We Need a States Consitutional Amendment Article V Convention ASAP

4/5ths required to pass anything proposed..........need 40 states to ratify.
...cranks, loons, and delusional nitwits.
Describes you and your party very well................Your side is the ASS PARTY.........
The Democrats can be indeed asses, just as we Pubs have been on the marriage equality and ACA issues. All of this is over. Let's work together now.

You are not a Republican, not even a RINO. You are just another internet fraud.

And we will have a State Constitutional Article V Convention, whether you like it or not, dip shit.
I am a full fledged Republican who has opposed your ilks since Goldwater days. Keeping you folks out of our local districts' positions has been a full time goal for many years, and I have succeeded far more often than not. You are not Republican, you do not believe in American values, and we will keep opposing your silly ilk.

You are a liar and a fraud and everybody here knows it which is why few of even the other libtards take you seriously.

Go play in a tar hole, Jakey pooh.
4/5ths required to pass anything proposed..........need 40 states to ratify.
...cranks, loons, and delusional nitwits.
Describes you and your party very well................Your side is the ASS PARTY.........
The Democrats can be indeed asses, just as we Pubs have been on the marriage equality and ACA issues. All of this is over. Let's work together now.

You are not a Republican, not even a RINO. You are just another internet fraud.

And we will have a State Constitutional Article V Convention, whether you like it or not, dip shit.
I have no problem with it, and will be a member from out state. We are not concerned about your biblical-errant basis, because we know the secular values of the Constitution will always succeed.
3/4s of states to approve an amendment

Article V U.S. Constitution
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

1. We need a Balanced Budget Amendment. Just about every state has one and the federal governments $17 TRILLION deficit proves it is unable to restrain itself from spending at all.

2. We need term limits. We need to get rid of a professional political class and return the federal government back tot he control of the people and out of the control of professional pols and lawyers.

3. We need to purge for-profit corporate money from our system and break the corporate oligarchies power over the federal government and our nation.

4. We need a pro-life amendment. We need to stop the travesty and evil of the murder of unborn babies.

5. We need to pass an amendment that will give reaffirmation in plain modern language that the 2nd Amendment and gun rights are not to be infringed in anyway for law abiding people.

6. We need to protect private property from government seizure without a conviction in trial first.

7. We need an amendment to clearly state that the government cannot stop and search a person without due cause.

8. We need to extend the protections of old fashioned criminal due process to regulatory law as well. Government bureaucracies can fine, imprison and confiscate the belongings of American citizens without any of the Bill of Rights protections. This must be fixed to protect our freedoms.

9. We need an amendment to limit the breadth and scope of presidential Executive Orders.

10. We need to clarify that the First Amendment protects the free speech rights of government employees and officials and such activity does not constitute a violation of the separation clause, in fact it is the primary purpose of the 1st Amendment. Spell it out clearly and roll back 90% of libtard excesses.

11. Reform the tax code and remove it from the ability of Congress to manipulate it. Put in place a flat tax of 15% for every dollar earned over the poverty line. Abolish all corporate tax deductions except for the deduction of all American salaries paid out.

12. mandate that no laws can exempt the federal government at any level, branch or twig of government to include the courts, Congress and executive staff.

13. We need an amendment that specifies that no treaty we sign can ever be interpreted or conveyed to mean that the sovereignty of the USA is in any way compromised or subordinate to any international organization of any kind like the Vatican or the UN. Fast tracking legislation needs to have restrictions so that the full Senate gets an up or down vote on every treaty, and prior to that vote the full text of the treaty must be made open to the public for 10ays.

We have been sitting on our asses and letting the chattering classes steal our freedoms and rights mostly to benefit international corporations and Wall Street banks. If we do not take action soon we will lose the freedom our prior generations of heroic American citizens soldiers passed down to us.

Let us make good on our loyalty oaths to the US flag and the Republic by putting these bastards back in the place - the bottom of the political order.

How about the need for basic human rights?
That is Constitution 101 and trumps any state laws.

Basic human rights is your opinion and not Constitutional law, so why don't you start your own thread?
Yeah, it is, bub, and your opinion changes nothing.

Lol, like a typical libtard you cant distinguish between the law, the constitution, you opinion and a hole in the ground. Fuck off, moron.
:lol: You have lost, period. That is not going to change. Your sorts are what gets the great center of the party giggling.

We will now witness JimBowie having an epic melt down. Bet the calls me "jakey pooh." He always does when he loses it.
4/5ths required to pass anything proposed..........need 40 states to ratify.
...cranks, loons, and delusional nitwits.
Describes you and your party very well................Your side is the ASS PARTY.........
The Democrats can be indeed asses, just as we Pubs have been on the marriage equality and ACA issues. All of this is over. Let's work together now.

You are not a Republican, not even a RINO. You are just another internet fraud.

And we will have a State Constitutional Article V Convention, whether you like it or not, dip shit.
I have no problem with it, and will be a member from out state. We are not concerned about your biblical-errant basis, because we know the secular values of the Constitution will always succeed.

