We have to keep this in our minds about the right.

Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

In Germany's case it wasn't true. German Jews were citizens.

Of course.

But American Liberals are also citizens, yet they are treated as anti-American "outsiders" who don't have a right to power, even when that power is legally and constitutionally certified through an election. Obama is not seen as legitimate by many in your party. The whole Birther Movement, in so far as it was/is used as a tool to obstruct him, actually shreds the Constitutional Rights of those who voted for him.

But here is my point. Liberals in congress, hollywood and the news media are not seen as Real Americans. They are seen as anti-American or un-American. This means you don't have to share power with them, and it's why you want a one-party Republican or rightwing state.

Hitler and the US-Republican Party believe/believed that there was/is one true Germany/USA. This kind of thinking is at home in both religious and Fascists systems. These system hold that there is one fixed set of values that every human must live by. There is no such thing as individual choice or a plurality of visions to be respected by a minimalist state - a state not based on the imposition of values but a sphere of non-interference so that each individual can choose and act upon their own values. For instance, I may love this nation for the New Deal, Roe v Wade and the Civil Rights Act, but you might love it for the Iraq War and Ronald Reagan. In your world, my America doesn't exist. To you, I am an outsider. Calling me an outsider or an anti-American makes it easy for you to obstruct the candidates I send to Washington therefore denying my Constitutionally Protected right to vote).

Since, as you claim, we Liberals are anti-Americans who are bent on destroying your country, you don't have to allow the president we voted for the right to pick a Supreme Court nominee because he's not a Real American, nor are his voters. This is a very old strategy. When tyrannical movements take power, they start by saying that only people in their movement have a right to exercise power. Everyone else, they tell us, is not a Real Citizen. [This means that when Reagan or Bush violate the Constitution, it is ignored or never reported]

It all starts with revanchism - the belief that there is one true set of citizens whose nation has been stolen by people who don't share their values, the one true set of values. FYI: this is a common political technique used by despotic movements to avoid having to submit policy disputes to public discussion. The goal is to de-legitimize the other side before they open their mouth, and to obstruct them to death if their politicians sneak by your gerrymander.

Hitler singled out the Jews because they were different than traditional Germans, just as Liberals are different than traditional conservatives. The fact that each "outsider" group are citizens is besides the point. They've stolen the country and they're destroying it. They must be stopped.

[Again, this is what despotic regimes do. They refuse to share power with people outside their movement, who they claim are not real citizens of the home nation, even if they have the legal status of citizens.]

When it comes to Legal Citizens, there are not Real Americans vs Anti-Americans. There are merely policy differences, and they are settled through the Democratic machinery of electing representatives. By calling liberal voters and politicians un-American, you are merely laying the foundation to obstruct their Constitutional rights to exercise power and share in the shaping of this nation.
Your comparison of U.S. citizen conservatives to Nazis disqualifies you from further intelligent conversation.
Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

In Germany's case it wasn't true. German Jews were citizens.

Of course.

But American Liberals are also citizens, yet they are treated as anti-American "outsiders" who don't have a right to power, even when that power is legally and constitutionally certified through an election. Obama is not seen as legitimate by many in your party. The whole Birther Movement, in so far as it was/is used as a tool to obstruct him, actually shreds the Constitutional Rights of those who voted for him.

But here is my point. Liberals in congress, hollywood and the news media are not seen as Real Americans. They are seen as anti-American or un-American. This means you don't have to share power with them, and it's why you want a one-party Republican or rightwing state.

Hitler and the US-Republican Party believe/believed that there was/is one true Germany/USA. This kind of thinking is at home in both religious and Fascists systems. These system hold that there is one fixed set of values that every human must live by. There is no such thing as individual choice or a plurality of visions to be respected by a minimalist state - a state not based on the imposition of values but a sphere of non-interference so that each individual can choose and act upon their own values. For instance, I may love this nation for the New Deal, Roe v Wade and the Civil Rights Act, but you might love it for the Iraq War and Ronald Reagan. In your world, my America doesn't exist. To you, I am an outsider. Calling me an outsider or an anti-American makes it easy for you to obstruct the candidates I send to Washington therefore denying my Constitutionally Protected right to vote).

