We have to keep this in our minds about the right.

I have yet to understand the ideas that shape the outlook of so many ANTI conservatives, I AM a conservative DEMOCRAT, the party I call dimocrats have left me, They are NOT for the working class, or ANY class except themselves. They are RULING CLASS SOCIALIST, meaning they want socialisim in the image of the Russian state under Lenin. That means THEM living as dictatorial rulers, and everyone else doing their bidding, and everyone else living at their pleasure. To understand that you must follow the events of the past 15 years with a multiplanic vision. I know that is hard for a mentally challenged indoctrinated liberal, so I don't expect it. The school system has been revamped to center not on basic learning skills, but social direction and modeling. The military and police have been restructured to do more in country war that external protection. The (NEWS?) media have been turned into a socialist cheerleading propaganda tool. The economy has been sequestered by regulation and artificial suppression. The Fact is that the corporations are doing better than ever for their ruling class friends, but holding back the capital for themselves because of government control. The FACT is that the only way to raise revenue from a finite capital pool is to increase transaction speed, because as each transaction is made, the tax revenue is disbursed. Regulations, and SUPRESSION cause the slow down of transactions and loss of tax revenue. dimshits are always suppressing revenue with some type of suppressive action. THAT is why we are only getting five more cents an hour while our Big Mac has nearly doubled in the past 7.83 years.
My first chance to show how stupid you people are, You have no clue what a socialist is, not even close, it's total bullshit. I will prove it. You go to your funk and Wagner and get the definition of Socialism, Marxism or communism , find out what the main tenets of those are and come back and tell us how by those Tenets rhat my President , my party or me are socialist Communist or Marxist. You people are just blind stupid. You live in a make believe world of lies and hatred and you don't have a clue and this will prove it.

It's "Funk & Wagnalls", you blithering babbling booby.

So now that you've got the source right, post the definition, booby. I found Britannica's. Do you own your own home, car, land, property, business? You do? Oh good, then you're not living in socialism:

"""Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live orwork in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members."""

Not one person from the hate party has ever gotten it right , I've challenged them a hundred times to prove that my president country or me are communist or socialist and the are zero for a 100. not even coming close. They general have no clue what their talking points even means. Ask them to prove that Hillary Clinton is a Criminal like they say, you get stupidity and blank stares.
I have yet to understand the ideas that shape the outlook of so many ANTI conservatives, I AM a conservative DEMOCRAT, the party I call dimocrats have left me, They are NOT for the working class, or ANY class except themselves. They are RULING CLASS SOCIALIST, meaning they want socialisim in the image of the Russian state under Lenin. That means THEM living as dictatorial rulers, and everyone else doing their bidding, and everyone else living at their pleasure. To understand that you must follow the events of the past 15 years with a multiplanic vision. I know that is hard for a mentally challenged indoctrinated liberal, so I don't expect it. The school system has been revamped to center not on basic learning skills, but social direction and modeling. The military and police have been restructured to do more in country war that external protection. The (NEWS?) media have been turned into a socialist cheerleading propaganda tool. The economy has been sequestered by regulation and artificial suppression. The Fact is that the corporations are doing better than ever for their ruling class friends, but holding back the capital for themselves because of government control. The FACT is that the only way to raise revenue from a finite capital pool is to increase transaction speed, because as each transaction is made, the tax revenue is disbursed. Regulations, and SUPRESSION cause the slow down of transactions and loss of tax revenue. dimshits are always suppressing revenue with some type of suppressive action. THAT is why we are only getting five more cents an hour while our Big Mac has nearly doubled in the past 7.83 years.
My first chance to show how stupid you people are, You have no clue what a socialist is, not even close, it's total bullshit. I will prove it. You go to your funk and Wagner and get the definition of Socialism, Marxism or communism , find out what the main tenets of those are and come back and tell us how by those Tenets rhat my President , my party or me are socialist Communist or Marxist. You people are just blind stupid. You live in a make believe world of lies and hatred and you don't have a clue and this will prove it.