You know nothing, other than that your right hand stinks more than your left because you are right handed and shove more of it up your ass.

And your statement that you are an already selected delegate is an obvious lie.

Fuck off, Jakey Pooh the Liar.
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3/4s of states to approve an amendment

Article V U.S. Constitution
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

1. We need a Balanced Budget Amendment. Just about every state has one and the federal governments $17 TRILLION deficit proves it is unable to restrain itself from spending at all.

2. We need term limits. We need to get rid of a professional political class and return the federal government back tot he control of the people and out of the control of professional pols and lawyers.

3. We need to purge for-profit corporate money from our system and break the corporate oligarchies power over the federal government and our nation.

4. We need a pro-life amendment. We need to stop the travesty and evil of the murder of unborn babies.

5. We need to pass an amendment that will give reaffirmation in plain modern language that the 2nd Amendment and gun rights are not to be infringed in anyway for law abiding people.

6. We need to protect private property from government seizure without a conviction in trial first.

7. We need an amendment to clearly state that the government cannot stop and search a person without due cause.

8. We need to extend the protections of old fashioned criminal due process to regulatory law as well. Government bureaucracies can fine, imprison and confiscate the belongings of American citizens without any of the Bill of Rights protections. This must be fixed to protect our freedoms.

9. We need an amendment to limit the breadth and scope of presidential Executive Orders.

10. We need to clarify that the First Amendment protects the free speech rights of government employees and officials and such activity does not constitute a violation of the separation clause, in fact it is the primary purpose of the 1st Amendment. Spell it out clearly and roll back 90% of libtard excesses.

11. Reform the tax code and remove it from the ability of Congress to manipulate it. Put in place a flat tax of 15% for every dollar earned over the poverty line. Abolish all corporate tax deductions except for the deduction of all American salaries paid out.

12. mandate that no laws can exempt the federal government at any level, branch or twig of government to include the courts, Congress and executive staff.

13. We need an amendment that specifies that no treaty we sign can ever be interpreted or conveyed to mean that the sovereignty of the USA is in any way compromised or subordinate to any international organization of any kind like the Vatican or the UN. Fast tracking legislation needs to have restrictions so that the full Senate gets an up or down vote on every treaty, and prior to that vote the full text of the treaty must be made open to the public for 10ays.

We have been sitting on our asses and letting the chattering classes steal our freedoms and rights mostly to benefit international corporations and Wall Street banks. If we do not take action soon we will lose the freedom our prior generations of heroic American citizens soldiers passed down to us.

Let us make good on our loyalty oaths to the US flag and the Republic by putting these bastards back in the place - the bottom of the political order.

How about the need for basic human rights?
That is Constitution 101 and trumps any state laws.

Basic human rights is your opinion and not Constitutional law, so why don't you start your own thread?
Yeah, it is, bub, and your opinion changes nothing.

Lol, like a typical libtard you cant distinguish between the law, the constitution, you opinion and a hole in the ground. Fuck off, moron.
:lol: You have lost, period. That is not going to change.

Lol, you think the struggle is over? roflmao no, we win now and for ever
JimBowie is melting down badly this day.

Marriage Equality in no way affects any straight couple's marriage. There are no negatives, not one.
...cranks, loons, and delusional nitwits.
Describes you and your party very well................Your side is the ASS PARTY.........
The Democrats can be indeed asses, just as we Pubs have been on the marriage equality and ACA issues. All of this is over. Let's work together now.

You are not a Republican, not even a RINO. You are just another internet fraud.

And we will have a State Constitutional Article V Convention, whether you like it or not, dip shit.
I have no problem with it, and will be a member from out state. We are not concerned about your biblical-errant basis, because we know the secular values of the Constitution will always succeed.

You know nothing, other than that your right hand stinks more than your left because you are right handed and shove more of it up your ass.

And your statement that you are an already selected delegate is an obvious lie.

Fuck off, Jakey Pooh the Liar.
I will be a member, JimBowie, watch and see!

Let's have the convention if we can get Boehner to have the House call for it. I doubt that he will, though.
JimBowie is melting down badly this day.

Marriage Equality in no way affects any straight couple's marriage. There are no negatives, not one.

It destroys one of the key supports to society, ass fuck, and you know it.

Have you burned your US flag today yet, Liar?
Describes you and your party very well................Your side is the ASS PARTY.........
The Democrats can be indeed asses, just as we Pubs have been on the marriage equality and ACA issues. All of this is over. Let's work together now.

You are not a Republican, not even a RINO. You are just another internet fraud.

And we will have a State Constitutional Article V Convention, whether you like it or not, dip shit.
I have no problem with it, and will be a member from out state. We are not concerned about your biblical-errant basis, because we know the secular values of the Constitution will always succeed.

You know nothing, other than that your right hand stinks more than your left because you are right handed and shove more of it up your ass.