Since, as you claim, we Liberals are anti-Americans who are bent on destroying your country, you don't have to allow the president we voted for the right to pick a Supreme Court nominee because he's not a Real American, nor are his voters. This is a very old strategy. When tyrannical movements take power, they start by saying that only people in their movement have a right to exercise power. Everyone else, they tell us, is not a Real Citizen. [This means that when Reagan or Bush violate the Constitution, it is ignored or never reported]

It all starts with revanchism - the belief that there is one true set of citizens whose nation has been stolen by people who don't share their values, the one true set of values. FYI: this is a common political technique used by despotic movements to avoid having to submit policy disputes to public discussion. The goal is to de-legitimize the other side before they open their mouth, and to obstruct them to death if their politicians sneak by your gerrymander.

Hitler singled out the Jews because they were different than traditional Germans, just as Liberals are different than traditional conservatives. The fact that each "outsider" group are citizens is besides the point. They've stolen the country and they're destroying it. They must be stopped.

[Again, this is what despotic regimes do. They refuse to share power with people outside their movement, who they claim are not real citizens of the home nation, even if they have the legal status of citizens.]

When it comes to Legal Citizens, there are not Real Americans vs Anti-Americans. There are merely policy differences, and they are settled through the Democratic machinery of electing representatives. By calling liberal voters and politicians un-American, you are merely laying the foundation to obstruct their Constitutional rights to exercise power and share in the shaping of this nation.
Your comparison of U.S. citizen conservatives to Nazis disqualifies you from further intelligent conversation.

Agreed. The minute some pinko brings out the Nazi card or the race card, they've earned a hail of verbal abuse.
Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

In Germany's case it wasn't true. German Jews were citizens.

Of course.

But American Liberals are also citizens, yet they are treated as anti-American "outsiders" who don't have a right to power, even when that power is legally and constitutionally certified through an election. Obama is not seen as legitimate by many in your party. The whole Birther Movement, in so far as it was/is used as a tool to obstruct him, actually shreds the Constitutional Rights of those who voted for him.

But here is my point. Liberals in congress, hollywood and the news media are not seen as Real Americans. They are seen as anti-American or un-American. This means you don't have to share power with them, and it's why you want a one-party Republican or rightwing state.

Hitler and the US-Republican Party believe/believed that there was/is one true Germany/USA. This kind of thinking is at home in both religious and Fascists systems. These system hold that there is one fixed set of values that every human must live by. There is no such thing as individual choice or a plurality of visions to be respected by a minimalist state - a state not based on the imposition of values but a sphere of non-interference so that each individual can choose and act upon their own values. For instance, I may love this nation for the New Deal, Roe v Wade and the Civil Rights Act, but you might love it for the Iraq War and Ronald Reagan. In your world, my America doesn't exist. To you, I am an outsider. Calling me an outsider or an anti-American makes it easy for you to obstruct the candidates I send to Washington therefore denying my Constitutionally Protected right to vote).

Since, as you claim, we Liberals are anti-Americans who are bent on destroying your country, you don't have to allow the president we voted for the right to pick a Supreme Court nominee because he's not a Real American, nor are his voters. This is a very old strategy. When tyrannical movements take power, they start by saying that only people in their movement have a right to exercise power. Everyone else, they tell us, is not a Real Citizen. [This means that when Reagan or Bush violate the Constitution, it is ignored or never reported]

It all starts with revanchism - the belief that there is one true set of citizens whose nation has been stolen by people who don't share their values, the one true set of values. FYI: this is a common political technique used by despotic movements to avoid having to submit policy disputes to public discussion. The goal is to de-legitimize the other side before they open their mouth, and to obstruct them to death if their politicians sneak by your gerrymander.

