We invaded Afghanistan and Iraq to destroy terrorists training grounds

Before Bush, Muslims loved us and western culture, especially things like gay marriage, abortion, etc.
Your seven years down with Obama and you still want to blame someone else. Get a grip man.

For some reason that I can not understand, you seem to have come to the conclusion that i support Obama's continuation of the wars as long as he did.
The OP's presumption is, there would have been no escalation in terror attacks without US military action in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, no reaction to 9/11 would have stopped terrorism...not.
In view of recent events, one feels compelled to ask:

How did that work out for ya, baby Bush supporters?

Yep, Boy George fucked us really long time.

ISIS is solely because Obama's nonsense about the Arab Spring, setting an arbitrary withdrawl timetable from Iraq, and not stopping Malaki from oppressing the Iraqi Sunnis.Bush can be blamed for a lot of things, but ISIS is solely at Obama's feet.
The OP's presumption is, there would have been no escalation in terror attacks without US military action in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, no reaction to 9/11 would have stopped terrorism...not.

Your assumption of my assumption is wrong. My position is that the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was no detriment to Muslim extremism, and, if anything, strengthened their resolve, while destabilizing the Middle East. Nothing was resolved, and our invasion did not even discourage them. Invading Afghanistan and iraq when Saudi Arabians hijacked our jets did nothing but solidify muslim hatred for the West in another 2 generations..
The OP's presumption is, there would have been no escalation in terror attacks without US military action in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, no reaction to 9/11 would have stopped terrorism...not.

Your assumption of my assumption is wrong. My position is that the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq was no detriment to Muslim extremism, and, if anything, strengthened their resolve, while destabilizing the Middle East. Nothing was resolved, and our invasion did not even discourage them. Invading Afghanistan and iraq when Saudi Arabians hijacked our jets did nothing but solidify muslim hatred for the West in another 2 generations..

...so your answer is?
My answer is that, while the war on terrorism is necessary, the war on Afghanistan and Iraq was not. In fact, They were counter productive. I place this directly in front on bush and Cheney's doors.
My answer is that, while the war on terrorism is necessary, the war on Afghanistan and Iraq was not. In fact, They were counter productive. I place this directly in front on bush and Cheney's doors.

The war in Afghanistan was the only practical way to get Bin Laden. Iraq is not the same situation in most ways, so I'd be more inclined to agree with you. Obama has taken a route closer to what you propose and that does not work. Terrorists do not recognize borders and many countries are not interested in foreign fighters in their lands. Good luck getting terrorists to follow rules of engagement to protect civilians.
My answer is that, while the war on terrorism is necessary, the war on Afghanistan and Iraq was not. In fact, They were counter productive. I place this directly in front on bush and Cheney's doors.

The war in Afghanistan was the only practical way to get Bin Laden. Iraq is not the same situation in most ways, so I'd be more inclined to agree with you. Obama has taken a route closer to what you propose and that does not work. Terrorists do not recognize borders and many countries are not interested in foreign fighters in their lands. Good luck getting terrorists to follow rules of engagement to protect civilians.

Exactly. Terrorists don't respect borders, which was why invading Afghanistan and Iraq was pointless.
In view of recent events, one feels compelled to ask:

How did that work out for ya, baby Bush supporters?
It was working pretty good, till YOUR boy pulled all the troops out.

So, explain to me how Paris, and San Bernadino would not have happened if we had remained in Afghanistan and Iraq.
You wouldnt understand if I told you, so you would write off everything I said with some useless remark. I think I'll just avoid wasting my time.
In view of recent events, one feels compelled to ask:

How did that work out for ya, baby Bush supporters?
It was working pretty good, till YOUR boy pulled all the troops out.

So, explain to me how Paris, and San Bernadino would not have happened if we had remained in Afghanistan and Iraq.
You wouldnt understand if I told you, so you would write off everything I said with some useless remark. I think I'll just avoid wasting my time.

...and ours, as well....
In view of recent events, one feels compelled to ask:

How did that work out for ya, baby Bush supporters?

The more pertinent question would be "How did obama abandoning that just when it was finally resulting in a stable peace work out for ya, obama nuthuggers?" Was that ten minute press release worth it, fools?
In view of recent events, one feels compelled to ask:

How did that work out for ya, baby Bush supporters?

How is Obama's policies of taking out non-aggressive secular governments in favor of radical ISIS Sunni takeover going?

ISIS was swept through half of the Middle East during the Hussein's reign, and yet he has the audacity to claim they are "contained".

How did that work out for ya, Hussein supporters?
In view of recent events, one feels compelled to ask:

How did that work out for ya, baby Bush supporters?

How is Obama's policies of taking out non-aggressive secular governments in favor of radical ISIS Sunni takeover going?

ISIS was swept through half of the Middle East during the Hussein's reign, and yet he has the audacity to claim they are "contained".

How did that work out for ya, Hussein supporters?

I have no idea. Why not start a thread about it?

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