I've said this many times. They get away with paying no taxes and then whine that they live in a socialist country. It's laughable.

Another moron who celebrates his complete and utter lack of knowledge and inability to use a search engine. If he weren't a financial illiterate, he could also go to the numerous financial websites and look up SEC filings for public companies.

Here are some Income Taxes for you (from 2012):

1. ExxonMobil
• Income tax expense: $31.05 billion

• Earnings before taxes: $78.73 billion
• Revenue: $428.38 billion
•1-year share price change: 6.56%
• Industry: Oil and gas

2. Chevron
• Income tax expense: $20.00 billion

• Earnings before taxes: $46.33 billion
• Revenue: $222.58 billion
• 1-year share price change: 9.52%
• Industry: Oil and gas

3. Apple
• Income tax expense: $14.21 billion

• Earnings before taxes: $55.96 billion
• Revenue: $164.69 billion
• 1-year share price change: -20.68%
• Industry: Computer hardware

4. Wells Fargo
Income tax expense: $9.10 billion
• Earnings before taxes: $28.47 billion
• Revenue: $79.45 billion
• 1-year share price change: 16.77%
• Industry: Banks

5. Wal-Mart
• Income tax expense: $7.98 billion

• Earnings before taxes: $25.74 billion
• Revenue: $469.16 billion
• 1-year share price change: 21.87%
• Industry: Supermarkets

Companies paying the most in income taxes
So with this goofiness , your trying to tell us that all rich people and corporations all pay taxes. You have been hit with a stupid stick
Relocating most of the country's manufacturing is more of a problem than it is acknowledged by politicians. Trump brings it to the forefront. When manufacturing thrives again, jobs should be abundantly available.
You know there is no demand for stage coach makers anymore. As far as corporations leaving that could be taken care of in a instant , but the hate party wouldn't like it.

As far as corporations leaving that could be taken care of in a instant ,

Then why didn't Clinton or Obama do it when they owned Congress?
Because the hate party, if they could, would stop them because your party grovels at the feet of corporations. Doesn't change the fact that it would be easy to do but it will go nowhere when you people are capitalist before being American.

Clinton only need a vote or 2 to get it passed when he owned Congress

Obama only needed a vote or 2 to get it passed while he owned Congress .
I agree to that to the extent that we need at least one left for the movie industry, however we need air conditioners, refrigerators, automobiles steel fabricators etc....don't you think?
Sure we can build them here if they can compete in the world market. You know like stage coach wheels. But the only thing that we can control is business that can compete in the world market leaving this country and thats easy.
In order to make competition fair we need to level the playing field by protective tariffs. There are only so many high tech jobs you know.. we need manufacturing back home to employ all our citizens.
If Trump can pull of re-industrializing America, the democrat party would cease to exist....

If either had wanted it passed, it would have passed.

your crap about the 'hate' party stopping it doesnt' fly.
simpleton it simply is not that easy ever. All hate party people voting against it and what 1, 2, 3 democrats voting against it and it doesn't pass. all of the hate party is owned by corporations and a few of the democrats are also.

You're saying it's not all the 'hate' parties fault?

the dems had control of Congress the first 2 years of Clinton, the last 2 years of Bush, and the first 2 years of Obama.

did a bill even make it to committee during those times?

dems are as much against it as the 'hate' party.
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.
Therein lies the problem with the country. Voting for personal interests, i.e. what can I get for nothing, and not for Constitutional principles.

The Rightwing treats the Constitution not as a sacred document but as a symbolic trope in their ideology of revanchism.

Revanchism is a strategy used by the party bosses (and spread by talk radio) where they tell uneducated or uninformed voters that their nation has been stolen by outsiders.

When a Republican is in the White House, you never see the call for constitutional fidelity. For instance, talk radio never talked about Bush 43's anti-constitutional wire tapping program, as it was initially set-up before Bush got caught and was forced to re-launch the program with greater CONSTITUTIONAL protections for American citizens.

