We need government now more than ever

My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?

Everyday Americans get more benefits from tax expenditures than all the businesses combined.
yup, it averages out to about 60k a year
In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.

Government caused all of those problems...and you want to give the same assholes who caused these problems more money and power and more control over your life....you really need help.
In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.

Government is why these things exist.

And you want more of that ????

Are you stupid ?

Oh...sorry...I really don't believe you are stupid....you are just bought into the bullcrap like nobody else.

Lower wage jobs exist because big business can fend off competition that would allow people to go after some of their profits.

Government and big business are the same thing anymore.

All your suggestions do is continue to enslave people and cement the corporate giants in their place.
The only real government corruption is done by the corporate lobbyists. If you keep them from influencing legislation, our country would be a lot better off.

These corporate lobbyists....who are they buying with their money......politicians from both parties...right? So you think it is a good idea to give even more money and power to the politicians you just admit are the ones getting bought by the lobbyists......right?

And that makes sense to you?
In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.
So in other words, keep digging. :lol:
If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?

Who is getting rich....the politicians giving the subsidies to the corporations...right.....? So you want to give them more tax money so they can use it to give more subsidies to the corporations you admit are buying politicians who then give them subsidies....right?

How does that make any sense?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?

Everyday Americans get more benefits from tax expenditures than all the businesses combined.

In a time when the odds are against the middle class and poor, we need GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS.

1) The wealth disparity in the US Is one of the widest in the world. The child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world.

2) Lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. We must raise the minimum wage to a reasonable level that republicans and democrats can compromise on. Corporate profits are at an all time high and wages have remained flat in the lower classes for decades. Do you really think the private market will raise wages on its own? Get real. Think of what higher wages would do to welfare statistics like food stamps or TANF.

3) The price of pharmaceuticals and healthcare in this country is insane. There MUST be caps in place to prices. Poor people (who again are very hard pressed to find higher wage jobs) cannot afford basic cancer treatment. More socialization in our healthcare system is the ONLY way to fix this problem.

4) Our infrasture system is crumbling. Progressive taxation is the ONLY way to fix it.

Government is why these things exist.

And you want more of that ????

Are you stupid ?

Oh...sorry...I really don't believe you are stupid....you are just bought into the bullcrap like nobody else.

Lower wage jobs exist because big business can fend off competition that would allow people to go after some of their profits.

Government and big business are the same thing anymore.

All your suggestions do is continue to enslave people and cement the corporate giants in their place.
The only real government corruption is done by the corporate lobbyists. If you keep them from influencing legislation, our country would be a lot better off.

These corporate lobbyists....who are they buying with their money......politicians from both parties...right? So you think it is a good idea to give even more money and power to the politicians you just admit are the ones getting bought by the lobbyists......right?

And that makes sense to you?

Thank you for pointing out what should be obvious to everybody.

If people think that only the right is corrupt...they are stupid or naive.
What we need is people stepping up and governing themselves. When we have people transformed by liberty we will have families strengthened and that alone will fix many of our problems.
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?
2) Higher wage jobs greatly outnumber lower wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant info in your OP, I pointed out the most relevant thing I saw. The rest are just BS commiecrat talking points, heard them all before. Maybe if your dear leaders tax policies and his BS EPA would stop driving businesses offshore there would be more good paying manufacturing jobs. Instead it keeps doubling down with all its globull warming BS.
What policies from Obama have driven offshore business? You have no earthly idea do you?
ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?
If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant info in your OP, I pointed out the most relevant thing I saw. The rest are just BS commiecrat talking points, heard them all before. Maybe if your dear leaders tax policies and his BS EPA would stop driving businesses offshore there would be more good paying manufacturing jobs. Instead it keeps doubling down with all its globull warming BS.
What policies from Obama have driven offshore business? You have no earthly idea do you?

It's not Obama except for Obamacare.....

It is our leviathan regulators that are now on their own....along with other stupidity.

But government does not want to drive people off shore...they just want to make sure that the people who control what goes on here.....the wealthy class.
ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?
If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant info in your OP, I pointed out the most relevant thing I saw. The rest are just BS commiecrat talking points, heard them all before. Maybe if your dear leaders tax policies and his BS EPA would stop driving businesses offshore there would be more good paying manufacturing jobs. Instead it keeps doubling down with all its globull warming BS.
What policies from Obama have driven offshore business? You have no earthly idea do you?

Taxes...energy industry attack, obamacare.....EPA attacks....you name it he did it....
ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?
If you're not lying, why should they accept shitty paying jobs?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant info in your OP, I pointed out the most relevant thing I saw. The rest are just BS commiecrat talking points, heard them all before. Maybe if your dear leaders tax policies and his BS EPA would stop driving businesses offshore there would be more good paying manufacturing jobs. Instead it keeps doubling down with all its globull warming BS.
What policies from Obama have driven offshore business? You have no earthly idea do you?

I'll give you one example and leave it to you to research more. Do you know why US companies want to export American crude? The EPA has made it so prohibitively expensive to build new refineries and we have been buying dirty foreign crude for so long that American refineries can't refine the light sweet crude we produce. So the companies have to send it elsewhere to be refined. Refineries pay very well but in the current environment they won't be built.
You moron, government is the problem, not the solution. Let me count the ways that government fucks up our economy and YOUR paycheck:

1. Compliance costs incurred by business so they do not run afoul of government regulations, thereby increasing the costs of good and services to offset these costs.

2. Keeping the interest rates too low, thereby keeping the value of our currency too low.

3. Deficit spending rather than balancing the budget, causing the value of the dollar to stagnate and necessitating a heavy tax burden.

4. Over spending.

5. Failing to cut the capital gains tax rate so as to encourage asset trading, thereby increasing financial transactions that will provide capital to business and increase the number of taxing events, which will increase tax revenues. The capital gains rate should never be more than 10%.