Hitler singled out the Jews because they were different than traditional Germans, just as Liberals are different than traditional conservatives. The fact that each "outsider" group are citizens is besides the point. They've stolen the country and they're destroying it. They must be stopped.

[Again, this is what despotic regimes do. They refuse to share power with people outside their movement, who they claim are not real citizens of the home nation, even if they have the legal status of citizens.]

When it comes to Legal Citizens, there are not Real Americans vs Anti-Americans. There are merely policy differences, and they are settled through the Democratic machinery of electing representatives. By calling liberal voters and politicians un-American, you are merely laying the foundation to obstruct their Constitutional rights to exercise power and share in the shaping of this nation.
Your comparison of U.S. citizen conservatives to Nazis disqualifies you from further intelligent conversation.

Agreed. The minute some pinko brings out the Nazi card or the race card, they've earned a hail of verbal abuse.
Trust me, he would get it if we weren't in Zone 2. I'd be happy to see him in the Taunting areas....
Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

In Germany's case it wasn't true. German Jews were citizens.

Of course.

But American Liberals are also citizens, yet they are treated as anti-American "outsiders" who don't have a right to power, even when that power is legally and constitutionally certified through an election. Obama is not seen as legitimate by many in your party. The whole Birther Movement, in so far as it was/is used as a tool to obstruct him, actually shreds the Constitutional Rights of those who voted for him.

But here is my point. Liberals in congress, hollywood and the news media are not seen as Real Americans. They are seen as anti-American or un-American. This means you don't have to share power with them, and it's why you want a one-party Republican or rightwing state.

Hitler and the US-Republican Party believe/believed that there was/is one true Germany/USA. This kind of thinking is at home in both religious and Fascists systems. These system hold that there is one fixed set of values that every human must live by. There is no such thing as individual choice or a plurality of visions to be respected by a minimalist state - a state not based on the imposition of values but a sphere of non-interference so that each individual can choose and act upon their own values. For instance, I may love this nation for the New Deal, Roe v Wade and the Civil Rights Act, but you might love it for the Iraq War and Ronald Reagan. In your world, my America doesn't exist. To you, I am an outsider. Calling me an outsider or an anti-American makes it easy for you to obstruct the candidates I send to Washington therefore denying my Constitutionally Protected right to vote).

Since, as you claim, we Liberals are anti-Americans who are bent on destroying your country, you don't have to allow the president we voted for the right to pick a Supreme Court nominee because he's not a Real American, nor are his voters. This is a very old strategy. When tyrannical movements take power, they start by saying that only people in their movement have a right to exercise power. Everyone else, they tell us, is not a Real Citizen. [This means that when Reagan or Bush violate the Constitution, it is ignored or never reported]

It all starts with revanchism - the belief that there is one true set of citizens whose nation has been stolen by people who don't share their values, the one true set of values. FYI: this is a common political technique used by despotic movements to avoid having to submit policy disputes to public discussion. The goal is to de-legitimize the other side before they open their mouth, and to obstruct them to death if their politicians sneak by your gerrymander.

Hitler singled out the Jews because they were different than traditional Germans, just as Liberals are different than traditional conservatives. The fact that we "outsiders" are citizens is beside the point. We've stolen your country and we're destroying it. We must be stopped by any means possible.

[Again, this is what despotic regimes do. They refuse to share power with people outside their movement, who they claim are not real citizens of the home nation, even if they have the legal status of citizens.]

When it comes to Legal Citizens, there are not Real Americans vs Anti-Americans. There are merely policy differences, and they are settled through the Democratic machinery of electing representatives. By calling liberal voters and politicians un-American, you are merely laying the foundation to obstruct their Constitutional rights to exercise power and share in the shaping of this nation.
Do you mean that unfairly advantaging the wealthy is what makes the economy grow?

You can blame the Dims for that. That's what economists call "crony capitalism." Dim cronies are the only ones who benefit.
You don't really know much about policy, history or politics.
You certainly aren't able to demonstrate that claim.
You blame everything on the Democrats while you either ignore or applaud the Republicans. Meanwhile, it has been the Republicans who have been most responsible for policies that advantage the wealthy while disadvantage gentlemen the majority of wage earners.

