We know what the GOP is doing. No one is talking about WHY they are doing it.

This is obviously a witchhunt. Like going after Eric Holder.

Like Obama's birth certificate.

Like Obama taking a vacation that cost 200 million dollars a day.

Like Solyndra.

Like Gunrunning.

Like Obama's high school and college transcripts.

Like his law license.

Like his buying a house.

Like gay limo rides.

It's been nearly 5 years. Republicans have tried EVERYTHING to get something on this guy. Remember when they invited him to the Republican retreat? How excited they were. Finally, the "big guys" were going to teach the little black boy how out of his element he is. Remember he "cleaned their collective clocks"? Who taught who?

Republicans understand that the country is changing. The Demographics are changing. They can't "play fair" and win. They have abandoned even trying to attract minorities. Besides, bringing in large numbers of Hispanics and blacks into a party where the majority already fled the Southern based Democratic Party in the middle 60's would only weaken the party further. They have no other party to flee to, to get away from unwanted minorities.

So what they are doing is teaching America a lesson.

We already saw it with the extension of the Bush Tax cuts:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

We saw it with the downgrade:

Boehner: I got 98 percent of everything I wanted in debt deal - The Hill

We saw it with BP:

Subpoena power for Obama Administration in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

We saw it with Romney:

Romney won't represent 47% of Americans | The American Conservative

We saw it with gun legislation to keep guns from felons and crazies:

90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn't this a political slam dunk?

We saw it with voter suppression:

Push to overturn Voting Rights Act tied to GOP voter suppression efforts

They are blackmailing America. They are saying to the majority of Americans, "See? If we don't get our way, this is what we will do". They have put the line down into the sand. They aren't giving us any reasonable policies. They aren't meeting anyone "half way". This is about, "You do what we say or we will bring down the entire country" and they mean it. They are "teaching this country a lesson". The question is, will it work?

Argument backed with links to proof. Well you know what that means? Time for the Repubs to ignore your entire post and call you a poopy head.

Good post

And notice the links? From the "American Conservative" and the "Christian Science Monitor". I try to use Fox and other conservative links as much as possible becuase right wingers believe they are the only ones that are reliable. But the party is so wacko, you can get good stuff from even conservative sites and they don't see anything wrong with blackmailing the president and using the unemployed, that's why they print it or post that stuff. Until it's pointed out, they don't know any better.
The blowjob Monica gave Bill is nothing compared to the blowjob Obama is giving to the American people on Benghazi

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Ah, an expert on blowjobs. Tell us your technique.
This is obviously a witchhunt. Like going after Eric Holder.

Like Obama's birth certificate.

Like Obama taking a vacation that cost 200 million dollars a day.

Like Solyndra.

Like Gunrunning.

Like Obama's high school and college transcripts.

Like his law license.

Like his buying a house.

Like gay limo rides.

It's been nearly 5 years. Republicans have tried EVERYTHING to get something on this guy. Remember when they invited him to the Republican retreat? How excited they were. Finally, the "big guys" were going to teach the little black boy how out of his element he is. Remember he "cleaned their collective clocks"? Who taught who?

Republicans understand that the country is changing. The Demographics are changing. They can't "play fair" and win. They have abandoned even trying to attract minorities. Besides, bringing in large numbers of Hispanics and blacks into a party where the majority already fled the Southern based Democratic Party in the middle 60's would only weaken the party further. They have no other party to flee to, to get away from unwanted minorities.

So what they are doing is teaching America a lesson.

We already saw it with the extension of the Bush Tax cuts:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

We saw it with the downgrade:

Boehner: I got 98 percent of everything I wanted in debt deal - The Hill

We saw it with BP:

Subpoena power for Obama Administration in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

We saw it with Romney:

Romney won't represent 47% of Americans | The American Conservative

We saw it with gun legislation to keep guns from felons and crazies:

90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn't this a political slam dunk?

We saw it with voter suppression:

Push to overturn Voting Rights Act tied to GOP voter suppression efforts

They are blackmailing America. They are saying to the majority of Americans, "See? If we don't get our way, this is what we will do". They have put the line down into the sand. They aren't giving us any reasonable policies. They aren't meeting anyone "half way". This is about, "You do what we say or we will bring down the entire country" and they mean it. They are "teaching this country a lesson". The question is, will it work?