6. Fostering this whole class warfare sentiment that pits the population against business interests.

7. Allowing China and any other country to manipulate their currencies to cause a devaluation of our currency in the global market. We should sanction the hell out of China.

8. Allowing people to swarm across the border to compete with YOU in the labor market, thereby keeping wages low.

9. They keep increasing the marginal rates for income taxes. Nobody with money can save or invest because the tax burden is eating up disposable income that could be reinvested into our economy instead of being pissed away by the federal government.

10. Pissing away our tax money on shit sorry "investments" like solar energy.

Those are just 10 ways the government screws with YOUR earnings. Yet, you want MORE government involvement in our lives?!? You are crazy!
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?
My bad. I meant vice versa.

ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant info in your OP, I pointed out the most relevant thing I saw. The rest are just BS commiecrat talking points, heard them all before. Maybe if your dear leaders tax policies and his BS EPA would stop driving businesses offshore there would be more good paying manufacturing jobs. Instead it keeps doubling down with all its globull warming BS.
What policies from Obama have driven offshore business? You have no earthly idea do you?

I'll give you one example and leave it to you to research more. Do you know why US companies want to export American crude? The EPA has made it so prohibitively expensive to build new refineries and we have been buying dirty foreign crude for so long that American refineries can't refine the light sweet crude we produce. So the companies have to send it elsewhere to be refined. Refineries pay very well but in the current environment they won't be built.

I work in refining.

We only refine about 50% of what we use.

Building more would lower prices.

But, here is the way it works.

While refiners would like to build more..they are happy to see them stopped. Why ?

Nobody else can get in the game.

Who wins.....Exxon.
What relevant information. All that is common news.

The infrastructure rebuild is only going to make the friends of government richer if we let the fed do it.

The cost of drugs is way to high. Your desire to implement cost controls isn't going to solve a darn thing.
Do you even listen to yourself? Who exactly is getting rich off of taxes besides corporations who accept government subsidies? Who are these "friends of government" if it isn't them?
ROFLMFAO, see how easy it is for a "Pro-Government Progressive" to step on it. You're so used to lying you do it when you don't intend to.
Oh please. You never misspoke before? You really are desperate aren't you? You still haven't addressed the actual relevant info in my OP?

What relevant info in your OP, I pointed out the most relevant thing I saw. The rest are just BS commiecrat talking points, heard them all before. Maybe if your dear leaders tax policies and his BS EPA would stop driving businesses offshore there would be more good paying manufacturing jobs. Instead it keeps doubling down with all its globull warming BS.
What policies from Obama have driven offshore business? You have no earthly idea do you?

I'll give you one example and leave it to you to research more. Do you know why US companies want to export American crude? The EPA has made it so prohibitively expensive to build new refineries and we have been buying dirty foreign crude for so long that American refineries can't refine the light sweet crude we produce. So the companies have to send it elsewhere to be refined. Refineries pay very well but in the current environment they won't be built.

I work in refining.

We only refine about 50% of what we use.

Building more would lower prices.

But, here is the way it works.

While refiners would like to build more..they are happy to see them stopped. Why ?

Nobody else can get in the game.

Who wins.....Exxon.

Right now, federal law prohibits the export of American crude and we can't refine it here without mixing it with dirty oil, which costs more to refine in the first place. If we could refine what we produce instead of dirty oil I think gas prices could easily be stabilized around $1.50 and the companies still make decent profits.
You moron, government is the problem, not the solution. Let me count the ways that government fucks up our economy and YOUR paycheck:

1. Compliance costs incurred by business so they do not run afoul of government regulations, thereby increasing the costs of good and services to offset these costs.

2. Keeping the interest rates too low, thereby keeping the value of our currency too low.

3. Deficit spending rather than balancing the budget, causing the value of the dollar to stagnate and necessitating a heavy tax burden.

4. Over spending.

5. Failing to cut the capital gains tax rate so as to encourage asset trading, thereby increasing financial transactions that will provide capital to business and increase the number of taxing events, which will increase tax revenues. The capital gains rate should never be more than 10%.

6. Fostering this whole class warfare sentiment that pits the population against business interests.

7. Allowing China and any other country to manipulate their currencies to cause a devaluation of our currency in the global market. We should sanction the hell out of China.

8. Allowing people to swarm across the border to compete with YOU in the labor market, thereby keeping wages low.

9. They keep increasing the marginal rates for income taxes. Nobody with money can save or invest because the tax burden is eating up disposable income that could be reinvested into our economy instead of being pissed away by the federal government.

10. Pissing away our tax money on shit sorry "investments" like solar energy.

Those are just 10 ways the government screws with YOUR earnings. Yet, you want MORE government involvement in our lives?!? You are crazy!
1) Regulations do not inhibit job growth significantly. The BLS statistics prove that.

3) Yeah and repubs love to cut taxes which only makes our deficit problem worse.

4) Yeah it's called defense spending.

5) The effective tax rate on the top earners is way less than the official tax rate.

6) the income gap is a serious problem whether you like it or not.

7) China does whatever it wants.

8) Obama has a huge record on mass deportation.

9) Ever hear of tax havens? How about incentives to send jobs overseas? You do know the wealthy are wealthier than ever before right?

10) Right because fossil fuels solve all our problems.
1) Regulations do not inhibit job growth significantly.

Possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read on this forum ^^^ You liberal cowards just refuse to admit you are the freaking problem you and your stupid ass agenda and ideology. Thousands of pages of regulations and laws so damn convoluted you have to hire consultants to comply with the shit. Taxes so high that basically businesses have two choices, close the doors or ship the jobs overseas to stay in business. Its a death of a thousand cuts with you lib fanatics.

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