What policies are those? How have the wealthy done under 8 years of Obama?
Do you even have a clue , they have done unbelievable well under Obama, but it doesn't matter who's president as long as we keep the tax policy that came with the trickle down lie. The wealthy will always get it all from now on unless Reagan lie is over turned.
Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

In Germany's case it wasn't true. German Jews were citizens.

Of course.

But American Liberals are also citizens, yet they are treated as anti-American "outsiders" who don't have a right to power, even when that power is legally and constitutionally certified through an election. Obama is not seen as legitimate by many in your party. The whole Birther Movement, in so far as it was/is used as a tool to obstruct him, actually shreds the Constitutional Rights of those who voted for him.

But here is my point. Liberals in congress, hollywood and the news media are not seen as Real Americans. They are seen as anti-American or un-American. This means you don't have to share power with them, and it's why you want a one-party Republican or rightwing state.

Hitler and the US-Republican Party believe/believed that there was/is one true Germany/USA. This kind of thinking is at home in both religious and Fascists systems. These system hold that there is one fixed set of values that every human must live by. There is no such thing as individual choice or a plurality of visions to be respected by a minimalist state - a state not based on the imposition of values but a sphere of non-interference so that each individual can choose and act upon their own values. For instance, I may love this nation for the New Deal, Roe v Wade and the Civil Rights Act, but you might love it for the Iraq War and Ronald Reagan. In your world, my America doesn't exist. To you, I am an outsider. Calling me an outsider or an anti-American makes it easy for you to obstruct the candidates I send to Washington therefore denying my Constitutionally Protected right to vote).

Since, as you claim, we Liberals are anti-Americans who are bent on destroying your country, you don't have to allow the president we voted for the right to pick a Supreme Court nominee because he's not a Real American, nor are his voters. This is a very old strategy. When tyrannical movements take power, they start by saying that only people in their movement have a right to exercise power. Everyone else, they tell us, is not a Real Citizen. [This means that when Reagan or Bush violate the Constitution, it is ignored or never reported]

It all starts with revanchism - the belief that there is one true set of citizens whose nation has been stolen by people who don't share their values, the one true set of values. FYI: this is a common political technique used by despotic movements to avoid having to submit policy disputes to public discussion. The goal is to de-legitimize the other side before they open their mouth, and to obstruct them to death if their politicians sneak by your gerrymander.

Hitler singled out the Jews because they were different than traditional Germans, just as Liberals are different than traditional conservatives. The fact that each "outsider" group are citizens is besides the point. They've stolen the country and they're destroying it. They must be stopped.

[Again, this is what despotic regimes do. They refuse to share power with people outside their movement, who they claim are not real citizens of the home nation, even if they have the legal status of citizens.]

When it comes to Legal Citizens, there are not Real Americans vs Anti-Americans. There are merely policy differences, and they are settled through the Democratic machinery of electing representatives. By calling liberal voters and politicians un-American, you are merely laying the foundation to obstruct their Constitutional rights to exercise power and share in the shaping of this nation.
Your comparison of U.S. citizen conservatives to Nazis disqualifies you from further intelligent conversation.

Agreed. The minute some pinko brings out the Nazi card or the race card, they've earned a hail of verbal abuse.
Trust me, he would get it if we weren't in Zone 2. I'd be happy to see him in the Taunting areas....
First you can't change facts , there is a direct relationship between what Hitler did in the early 30 to what the hate party did in Bushes recession and after.Hitler blamed the unions Jews and Gypsies and the hate party blamed the unions Mexicans and Muslims. And no body has to do anything calling the hate party bigoted because it happens to be 100% fact.
Thats funny the only part of the constitution you clowns think you know about is the 2nd amendment
Did anybody mention anything about a particular Amendment? I personally take the Constitution as a whole but when you pick any part you want to abolish, I will defend it. If it is the 2nd then that...if it is the 5th then that if it is the 1st, then that...and on and on and on.
Like I said the only part of the constitution that trhe hate party knows anything about is the second amendment and all the rest just get in their way. Anyone bringing up the constitution from the right should just be answer with a belly laugh.
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.