Argument backed with links to proof. Well you know what that means? Time for the Repubs to ignore your entire post and call you a poopy head.

Good post

And notice the links? From the "American Conservative" and the "Christian Science Monitor". I try to use Fox and other conservative links as much as possible becuase right wingers believe they are the only ones that are reliable. But the party is so wacko, you can get good stuff from even conservative sites and they don't see anything wrong with blackmailing the president and using the unemployed, that's why they print it or post that stuff. Until it's pointed out, they don't know any better.

rdean dont you get tired of getting owned in your own threads?
The only scandal I see is the one foisted on the American people by the administration.

You know. Blaming a video when they knew, via the CIA, that AQ was the attacker. Hell. They told that lie for two weeks.

Ask the folks who lost loved ones at Benghazi. Bet they don't think its entertainment at all. But hey. What do you obama worshiper care. Its only four dead men. No sweat.

What difference does it make?

obama needed to hide the truth because the truth would interfere with his reelection.

And what truth is that?
The only scandal I see is the one foisted on the American people by the administration.

You know. Blaming a video when they knew, via the CIA, that AQ was the attacker. Hell. They told that lie for two weeks.

Ask the folks who lost loved ones at Benghazi. Bet they don't think its entertainment at all. But hey. What do you obama worshiper care. Its only four dead men. No sweat.

What difference does it make?

obama needed to hide the truth because the truth would interfere with his reelection.

And what truth is that?

Were you not watching C-SPAN yesterday? Idiot.
Why did the Bahamas or Paris embassies have more security than Libya? That's Hillary and Obamas job. It's not about funding, it's about competency.....and neither have it
They are blackmailing America. They are saying to the majority of Americans, "See? If we don't get our way, this is what we will do". They have put the line down into the sand. They aren't giving us any reasonable policies. They aren't meeting anyone "half way". This is about, "You do what we say or we will bring down the entire country" and they mean it. They are "teaching this country a lesson". The question is, will it work?

Not a fan of the Republican Party in general, but here’s my response (hopefully you can address).

Most of those things (birth certificate, gay limo) are silly, however…

If a United States Attorney general oversees an operation where guns are sold to cartels, and then those same guns are used to kill a United States citizen, shouldn’t we be (at the very least) mildly upset and questioning (especially when the truth is bent intentionally to save face by our Gov’t officials)? I mean, is it that crazy to scrutinize them for this issue?

Also, you forgot to include some of the largest criticisms:

1.) What do you think about Obama’s drone policy, and the fact that they not only have a 2% hit rate on actual militants (what about that other 98%?), and the fact that literally hundreds and hundreds of children have been blown to pieces (literally Sandy Hook x100), but also the fact that he assassinated an American citizen without trial, ect?

2.) What do you think about Obama appointing a Monsanto exec to a top FDA spot, or signing (without question) the wildly unpopular Monsanto protection act. GMOs have been linked to cancer in some initial studies, why would Obama grant those biotech companies protection?

3.) What do you think about the Obama administration persecuting more Gov’t whistleblowers in history despite the fact that he said that "transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this Presidency"? Is it right for the Gov’t to silence Gov’t officials who report wrongdoing and illegal activity? Would you rather those illegal acts remain un talked about?

4.) Finally, what do you think about the Obama administration failing to persecute a single high ranking wall street official despite the fact that it was rampant fraud that completely collapsed our economy in 2008, sending millions of Americans to the unemployment line? George W. Bush - surprisingly - was actually much better at taking down white collar criminals (remember Enron?) yet no one seems to notice or care.

What do you think?

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Hillary Clinton is the leading Democratic candidate for President in 2016

Eek! Slow down there, buddy.

Obama has made some progress, but lacks backbone in situations. I think the Democratic party should learn to have more backbone in international matters like Bengazi and such.