In fact, Defcon4, I bet you cannot list the actual areas where both Reagan and Bush 43 violated the Constitution. The reason you can't list these things is because your information sources only mention The Constitution when they are criticizing a democratic administration.

Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

This is how dangerous political movements seize power, by channeling the resentment of aggrieved citizens at a scapegoat, which is typically the political opposition.

McCarthyism was a form of this. It was based on convincing the rightwing voter that the left was in bed with the Soviet Union.

Turn off talk radio and go to a library. Study all the Constitutional violations throughout history. Stop carrying the water for a political party, and respect the founding document this nation.
Hitler during a time when Germany was in a horrible depression in the early 30's, gave the people of his country something to blame their problems on ,it's easy during bad times because during those times people have a perception of them selves as losers, , So Hitler gave them Unions, Jews and Gypsies to blame for their perceived failures, then in This country years later Bush and his party destroy our economy and of course people perceive themselves as failures and need something to blame it on , so the hate party gives then Unions, Mexicans and Muslims.
I have yet to understand the ideas that shape the outlook of so many ANTI conservatives, I AM a conservative DEMOCRAT, the party I call dimocrats have left me, They are NOT for the working class, or ANY class except themselves. They are RULING CLASS SOCIALIST, meaning they want socialisim in the image of the Russian state under Lenin. That means THEM living as dictatorial rulers, and everyone else doing their bidding, and everyone else living at their pleasure. To understand that you must follow the events of the past 15 years with a multiplanic vision. I know that is hard for a mentally challenged indoctrinated liberal, so I don't expect it. The school system has been revamped to center not on basic learning skills, but social direction and modeling. The military and police have been restructured to do more in country war that external protection. The (NEWS?) media have been turned into a socialist cheerleading propaganda tool. The economy has been sequestered by regulation and artificial suppression. The Fact is that the corporations are doing better than ever for their ruling class friends, but holding back the capital for themselves because of government control. The FACT is that the only way to raise revenue from a finite capital pool is to increase transaction speed, because as each transaction is made, the tax revenue is disbursed. Regulations, and SUPRESSION cause the slow down of transactions and loss of tax revenue. dimshits are always suppressing revenue with some type of suppressive action. THAT is why we are only getting five more cents an hour while our Big Mac has nearly doubled in the past 7.83 years.
My first chance to show how stupid you people are, You have no clue what a socialist is, not even close, it's total bullshit. I will prove it. You go to your funk and Wagner and get the definition of Socialism, Marxism or communism , find out what the main tenets of those are and come back and tell us how by those Tenets rhat my President , my party or me are socialist Communist or Marxist. You people are just blind stupid. You live in a make believe world of lies and hatred and you don't have a clue and this will prove it.

It's "Funk & Wagnalls", you blithering babbling booby.

So now that you've got the source right, post the definition, booby. I found Britannica's. Do you own your own home, car, land, property, business? You do? Oh good, then you're not living in socialism:

"""Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live orwork in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members."""

Not one person from the hate party has ever gotten it right , I've challenged them a hundred times to prove that my president country or me are communist or socialist and the are zero for a 100. not even coming close. They general have no clue what their talking points even means. Ask them to prove that Hillary Clinton is a Criminal like they say, you get stupidity and blank stares.

You just proved you're a communist with your glowing descriptions of communism. Communism is pure slavery, and only a communist would deny it.
Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

In Germany's case it wasn't true. German Jews were citizens.

In the case of the United States, it's absolutely true.

McCarthyism was a form of this. It was based on convincing the rightwing voter that the left was in bed with the Soviet Union.

McCarthy was right. A tad indelicate perhaps, but essentially correct.
This is the top of the bullshit hill "McCarthy was right" You can't make this stuff up but it just rolls of the tongs of people that are in the hate party.
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.
Therein lies the problem with the country. Voting for personal interests, i.e. what can I get for nothing, and not for Constitutional principles.

The Rightwing treats the Constitution not as a sacred document but as a symbolic trope in their ideology of revanchism.