As if you know what my best interests are.
Well thats simple you peoples mind only under understand simple, how about you your income. I'm asuming thats your best interest.
You people think money is everything in one's life. You cannot imagine people having principles and subordinate everything to those principles. Your envy driven life must be miserable to live.
Sorry buddy your stupid thinking that a capitalistic system can continue to operate without incentive. You people are idiots.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.
Thats because there has never been a time in your life that the democrats have created so many poor people willing to vote against their own interest.
but hey, if you want to raise taxes on business so you can watch more jobs move to china and mexico and more people end up on assistance, go ahead, vote for the queen of whores hillary. Thats the beauty of the United States. We can vote for real prosperity or we can vote for free shit till everyones money runs out and we are all living in grass huts with cows peeing on our heads.
Thats funny the only part of the constitution you clowns think you know about is the 2nd amendment
Did anybody mention anything about a particular Amendment? I personally take the Constitution as a whole but when you pick any part you want to abolish, I will defend it. If it is the 2nd then that...if it is the 5th then that if it is the 1st, then that...and on and on and on.
Like I said the only part of the constitution that trhe hate party knows anything about is the second amendment and all the rest just get in their way. Anyone bringing up the constitution from the right should just be answer with a belly laugh.
its not that we dont know the rest of it, its just we arent as good as twisting it to make it say what it does not say.
as far as the second, we do have a problem there. For instance, asking for an ID to vote is unconstitutional because you cant put demands on a right,, asking for the health history of your entire family back to the mayflower is perfectly ok if you want to buy a handgun becuase rights are not absolute... WTF???
You blame everything on the Democrats while you either ignore or applaud the Republicans. Meanwhile, it has been the Republicans who have been most responsible for policies that advantage the wealthy while disadvantage gentlemen the majority of wage earners.

What policies are those? How have the wealthy done under 8 years of Obama?
Repeal of Glass/Steagal, supply side tax policy, attempts at privitixng Social Security

Clinton signed the repeal of Glass/Steagal, moron. However, that would have been irrelevant if Democrats hadn't forced banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.

If "supply side tax policy" was so bad, then why didn't Dims repeal it when they had a veto proof majority in Congress?

Nothing has been done to Social Security.
I give up. As the old saying goes, lay down with dogs, arise with fleas. I can't discuss serious matters with an idiot.

Apparently a smart person is a dupe who swallows all your propaganda?

BTW, I'm not here to "discuss" anything with douche bags like you. I'm here to ridicule your ideas and destroy them. Why would I discuss anything with a moron who is immune to facts and logic?
Love this your responding to someone that is telling you the truth that you haven't a clue clue. You hate party members are to dumb to take advice even when it is stellar. Housing you have zero clue unless you can tell me why credit default swaps and not the Democrats were the reason that the economy collapsed. Glass Steagal partial repeal was a hate party bill not a democratic bill, It was called the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act All hate party members.Bill had no way to stop it ,a veto would have been over ridden ding dong it was a hate party majority in both houses. More competition was wanted by both parties including Clinton but not to the extreme of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act . There was no way to prevent it. Idiot. The only Presidents that have gone after the Supply side lie of Reagan were Democrats ,Clinton and Obama. You know nothing so how can you come in here and ridicule ideas that first you know nothing about and second your wrong about what you say you know. Idiot.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.
Thats because there has never been a time in your life that the democrats have created so many poor people willing to vote against their own interest.
but hey, if you want to raise taxes on business so you can watch more jobs move to china and mexico and more people end up on assistance, go ahead, vote for the queen of whores hillary. Thats the beauty of the United States. We can vote for real prosperity or we can vote for free shit till everyones money runs out and we are all living in grass huts with cows peeing on our heads.
Stupid, big time stupid.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.
Thats because there has never been a time in your life that the democrats have created so many poor people willing to vote against their own interest.
but hey, if you want to raise taxes on business so you can watch more jobs move to china and mexico and more people end up on assistance, go ahead, vote for the queen of whores hillary. Thats the beauty of the United States. We can vote for real prosperity or we can vote for free shit till everyones money runs out and we are all living in grass huts with cows peeing on our heads.
Stupid, big time stupid.
I agree its stupid, but they keep doing it because they know the poor will vote for them. Why would they want to create wealth when the wealthy generally vote for Americans,, I mean Conservatives.
My best interests are nunya, and can best be served by tossing the Democrats and their idiot minions face down into a political ditch.
So you cannot define your best interests. Okay. Lack of articulate arguments is nothing new for you. But you seem to look at our democracy the way football fans look at their rivals. I would like to see Michigan tossed face down in a ditch, but not the Republicans. Nothing would be more dangerous than one party or one ideological rule.
That won't happen anyway , even after their parties impending death there will be another conservative party put together , they just won't be able to call it the republican party anymore because by then that name will be total poison. The one that will be created will govern , base their future on something other then hate and stop this regressive program that distributes all the new wealth to 1% of the population.

