We need government now more than ever

US revenues = aprox 2.5 trillion. Government spending = aprox 3.5 trillion. his does not include FR stimulus or non stop historic low interstate rates, otherwise we would be bear 2 trillion a year in deficit spending.

We currently have a Government 40% or so bigger than we can afford... So obviously the answer is to expand deficit spending. No need to compare Government debt and spending to a house hold or a business, just compare it to other countries that have done similar and you can see the inevitable collapse awaiting us.

The Republic died when the electorate found they could vote themselves money, as was predicted. There is no going back, only learning from the failed system and applying it to the next country created in it's stead.


  • totalspending.jpg
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LOL Hilarious

Billy must be like 10 or something..
None of you have addressed the specific info in my OP.
There is nothing other to address than laughter at such a ludicrous OP.
Just admit you dont actually have a valid argument. It's so obvious.

There is nothing to address. How many trillions,22, have you poured into the war on poverty and here we are with record levels of poverty.
You moron, government is the problem, not the solution. Let me count the ways that government fucks up our economy and YOUR paycheck:

1. Compliance costs incurred by business so they do not run afoul of government regulations, thereby increasing the costs of good and services to offset these costs.

2. Keeping the interest rates too low, thereby keeping the value of our currency too low.

3. Deficit spending rather than balancing the budget, causing the value of the dollar to stagnate and necessitating a heavy tax burden.

4. Over spending.

5. Failing to cut the capital gains tax rate so as to encourage asset trading, thereby increasing financial transactions that will provide capital to business and increase the number of taxing events, which will increase tax revenues. The capital gains rate should never be more than 10%.

6. Fostering this whole class warfare sentiment that pits the population against business interests.

7. Allowing China and any other country to manipulate their currencies to cause a devaluation of our currency in the global market. We should sanction the hell out of China.

8. Allowing people to swarm across the border to compete with YOU in the labor market, thereby keeping wages low.

9. They keep increasing the marginal rates for income taxes. Nobody with money can save or invest because the tax burden is eating up disposable income that could be reinvested into our economy instead of being pissed away by the federal government.

10. Pissing away our tax money on shit sorry "investments" like solar energy.

Those are just 10 ways the government screws with YOUR earnings. Yet, you want MORE government involvement in our lives?!? You are crazy!








"Trickle down economics"?

You mean keeping the money that you earned rather than giving it to some stupid corrupt official, elected by special interest groups, to spend it for you on wasteful, corrupt, inefficient, and unnecessary government?

Great idea to give the money you earn to somebody else to spend for you, dumbass


"Starving the beast" is a political strategy employed by American conservatives in order to limit government spending by cutting taxes in order to deprive the government of revenue in a deliberate effort to force the federal government to reduce spending.

Before his election as President, then-candidate Ronald Reagan foreshadowed the strategy during the 1980 US Presidential debates, saying "John Anderson tells us that first we've got to reduce spending before we can reduce taxes. Well, if you've got a kid that's extravagant, you can lecture him all you want to about his extravagance. Or you can cut his allowance and achieve the same end much quicker."

Starve the beast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.
MOre triple fail from the Failmaster.
Government isnt the solution to our problem.
Government is the problem.
Derp! Derp! Derp!
And Billy Fail-O reduced to making animal noises. My job here is done.
Thank you for admitting you have an obsession with my threads on this site.

You're OP presents an idea and has no connection to anything you said was an issue.

That has been pointed out.

You dismiss, out of hand, any argument to the contrary......

You've got no argument.
In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.
MOre triple fail from the Failmaster.
Government isnt the solution to our problem.
Government is the problem.
Derp! Derp! Derp!
And Billy Fail-O reduced to making animal noises. My job here is done.
Thank you for admitting you have an obsession with my threads on this site.
Yes, it's like watching all those "Fail!" videos on YouTube. You just cant believe people can be that stupid so you have to watch it in action.
US revenues = aprox 2.5 trillion. Government spending = aprox 3.5 trillion. his does not include FR stimulus or non stop historic low interstate rates, otherwise we would be bear 2 trillion a year in deficit spending.