Revanchism is a strategy used by the party bosses (and spread by talk radio) where they tell uneducated or uninformed voters that their nation has been stolen by outsiders.

When a Republican is in the White House, you never see the call for constitutional fidelity. For instance, talk radio never talked about Bush 43's anti-constitutional wire tapping program, as it was initially set-up before Bush got caught and was forced to re-launch the program with greater CONSTITUTIONAL protections for American citizens.

In fact, Defcon4, I bet you cannot list the actual areas where both Reagan and Bush 43 violated the Constitution. The reason you can't list these things is because your information sources only mention The Constitution when they are criticizing a democratic administration.

Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

This is how dangerous political movements seize power, by channeling the resentment of aggrieved citizens at a scapegoat, which is typically the political opposition.

McCarthyism was a form of this. It was based on convincing the rightwing voter that the left was in bed with the Soviet Union.

Turn off talk radio and go to a library. Study all the Constitutional violations throughout history. Stop carrying the water for a political party, and respect the founding document this nation.
Hitler during a time when Germany was in a horrible depression in the early 30's, gave the people of his country something to blame their problems on ,it's easy during bad times because during those times people have a perception of them selves as losers, , So Hitler gave them Unions, Jews and Gypsies to blame for their perceived failures, then in This country years later Bush and his party destroy our economy and of course people perceive themselves as failures and need something to blame it on , so the hate party gives then Unions, Mexicans and Muslims.
Hitler was not hostile to unions, moron, and neither is Trump. In fact, he will probably get most of the union vote. Those are the "uneducated" that douche bags like you are so fond of deriding. Trump also has nothing against Mexicans. He just thinks they belong in their own country, not here. As for Muslims, anyone with a brain hates them. They are despicable bloodthirsty savages.
Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

In Germany's case it wasn't true. German Jews were citizens.

In the case of the United States, it's absolutely true.

McCarthyism was a form of this. It was based on convincing the rightwing voter that the left was in bed with the Soviet Union.

McCarthy was right. A tad indelicate perhaps, but essentially correct.
This is the top of the bullshit hill "McCarthy was right" You can't make this stuff up but it just rolls of the tongs of people that are in the hate party.

What was McCarthy wrong about? Name one person who was incorrectly identified as a communist.
I have yet to understand the ideas that shape the outlook of so many ANTI conservatives, I AM a conservative DEMOCRAT, the party I call dimocrats have left me, They are NOT for the working class, or ANY class except themselves. They are RULING CLASS SOCIALIST, meaning they want socialisim in the image of the Russian state under Lenin. That means THEM living as dictatorial rulers, and everyone else doing their bidding, and everyone else living at their pleasure. To understand that you must follow the events of the past 15 years with a multiplanic vision. I know that is hard for a mentally challenged indoctrinated liberal, so I don't expect it. The school system has been revamped to center not on basic learning skills, but social direction and modeling. The military and police have been restructured to do more in country war that external protection. The (NEWS?) media have been turned into a socialist cheerleading propaganda tool. The economy has been sequestered by regulation and artificial suppression. The Fact is that the corporations are doing better than ever for their ruling class friends, but holding back the capital for themselves because of government control. The FACT is that the only way to raise revenue from a finite capital pool is to increase transaction speed, because as each transaction is made, the tax revenue is disbursed. Regulations, and SUPRESSION cause the slow down of transactions and loss of tax revenue. dimshits are always suppressing revenue with some type of suppressive action. THAT is why we are only getting five more cents an hour while our Big Mac has nearly doubled in the past 7.83 years.
My first chance to show how stupid you people are, You have no clue what a socialist is, not even close, it's total bullshit. I will prove it. You go to your funk and Wagner and get the definition of Socialism, Marxism or communism , find out what the main tenets of those are and come back and tell us how by those Tenets rhat my President , my party or me are socialist Communist or Marxist. You people are just blind stupid. You live in a make believe world of lies and hatred and you don't have a clue and this will prove it.

It's "Funk & Wagnalls", you blithering babbling booby.

