We need Fred (Mister) Rogers now to save children from the woke

Is being intersex a birth defect?

Intersex variations are not abnormal and should not be seen as 'birth defects'; they are natural biological variations and occur in up to 1.7 per cent of all births. Most people with intersex variations are not born with atypical genitalia, however this is common for certain intersex variations. Mar 18, 2019

Health of people with intersex variations - Health.vic​

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says the little bitch that doesnt know the difference between a man and a women,,
Apparently neither does the OP. Did you happen to pay attention to Mr. Rogers at the end? " A boy can be a girl, or a girl can be a boy when they are young. Interesting! That goes against what the homophobs want to hear, and yet, the homophob OP posted it.
I never questioned my sex as a child..

Neither did I. And I didn't make a "choice" to be straight and live a straight life, either. Republicans think that being gay is a "choice".

Do you remember choosing to be straight or gay??? You'd think that a person would remember making a decision with such broad implications to your life but I have no memory of even thinking about the question much less making a decision. I just wanted to date boys. I never ever considered dating girls.
Neither did I. And I didn't make a "choice" to be straight and life a straight life, either. Republicans think that being gay is a "choice".

Do you remember choosing to be straight or gay??? You'd think that a person would remember making a decision with such broad implications to your life but I have no memory of even thinking about the question much less making a decision. I just wanted to date boys. I never ever considered dating girls.
No, I just went after what I wanted.
Fred Rodgers was a great man and incapable of meanness. Why do you want to drag him into your nastiness?
I'm showing you what he thought about the whole children changing genders. People with opinions exactly matching his (like me) are viciously attacked by the woke.

What? Did the Tom Hanks Hollywood version leave that out?
He was a pastor who practiced true Christianity.

And the sweaters he wore at the start of every episode were really knitted for him by his mom.

The sad part is, even in my generation, Mr Rogers was the only sense of normalcy some kids had. The only person who genuinely cared about them.

I've read interviews with people who met him on the subway or in person and every single one said he was, in person, just like he was on the show. His entire show was about being you, he was him, he didn't try to pretend to be something he wasn't.

His show was actually born in the late 60's from him watching childrens programming on TV and he said he saw some goofy grown up throw a pie in the face of someone else. He said to himself, "I can do better than this." And he did.

He also NEVER spoke down to children like was common back in the day. He always talked to them like they were equals. He never assumed they were too dumb to understand complex topics. Back in 1982, he had an episode where he explained to children what an assassination is, because they kept hearing on the news the assassination attempt of President Reagan.

There will never be another Mr Rogers. I've studied him. He was a fascinating individual.
You are getting into the Biology studies of the phenomenon. Something the haters fear, and don't understand, nor do they want to. The OP has problems with all of it. He is a classic hating homophob.
You're a classic leftist faggot idiot.
Apparently neither does the OP. Did you happen to pay attention to Mr. Rogers at the end? " A boy can be a girl, or a girl can be a boy when they are young. Interesting! That goes against what the homophobs want to hear, and yet, the homophob OP posted it.
Then you shouldn't be so triggered if Mr. Rogers agreed with you.

He didn't, but I don't mind if you think so.
I'm showing you what he thought about the whole children changing genders. People with opinions exactly matching his (like me) are viciously attacked by the woke.

What? Did the Tom Hanks Hollywood version leave that out?
Yea, and apparently someone must have stuck a dick in your mouth, because he's pedaling the same thing the anti-homophobs are pedaling. He's talking about how a child can turn gay.

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