And your statement that you are an already selected delegate is an obvious lie.

Fuck off, Jakey Pooh the Liar.
I will be a member, JimBowie, watch and see!

Let's have the convention if we can get Boehner to have the House call for it. I doubt that he will, though.

Lol you really have no idea how sick to death this country is of trash like you, do you? It is just fine with you that Boehner wont obey the Constitution and call the convention because you like the fact he has ignored it.

And you just build the pressure for a convention and sweeping out of all the RINO and libtard garbage like you even stronger and more fervent.
JimBowie, you just keep yelling and smelling.

It strengthens marriage as a structural support to society. In no way does ME negatively affect you.

I hope we have a convention. The great American mainstream will sweep away you outliers and your nonsense.
It is also interesting to note that Boehner has simply ignored the call for a convention of the states since April of 2014.

This will inspire many conservatives to demand action soon. For every cloud there is a silver lining.

You expect Boehner to jump on board?

You will get no help from anyone in the Federal government. I thought that is why the movement was taking place to begin with.
4/5ths required to pass anything proposed..........need 40 states to ratify.
...cranks, loons, and delusional nitwits.
Describes you and your party very well................Your side is the ASS PARTY.........
The Democrats can be indeed asses, just as we Pubs have been on the marriage equality and ACA issues. All of this is over. Let's work together now.

Indeed, and the assess have too much power.

The only way to decrease ass power is to take some beano, i.e., take the power away from the asses.

They are the ones who created amendments to take power away from the states, which is what they are using article 14 to do today. Now it's time to take the country back. It was never meant to be this way.
JimBowie, you just keep yelling and smelling.

It strengthens marriage as a structural support to society. In no way does ME negatively affect you.

I hope we have a convention. The great American mainstream will sweep away you outliers and your nonsense.
aka you would hi jack it and push the agenda of the left....................You don't have the votes to control 38 states for approval of BS.......................

It was made difficult for a reason................and that is those who think they will hi jack it...................If tyranny results due to the status quo yet again.............then clean your weapons...................

Our Gov't is out of control..............they will destroy our currency............send our jobs overseas..........sell there sorry asses to the highest bidder..............and destroy our way of life if not stopped...............not to mention to sell us out to foreign rule...............

This would be a chance to fix that...............and save us from eventually the last option.
It is also interesting to note that Boehner has simply ignored the call for a convention of the states since April of 2014.

This will inspire many conservatives to demand action soon. For every cloud there is a silver lining.

You expect Boehner to jump on board?

You will get no help from anyone in the Federal government. I thought that is why the movement was taking place to begin with.
Bone head will never call for it......................If there are 34 states for it they may press on with it if Congress fails to do it's job under the Constitution.
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

All by their lonesome? 37 states already did this prior to their ruling.

Rewriting history? Only a few did, the others were court mandated
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

All by their lonesome? 37 states already did this prior to their ruling.


37 States DID NOT "did this".

12 States 'did it', 25 of those 37 had the LEGISLATION defending the Natural Standards of Marriage OVERTURNED... on the same specious reasoning that SCOTUS divined that drivel announced yesterday.

And what's more: YOU DAM' WELL KNOW THAT. So knowing that,

"Why did you come to misinform the Readers of this board?"
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

All by their lonesome? 37 states already did this prior to their ruling.


37 States DID NOT "did this".

12 States 'did it', 25 of those 37 had the LEGISLATION defending the Natural Standards of Marriage OVERTURNED... on the same specious reasoning that SCOTUS divined that drivel announced yesterday.

And what's more: YOU DAM' WELL KNOW THAT. So knowing that,

"Why did you come to misinform the Readers of this board?"

I don't think the support is there yet, but it continues to grow.

The way the left is pushing things, they will speed it up for us.
Not one single bone head can show how ME does not strengthen society, does not show any damage to straight marriage, but they do attack Amendment 14. Of course, they do; and when they do, you know just what they are: haters of America.

America (63%) is quite satisfied with this. The number has been growing not shrinking.
Not one single bone head can show how ME does not strengthen society, does not show any damage to straight marriage, but they do attack Amendment 14. Of course, they do; and when they do, you know just what they are: haters of America.

America (63%) is quite satisfied with this. The number has been growing not shrinking.

It has been demonstrated a countless number of ways, Starkey the Liar.

Just because you are too brain dead to understand it proves nothing more than that you are brain dead.
It is also interesting to note that Boehner has simply ignored the call for a convention of the states since April of 2014.

This will inspire many conservatives to demand action soon. For every cloud there is a silver lining.

You expect Boehner to jump on board?

You will get no help from anyone in the Federal government. I thought that is why the movement was taking place to begin with.
Bone head will never call for it......................If there are 34 states for it they may press on with it if Congress fails to do it's job under the Constitution.

Isnt it amazing that Boehner can just ignore Consitutional law like he does?

Thank RINO retards like Starkey the Liar for that.

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