalist thinks, not the actual statements Carter page made and the statements in the "dossier" they supposedly support.

Actually, the links do quote the dossier and Page's testimony. You'd know that if you bothered to actually open them. But you didn't. So thanks for proving to everyone here that you're a lying asshole.
Yes, that basically is your job if you expect anyone to believe your moronic claims. If you aren't willing to do the work required, then shut the fuck up and quit bothering the adults.You don't seem to understand how a debate works. Here's a clue for you: I'm not on your side. What does that tell you about the evidence I'm willing to gather to prove your point?

What's clear is that you aren't willing to do the work because you've been given links to read. You don't open them, but then you pretend you do. You're a liar and a fraud. Everything you need is contained within the articles. You're just obfuscating and delaying in the hopes you fatigue the conversation enough that everyone just gives up and you get to preserve your ego.

Not happening, you lazy fuck.
None of this would be happening if it weren't for a criminal conspiracy hatched by Obama and Hillary.

Obama and Hillary have nothing to do with Trump's long-standing and long-term commitment to Russian interests.

Trump said no one on his team had any contact with Russia. That was a lie. So why would he lie about that if he didn't have something to hide???????
Prove it, asshole. Post a link showing they did.
I'm on smartphone. Look it up. Don trump jr quid pro quo. You post the links you find dummy. Lazy fuck

Hunting down evidence to support your claims is not my job. You have been in this forum long enough to know what kind of response you will get with a suggestion like that.

"Hunting down evidence to support your claims is not my job."

But it's also not anyone's job to be your mommy and spoonfeed you information found all over the media. If you aren't keeping up, that's your problem.

Yes, that basically is your job if you expect anyone to believe your moronic claims. If you aren't willing to do the work required, then shut the fuck up and quit bothering the adults.

You don't seem to understand how a debate works. Here's a clue for you: I'm not on your side. What does that tell you about the evidence I'm willing to gather to prove your point?
You should already know the basic facts. If you don't why are you talking so much?
Yes, I do know the facts, and they don't support your view of things, or Fort Fun Indiana's

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