So now that you've got the source right, post the definition, booby. I found Britannica's. Do you own your own home, car, land, property, business? You do? Oh good, then you're not living in socialism:

"""Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live orwork in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members."""

Not one person from the hate party has ever gotten it right , I've challenged them a hundred times to prove that my president country or me are communist or socialist and the are zero for a 100. not even coming close. They general have no clue what their talking points even means. Ask them to prove that Hillary Clinton is a Criminal like they say, you get stupidity and blank stares.

You just proved you're a communist with your glowing descriptions of communism. Communism is pure slavery, and only a communist would deny it.
Is that all it takes to be Communist, you know I thought it was a little more complicated then that.
My first chance to show how stupid you people are, You have no clue what a socialist is, not even close, it's total bullshit. I will prove it. You go to your funk and Wagner and get the definition of Socialism, Marxism or communism , find out what the main tenets of those are and come back and tell us how by those Tenets rhat my President , my party or me are socialist Communist or Marxist. You people are just blind stupid. You live in a make believe world of lies and hatred and you don't have a clue and this will prove it.

It's "Funk & Wagnalls", you blithering babbling booby.

So now that you've got the source right, post the definition, booby. I found Britannica's. Do you own your own home, car, land, property, business? You do? Oh good, then you're not living in socialism:

"""Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live orwork in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members."""

Not one person from the hate party has ever gotten it right , I've challenged them a hundred times to prove that my president country or me are communist or socialist and the are zero for a 100. not even coming close. They general have no clue what their talking points even means. Ask them to prove that Hillary Clinton is a Criminal like they say, you get stupidity and blank stares.

You just proved you're a communist with your glowing descriptions of communism. Communism is pure slavery, and only a communist would deny it.
Is that all it takes to be Communist, you know I thought it was a little more complicated then that.

Only communists have anything nice to say about it. That's what you just did. That's how we identify communists. That's not what it takes to be one. You have to be a complete moron to be a communist.
One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.
Therein lies the problem with the country. Voting for personal interests, i.e. what can I get for nothing, and not for Constitutional principles.

The Rightwing treats the Constitution not as a sacred document but as a symbolic trope in their ideology of revanchism.

Revanchism is a strategy used by the party bosses (and spread by talk radio) where they tell uneducated or uninformed voters that their nation has been stolen by outsiders.

When a Republican is in the White House, you never see the call for constitutional fidelity. For instance, talk radio never talked about Bush 43's anti-constitutional wire tapping program, as it was initially set-up before Bush got caught and was forced to re-launch the program with greater CONSTITUTIONAL protections for American citizens.

In fact, Defcon4, I bet you cannot list the actual areas where both Reagan and Bush 43 violated the Constitution. The reason you can't list these things is because your information sources only mention The Constitution when they are criticizing a democratic administration.

Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

This is how dangerous political movements seize power, by channeling the resentment of aggrieved citizens at a scapegoat, which is typically the political opposition.

McCarthyism was a form of this. It was based on convincing the rightwing voter that the left was in bed with the Soviet Union.

Turn off talk radio and go to a library. Study all the Constitutional violations throughout history. Stop carrying the water for a political party, and respect the founding document this nation.
Hitler during a time when Germany was in a horrible depression in the early 30's, gave the people of his country something to blame their problems on ,it's easy during bad times because during those times people have a perception of them selves as losers, , So Hitler gave them Unions, Jews and Gypsies to blame for their perceived failures, then in This country years later Bush and his party destroy our economy and of course people perceive themselves as failures and need something to blame it on , so the hate party gives then Unions, Mexicans and Muslims.
Hitler was not hostile to unions, moron, and neither is Trump. In fact, he will probably get most of the union vote. Those are the "uneducated" that douche bags like you are so fond of deriding. Trump also has nothing against Mexicans. He just thinks they belong in their own country, not here. As for Muslims, anyone with a brain hates them. They are despicable bloodthirsty savages.
It's hard to argue when people are this stupid. Hitler abolisher unions in 1932 or 33 he hated unions with a passion , and in abolishing them he took all their assets, arrested all the top union people and then Hitler then outlawed strikes, abolished collective bargaining and established the German Labor Front, a corrupt party organization.
It's "Funk & Wagnalls", you blithering babbling booby.

