We know what happened with Paul Pelosi

Nobody wagers with a lying piece of shit democrat . They won't pay up . No integrity.
I'm a former lifelong Republican and now a registered Independent.

Keep running, chickenshits! :lol:

You can't put your idiot reputations where your mouths are.

Wouldn't you love to put me in my place?

How's it feel to be cornered with a mouth full of bullshit, cowards?

Back up your claims. Take me on.

Roll the tape! Let's see how much of your homoerotic masturbation fantasy is true.

You dumb fucks have destroyed the Republican party and the conservative movement.

You are getting your asses handed to you by an old school actual conservative. How's that feel right now? :lol:
Damn, you all could have me wearing a TRUMP WON avatar for MONTHS!

Making fun the same as gloating over an 80-year-old man being beaten almost to death?

You poor Nazis. You are so misunderstood, aren't you? :itsok:

Those assholes tried to claim it was a political right wing attack.

That is a blatant lie designed to divide this country and start violence.

Anyone who engaged in this grotesque cover up should be flayed.

Capitol Police cameras caught break-in at Pelosi home, but no one was watching​

Inside the command center for the U.S. Capitol Police, a handful of officers were going through their routines early Friday morning, cycling through live feeds from the department’s 1,800 cameras used to monitor the nearby Capitol complex as well as some points beyond, when an officer stopped. On a screen showing a darkened street nearly 3,000 miles away, police lights were flashing outside the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), officials say.

The officer in D.C. quickly pulled up additional camera angles from around Pelosi’s home and began to backtrack, watching recordings from the minutes before San Francisco police arrived. There, on camera, was a man with a hammer, breaking a glass panel and entering the speaker’s home, according to three people familiar with how Capitol Police learned of the break-in and who have been briefed on or viewed the video themselves.
Those assholes tried to claim it was a political right wing attack.
“DePape was prepared to detain and injure Speaker Pelosi when he entered the Pelosi residence in the early morning of October 28, 2022.

“DePape had zip ties, tape, rope, and at least one hammer with him that morning,” the document said, also noting a journal was recovered from DePape at the scene.

In a later interview, officers noted DePape “viewed Nancy as the ‘leader of the pack’ of lies told by the Democratic Party.”

If Democrats are so sure that the police body cam videos and the home security videos will show Paul Pelosi being completely innocent, they would be demanding that the footage be released to shut the silly Republicans up.
Why? - It's the private life of private citizens that should remain private if they wish.

Even better to allow you conspiracy nut-jobs to implicate yourselves as such. Then have the option to smash the fact pie in your face if politically necessary later.
“DePape was prepared to detain and injure Speaker Pelosi when he entered the Pelosi residence in the early morning of October 28, 2022.

“DePape had zip ties, tape, rope, and at least one hammer with him that morning,” the document said, also noting a journal was recovered from DePape at the scene.

In a later interview, officers noted DePape “viewed Nancy as the ‘leader of the pack’ of lies told by the Democratic Party.”

According to whom?

The same assholes who lied to the FISA court?

Your peeps ain't credible, dumbshit.
Why? - It's the private life of private citizens that should remain private if they wish.

Even better to allow you conspiracy nut-jobs to implicate yourselves as such. Then have the option to smash the fact pie in your face if politically necessary later.

YOU, are the assholes that made it political by lying about the perp.

If they had just swept it under the rug no one would have cared, but pelousi tried to turn it into a political attack for HER benefit.

She is trying to incite violence, and you fucking clods are helping.
If Democrats are so sure that the police body cam videos and the home security videos will show Paul Pelosi being completely innocent, they would be demanding that the footage be released to shut the silly Republicans up.

“There are no plans to release the body cam footage prior to court proceedings,” a San Francisco Police Department spokesperson told The Independent on Tuesday.

Did you ever wonder how the New Right came to manufacture their homoerotic fantasy out of thin air within hours of the attack?

Based on NOTHING? Just pure unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

Just how weak-minded does someone have to be to eat that shit up knowing there is NOTHING backing it up?

The progagandists aren't even trying hard any more. They know they have dumbed down the tard hard to such an extent, they will now bleev ANYTHING they are told to bleev, and parrot it without question, and never ask even the most basic critical questions.

It's almost paranormal at this point.

“There are no plans to release the body cam footage prior to court proceedings,” a San Francisco Police Department spokesperson told The Independent on Tuesday.

Did you ever wonder how the New Right came to manufacture their homoerotic fantasy out of thin air within hours of the attack?

Based on NOTHING? Just pure unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

Just how weak-minded does someone have to be to eat that shit up knowing there is NOTHING backing it up?

The progagandists aren't even trying hard any more. They know they have dumbed down the tard hard to such an extent, they will now bleev ANYTHING they are told to bleev, and parrot it without question, and never ask even the most basic critical questions.

It's almost paranormal at this point.

Release the bodycam footage.

Instant clarity.

Why do they not release it?

Because it exposes their lie.

Imagine hating a political person so much that you take delight in their spouse being beaten nearly to death.

What a sad state the grand ol' party has sunk to.
We take delight not in the physical violence doofus but in seeing the truth outed despite all the effort to cover it up.
Hey.... If Paul and Nancy are woke why are they trying to hide their wokeness?
According to whom?

The same assholes who lied to the FISA court?

Your peeps ain't credible, dumbshit.
The irony here is just too rich.

According to whom was DePape in his underwear?

According to whom was DePape a gay prostitute?

According to whom was the window broken from the inside?

According to whom was this a dispute over payment for gay sex?

Every bit of that was manufactured out of whole cloth.

Imagine the embarrassment you are going to feel when all the facts come out in court.

But you won't feel embarrassed. You all will have gotten back in line to be fed the next bullshit hoax by then.

That's how your propagandist's bullshit factory works. Just keep shoveling that shit into your eager mouths for consumption.

It's all about the eyeball count.

“There are no plans to release the body cam footage prior to court proceedings,” a San Francisco Police Department spokesperson told The Independent on Tuesday.

Did you ever wonder how the New Right came to manufacture their homoerotic fantasy out of thin air within hours of the attack?

Based on NOTHING? Just pure unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

Just how weak-minded does someone have to be to eat that shit up knowing there is NOTHING backing it up?

The progagandists aren't even trying hard any more. They know they have dumbed down the tard hard to such an extent, they will now bleev ANYTHING they are told to bleev, and parrot it without question, and never ask even the most basic critical questions.

It's almost paranormal at this point.
Nah.... There's nothing manufactured about this at all. The guy was there at the Pelosi residence and he didn't break in. Nothing else needs to be said.

However since you are apparently in the mood to whine and cry.... Chew on your own medicine for a while. This is exactly what the left does 24/7 to everyone else. They imply, they infer, they do guilt by association and they outright lie causing permanent damage that doesn't go away even after the truth comes to light. So maybe the right wing they simply just catching up to what the left wing has been doing for decades.
Release the bodycam footage.

Instant clarity.

Why do they not release it?

Because it exposes their lie.

You really can't figure out why it won't be released prior to the trial, can you.

You are just that dumb and showing the whoooooooole world.

The irony here is just too rich.

According to whom was DePape in his underwear?

According to whom was DePape a gay prostitute?

According to whom was the window broken from the inside?

According to whom was this a dispute over payment for gay sex?

Every bit of that was manufactured out of whole cloth.

Imagine the embarrassment you are going to feel when all the facts come out in court.

But you won't feel embarrassed. You all will have gotten back in line to be fed the next bullshit hoax by then.

That's how your propagandist's bullshit factory works. Just keep shoveling that shit into your eager mouths for consumption.

It's all about the eyeball count.

According to the police who were first there.


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