We currently have a Government 40% or so bigger than we can afford... So obviously the answer is to expand deficit spending. No need to compare Government debt and spending to a house hold or a business, just compare it to other countries that have done similar and you can see the inevitable collapse awaiting us.

The Republic died when the electorate found they could vote themselves money, as was predicted. There is no going back, only learning from the failed system and applying it to the next country created in it's stead.



LOL Hilarious

Billy must be like 10 or something..
None of you have addressed the specific info in my OP.
There is nothing other to address than laughter at such a ludicrous OP.
Just admit you dont actually have a valid argument. It's so obvious.

There is nothing to address. How many trillions,22, have you poured into the war on poverty and here we are with record levels of poverty.

How many trillions spent on wars???

But the official poverty numbers mask a substantial reduction in poverty attributable to government efforts, and although the OEO proved a short-lived failure, other poverty programs implemented under Johnson–Medicare, Medicaid, and, yes, food stamps–achieved measurable success.

Even judging by the official poverty rate (currently $23,550 for a family of four), Johnson’s anti-poverty programs enjoyed initial success. The poverty rate for African-Americans dropped precipitously for the remainder of Johnson’s term. It evened off for the next 25 years, then dropped again under President Bill Clinton before rising slightly during the past decade. The poverty rate for the elderly dropped dramatically under Johnson and Nixon and, less dramatically, continues to do so. Overall, the official poverty rate declined significantly through Nixon’s first term before leveling off; since the 2008 crash it’s been rising.

None of these calculations include in-kind benefits through Medicare, Medicaid, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and none include the Earned Income Tax Credit, a program targeted to the working poor that was implemented under President Gerald Ford and greatly expanded under Reagan and Clinton. When these are factored in, the poverty rate has dropped nearly in half.

The War on Poverty's surprising success

In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.
MOre triple fail from the Failmaster.
Government isnt the solution to our problem.
Government is the problem.
Derp! Derp! Derp!
And Billy Fail-O reduced to making animal noises. My job here is done.
Thank you for admitting you have an obsession with my threads on this site.
Yes, it's like watching all those "Fail!" videos on YouTube. You just cant believe people can be that stupid so you have to watch it in action.

Or maybe you should just get a life?
In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.

Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.

How about this.....
A 99% tax rate on anyone making over $1 million...
And a 99.9% tax rate on anyone making over $5 million....

Would that you Libs happy.....
That is if a Lib could be happy...


I think it is obvious that you are confused.

The deadbeats are the ones that get the money through the filthy ass government that is earned by others. You know, the welfare queens, illegal aliens, Solyndra executives, union shitheads, environmental wackos, foreign aid welfare queens, etc.

Nobody would have any problem funding the basic government functions like defense, police, courts etc. However, it is when the fucking government becomes an instrument to take money from those that earned it and give it to those assholes that didn't earn in the form of welfare, subsidies, entitlements and bailout that it becomes thievery.

If we are going to starve anything we need to starve this filthy ass welfare and entitlement state.
How about this..... A 99% tax rate on anyone making over $1 million... And a 99.9% tax rate on anyone making over $5 million.... Would that you Libs happy..... That is if a Lib could be happy...[/QUOTE said:
It gets rid of employers representing about 1/3 of society. The only employment option will be government, multinational corporations, or some small business that is under the Obamacare radar.


I think it is obvious that you are confused.

The deadbeats are the ones that get the money through the filthy ass government that is earned by others. You know, the welfare queens, illegal aliens, Solyndra executives, union shitheads, environmental wackos, foreign aid welfare queens, etc.

Nobody would have any problem funding the basic government functions like defense, police, courts etc. However, it is when the fucking government becomes an instrument to take money from those that earned it and give it to those assholes that didn't earn in the form of welfare, subsidies, entitlements and bailout that it becomes thievery.

If we are going to starve anything we need to starve this filthy ass welfare and entitlement state.

2) Higher wage jobs greatly outnumber lower wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?

So it wasn't merely a typo? You're sincerely that stupid/uneducated?

Yup. He sure is. Stupid as fuck.

We have to much Govt. now. We sure as hell don't need more.

You are confused.

The top 1% of income earners pays 50% of that filthy ass income tax. The top 20% pays 80%.

