We need a Tea Party resurgence

Actually what we DESPERATELY NEED is term limits. DESPERATELY

We have suffered through the same crackpots controlling us for MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. The last good speaker we had was Newt and he got sidelined with Clinton hate.

Newt Gingerich was the WORST Speaker of the House ever. It was Newt that started these scurilous partisan attacks on the sitting President, with his 6 1/2 year Special Prosecution of Clinton.
I don't disagree with the witch hunt portion of your statement but as a governing body the house has not been as effective since then. Period end of debate

My idea of being "effective" may differ from yours since the work done by the House under Gingerich's leadership have had huge implications for the past 20 years.

It was under Newt's Leadership that Congress passed the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, which eliminated the financial protections put in place after the stock market crash in 1929, and lead directly to the selling of derrivatives and subprime mortgages, leading to the near collapse of the world economy in 2008.

The last two Democrats in the White House had to clean up the fiscal messes created by Reagan/Bush, and W. The next Democrat in the White House will have to clean up Trump's mess. I hope to hell Americans wake up to the lies, and incompetence of the Republican Party and it's toxic, anti-worker agenda.
Republicans don't want government to be smart or cheap. They want it to be as expensive, invasive and inefficient as possible so they can justify eliminating it.. Fraud prevention measures are frequently more expensive than the loss to fraud. Drug testing for welfare recipients being a case in point. Millions of dollars spent identifying and testing "likely violators". Cost savings to taxpayers, less than 10% of the moneys expended in testing.

Finally, there is a reason that justifies government overspending. Say, you got 10,000 hammers and you tell the government you'll sell them at public price and not make a premium profit. Then there's another salesman with the same exact hammers, 10,000 of them, and he tells the government that the price is 24x public price. Who is the government going to buy their hammers from?

That's right, the 24x salesman. Why? Quantum entanglement. They don't want their construction workers to be quantum entangled with common construction workers through a mirroring of sorts. And so, to take this a step beyond, they aren't going to want to use anything that mirrors what is on the shelf at the department store even if the quality is top notch.

Overpricing separates them on a level that only science can explain. The lesson here is "make it different".
The Tea Party was a fraud. It was bought and paid for by the Koch Brothers. As soon as Trump was elected the Tea Party threw out its principals faster than yesterday’s newspaper.
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The Tea Party was a fraud. It was bought and paid for by the Koch Brothers. As soon as Trump was elected the tea party threw out its principals faster than yesterday’s Newspaper.

With all of that aside, ultimately, what candidates did the Tea Party win votes for?
The Tea Party was a fraud. It was bought and paid for by the Koch Brothers. As soon as Trump was elected the tea party threw out its principals faster than yesterday’s Newspaper.
And we all watched it happen
The next Democrat in the White House will have to clean up Trump's mess. I hope to hell Americans wake up to the lies, and incompetence of the Republican Party and it's toxic, anti-worker agenda.

Well, you won't see one there for at least another 4 1/2 years.. You're going to need a new gig to run on because what you guys have been running on is not working out.

Or.......continue to be one trick ponies and lose after that as well.
The Tea Party was a fraud. It was bought and paid for by the Koch Brothers. As soon as Trump was elected the tea party threw out its principals faster than yesterday’s Newspaper.

With all of that aside, ultimately, what candidates did the Tea Party win votes for?
Republicans obviously.

The Koch brothers are Republican? Why do I keep thinking Democrat? Probably all that dark blue that they use.
If the OP were serious about political reform he would argue for repeal of the Citizens United case that opened the door to unlimited dark money on our elections.
Actually what we DESPERATELY NEED is term limits. DESPERATELY

It wouldn't solve anything. Not really. How do you know that replacements would do a better job? There'd certainly be incentive to take in and hand out as much as they can, while they can. And it'd require a constitutional amendment, which isn't ever gonna happen.

We do need to send principled people to Washington, though.
We need a Tea Party resurgence

So they can sit on the sidelines wearing teabags and looking the other way while Republicans can run up the debt and deficits even more?
As opposed to pussy hats and accomplishing NOTHING except harassing the opposition in public?

Which lead directly to the landslide victory for Democrats in the House of Representatives in 2018, and the election of more women to the House in history, and the return of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, and ultimately the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Women's issues: health care, child care for working families, safe access to abortion, birth control paid for by employer health insurance - regardless of religion; good schools for ALL children regardless of zip code. These are economic issues too. But they're the micro economics of consumer spending, and providing families with the economic support to help them grow.

Republicans are big on providing a health climate for businesses to grow and flourish, but when it comes to families, they spout "individual responsibility". I was raised to believe that people are more important than things and a corporation is a "thing". People first.

I was also raised to believe that in order for capitalism to flourish, it first has to take care of the elderly, the disabled, and those need a hand from time to time. The social safety net. And that's not because the poor are stupid or lazy. It's because capitalism is subject to periods of expansion and contraction and in a recession, people with lower skills are let go first. They're also the ones who have the fewest resources to weather the recessions.

Just like now. This virus is hitting poor neighbourhoods the hardest. People with pre-existing conditions and no health insurance coverage. 16 million people have lost their jobs since the pandemic started, and when they lost their jobs, they lost their any health insurance they might have had.

This is 2008 all over again, and this was the reason why Obamacare was passed in the first place. Because millions of Americans lost their health insurance after 2008.
Actually what we DESPERATELY NEED is term limits. DESPERATELY

We have suffered through the same crackpots controlling us for MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. The last good speaker we had was Newt and he got sidelined with Clinton hate.

The timing is hilarious.

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