We need Fred (Mister) Rogers now to save children from the woke

Because you are straight you idiot. Some ain't. But homophobs don't want to hear about that.
When I was eight or nine, I could care less about girls. When I was ten, two specific events made me decide that they would be very important in my life. Maybe I would have turned out straight anyway, but I refute Dragonlady's statement that no one decides to be straight or they would remember the decision.

I remember both events like they were yesterday.
Please do explain how "Science" brought ol' boy into this world, you fucking dipshit! I got money that says it was his mother and father, but you do you.
Who delivered that fool? Science! What took him to his house? Science! What fed the idiot nourishment? Science? What clothed the idiot? Science. Get a fucking clue you gd retard.
Who delivered that fool? Science! What took him to his house? Science! What fed the idiot nourishment? Science? What clothed the idiot? Science. Get a fucking clue you gd retard.
A midwife and parents, perhaps? Idk. Were you there? You don't know and have no clue, you ignorant POS.

Science is a study of repeatable experiments and facts. Parents are an entirely different thing. Leftist shitheads like you trying to be parents is what's wrong with society today to a great extent.
Boys are boys form the beginning.
Girls are girls right from the start.

Would you be willing to copy and past those words into your signature?
I don't put anything down there because I'm not an idiot that just has to clutter up the board with the same old bullshit. You still don't understand that no matter what he said there was no meanness to it.
I don't put anything down there because I'm not an idiot that just has to clutter up the board with the same old bullshit. You still don't understand that no matter what he said there was to meanness to it.
yep,, youre triggered that your childhood hero thinks youre a fucking idiot,,
When I was eight or nine, I could care less about girls. When I was ten, two specific events made me decide that they would be very important in my life. Maybe I would have turned out straight anyway, but I refute Dragonlady's statement that no one decides to be straight or they would remember the decision.

I remember both events like they were yesterday.
Once again for the idiots of the class, you are straight, some ain't. WTF do you not understand about that? Think! Do you think maybe the guy or girl at some age said, hm, I'm a girl, why do I like that girl? You debate like such a shallow minded stooge. You are so consumed with hate and ignorance that you can't see past your nose.
I don't put anything down there because I'm not an idiot that just has to clutter up the board with the same old bullshit. You still don't understand that no matter what he said there was no meanness to it.
But, in that hate filled mind of his, that's exactly what he wanted to hear from Rogers, so he invented the idea, and so, that's what Rogers said. They force themselves to believe the narrative that best suits their needs. And the easy narrative for the OP is hate. So he invented the theme by Rogers that suited him, when in fact, Rogers was saying that gays are real. It is a real thing according to Rogers.
I don't put anything down there because I'm not an idiot that just has to clutter up the board with the same old bullshit.
What Mister Rogers sang was the same old bullshit? Answer the question in the hypothetical then. If you did have a sig, would you be willing for it to be that?
You still don't understand that no matter what he said there was to meanness to it.

Of course there was no meanness when Mister Rogers sang:

Only girls can be the mommies,
Only boys can grow up and be the daddies.

Just like there is no meanness when I or anyone else says it to this day. It was and is a simple truth.

The reason you are confused is that you follow the Democrats' version of public discourse, which is to make everything completely personal and never let facts get in the way of insisting that everyone you disagree with is someone you don't like and who is evil and wrong.

Now, a man that you admire and respect - as do I - says the same thing I would say to kids about gender (he put it much better than I could), and that confuses you. You think, "that evil guy I hate thinks the same way as that wonderful man I admire and respect. I'm so confuused!'

I promise you occupied: there is no hatred in my heart toward children who are gender confused. My only desire is to protect them from opportunistic adults.
What Mister Rogers sang was the same old bullshit? Answer the question in the hypothetical then. If you did have a sig, would you be willing for it to be that?

Of course there was no meanness when Mister Rogers sang:

Only girls can be the mommies,
Only boys can grow up and be the daddies.

Just like there is no meanness when I or anyone else says it to this day. It was and is a simple truth.

The reason you are confused is that you follow the Democrats' version of public discourse, which is to make everything completely personal and never let facts get in the way of insisting that everyone you disagree with is someone you don't like and who is evil and wrong.

Now, a man that you admire and respect - as do I - says the same thing I would say to kids about gender (he put it much better than I could), and that confuses you. You think, "that evil guy I hate thinks the same way as that wonderful man I admire and respect. I'm so confuused!'

I promise you occupied: there is no hatred in my heart toward children who are gender confused. My only desire is to protect them from opportunistic adults.
Find some hatred in this man.

Once again for the idiots of the class, you are straight, some ain't. WTF do you not understand about that? Think! Do you think maybe the guy or girl at some age said, hm, I'm a girl, why do I like that girl? You debate like such a shallow minded stooge. You are so consumed with hate and ignorance that you can't see past your nose.
Yes, of course, some are straight and some ain't.

Yes, guys and girls think all kinds of thoughts at all ages.

My point, and Mister Rogers' point, is that these confusing thoughts need not define you. Certainly not when it comes to gender. Gender is set by biology. There is no other interpretation of either science or Mister Rogers' little ditty.

What gender one is attracted to is a completely separate issue from what gender a person is.

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