We know what the GOP is doing. No one is talking about WHY they are doing it.



This is obviously a witchhunt. Like going after Eric Holder.

Like Obama's birth certificate.

Like Obama taking a vacation that cost 200 million dollars a day.

Like Solyndra.

Like Gunrunning.

Like Obama's high school and college transcripts.

Like his law license.

Like his buying a house.

Like gay limo rides.

It's been nearly 5 years. Republicans have tried EVERYTHING to get something on this guy. Remember when they invited him to the Republican retreat? How excited they were. Finally, the "big guys" were going to teach the little black boy how out of his element he is. Remember he "cleaned their collective clocks"? Who taught who?

Republicans understand that the country is changing. The Demographics are changing. They can't "play fair" and win. They have abandoned even trying to attract minorities. Besides, bringing in large numbers of Hispanics and blacks into a party where the majority already fled the Southern based Democratic Party in the middle 60's would only weaken the party further. They have no other party to flee to, to get away from unwanted minorities.

So what they are doing is teaching America a lesson.

We already saw it with the extension of the Bush Tax cuts:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

We saw it with the downgrade:

Boehner: I got 98 percent of everything I wanted in debt deal - The Hill

We saw it with BP:

Subpoena power for Obama Administration in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

We saw it with Romney:

Romney won't represent 47% of Americans | The American Conservative

We saw it with gun legislation to keep guns from felons and crazies:

90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn't this a political slam dunk?

We saw it with voter suppression:

Push to overturn Voting Rights Act tied to GOP voter suppression efforts

They are blackmailing America. They are saying to the majority of Americans, "See? If we don't get our way, this is what we will do". They have put the line down into the sand. They aren't giving us any reasonable policies. They aren't meeting anyone "half way". This is about, "You do what we say or we will bring down the entire country" and they mean it. They are "teaching this country a lesson". The question is, will it work?
Hillary Clinton is the leading Democratic candidate for President in 2016
Go for it lefties. In the screeching words of a noted world class enabler ..."what difference does it make".
Actually, the machinations of a corrupt political machine were revealed for all to see.

Ding dong, the witch is dead.
They're desperate. They know they'll lose in 2016 because they've got the same clown car candidates so they're laying the groundwork for a continued smear campaign.

Voters didn't fall for it last year and I can't imagine they'll fall for in '16.

Fun to watch though.

And, especially fun to watch the twisting and shouting here.
I like how you think that everything on that long list of things aren't legitimate issues. That's your flaw, not the GOPs.
"We are under attack!" -- Last words of Chris Stevens, US Ambassador, Benghazi
Why? I can give you four good reasons.

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They're desperate. They know they'll lose in 2016 because they've got the same clown car candidates so they're laying the groundwork for a continued smear campaign.

Voters didn't fall for it last year and I can't imagine they'll fall for in '16.

Fun to watch though.

And, especially fun to watch the twisting and shouting here.
who gave the order for help to stand down during the attack ??
Every time they show the clip of Hillary screeching, "What difference does it make?!?!" I have a flashback to Bill wagging his finger and scolding us with, "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman." Those two are cut from the same lying cloth...it cost him an impeachment, and would serve her right to have it cost her the nomination.
Hillary Clinton is the leading Democratic candidate for President in 2016

Eek! Slow down there, buddy.

Obama has made some progress, but lacks backbone in situations. I think the Democratic party should learn to have more backbone in international matters like Bengazi and such.

Lessons that we should learn from Obama's terms in office:

- Tell the truth immediately to the people.
- Take nessecary action when our servicemen and diplomats are in danger.
- Inform the people about the consequences of passing/not passing bills, and let them know exactly who's responsible for passing/not passing bills.
- Cracking down on lobbyists
- Handling the drug war and immigration affairs more effectively
- Improving the judicial system so we can have less "Guilty until proven innocent".
- Making effective cuts in our spending where we need it.
- Ending tax cuts and making EVERYONE pay their fair share based on their income and business.

I agree with Obama on most things.... to an extent. But what I dislike the most about him is his lack of backbone. His lack of decisiveness really hurts important matters, and it's what keeps us from making progress.

But I rather have Obama than a republican any day.
So I hope Hilary is in good health to serve as president.

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