Lessons that we should learn from Obama's terms in office:

- Tell the truth immediately to the people.
- Take nessecary action when our servicemen and diplomats are in danger.
- Inform the people about the consequences of passing/not passing bills, and let them know exactly who's responsible for passing/not passing bills.
- Cracking down on lobbyists
- Handling the drug war and immigration affairs more effectively
- Improving the judicial system so we can have less "Guilty until proven innocent".
- Making effective cuts in our spending where we need it.
- Ending tax cuts and making EVERYONE pay their fair share based on their income and business.

I agree with Obama on most things.... to an extent. But what I dislike the most about him is his lack of backbone. His lack of decisiveness really hurts important matters, and it's what keeps us from making progress.

But I rather have Obama than a republican any day.
So I hope Hilary is in good health to serve as president.

Ummm, which one of those Republicans won't block?

Republicans are fizzing out.

Next election for senate will be hell since their approval ratings took a kick in the balls.
I suspect a lot of conservative women will take a hard look at what conservative men are trying to do to Mrs. Clinton. Add in the fact that she sat before a Republican congress and told them in Feb. of 2011 to stop cutting embassy security budgets or what happened could happen.

She had no money for embassy security, yet she had money for an embassy to get an Electric Car charging station?
Hillary Clinton is the leading Democratic candidate for President in 2016

"what difference does it make?" "ah ain't been no way tared..."?

there are so many clips of her making a fool of herself, she has zero chance of ever holding any political office again. she and bubba are a sad chapter in history.
Go for it lefties. In the screeching words of a noted world class enabler ..."what difference does it make".

How many times do you think will get to hear that mischaracterization in the next 3 and half years?
Go for it lefties. In the screeching words of a noted world class enabler ..."what difference does it make".

How many times do you think will get to hear that mischaracterization in the next 3 and half years?

hopefully 20 or 30 times a day. and its not a mischaracterization, its what she said and in the context that she said it.

she was trying to change the subject from "why did you lie" to "was it a random attack or a planned terrorist attack".

Sorry, but she and barry cannot escape the truth that they sent Rice out to lie and then they both continued the lie for weeks.
Like Solyndra.

Like Gunrunning.

Heaven forbid we want to hold this administration accountable for the waste of $500 million of our dollars on a dying company and for giving weapons to drug cartels that resulted in the deaths of who knows how many Mexicans and 1 American Border Patrol Agent.
It's a congressional investigation into the Benghazi disaster. Why does that sound so strange to the radical left? I thought the "most open administration in history" had nothing to hide. Apparently they have lots to hide and the democrats on the committee will do their damndest to make sure it stays hidden.
Every time they show the clip of Hillary screeching, "What difference does it make?!?!" I have a flashback to Bill wagging his finger and scolding us with, "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman." Those two are cut from the same lying cloth...it cost him an impeachment, and would serve her right to have it cost her the nomination.

Here's what she really said.

"Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

The only scandal I see is the one foisted on the American people by the administration.

You know. Blaming a video when they knew, via the CIA, that AQ was the attacker. Hell. They told that lie for two weeks.

Ask the folks who lost loved ones at Benghazi. Bet they don't think its entertainment at all. But hey. What do you obama worshiper care. Its only four dead men. No sweat.

Actually the only thing they got wrong was that there was no protest before the attack began.
Go for it lefties. In the screeching words of a noted world class enabler ..."what difference does it make".

How many times do you think will get to hear that mischaracterization in the next 3 and half years?

hopefully 20 or 30 times a day. and its not a mischaracterization, its what she said and in the context that she said it.

she was trying to change the subject from "why did you lie" to "was it a random attack or a planned terrorist attack".

Sorry, but she and barry cannot escape the truth that they sent Rice out to lie and then they both continued the lie for weeks.

Could you at least get the quote correct?

Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.

PolitiFact | In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make' comment
This is obviously a witchhunt. Like going after Eric Holder.

Like Obama's birth certificate.

Like Obama taking a vacation that cost 200 million dollars a day.

Like Solyndra.

Like Gunrunning.

Like Obama's high school and college transcripts.

Like his law license.

Like his buying a house.

Like gay limo rides.

It's been nearly 5 years. Republicans have tried EVERYTHING to get something on this guy. Remember when they invited him to the Republican retreat? How excited they were. Finally, the "big guys" were going to teach the little black boy how out of his element he is. Remember he "cleaned their collective clocks"? Who taught who?

