We need Fred (Mister) Rogers now to save children from the woke

Not me.

I'm the one that agrees with him.

You're the one who says his words are hate-filled.
I say your words are hate-filled and Mr. Rodgers wasn't about that. Preach your bullshit all you want but leave him out of it. Plenty of other jerks you can quote that totally agree with all the wrath and prejudice.
I say your words are hate-filled and Mr. Rodgers wasn't about that.
Which words? Quote any hate from me.
Preach your bullshit all you want but leave him out of it. Plenty of other jerks you can quote that totally agree with all the wrath and prejudice.
Mister Rogers said what he said. The only question is whether you agree with Mister Rogers or not.

Boys are boys from the beginning,
Girls are girls right from the start.

Only girls can be the mommies,
Only boys can grow up and be the daddies.

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Here was his message to boys and girls about the normal confusion that girls and boys go through:

Here he explains it to Johnny Carson:

He didn't do that because he was ignorant and mean. Not Mister Rogers. He did it because he had common sense and cared about kids.

Cue the hate . . .

Hmm…the musings of middle aged men in the 1970s. Who woulda guessed their generation held such positions?
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And the sweaters he wore at the start of every episode were really knitted for him by his mom.

The sad part is, even in my generation, Mr Rogers was the only sense of normalcy some kids had. The only person who genuinely cared about them.

I've read interviews with people who met him on the subway or in person and every single one said he was, in person, just like he was on the show. His entire show was about being you, he was him, he didn't try to pretend to be something he wasn't.

His show was actually born in the late 60's from him watching childrens programming on TV and he said he saw some goofy grown up throw a pie in the face of someone else. He said to himself, "I can do better than this." And he did.

He also NEVER spoke down to children like was common back in the day. He always talked to them like they were equals. He never assumed they were too dumb to understand complex topics. Back in 1982, he had an episode where he explained to children what an assassination is, because they kept hearing on the news the assassination attempt of President Reagan.

There will never be another Mr Rogers. I've studied him. He was a fascinating individual.
Then you know he would never make a child feel bad about being different. Even gay.
Because you are straight you idiot. Some ain't. But homophobs don't want to hear about that.
Funny. I never had to choose. My eyes always fell naturally to the female form.
My mother always laughed at how I loved to be held by large breasted women as a toddler.
When I was eight or nine, I could care less about girls. When I was ten, two specific events made me decide that they would be very important in my life. Maybe I would have turned out straight anyway, but I refute Dragonlady's statement that no one decides to be straight or they would remember the decision.

I remember both events like they were yesterday.
That essplains it.
Seymore Fliops always did sound like the handle of an aging drag queen.
It boggles my mind how many on here don't know what a woman is
When you learn the difference between the
l- g- b-t- q then you might get a clue as to where each stand for and that the lines may blur as it’s a spectrum and not always a definitive one or the other.

Then be grateful that you aren’t having to fight to make a comfortable life for yourself like they are with people like you out there.
When you learn the difference between the
l- g- b-t- q then you might get a clue as to where each stand for and that the lines may blur as it’s a spectrum and not always a definitive one or the other.

Then be grateful that you aren’t having to make a comfortable life for yourself like they are with people like you out there.

Gfy you're either male or female... unless you're mental and think otherwise.

Fcking dumbfuck

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