stop this regressive program that distributes all the new wealth to 1% of the population.

The one the Senate that Obama and Clinton were part of, as a majority, did nothing to correct?

The one that the House under the Leadership of Pelosi, did nothing to correct?

and the Dems have been far closer to a majority than the Right has in decades

Bud, until the Left stops doing the same thing the Right is doing, you ain't got a leg to stand on
Off course that would be stupid to say because they did. as did Clinton when he was in office. If you need the list I'll give it to you but you can't do what Reagan did with the trickle down lie, lower CAP gains tax that is income, from the income tax level, to less then half that of income. and you can't give the wealthy a tax break from 70 to 28% , with a massive tax break to corporations ,Corporations at one time paid in 1/3 of the federal tax total and then allow them to only have to pay 9% of the tax total fed. taxes and then expect that there wont be a problem.

If you need the list I'll give it to you

You have zero clue about anything Clinton did in his presidency , Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 The Minimum wage Increase Act of August 20, 1991 Businesses were given an income tax rate of 35%. The cap was repealed on Medicare. The taxes were raised 4.3 cents per gallon on transportation fuels and the taxable portion of Social Security benefits were increased. a tax credit was put into place based on the number of individuals under the age of 17 in a household. In 1998, it was $400 per child and In 1999, it was raised to $500. High-income families had this Act phased out. . Educational savings and retirement funds were given tax relief. Bill Clinton’s macroeconomic policies of his presidency can best be looked at through three main categories: gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rates, and unemployment rates all of witch where fantastic during his presidency/ He raise the top bracket again from 36 tom 39.6% Obama tax increases will be another day but I made it totally clear to anyone that can think, that you don't have a clue what your talking about. and that is all that is important to me.
In Germany's case it wasn't true. German Jews were citizens.

Of course.

But American Liberals are also citizens, yet they are treated as anti-American "outsiders" who don't have a right to power, even when that power is legally and constitutionally certified through an election. Obama is not seen as legitimate by many in your party. The whole Birther Movement, in so far as it was/is used as a tool to obstruct him, actually shreds the Constitutional Rights of those who voted for him.

But here is my point. Liberals in congress, hollywood and the news media are not seen as Real Americans. They are seen as anti-American or un-American. This means you don't have to share power with them, and it's why you want a one-party Republican or rightwing state.

Hitler and the US-Republican Party believe/believed that there was/is one true Germany/USA. This kind of thinking is at home in both religious and Fascists systems. These system hold that there is one fixed set of values that every human must live by. There is no such thing as individual choice or a plurality of visions to be respected by a minimalist state - a state not based on the imposition of values but a sphere of non-interference so that each individual can choose and act upon their own values. For instance, I may love this nation for the New Deal, Roe v Wade and the Civil Rights Act, but you might love it for the Iraq War and Ronald Reagan. In your world, my America doesn't exist. To you, I am an outsider. Calling me an outsider or an anti-American makes it easy for you to obstruct the candidates I send to Washington therefore denying my Constitutionally Protected right to vote).

