We need a Tea Party resurgence

The timing is hilarious.
Nothing hilarious about the dire straights we are now in. We've got to get Democrats out of DC as soon as possible.

Trump and the Republicans are in control of the White House and senate and you you guys can't keep spending down? Why is it after dealing with the recession and deficits going down do they rise again with Republicans in charge?

Just so you know, deficits are going to skyrocket now, are you going to whine to Trump about it? Teaparty my ass.
Trump and the Republicans are in control of the White House and senate and you you guys can't keep spending down? Why is it after dealing with the recession and deficits going down do they rise again with Republicans in charge?
Just so you know, deficits are going to skyrocket now, are you going to whine to Trump about it? Teaparty my ass.
Money spent on the military and on the border wall is money well spent.
Actually what we DESPERATELY NEED is term limits. DESPERATELY

We have suffered through the same crackpots controlling us for MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. The last good speaker we had was Newt and he got sidelined with Clinton hate.

Newt Gingerich was the WORST Speaker of the House ever. It was Newt that started these scurilous partisan attacks on the sitting President, with his 6 1/2 year Special Prosecution of Clinton.
Gingrich is a hypocrite through and through.

He impeached Clinton while cheating on his wife.

After the subprime meltdown, he publicly attacked the GSEs from which he had been drawing a paycheck for years, and had even made a speech calling for more GSEs.
Trump and the Republicans are in control of the White House and senate and you you guys can't keep spending down? Why is it after dealing with the recession and deficits going down do they rise again with Republicans in charge?
Just so you know, deficits are going to skyrocket now, are you going to whine to Trump about it? Teaparty my ass.
Money spent on the military and on the border wall is money well spent.

As long as you don't mind being a hypocrite who now doesn't care about deficits.
Term Limit Amendment.

Pitchforks and torches likely required to make it happen.
Apply the term limits very harshly at the local and municipal level. Throw out the mayors, aldermen, city council, county board of commissioners, borough and municipal assemblies, property zoning and planning commissioners, the school board, the library, fire, and police department district commissioners and board members etc. etc. Prohibit those fuckers from living within 1000 miles of their home districts after they've served their terms.

It's that big fat city hall chain-gang labor-union budget on local property tax receipts. We need a federal crackdown on all of it. Those "local" government crooks "we know so well" are too well organized nationally and internationally, they steal too much of our property, and they will not allow us to vote them out of office, no matter what.
Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring back the Tea Party. They are HILARIOUS.
As long as you don't mind being a hypocrite who now doesn't care about deficits.
Of course I care about deficits. Based on our current course, we'll need to cut entitlement programs in the next few years.

No, you'll need to cut military spending to no more than 1.5% of GDP, and stop starting useless wars. You will also need to raise taxes on the corporations and the wealthy. It is ridiculous that Amazon pays no taxes.

You need to raise the minimum wage to eliminate earned income credits, and pay for universal health care. And eliminate corporate bailouts.
Trump and the Republicans are in control of the White House and senate and you you guys can't keep spending down? Why is it after dealing with the recession and deficits going down do they rise again with Republicans in charge?
Just so you know, deficits are going to skyrocket now, are you going to whine to Trump about it? Teaparty my ass.
Money spent on the military and on the border wall is money well spent.

So long as its the military with my face on it and the walls are protecting me and my people while we sleep then yes, I can approve this message.
Actually what we DESPERATELY NEED is term limits. DESPERATELY

We have suffered through the same crackpots controlling us for MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. The last good speaker we had was Newt and he got sidelined with Clinton hate.
What we need is the 99% to stand up and demand our
democracy be returned to us from the 1 % ....we need TEA Party joins hands with Occupy Wall Street and the antiwar movement, civil rights activists, prison reform and end the drug wars advocates....the silenced majority to realize who's dividing us..
I'd favor of a Tea Party that's unburdened with any political ideology other than fiscal responsibility. Unfortunately the only time we get a hint of that being practiced in Washington is when we have a president that's a Democrat and a House controlled by the GOP.
Actually what we DESPERATELY NEED is term limits. DESPERATELY

We have suffered through the same crackpots controlling us for MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. The last good speaker we had was Newt and he got sidelined with Clinton hate.
What we need is the 99% to stand up and demand our
democracy be returned to us from the 1 % ....we need TEA Party joins hands with Occupy Wall Street and the antiwar movement, civil rights activists, prison reform and end the drug wars advocates....the silenced majority to realize who's dividing us..

The Tea party doesn't give a shit about deficits, Trump proved that.
Actually what we DESPERATELY NEED is term limits. DESPERATELY

We have suffered through the same crackpots controlling us for MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. The last good speaker we had was Newt and he got sidelined with Clinton hate.
What we need is the 99% to stand up and demand our
democracy be returned to us from the 1 % ....we need TEA Party joins hands with Occupy Wall Street and the antiwar movement, civil rights activists, prison reform and end the drug wars advocates....the silenced majority to realize who's dividing us..

The Tea party doesn't give a shit about deficits, Trump proved that.
There's no easy fix for the economy, especially now.

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