So now that you've got the source right, post the definition, booby. I found Britannica's. Do you own your own home, car, land, property, business? You do? Oh good, then you're not living in socialism:

"""Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live orwork in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members."""

Not one person from the hate party has ever gotten it right , I've challenged them a hundred times to prove that my president country or me are communist or socialist and the are zero for a 100. not even coming close. They general have no clue what their talking points even means. Ask them to prove that Hillary Clinton is a Criminal like they say, you get stupidity and blank stares.

You just proved you're a communist with your glowing descriptions of communism. Communism is pure slavery, and only a communist would deny it.
Is that all it takes to be Communist, you know I thought it was a little more complicated then that.

Only communists have anything nice to say about it. That's what you just did. That's how we identify communists. That's not what it takes to be one. You have to be a complete moron to be a communist.
How hard is it to become one of your "We's" that your talking about in your comment. Take a 100 points off you IQ?
So now that you've got the source right, post the definition, booby. I found Britannica's. Do you own your own home, car, land, property, business? You do? Oh good, then you're not living in socialism:

"""Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live orwork in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members."""

Not one person from the hate party has ever gotten it right , I've challenged them a hundred times to prove that my president country or me are communist or socialist and the are zero for a 100. not even coming close. They general have no clue what their talking points even means. Ask them to prove that Hillary Clinton is a Criminal like they say, you get stupidity and blank stares.

You just proved you're a communist with your glowing descriptions of communism. Communism is pure slavery, and only a communist would deny it.
Is that all it takes to be Communist, you know I thought it was a little more complicated then that.

Only communists have anything nice to say about it. That's what you just did. That's how we identify communists. That's not what it takes to be one. You have to be a complete moron to be a communist.
How hard is it to become one of your "We's" that your talking about in your comment. Take a 100 points off you IQ?
You have to have an I.Q. over 100 to be part of the "we." You obviously don't qualify.

You defend communism. Therefore you are a communist.
Hitler told uninformed "homelanders" that mother Germany had been infiltrated by people who didn't respect it's borders, language, culture, tradition, and laws.

In Germany's case it wasn't true. German Jews were citizens.

Of course.

But American Liberals are also citizens, yet they are treated as anti-American "outsiders" who don't have a right to power, even when that power is legally and constitutionally certified through an election. Obama is not seen as legitimate by many in your party. The whole Birther Movement, in so far as it was/is used as a tool to obstruct him, actually shreds the Constitutional Rights of those who voted for him.

But here is my point. Liberals in congress, hollywood and the news media are not seen as Real Americans. They are seen as anti-American or un-American. This means you don't have to share power with them, and it's why you want a one-party Republican or rightwing state.

Hitler and the US-Republican Party believe/believed that there was/is one true Germany/USA. This kind of thinking is at home in both religious and Fascists systems. These system hold that there is one fixed set of values that every human must live by. There is no such thing as individual choice or a plurality of visions to be respected by a minimalist state - a state not based on the imposition of values but a sphere of non-interference so that each individual can choose and act upon their own values. For instance, I may love this nation for the New Deal, Roe v Wade and the Civil Rights Act, but you might love it for the Iraq War and Ronald Reagan. In your world, my America doesn't exist. To you, I am an outsider. Calling me an outsider or an anti-American makes it easy for you to obstruct the candidates I send to Washington therefore denying my Constitutionally Protected right to vote).