Since, as you claim, we Liberals are anti-Americans who are bent on destroying your country, you don't have to allow the president we voted for the right to pick a Supreme Court nominee because he's not a Real American, nor are his voters. This is a very old strategy. When tyrannical movements take power, they start by saying that only people in their movement have a right to exercise power. Everyone else, they tell us, is not a Real Citizen. [This means that when Reagan or Bush violate the Constitution, it is ignored or never reported]

It all starts with revanchism - the belief that there is one true set of citizens whose nation has been stolen by people who don't share their values, the one true set of values. FYI: this is a common political technique used by despotic movements to avoid having to submit policy disputes to public discussion. The goal is to de-legitimize the other side before they open their mouth, and to obstruct them to death if their politicians sneak by your gerrymander.

Hitler singled out the Jews because they were different than traditional Germans, just as Liberals are different than traditional conservatives. The fact that each "outsider" group are citizens is besides the point. They've stolen the country and they're destroying it. They must be stopped.

[Again, this is what despotic regimes do. They refuse to share power with people outside their movement, who they claim are not real citizens of the home nation, even if they have the legal status of citizens.]

When it comes to Legal Citizens, there are not Real Americans vs Anti-Americans. There are merely policy differences, and they are settled through the Democratic machinery of electing representatives. By calling liberal voters and politicians un-American, you are merely laying the foundation to obstruct their Constitutional rights to exercise power and share in the shaping of this nation.
Your comparison of U.S. citizen conservatives to Nazis disqualifies you from further intelligent conversation.

Agreed. The minute some pinko brings out the Nazi card or the race card, they've earned a hail of verbal abuse.
Trust me, he would get it if we weren't in Zone 2. I'd be happy to see him in the Taunting areas....
First you can't change facts , there is a direct relationship between what Hitler did in the early 30 to what the hate party did in Bushes recession and after.Hitler blamed the unions Jews and Gypsies and the hate party blamed the unions Mexicans and Muslims. And no body has to do anything calling the hate party bigoted because it happens to be 100% fact.

Seek professional help.
Do you mean that unfairly advantaging the wealthy is what makes the economy grow?
Does the "E Pluribus Unum," the motto of the U.S.A. mean anything to you?
It means that all Americans are immigrants or offspring of immigrants

Nonsense. I am not an immigrant, nor the offspring of immigrants.
Then your native American, why didn't you just say so.

Of course I'm a native American. The family has been here eight generations.
Do you mean that unfairly advantaging the wealthy is what makes the economy grow?
Does the "E Pluribus Unum," the motto of the U.S.A. mean anything to you?
It means that all Americans are immigrants or offspring of immigrants

Nonsense. I am not an immigrant, nor the offspring of immigrants.
Then your native American, why didn't you just say so.

Of course I'm a native American. The family has been here eight generations.
My family has been here since the revolutionary war....
What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.
You are an old fool. How did you manage to live that long? Most businesses are not mega corporations, their profits most certainly are not at an all time high, but maybe you are? Put the bong down gramps, the Dems are even more in the tank with the big boys, it's why they support Hillary. Many Republicans as well, it the establishment vs status quo more than Democrats and Republicans.

Trump is getting a lot of crossover votes, just what Republicans said they always wanted. So now we see how was just offering lip service.
Does the "E Pluribus Unum," the motto of the U.S.A. mean anything to you?
It means that all Americans are immigrants or offspring of immigrants

Nonsense. I am not an immigrant, nor the offspring of immigrants.
Then your native American, why didn't you just say so.

Of course I'm a native American. The family has been here eight generations.
My family has been here since the revolutionary war....
They came here to escape the tyranny of liberal England and were blacksmiths who shod the continental army's horses for General Washington.....of course, this was long before the democrats fascist EPA who would have shut their business down...:lol:

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