Republicans understand that the country is changing. The Demographics are changing. They can't "play fair" and win. They have abandoned even trying to attract minorities. Besides, bringing in large numbers of Hispanics and blacks into a party where the majority already fled the Southern based Democratic Party in the middle 60's would only weaken the party further. They have no other party to flee to, to get away from unwanted minorities.

So what they are doing is teaching America a lesson.

We already saw it with the extension of the Bush Tax cuts:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

We saw it with the downgrade:

Boehner: I got 98 percent of everything I wanted in debt deal - The Hill

We saw it with BP:

Subpoena power for Obama Administration in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

We saw it with Romney:

Romney won't represent 47% of Americans | The American Conservative

We saw it with gun legislation to keep guns from felons and crazies:

90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn't this a political slam dunk?

We saw it with voter suppression:

Push to overturn Voting Rights Act tied to GOP voter suppression efforts

They are blackmailing America. They are saying to the majority of Americans, "See? If we don't get our way, this is what we will do". They have put the line down into the sand. They aren't giving us any reasonable policies. They aren't meeting anyone "half way". This is about, "You do what we say or we will bring down the entire country" and they mean it. They are "teaching this country a lesson". The question is, will it work?

Rdean not knowing what the point your trying to make? do you wish their was a media black out and Obama could do what ever he wish? I am 47 years old and this has been going on forever with every POTUS since I started reading the opinion pages in the paper at 7 years old. thats just how politics is.
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They are blackmailing America. They are saying to the majority of Americans, "See? If we don't get our way, this is what we will do". They have put the line down into the sand. They aren't giving us any reasonable policies. They aren't meeting anyone "half way". This is about, "You do what we say or we will bring down the entire country" and they mean it. They are "teaching this country a lesson". The question is, will it work?

Not a fan of the Republican Party in general, but here’s my response (hopefully you can address).

Most of those things (birth certificate, gay limo) are silly, however…

If a United States Attorney general oversees an operation where guns are sold to cartels, and then those same guns are used to kill a United States citizen, shouldn’t we be (at the very least) mildly upset and questioning (especially when the truth is bent intentionally to save face by our Gov’t officials)? I mean, is it that crazy to scrutinize them for this issue?

Also, you forgot to include some of the largest criticisms:

1.) What do you think about Obama’s drone policy, and the fact that they not only have a 2% hit rate on actual militants (what about that other 98%?), and the fact that literally hundreds and hundreds of children have been blown to pieces (literally Sandy Hook x100), but also the fact that he assassinated an American citizen without trial, ect?

2.) What do you think about Obama appointing a Monsanto exec to a top FDA spot, or signing (without question) the wildly unpopular Monsanto protection act. GMOs have been linked to cancer in some initial studies, why would Obama grant those biotech companies protection?

3.) What do you think about the Obama administration persecuting more Gov’t whistleblowers in history despite the fact that he said that "transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this Presidency"? Is it right for the Gov’t to silence Gov’t officials who report wrongdoing and illegal activity? Would you rather those illegal acts remain un talked about?

4.) Finally, what do you think about the Obama administration failing to persecute a single high ranking wall street official despite the fact that it was rampant fraud that completely collapsed our economy in 2008, sending millions of Americans to the unemployment line? George W. Bush - surprisingly - was actually much better at taking down white collar criminals (remember Enron?) yet no one seems to notice or care.

What do you think?


Big on hearsay, zero on links.

There was no connection between anyone in this administration and Mexican gun running. That has be proven beyond a doubt. It's why Republicans gave up on it. The facts kept pointing back to them.

I counted at least 11 former Monsanto execs working in top positions in both the EPA and the FDA. I know they genetically alter food, but beyond that, what have they been charged with? Who had a problem with Halliburton making billions in Iraq. Is Monsanto making billions?

Name the whistle blowers.

Obama had just become president. He wasn't sworn in until 2009. He was handed two wars, a failing economy, and Republicans who were plotting to bring him down even before he was sworn in. Breaking news, to even those Republicans who keep calling him "messiah", he really is only a man. Not even the anti Christ as so many Republicans truly believe with all their tiny hearts.

I think if you are going to make accusations, you should post a couple of links backing up your ravings.

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