We need Fred (Mister) Rogers now to save children from the woke

Mr. Rogers was polite yet naive..

“Intersex” is an umbrella term used to describe people born with sex traits that do not fit binary medical definitions of male or female sexual or reproductive anatomy. Intersex populations are born with these differences in sex traits or may develop them during childhood. Oct 26, 2021

Key Issues Facing People With Intersex Traits

There is nothing America can do at this stage, except do everything humanly possible to shield your children from sick, twisted, and evil creatures as above quoted, whom believe us to be stupid, as in backward of their lofty human evolution where they manufacture children into compliant sexual toys & deviants, see how the evil thing postures self as though they are schooling us, see that?

Well they are not schooling us, not evolving, progressing, in point of fact they are devolving in real time right before our eyes, and they damn well intend to take our children along with them to Gehenna, they are not advanced or advancing, they are literally regressing to the state of play which dominated a pair of cities of the old testament called Sodom & Gomorrah!

There is a very enlightening piece of biblical commentary regarding exactly what these damned souls now claim as science, claimed science so utterly ludicrous that sane human beings can only conclude those proposing it, to be profoundly ill in their minds, which they are, Romans 1:28

"And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive"
I'm showing you what he thought about the whole children changing genders. People with opinions exactly matching his (like me) are viciously attacked by the woke.

What? Did the Tom Hanks Hollywood version leave that out?
Your opinions are based on malice. Mr. Rodgers would be appalled by the hatred the right has against children who are trying to figure out who they are.
He's a homophob like you.
I'm not a homophobe; I'm not scared of faggots. Repulsed is a more accurate description. Regardless, I know some people are like that and they're free to do what they want. Just don't push it onto me or normal families or children. And most that are that way would not and don't want to.
There is nothing America can do at this stage, except do everything humanly possible to shield your children from sick, twisted, and evil creatures as above quoted, whom believe us to be stupid, as in backward of their lofty human evolution where they manufacture children into compliant sexual toys & deviants, see how the evil thing postures self as though they are schooling us, see that?

Well they are not schooling us, not evolving, progressing, in point of fact they are devolving in real time right before our eyes, and they damn well intend to take our children along with them to Gehenna, they are not advanced or advancing, they are literally regressing to the state of play which dominated a pair of cities of the old testament called Sodom & Gomorrah!

There is a very enlightening piece of biblical commentary regarding exactly what these damned souls now claim as science, claimed science so utterly ludicrous that sane human beings can only conclude those proposing it, to be profoundly ill in their minds, which they are, Romans 1:28

"And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive"
Sounds like the Jehovah's Witnesses...
You always entertain with your mentally charged homophobia, minus any adult debate concerning the subject.
I can out debate you on any subject. Pick a topic and state your position. (must use references)
One of of us helped the debate team win in high school; and it wasn't you.

PS: Please define "mentally charged", assface. Something tells me you're "Mentally Uncharged". :rolleyes-41:
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Because the SOB is evil.
He was a pastor who practiced true Christianity.
I'm talking about the OP.

By Allah, BWK! You are the most complete idiot that I've ever run across in my life. I"ve always heard the term "complete idiot" and thought it was hyperbole, but no.
I get it now. I'm little defensive about Mr. Rodgers. I adored him as a child and I respect him as a man.
Do you agree with him when he sang:

Boys are boys from the beginning,
Girls are girls right from the start.

Only girls can be the mommies,
Only boys can grow up and be the daddies.

I sure do.
Yea, and apparently someone must have stuck a dick in your mouth, because he's pedaling the same thing the anti-homophobs are pedaling. He's talking about how a child can turn gay.
Is he?

Suppose he is.

(If so), he's teaching a child who might be gay to accept their biological gender, since that is their only gender.

I think many of the supposed "transgender children" are actually gay children whose counselors sieze on an opportunity to show how woke they are by steering the child to the transgender industry.

A kid is depressed and cuts his or her legs with a razor blade, we should try to help that kid avoid self-injury behavior. We should not start a process that leads to them having primary and secondary sex organs lopped off.* Doing that to a kid requires more hate than I could ever imagine.

*Lopping off body parts is far worse than cutting legs with a razor blade. Not sure if that would have been clear to you, BWK.
There is nothing America can do at this stage, except do everything humanly possible to shield your children from sick, twisted, and evil creatures as above quoted, whom believe us to be stupid, as in backward of their lofty human evolution where they manufacture children into compliant sexual toys & deviants, see how the evil thing postures self as though they are schooling us, see that?

Well they are not schooling us, not evolving, progressing, in point of fact they are devolving in real time right before our eyes, and they damn well intend to take our children along with them to Gehenna, they are not advanced or advancing, they are literally regressing to the state of play which dominated a pair of cities of the old testament called Sodom & Gomorrah!

There is a very enlightening piece of biblical commentary regarding exactly what these damned souls now claim as science, claimed science so utterly ludicrous that sane human beings can only conclude those proposing it, to be profoundly ill in their minds, which they are, Romans 1:28

"And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive"
You are stupid, and may I add, willfully stupid. Did you engage Moonglow's analysis? No! You can't. You're a coward who hates what you don't understand, and refuses to challenge that ignorance.

Did you know, that if it weren't for "science", that you seem to hate so much, you wouldn't even be here?

By Allah, BWK! You are the most complete idiot that I've ever run across in my life. I"ve always heard the term "complete idiot" and thought it was hyperbole, but no.

Do you agree with him when he sang:

Boys are boys from the beginning,
Girls are girls right from the start.

Only girls can be the mommies,
Only boys can grow up and be the daddies.

I sure do.

He's a man of his time. He didn't mean anything by it that directly translates to the current right wing hatred towards people who don't into your molds.

By Allah, BWK! You are the most complete idiot that I've ever run across in my life. I"ve always heard the term "complete idiot" and thought it was hyperbole, but no.

Do you agree with him when he sang:

Boys are boys from the beginning,
Girls are girls right from the start.

Only girls can be the mommies,
Only boys can grow up and be the daddies.

I sure do.

And did you watch what he said at the end of the Carson video? Wink, wink! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Neither did I. And I didn't make a "choice" to be straight and live a straight life, either. Republicans think that being gay is a "choice".

Do you remember choosing to be straight or gay??? You'd think that a person would remember making a decision with such broad implications to your life but I have no memory of even thinking about the question much less making a decision. I just wanted to date boys. I never ever considered dating girls.
I absolutely remember two specific events that made me decide to be straight.
He's a man of his time. He didn't mean anything by it that directly translates to the current right wing hatred towards people who don't into your molds.
Do not fret, Rogers at the end of the video makes clear the very real possibility of the existence of gays. The Op slipped up and didn't watch until the end. LOL!
He's a man of his time. He didn't mean anything by it that directly translates to the current right wing hatred towards people who don't into your molds.
Boys are boys form the beginning.
Girls are girls right from the start.

Would you be willing to copy and past those words into your signature?
You are stupid, and may I add, willfully stupid. Did you engage Moonglow's analysis? No! You can't. You're a coward who hates what you don't understand, and refuses to challenge that ignorance.

Did you know, that if it weren't for "science", that you seem to hate so much, you wouldn't even be here?
WTF!! Fauci is our father?
You are stupid, and may I add, willfully stupid. Did you engage Moonglow's analysis? No! You can't. You're a coward who hates what you don't understand, and refuses to challenge that ignorance.

Did you know, that if it weren't for "science", that you seem to hate so much, you wouldn't even be here?
Please do explain how "Science" brought ol' boy into this world, you fucking dipshit! I got money that says it was his mother and father, but you do you.

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