50% of the deadbeats in this country pay no income tax at all.

Property tax and sales taxes are mostly borne by those higher earners. All wealthy earners max out the stupid payroll tax while most Americans never pay the max. The corporate tax and most excise taxes are borne by higher earners. With the exemptions on basics like like food for the poor the higher wage earners pays the greater share on most sale taxes. The Death Tax is paid exclusively by higher earners.

The problem is this out of control country is that the cost of government is simply too high for everybody, rich and poor alike. In most families the stupid cost of government is th highest household expense, regardless of income. The combined cost of federal, state and local government is about 40% of the GNP and is a tremendous burden on all Americans. No wonder our poverty rate is increasing, the debt is skyrocketing, family income is decreasing and the gap between the rich and poor is growing because our wealth is being depleted. Our wealth is being wasted on stupid government programs that have the effect of strangling the economy.

You are confused.

The top 1% of income earners pays 50% of that filthy ass income tax. The top 20% pays 80%.

50% of the deadbeats in this country pay no income tax at all.

Property tax and sales taxes are mostly borne by those higher earners. All wealthy earners max out the stupid payroll tax while most Americans never pay the max. The corporate tax and most excise taxes are borne by higher earners. With the exemptions on basics like like food for the poor the higher wage earners pays the greater share on most sale taxes. The Death Tax is paid exclusively by higher earners.

The problem is this out of control country is that the cost of government is simply too high for everybody, rich and poor alike. In most families the stupid cost of government is th highest household expense, regardless of income. The combined cost of federal, state and local government is about 40% of the GNP and is a tremendous burden on all Americans. No wonder our poverty rate is increasing, the debt is skyrocketing, family income is decreasing and the gap between the rich and poor is growing because our wealth is being depleted. Our wealth is being wasted on stupid government programs that have the effect of strangling the economy.

I am not in the top 50% of earners. I pay income tax. Quite a bit. You assume too much.

You are confused.

The top 1% of income earners pays 50% of that filthy ass income tax. The top 20% pays 80%.

50% of the deadbeats in this country pay no income tax at all.

Property tax and sales taxes are mostly borne by those higher earners. All wealthy earners max out the stupid payroll tax while most Americans never pay the max. The corporate tax and most excise taxes are borne by higher earners. With the exemptions on basics like like food for the poor the higher wage earners pays the greater share on most sale taxes. The Death Tax is paid exclusively by higher earners.

The problem is this out of control country is that the cost of government is simply too high for everybody, rich and poor alike. In most families the stupid cost of government is th highest household expense, regardless of income. The combined cost of federal, state and local government is about 40% of the GNP and is a tremendous burden on all Americans. No wonder our poverty rate is increasing, the debt is skyrocketing, family income is decreasing and the gap between the rich and poor is growing because our wealth is being depleted. Our wealth is being wasted on stupid government programs that have the effect of strangling the economy.

Bottom HALF of US make 11% of ALL income in the US, average less than $15,000 PER FAMILY, a loss of almost $5,000 PER FAMILY if they kept the same share as they had pre Reaganomics

"Death taxes" are paid by those with $5.4+ million estates (EACH HUBBY/WIFE)


And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justice keeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't paying much more, as a percentage of their incomes, then the middle class.


That's really what the American tax system looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans paying between 25 percent and 30 percent of their income -- which is, by the way, a lot more the 13.9 percent Mitt Romney paid in 2011*.
The one tax graph you really need to know

May 5, 2011

U.S. tax burden at lowest level since '58

The total tax burden — for all federal, state and local taxes — dropped to 23.6% of income

U.S. tax burden at lowest level since '58 - USATODAY.com

How Low Are U.S. Taxes Compared to Other Countries?

We need Government to undo the damage they did in embracing supply side economics. The idea that concentrating money at the top would result in a rising economic tide that would bring prosperity and jobs to everyone was a major failure

We need to revert to previous tax rates in excess of 50% for the wealthy. Revoke tax shelters and deductions. Tax capital gains the same as earned income. Tax stock transactions

For working Americans we need to reduce the economic risk of serious health problems, provide affordable education for their children, increase wages for unskilled workers

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