We need government

Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states..

You are of course aware that government spending on final goods and services is INCLUDED in the GDP calculation, right?

GDP = Consumption (C) +Investment(I) + Government Spending (G) + Net exports (NX)

So the proper comparison is the government spending SHARE of GDP and that has grown steadily over the last 80 odd years at an average annual rate of around 0.24%, in other words government spending has grown faster than the rest of the economy combined over an 80 odd year period.

One of the biggest problems is government spends a lot of money on economically useless or even worse counter productive pursuits, that is expenditures that either do not add to the nations capital stock or actually inhibit capital accumulation thus impairing future economic growth. Another problem is the fact that government is rife with inefficiency and graft since it remains largely unaccountable to anyone but itself when it comes to spending, this makes mis-allocation of resources a consistent drag on productive pursuits and the larger the government gets the bigger and more severe the problem gets.

I've seen credible studies that argue that if the regulatory regime and government spending as a share of GDP had remained static since the mid 1950's the current Real GDP would be almost 4 times what it is today, perhaps you can let your imagination fill in the blanks as to the positive welfare effects on the U.S. society of an economy 4 times it's current size and then thank government for the fact that you can only imagine it.
Mattie doesnt even know what gender it is. OF COURSE he needs big govt
We do not need something that is the most evil invention man ever created. Nothing has caused more death and destruction than government. This is undeniable.
We do not need something that is the most evil invention man ever created. Nothing has caused more death and destruction than government. This is undeniable.

Yeah it competes with disease for this dubious distinction, personally if it was a choice I'd pick disease, since at least disease doesn't steal your liberty and property before killing you. :p
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slightly less profit overall in order to increase our standards as a nation. Do you shit in your own bed? That is what people that want to reduce government with a sew wish for us all.

Is there red tape we could do with out, yes, I believe there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.
We need a bigger government like a hole in the head, Government has no credibility/morality to redistribute anything. Career politicians and their collective are enemies of the country.
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slight

e there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.
You claim that government hasn't grown is obvious bullshit:

That's spending not people, idiot.
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slight

e there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.
You claim that government hasn't grown is obvious bullshit:

That's spending not people, idiot.
To make this country better we need a minimalist government
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slight

e there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.
You claim that government hasn't grown is obvious bullshit:

That's spending not people, idiot.
To make this country better we need a minimalist government
That's just dogma. When we had a minimal government we couldn't defend the nation and you couldn't drink the water. Let's get along there little doggie and deal with reality instead.
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slight

e there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.
You claim that government hasn't grown is obvious bullshit:

That's spending not people, idiot.
To make this country better we need a minimalist government
That's just dogma. When we had a minimal government we couldn't defend the nation and you couldn't drink the water. Let's get along there little doggie and deal with reality instead.
Only a fool would think more government is needed, why do you think the country is in such deep debt? :lmao:
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slight

e there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.
You claim that government hasn't grown is obvious bullshit:

That's spending not people, idiot.

Spending is what counts. I lot of it goes to pay contractors, who aren't counted as government employees.
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slight

e there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.
You claim that government hasn't grown is obvious bullshit:

That's spending not people, idiot.
To make this country better we need a minimalist government
That's just dogma. When we had a minimal government we couldn't defend the nation and you couldn't drink the water. Let's get along there little doggie and deal with reality instead.
Both claims are horseshit.
That's just dogma. When we had a minimal government we couldn't defend the nation and you couldn't drink the water. Let's get along there little doggie and deal with reality instead.
Then how come we're still here? How'd we manage to avoid being the victim of conquest or extinction via thirst? Olympian intervention perhaps?
The real solution to all the problems you believe government can solve is massive global population reduction. Earth has about 5 billion too many people. That reality is too fucking real and nobody wants to talk about it. Instead, they want to parade a bunch of useless infringements on liberty.

So where did you get those figures?
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slight

e there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.
You claim that government hasn't grown is obvious bullshit:

That's spending not people, idiot.
To make this country better we need a minimalist government
That's just dogma. When we had a minimal government we couldn't defend the nation and you couldn't drink the water. Let's get along there little doggie and deal with reality instead.
Both claims are horseshit.
Learn some history of oh say, America?
You claim that government hasn't grown is obvious bullshit:

That's spending not people, idiot.
To make this country better we need a minimalist government
That's just dogma. When we had a minimal government we couldn't defend the nation and you couldn't drink the water. Let's get along there little doggie and deal with reality instead.
Both claims are horseshit.
Learn some history of oh say, America?
People weren't dying from drinking the water before the government grew to gargantuan proportions. We also had no trouble defending the country.
That's spending not people, idiot.
To make this country better we need a minimalist government
That's just dogma. When we had a minimal government we couldn't defend the nation and you couldn't drink the water. Let's get along there little doggie and deal with reality instead.
Both claims are horseshit.
Learn some history of oh say, America?
I just posted the historical record, dumbass.
Not the record of water and defense. The need for good government you will never be mature enough to understand.
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slightly less profit overall in order to increase our standards as a nation. Do you shit in your own bed? That is what people that want to reduce government with a sew wish for us all.

Is there red tape we could do with out, yes, I believe there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.

1. Get rid of PINO

2. Prevent Pence from pardoning ex-PINO.

3. America begins to heal...
Government hasn't grown at all when considered with the gdp of the United states. In fact for most of the past 60 years government has grown smaller by a good amount compared to the 1960's when we had over 3.5 million government workers compared to 2.8 million as of a few years ago.(This is information based on my political science book). Or another word for it per capita..

Government provides regulations protecting our water, food safety and air quality...FDA, EPA, etc. Do we dare join Mexico or central America that have far less regulations? We already see people bitching on this board about how you don't drink the fucking water in mexico and these people are inferior, but look at Flint Michigan and you will find the same thing. If we don't spend money on our infrastructure we will quickly be joining mexico.

Another example is, Do we dare stop investing in our children's education? Grants for college and so much more? Not if we wish to lead. Lastly, do we expect safe cars, train tracks and airline rides with little cost corner cutting? Of course,,This is exactly why I feel that republican policies are bad for America as I find it to be unacceptable to give up quality of life and leadership as a nation in order for some rich fucker to make a little more money.The same bastard that sells us out to the third world, brings in foreign workers and undermines small businesses here in America. This is the reality behind why we have lost our industry these passed 50 years and why Trump did have a point but turned out to be the snake that he was explaining to you.

You see government is a good part of the reason why we're a first world country and not living in filth..Another example of why we shouldn't weaken “some” regulations is China and India. Yes, you conservatives make fun of these people because of the pollution but the core reason for the pollution is they choose money over quality of life. It takes resources, workers in government and the williness to make slightly less profit overall in order to increase our standards as a nation. Do you shit in your own bed? That is what people that want to reduce government with a sew wish for us all.

Is there red tape we could do with out, yes, I believe there is and so I aint saying that I want a huge massive government...But, taking one side or the other in this debate doesn't make sense.

1. Get rid of PINO

2. Prevent Pence from pardoning ex-PINO.

3. America begins to heal...

The healing will begin when you libtards unconditionally surrender.

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