Since, as you claim, we Liberals are anti-Americans who are bent on destroying your country, you don't have to allow the president we voted for the right to pick a Supreme Court nominee because he's not a Real American, nor are his voters. This is a very old strategy. When tyrannical movements take power, they start by saying that only people in their movement have a right to exercise power. Everyone else, they tell us, is not a Real Citizen. [This means that when Reagan or Bush violate the Constitution, it is ignored or never reported]

It all starts with revanchism - the belief that there is one true set of citizens whose nation has been stolen by people who don't share their values, the one true set of values. FYI: this is a common political technique used by despotic movements to avoid having to submit policy disputes to public discussion. The goal is to de-legitimize the other side before they open their mouth, and to obstruct them to death if their politicians sneak by your gerrymander.

Hitler singled out the Jews because they were different than traditional Germans, just as Liberals are different than traditional conservatives. The fact that each "outsider" group are citizens is besides the point. They've stolen the country and they're destroying it. They must be stopped.

[Again, this is what despotic regimes do. They refuse to share power with people outside their movement, who they claim are not real citizens of the home nation, even if they have the legal status of citizens.]

When it comes to Legal Citizens, there are not Real Americans vs Anti-Americans. There are merely policy differences, and they are settled through the Democratic machinery of electing representatives. By calling liberal voters and politicians un-American, you are merely laying the foundation to obstruct their Constitutional rights to exercise power and share in the shaping of this nation.
Your comparison of U.S. citizen conservatives to Nazis disqualifies you from further intelligent conversation.
This remark attacking one of the better comments here, good ideas , good reasoning and just a great comment , so what are people that look at a superior comment and call it no good. How about just stupid.
Not one person from the hate party has ever gotten it right , I've challenged them a hundred times to prove that my president country or me are communist or socialist and the are zero for a 100. not even coming close. They general have no clue what their talking points even means. Ask them to prove that Hillary Clinton is a Criminal like they say, you get stupidity and blank stares.

You just proved you're a communist with your glowing descriptions of communism. Communism is pure slavery, and only a communist would deny it.
Is that all it takes to be Communist, you know I thought it was a little more complicated then that.

Only communists have anything nice to say about it. That's what you just did. That's how we identify communists. That's not what it takes to be one. You have to be a complete moron to be a communist.
How hard is it to become one of your "We's" that your talking about in your comment. Take a 100 points off you IQ?
You have to have an I.Q. over 100 to be part of the "we." You obviously don't qualify.

You defend communism. Therefore you are a communist.
You comment there fore your stupid.
Thats funny the only part of the constitution you clowns think you know about is the 2nd amendment
Did anybody mention anything about a particular Amendment? I personally take the Constitution as a whole but when you pick any part you want to abolish, I will defend it. If it is the 2nd then that...if it is the 5th then that if it is the 1st, then that...and on and on and on.
Like I said the only part of the constitution that trhe hate party knows anything about is the second amendment and all the rest just get in their way. Anyone bringing up the constitution from the right should just be answer with a belly laugh.
its not that we dont know the rest of it, its just we arent as good as twisting it to make it say what it does not say.
as far as the second, we do have a problem there. For instance, asking for an ID to vote is unconstitutional because you cant put demands on a right,, asking for the health history of your entire family back to the mayflower is perfectly ok if you want to buy a handgun becuase rights are not absolute... WTF???
Why do people that have a brain just get a blank stare when a goof ball gun bubba starts talking about their true love and the symbol of their manly hood.
Do you mean that unfairly advantaging the wealthy is what makes the economy grow?
Does the "E Pluribus Unum," the motto of the U.S.A. mean anything to you?
It means that all Americans are immigrants or offspring of immigrants

Nonsense. I am not an immigrant, nor the offspring of immigrants.
Then your native American, why didn't you just say so.

Of course I'm a native American. The family has been here eight generations.
No your American stupid. You are a Immigrant bozo.
Does the "E Pluribus Unum," the motto of the U.S.A. mean anything to you?
It means that all Americans are immigrants or offspring of immigrants

Nonsense. I am not an immigrant, nor the offspring of immigrants.
Then your native American, why didn't you just say so.

Of course I'm a native American. The family has been here eight generations.
No your American stupid. You are a Immigrant bozo.

It's "you're," not "your," dumbass.

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